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Crops Disease Detection

Using Improved
Convolutional Neural

In modern agriculture automated crops cultivation system is creating a big impact on

crops productivity. Most of the countries are using traditional farming technique for
cultivation. In tradition method finding crops disease from a large field accurately within
a short time and classify the actual disease within a short time is impossible. To reduce
the problem and improve the efficiency many deep learning method already applied for
crops disease detection. In this paper we introduced a simple and efficient improved CNN
(Convolutional Neural Network) model to train data and classify crops disease accurately
within a very short duration.CNN broadly using in many image processing and
classification method of Computer vision. This is the most popular method for deep
learning .Using less Conv2D layer we optimized our model and used data preprocessing
and image augmentation technique to improve our accuracy. After performing our
experiment with plant village, tomato leaf, apple leaf and PDDP dataset we achieved the
highest test and precision rate on Apple leaf dataset. We got 94.28% test accuracy 457 ms
prediction time per image after training our model.

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Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction. 10
1.2 Research Background. 11-12
1.3 Problem Statement. 12
1.4 Scope of the Research. 12-13
1.5 Objectives. 13
1.6 Significance of the Research. 13-14
1.7 Research Outlines. 15-19
1.8 Conclusion. 19
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction. 20
2.2 Core Background Research 20-21
2.3 Previous Method 21-22
2.4 Observation and Discussion 22-23
2.5 Conclusion. 23
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction. 24
3.2 Proposed Method 25-26
3.2.1.Collecting Dataset. 26
3.2.2.Libraries. 26
3.2.3.Data-Preprocessing. 27
3.2.4.Data Augmentation 28
3.2.5. Training Model. 29
3.2.6. Evaluating Model Performance. 30

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3.2.7.Predicting disease from input image. 30
3.3 Conclusion. 31
Chapter 4: Experimental Results
4.1 Introduction. 32
4.2 Experiment Results. 32-33
4.2.1 Datasets. 33
4.2.2 Experimental Settings. 33
4.2.3. Evaluation On dataset 34-41
4.2.4 Comparison with previous research results 42
4.3 Conclusion 43-44
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work
5.1 Introduction. 45
5.2 Contribution of the Research. 46
5.3 Future Work. 47
5.4 Conclusion. 48
References 49-53
Appendix A 54-67

