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Name: ______________________________________ Score: ___________

Grade & Section: ___________________________ Date: _____________

I. Listen to the stories to be read by your teacher then answer the
following questions.
Reading Passage no. 1
On a hot summer day, a fox comes upon an orchard and sees a
bunch of ripened grapes. It thinks: “Just what I need to quench my thirst.”
It moves back a few paces, runs, and jumps but falls short of reaching the
grapes. It tries in different ways to reach the bunch of grapes, but in vain.
It finally gives up, and says to himself “I am sure they are sour anyway.”

1. What did the fox felt one hot summer day?

A. Sad B. thirsty C. afraid D. happy
2. What did the fox saw when he comes upon the orchard?
A. a basket of apple B. bunch of ripened grapes C. bananas D. ripened guavas
3. What did the fox say when he could not reach the grapes?
A. “I wish you were in a lower place” B. “These grapes were sour anyway.
C. “I won’t ever eat grapes again” D. “Where are the grapes?
4. The fox was sour-graping when he could not get the grapes but leaves
because it is not that sweet anyway. What did he mean by sour-graping?
A. Making excuses to save himself from shame B. Magically turns grapes into sour
C. He hates grapes. D. He is persistent to do something
5. What kind of text type was story?
A. narrative B. argumentative C explanation D. descriptive

Reading passage no. 2

Once, a Lion sat thinking by himself. He had sharp, strong claws and
teeth and was a beast with immense strength. Yet, whenever he heard a
Cock crowing, he would be extremely scared.
The Lion, thus, complained, “Can a life like this be worth living? I
am one of the strongest and the bravest and yet, a lowly creature, such as,
a Cock has the power to rob my life of its charm by simply crowing!”
Just then, a huge Elephant came along, flapping his ears to and fro,
with an air of great concern. “What troubles you so?” asked the Elephant.
The Lion thought of sharing his grief with the Elephant and asked
him, “Can anything harm a beast like you who has tremendous bulk and
strength?” The Elephant replied, “Do you see this little bee? If he ever
stings the innermost parts of my ear, I will go mad with pain.”
The Lion understood that even the strongest creatures have weak
points. He gained self-confidence and decided never to let troubles
overshadow his joys in life.

6. What was the Lion’s feeling upon hearing the crowing of the cock?
A. Scared B. ashamed C. happy D. annoyed

7. What did the elephant ask when he saw the Lion who was extremely
A. “What troubles you so?”
B. “Can anything harm a beast like you who has tremendous bulk and
C. “Do you see this little bee? If he ever stings the innermost parts of my ear,
I will go mad with pain.”
D. “Can a life like this be worth living? I am one of the strongest and the
bravest and yet cock scares me?”
8. What was the Elephant’s answer to the Lion’s question if what thing would
harm him despite of his tremendous bulk?
A. “What troubles you so?”
B. “Can anything harm a beast like you who has tremendous bulk and
C. “Do you see this little bee? If he ever stings the innermost parts of my ear,
I will go mad with pain.”
D. “Can a life like this be worth living? I am one of the strongest and the
bravest and yet cock scares me?”
9. What did the Lion share to the elephant?
A. his secret
B. his grief
C. his crush
D. his wealth
10. What was the realization in life of the Lion.
A. To be ashamed of every creature
B. to hide from everyone
C. he gained self-confidence
D. to end his life
II. Read the following paragraph then answer the questions that
One day, a Thief saw an Old Man counting his money. The Thief wished to
snatch his money by making some excuse.
The Thief decided to fool the Old Man and take away his money.
“Why are you stealing fruit from my orchard?” the Thief shouted in anger at
the Old Man.
“You must be mistaken,” said the Old Man. “I do not like fruits, so why should
I steal from your orchard?”
“Oh stop it!” growled the Thief. Then he thought for a while and said, “Ah!
Last year, you spoke bad things about me to your neighbor.”
“No! That cannot be true. I did not live in this house last year,” replied the
Old Man.
“Well then, if it was not you, it certainly must have been your brother,”
shouted the Thief.“It cannot have been, for my brother died two years ago, answered the
Old Man.
“Never mind, I know it was definitely an Old Man like you, I will not accept
excuses anymore,” said the Thief. Then, he snatched the Old Man’s money
and ran away with it.
11. What was the man’s answer when the thief accused him for stealing fruits
from his orchard.
A. “Why are you stealing fruit from my orchard?”
B. “I do not like fruits, so why should I steal from your orchard?”
C. “Ah! Last year, you spoke bad things about me to your neighbour.”
D. “I did not live in this house last year,
12. What might be the thief’s feeling whenever he can’t fool the old man?
A. annoyed
B. happy
C sad
D. delighted
13. What did the old man’s answer when the thief said it must be his brother
whom he talked to last year?
A. I do not like fruits, so why should I steal from your orchard?”
B. “Ah! Last year, you spoke bad things about me to your neighbour.”
C. “I did not live in this house last year,
D. “It cannot have been, for my brother died two years ago,
14. What do you think is the good qualities of the old man?
A. Persistent and wise
B. Gullible
C. Can be easily moved
D. Weak and foolish
III. Identify the feelings expressed in each of the following situations
15. His mother became worried when she didn't hear from him for two days.

16. A year after being fired from his job, Alan is still very bitter. He has a lot
of resentment towards his former boss. A.

17. Even though I am accustomed to traveling for business, I still get

homesick if I am away from my home for more than a week.

