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31 lz.iHc?r· - An Autonomous_ Bo~y under Ministry of Education, ~o~t. of India

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18, Institutional Area, S.J.SMarg, New Delh1-110016.
~~~ "" Website:
F.No.11350 /Misc/3/2022-DC(Acad-lI) Date 13.11.2023

The Deputy Commissioner

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices

Sub: - Celebration of Janjatiya Gourav I>iwas :-reg


This has reference to the declaration of Hon'ble Prime Minister to celebrate 15th
November as "Janjatiya Gourav Diwas" to commemorate the birth anniversary of
Bhagawan Birsa Munda on 15th November 2023. This year 3rd Janjatiya Garuav Diwas
will be celebrated from 15th November, 2023 and leading up to 26th November 2023 to
coincide with the Constitution Day across the country.

Further students be enlightened through public speech during morning

assembly on the legacy of tribal leaders li .. e Bhagawan Birsa Munda and all the tribal
freedom fighters with special reference to his contribution to freedom struggle and
strengthen our resolve for achieving socio- economic development of the tribal
population, along with preserving and promoting their rich and diverse cultural..
heritage from 15th November 2023 to 26th November 2023. The suggested activities are.
enclosed as Annexure-A.

It is, therefore, requested to disseminate the information among all KVs under:
the Region and instruct the Principals to conduct the suggested activities (attached as:
Annexure-A) and make this day one of commemoration of the tribal freedom fighters
as well as of public celebrations of their contributions to the freedom movement in
particular and the tribal communities to Indian Society and heritage in general, which
will lead to empowerment of tribes and inclusive development. Further, it is also
requested to submit a brief report on the activities conducted to this office latest by

This issue with the approval of the competent authority.

Assistant Commissioner (Acad)
Copy to

1. PS to Commissioner, KVS for information

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NEW OELHl-110 115 ~mm -q-~·-;y '\. .
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Dr. Amarpreet Duggal ,..
Joint Secretary
Email: jsad-moerci~gov.i11

D.O. No.F. 7-2/2023-IS-ll

Dated 13th November, 2023

As you are aware. Government of India. has declared I 5th November, the birth anniversary
of Bhagwan Hirs::' M.:!1-:c.2.. t!,:; legendary freedom fighter and tribal leader of the country, as

:,:;;i_:,:. and culture, and motivate the corning g.:,.;;Yh:.:ons for protecting our cultural heritage and} ·

national pride. This day also honours all the 1.rF;sf freedom fighters and strcngtl.ens our resolve
for achievinzt:, SOCiO-('I' ,_.l.V (lf'\F'
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November, 202.3 ,tr,d leading up to :l6th r-cvemoer. 2(L:.::; to coincide with the Constitution Day
across the country.

2. The schools/institutions may be asked to participate in the celebratio 1 of the Janjatiya

Gaurav Diwas by undertaking the following suggested activities during this period:

(i) inauguration or foundation stone laying for infrastructure projects or disbursal of . ..

benefits targeting the tribal population undertaken with STC funds;
(ii) launch of initiatives/schemes:
(iii) capacity building activities for sector specific matters oriented tovv ards tribal
(iv) public awareness campaigns in areas with predominantly tribal population on various
schemes and other initiatives of yocr Ministry/Department to enable them. to benefit
from the scheme;
(v) documentation of best practices. success stories, innovative initiatives. digitization and

/ database management;
(vi) maintenance of disaggregated data of ST beneficiaries of schemes and analysis there~:£.:·
·,. .

so as to ensure that the benefits reach them and

(vii) any other initiative/activity that the schools/ Institutions may find fit to be taken up
under the Janjatiya Gaurav Di was celebrations.

3. Further, you are requested to issue necessary instructions to the schools/institutions to

participate wholeheartedly in order to provide the needed momentum to make this day one of
commemoration of the tribal freedom. fighters as well as of public celebrations of theii.' .· .
contributions to the freedom movement in particular and the tribal communities to Indian society
~, .
and heritage in general which will lead to empowerment of tribes and inclusive development. The.
action taken report may be furnished to this Department by 301h November, 2023.

With regards
Yours sincerelv
. .., '

,3,·1112- s
(Dr. Amarpree Duggal).

Th Education Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries of all Stares/UTs.

Copy for similar action to.-

1. Chairperson, CBSE
2. Commissioner, KVS
3. Director. NCER T With the request that they may take similar action.
4. Commissioner, NV
5. Chairman, NIOS
6. Chairman, CISCE
7. Director, CTSA

Copy also to:-

: .~' .
l. PS to Shiksha Mantri
PPS to Secretary (SE&L)
".) . Additional Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan. New Delhi.
4 NIC cell - for uploading on the website.

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