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List of Tables

Table 1 Some hyper parameter used in this experiment 34

Table 2 Test accuracy from trained datasets with the CNN model 38

Table 3 Precision rate from trained datasets with the CNN model. 39

Table 4 Recall rate from trained datasets with the CNN model 39

Table 5 F1-Score from trained datasets with the CNN model 40

Table 6 RMSE value from trained datasets with the CNN model 41

Table 7 Error rate from trained datasets with the CNN model 41

Table 8 Computational time for trained datasets with the CNN model 41

Table 9 Comparison of test accuracy with previous method 42

Table 10 Comparison of Precision with previous method 42

Table 11 Comparison of Recall rate with previous method 43

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List of Figure

Figure 1 Improved Convolutional Neural Network Model. 25

Figure 2 Data pre-processing technique 27

Figure 3 Image Data Augmentation (Rotation). 28

Figure 4 Image Data Augmentation 28

Figure 5 Max pooling in CNN 29

Figure 6 Neural network with CNN 30

Figure 7 Disease classification and prediction 31

Figure 8 Equation of accuracy calculation 35

Figure 9 Training and validation accuracy(PDDP Dataset) 35

Figure 10 Training and validation accuracy(Tomato Dataset) 35

Figure 11 Training and validation loss(PDDP dataset) 36

Figure 12 Training and validation loss(Tomato dataset) 36

Figure 13 Training and validation Accuracy (Apple leaf dataset) 37

Figure 14 Training and validation loss (Apple leaf dataset) 37

Figure 15 Equation of Precision rate calculation 38

Figure 16 Equation of Recall rate calculation 39

Figure 17 Equation of F1-Score calculation 40

Figure 18 Equation of F1-Score calculation 40

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction
The identification of crop disease may start from, to diagnose the portion having an
infection in the plant than to notice the differences such as brown, black or yellow
patches and holes on the plant then to seem for the insects also [1] [2]. Plant diseases
around 83% are caused by fungal-like organisms. Other infections of yields are caused by
viral and bacterial organism. Certain nematodes also cause disease . Some plant diseases
are named diseases that are non-irresistible and incorporate harm from air contamination,
nourishing lacks or poison levels, and develop under not exactly ideal conditions. Crop
diseases caused by the three main pathogenic microbes: fungus, bacteria and virus.[3]
Traditionally, the visual observation by experts has been conducted to diagnose plant
diseases. However, there's a risk for defects due to subjective insight. during this specific
circumstance, different spectroscopic and imaging procedures are studied for identifying
plant infections. However, they require precise instruments and hulking sensors [4], [5],
which cause the high cost and low efficiency. Lately, [6]– [11] with the help of cameras
and other electronic gadgets, programmed plant sickness determination with AI has been
broadly applied as a satisfactory option. We represent an improved crops disease
detection procedure based on Convolution Neural Networks (CNN). This procedure has
been exceptionally used in extensive applications like the written characters' location and
picture categorization [12]. In this meantime, one of the well-known deep learning
models, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), has appeared an extraordinary victory
in numerous computer vision assignments, lime image identification, localization, natural
language processing, and many more [13] [14]. CNN shows up to memorize a
progression of highlights from down-level to top-level, many analysts discover the
highlights that CNN consequently learns are regularly superior features.

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1.2 Research Background
Computer vision is an area of deep learning for the identification of crop diseases in
agricultural applications. Detection of crop diseases such as bananas, detection of apple
leaves is used to pass learning to pre-train models on the convolution neural network
framework[15]. In several areas, such as computer vision, voice and face recognition,
language recognition[16], deep convolutional neural networks are used. Convolutionary
architecture of neural networks optimized for use in complex visual imaging tasks[17].
Deep learning was found more powerful for this machine in image segmentation, object
recognition, self-driving a vehicle, etc. The problem was evaluated in the detection of
banana diseases by two convolutionary neural network architectures[18].Resnet152 and
inceptionV3[19].TensorFlow is used to train pre-trained models as it enables users to
train GPU and CPUs. The implementation has been carried out using the Keras library
for neural network models and has high performance for back-end TensorFlow
computational computation[20]. The Google Colab computer with the following
specification was the software library used to train the models: runtime type is Python3,
and hardware accelerator is GPU and 20Mb Notebook size was used [22]. Due to
inadequate agricultural research centers, the lack of use of modern agricultural
technologies and insufficient state-of-the-art facilities, the agriculture sector is facing
problems. Hazardous effects of crop diseases are yield loss, low quality product, increase
in production cost, and eventually decreased performance. Several researchers have
contributed to ICT involvement in developing strategies that can enable farmers to
protect crops and increase their yields[23].A new real-time detection paradigm based on a
single-shot multibox detector is proposed for the treatment of apple leaf diseases[24].
First, the basic pre-network, i.e. VGGNet, has been updated to acquire a new basic pre-
network, i.e. VGG INCEP, by adding the GoogLeNet Inception module to boost the
efficiency of extraction at multi-scale sites[25].Then, in R-SSD[21], the Rainbow
concatenation process was integrated. Pooling and deconvolution are used simultaneously
to combine background and fuse elements of the function pyramid at the back of the

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SSD, from which better efficiency in the identification of small diseased artifacts can be
realized[26].A deep convolutionary neural network is used for the real-time identification
of apple-leaf diseases. The discriminative features of the diseased apple photos and the
high precision identification of the five common forms of apple leaf diseases can be
recognized automatically by the proposed deep-learning-based solution. [27].

1.3 Problem Statement

Agriculture plays an important role in developed countries' economies and provides the
people of the country with food, revenue and jobs. Diseases or infections impact crop
production, food quality, natural habitats and, for the most part, farmers. Therefore,
disease prediction plays an instrumental role in the world of agriculture. Plants are
particularly vulnerable to diseases that affect the growth of the plant that affect the
rancher's ecology.Automatic disease identification is useful in order to distinguish a plant
disease at the starting point. In different areas of a plant, such as leaves, the side effects of
plant diseases are prevalent. Therefore, computational techniques need to be built that
will make the period of disease identification and classification automated using leaf

1.4 Scope of the Research.

CNN based improved crops disease detection method is a fundamental process for
disease detection from any kind of crops images. It can detect any kind of leaf's spot from
leaf and classify the class name from trained model. In the fast few years several methods
has been proposed for this disease detection operation from images. But the procedure
and depth of the CNN network was so large that takes more time in processing. Beside
this the whole model was so complicated to build for any kind of crops dataset. For
training datasets previous researches took a huge number of image data which takes a lot
of time train a model with higher depth network. In this research we focus on to make a
improve and efficient model to train and test data for any kind leaf disease related dataset
to predict crops disease with high accuracy , precision and computation time . To provide

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a fair comparison, the proposed methods were investigated using popular datasets to
allow easy benchmarking with past and future developments of the proposed techniques.