IV. A. Identify the text type given in each paragraph. Choose the answer
18. So he sat down, opened a drawer, took out of it a woman’s photograph,
gazed at it a few moments, and kissed it.
A. Narrative B. Argumentative C. descriptive D. explanation
19. The nervous system works through a complex network of neurons. These
are the basic functioning cells of the nervous system and conduct electrical
impulses between the central and peripheral nervous system.
A. Narrative B. Argumentative C. descriptive D. explanation
20. Yesterday, I fell over while walking in the hills and went to see the doctor,
who bandaged my knee and gave me a tetanus injection.
A. Narrative B. Argumentative C. descriptive D. procedure
21. Hundred Islands is one of the promising tourist spots in the Philippines.
With its 123 islands and islets, you will enjoy swimming on its clear and cold
water, as well as enjoy walking on the fine and white sand. Moreover, there
are many adventures waiting for you when you experience scuba diving, zip
lining, helmet diving and banana boat riding.
A. Narrative B. Argumentative C. descriptive D. procedure
22. Here are lots of ways to make Omelet. But this is the way to make a
delicious one. First of all, you need to prepare few tomatoes, few eggs and a
small amount of oil. Then you should make tomatoes sliced. After
fragmentizing the tomatoes, you should turn the stove on. After that, you
should put a pan on the stove and should pour some oil in it. Then bash the
eggs in another bowl. Finally, you should put the pieces of tomatoes and pour
the bashed eggs into the pan and after waiting for ten minutes, your Omelet
will be ready.
A. Narrative B. Argumentative C. descriptive D. procedure
B. 23. There once lived a rich man named Lucoy who was very selfish. Although
he had much rice in his house, he never shared any to the poor and needy.
A. Narrative B. Argumentative C. descriptive D. procedure
24. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Mix well. In
another bowl, combine eggs, milk and butter. Let it stand for five minutes
and combine two mixtures. Heat a non-stickpan in a low heat, grease using
melted butter. Scoop and pour 1/3 cup of batter in the pan. Repeat the steps
for the remaining batter. Spread some butter and sprinkle some sugar before
A. Narrative B. Argumentative C. descriptive D. procedure
IV. Read each carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
25. Manny prepared his costume for the party. He also prepared his puppet.
He makes sure his audience will be entertained because he was a very good
ventriloquist. What do you think were his audience?
A. children B. adult men C. teenagers D. old men
26. Chef Boy Lagro Shown his kitchen skills to the people viewing his show.
Almost all of them were amazed by the way he cooks delicious food. Who do
you think were his audience?
A. people who loves cooking B. people who loves kitchenware
C. people who wants kids D. people who wants to play.
27.Lebron James showed off his amazing tricks and dunks in the basketball
court. Which of the following will most likely be more interested in watching
the show he is into?
A. Men B. old women C. toddlers D. zookeepers
28.Mr. Marquez discussed about the ways in teaching children on how to
have fun while earning Mathematics. Who were his audience?
A. Engineers B. teachers C. chef D. doctors
29. The computer crashed ___I lost all my works
A. Nor B. so C. yet D. because
30. I like chocolate ice cream ___ don't have it very often.
A. so B. for C. and D. but
31. Please bring me a towel _____ I can dry the dishes.
A. but B. not C. so D. and
32. Either she will be a teacher ___ a lawyer because she is good at
A. so B. or C. and D. but
33. Heavy rainfall covered the city _____ and a flash flood stranded many
people on the streets.
A. but B. not C. so D. and
34. My mother is going to the market ____ she forgot to bring her wallet.
A. but B. not C. so D. and
35. It is the basic element of multimedia. It involves the use of text types,
sizes, colors and background color. In a multimedia application, other media
or screen can be linked through the use of text.
A. text B. video C. animation D. graphics
36. A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music and sound
effects. These are called
A. text B. audio C. animation D. graphics
37. It makes the static image like moving.
A. text B. audio C. animation D. graphics
38.It makes the multimedia application attractive. They help to illustrate
ideas through still pictures.
A. text B. audio C. animation D. graphics
39. It is the meaningful body movements like hand gestures, nodding or
shaking the head.
A. body movements B. posture C. facial expression D. Eye contact
40. In which, a TV broadcaster includes smiling, frowning, and even blinking.
A. body movements B. posture C. facial expression D. Eye contact
41. Where you can establish rapport with the audience and conveys your
level of and trustworthiness.
A. Voice B. Posture C. Body movements D. Eye contact
42. A TV broadcaster is smiling, frowning, and even blinking.
A. body movements B. Voice C. facial expression D. Eye contact

43. There is a need to consider the pitch, tone, and speed of speaking as a TV
A. body movements B. Voice C. facial expression D. Eye contact
44. The soothing music by the splashing of big and small waves and breeze
lulled me to sleep.
A. smell B. sound C. taste D. touch
45. The scent of the salty sea gently tickled my nostrils.
A. smell B. sound C. taste D. touch
46. Food served had a mixture of Asian cuisine I just couldn’t resist.
A. smell B. sound C. taste D. touch
47.The cruise ship was far larger, more modern, and better equipped than
an ordinary ocean liner.
A. emotion B. sound C. sight D. touch
48. Being far away from my home city did not make me feel nostalgic at all. I
could wish the experience in the middle of the immense ocean would never
A. emotion B. sound C. sight D. touch
49. As I was feasting my eyes on the beauty of the vast ocean, the rays of the
morning sun were gently patting my skin.
A. emotion B. sound C. sight D. touch
50. If I could have another chance to go on another cruise on a highly modern
ship, I would grab it again only to savor the wonderful sea life aboard it.
A. emotion B. sound C. sight D. touch
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. B
10 C
46. C
47. C
48. A
49. D
50. A

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