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Weekly Monitoring Report

Date Prepared: 16 –November -2023

Accomplishments this Week

Retargeting and MoDA registration process in various points of Faizabad district of Badakhshan

Key Issues, Risks & Concerns

Item Report/Resolution Action Responsible

Over the week SFL organization actually

had the process of retargeting- MoDa
survey registration in various spots of
Faizabad district - Badakhshan province.
Our colleagues have acted as the
productive performances at the field
and chosen the ways to select the
recipients realistically. So, I also covered
them and considered their activities as
alternatively every day.

Monitoring the process of One of the challenges that our Relevant

Retargeting- MoDa registration and department
selection of beneficiaries’ colleagues have faced with many tenant
people who didn’t selected or added as
vulnerable beneficiaries where they live
via council. Whatever, as I inspected and
acquired, they were so eligible citizens
that they have left out the list. After via
contacting I had with authorities,
exception in each council can be one
person by the confirmation of
communities directed to be taken and
we did it.
Item Report/Resolution Action Responsible

As I visited and had communicated with

council about the tenant people, they
have declared that “the quota or
portion which spotted via WFL is not
sufficiently cover all the village’ people.
Therefore, it’s indicative that we are
state in conflict and fidelity there was no
clue of ways to include them as
recipient whatever, the other be
without assistance in our area”.

Prepared By: Ahmad Ershad Mahir Reviewed By

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