1.5 Objectives.
We aim to improve CNN model so that it can detect crop disease efficiently. The primary
objectives are:

A model that can make higher accuracy on by training a less number of

image data.

Improved CNN model with lower depth to save computation times.

An ideal model for any kind of leaf disease related datasets.

To achieve less amount of time for predicting disease from trained model.

1.6 Significance of the Research.

For every developing country Agriculture plays vital role in the economy. Our new
improved CNN model will help to overcome most of the problems related crop
diseases. A farmer does plant disease detection by simply naked eye observation. For
that method, a large team of experts as well as continuous monitoring of plant is
required, which costs very high amount when it goes for the large farms. In few
countries, farmers do not have proper facilities that they can contact to experts. Due
to which counseling experts even cost high similarly as tedious also. In such
conditions, the proposed method ends up being gainful in checking huge fields of
yields. Automatic identification of the diseases by observing the symptoms on the
plant leaves makes it simpler just as less expensive. Machine Learning provides the
possible way to detect the incidence and severity of the disease. This approach
begins with training of pictures for both the samples, for example, healthy and
disease leaf images. Our new improved model will increase the testing accuracy, and

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it will be efficient for small dataset with insufficient data. Any type of existed
disease will be detected in very short amount of time. Than the farmers will have the
time to take necessary steps.

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1.7 Research Outlines
Chapter 1: Introduction
Crop disease has been began to diagonose for detect various disease in crop. There are
differing kinds of disease affected in crops. Like littered with insects , holes formed
within the leaves etc. crop disease is three types . But mycosis disease is most familiar et
al. happened for virus and bacterial infection. For detecting crop disease image
processing system is studying from the very first. First time bulky sensors and a few
precise things are used for image processing. This things are very useful and helpful for
image processing work. For crop disease detection people used AI based deep learning
methods which is more improved than previous work . Using computer Vision in deep
learning based crop disease detection is given more accurate result. during this century
deep learning is incredibly much useful and helpful . Like : using in image segmentation ,
self car-driving , seeing etc. for detecting crop disease used googlecolab as software
library with python3 and hardware accelerator is GPU and Notebook size 20 Mb. The
agricultural sector facing many problems for yield reduction , caliber product etc . except
for agricultural economy developed day by day . Agricultural provides food , income and
employed many folks . Disease and infection effects on crop production , quality and
farmers too . For understand plants problem easily image processing could be a good
advantageous side. CNN based improved crop disease detection method can detect any
reasonably leafs spot from leaf. CNN network is simply too much large that takes longer
and sophisticated. we've got downloaded tomato leaves Dataset from plant town. after
downloading the Dataset, we've got built up a Convolution Neural Network model to
classify the photographs. we used three separate datasets. From Plant Village dataset we
separated tomato, apple dataset and therefore the whole plant village dataset with 36
classes. Among all Dataset, we got the most effective exactness on the apple leaf dataset
and it's around 94.3%.

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Crop disease detection system uses CNN methodology to detect the malady Accurately.
we have got reconstructed the simplest way named CNN (Convolutional Neural
Network) that is economical for crop malady detection. Deep learning methodology have
gained attention as a result of its outstanding performance in varied fields. Deep
convolutional neural networks ar utilized in several fields like laptop vision, speech and
face recognition, language recognition. Convolutional neural networks design developed
for applying on difficult tasks of visual representational process. In previous days for
crop diseases detection varied days wasted. Farmers didn’t get their expected profit
because of the diseases. currently by new improved CNN methodology crop malady
detection system can work quicker. Than the farmersar aiming to be able to take the
specified steps early, they go to urge their expected profit too. The agriculture sector is
facing problems as a result of inadequate agriculture analysis centers, lack of
mistreatment trendy agriculture technology and short state of the art facilities. Yield
reduction, quality product, increase in value, and ultimately attenuate output ar venturous
effects of crop diseases. For the time period detection of apple leaf diseases, A deep
convolutional neural network is used. The discriminative options of the unhealthy apple
pictures and notice the 5 common varieties of apple leaf diseases with high accuracy ar
typically mechanically known by the planned deep-learning-based approach. several
strategies ar already enforced however outcome or result's totally different. YOLOV3
was established for weed detection. when checking and analyzing weed positioning the
test accuracy was seventy two.6%. VGG web is to boot used for weed detection by
mistreatment UNet model, the accuracy was eighty four. In wheat crop malady detection
CNN methodology achieved eighty four.54% accuracy. we've scan those papers and
compared that that methodology will notice the crop malady quicker than others and that
strategies result's a lot of correct. From these previous strategies, we've found that the
Convolutional Neural Network methodology is a lot of possible than the other strategies.

