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Difference Between Interjection and Exclamation

There is a clear difference between interjection and exclamation. An exclamation

is a word or a number of words which expresses an emotion. An interjection can be
defined as a word that is being used with an exclamation mark. The main
difference between an exclamation and an interjection is that all interjections are
exclamations, but not all exclamations are interjections. Through this article let us
examine the differences between an exclamation and an interjection.

What is an Exclamation?

An exclamation is a word or a number of words which expresses an emotion.

An exclamation can come in the form of an interjection too. However, it can also
come in the form of a sentence, with an exclamation mark at the end. For example,

Go to your room!

Stop screaming!

In these examples, the exclamation is in the form of an order that is being made to
another individual. These exclamations are packed with emotion. However, this is
not the only instance when an exclamation can be used. If the speaker wishes to
express strong emotions regarding a topic, exclamations can be used. For example,

What a wonderful day!

How amazing!

Notice the difference in usage in the two sets of example. In both these cases, an
exclamation is a number of words that express packed emotions. Unlike an
exclamation, an interjection is shorter.

‘What a wonderful day!’

What is an Interjection?

An interjection is a word that is being used with an exclamation mark. Just as

an exclamation, an interjection also reveals an outburst of emotion that the speaker
experiences. Unlike an exclamation, an interjection is always in a single
word. Aha, Alas, bravo, cheers, eh, Er, Hi!, Hmm, Indeed, Oh, Ouch, Phew,
Well, and Wow! are some examples for interjections.

Grammatical rules usually do not apply for interjections as they are very short.
This does not denote that interjections cannot be connected to sentences. They can,
but even when connected to a sentence they do not have any grammatical
connection with the rest of the sentence. For example,

Wow! You look amazing.

Ouch, that hurts.

Well, I have to think about it.

Look at each example. Notice that there is a difference in the first example and the
rest. In the first example, an exclamation mark (!) has been used. In the rest of the
sentences, this cannot be seen. This is another characteristic of interjections. In
some interjections, an exclamation mark can be used. However, it does not apply
to all interjections.

Ouch, that hurts

What is the difference between Interjection and Exclamation?

• Definition of Interjection and Exclamation:

• An exclamation can be defined as a word or a number of words that express an


• An interjection can be defined as a word that is being used with an exclamation


• Word or Sentence:

• An exclamation is not a single word. It can even be a sentence.

• An interjection is usually a single word.

• Purpose:

• An interjection expresses one’s emotions.

• An exclamation goes a step further than an interjection. It can be used for other
purposes as well such as when demanding something or ordering.

• Grammatical Rules:

• Grammatical rules apply for exclamations.

• Grammatical rules do not apply for interjections.

• Connection:

• All interjections are exclamations, but not all exclamations are interjections.

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