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thus we have got tried to alter the manoeuvre and came up with a method that is less
complicated and has a lot of accuracy.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

In Research Methodology we have discussed about proposed model, datasets, libraries,
data preprocessing, data augmentation, model performance, training model etc. Proposed
model describes which method is used to train the dataset for detecting the crop diseases
and work process of many functions. It also includes a model which shows step by step
footprints of the new improved CNN (Convutional Neural Network) method. In datasets
there are many information of the datasets like, how many classes the datasets have. How
the dataset is stored and used mentioned in research methodology. For the experiment
many libraries are used also included there. In data preprocessing we talked about
experimental results, initial layers, training sets and test sets. There is a model of data
pre-processing which gives clear vision about the techniques. Model performance is also
discussed in research methodology. It describes accuracy, validation loss, recall, Training
loss. RMSE and precision of the model. Training part is the most important part because
here we build our new improved CNN model and it will classify the datasets and detects
the disease.

Chapter 4: Experimental Results

In this chapter, the experiment of our proposed method has been shown step by step.
Confusion metrics, over all test accuracy, precision rate, recall rate, F1-score,
computational rate, RMSE value and error rate has been analysed to evaluate the
proposed method’s performance. We have used the most popular plant village dataset
with 3240 images from 36 different classes of crop disease images. Total 4050 images of
13 different classes has been used in this experiment. Another popular PDDP dataset with
more than 5000 images of diseased crop images from which 692 images of 25 classes has
been used in this experiment. Windows platform with 7th generation Intel Quad-Core i5-
7300HQ processor (6MB Cache, 3.5GHz), 8GB DDR4 DRAM and NVIDIA GeForce
940 MX with 4GB VRAM has been used for this experiment. We used tensorflow and
Page 17 of 67
Keras updated version for our experiment and also googlecolab environment has been
used. We have also used Numpy, Matplotlib, Pickle, OS, Sklearn , CV2 library in this
experiment. The dataset has been divided into two sections, one for training and the other
for validation . Training section contains 80 % of the dataset images and remaining 20%
was used for validation and testing purpose. The training set is used to train the model
while the validation set is only used to evaluate the model performance. Confusion
metrics, over all test accuracy, precision rate, recall rate, F1-score, computational rate,
RMSE value and error rate has been calculated individually for every single dataset in
this experiment. Finally we found a satisfactory result from the experiment.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work

Crop disease is one of the biggest problem in the agricultural sector. Keeping that in
mind, we’ve tried to solve that problem by detecting the crop disease accurately. So that
the farmers can detect the crop disease earlier and cure that. After researching the
previous papers and methods, we have proposed an unique Convolutional Neural
Network for detecting the disease of the crop accurately cause CNN method has shown a
better result in this sector. Our proposed method can detect various type of crop disease
from crop leaf by using image processing. After completing all the steps, we tested our
model by using diseased images randomly. According to this research there may be a
great opportunity to work with this topic. We used test accuracy, precision rate, RMSE,
error rate, computational time et al. parameter to evaluate our model. For visual
representation we used graph over accurate and loss. In our experimental result we able
to achieved the highest accuracy in test and recall and precision rate was 0.943 for apple
leaf dataset. The accuracy rate is 94% of our proposed method. There are many scope in
future of our method. . In future there are often the real-time diseases detection method
which will be classified diseases in real-time video clips. If we use any UAV drone to
capture the video and at that point the automated system can detect the plant diseases. It

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will bring a tremendous change in disease detection technique. This proposed method can
be improved in future from which the farmers around the whole world will be benefited.

1.8 Conclusion
After studying the images of leaves, we have suggested a novel approach for identifying
the disease in crops. The study would resolve the problems of farmers with the detection
of plant disease without pursuing plant researchers. In this way, it will help them correct
the disease of the plant in a reasonable time and will[28]-[31] improve both the quality
and quantity of food crops produced and thereby help to increase the profit of
ranchers.We have downloaded Dataset tomato leaves from plant village for the trial
purpose. We have designed up a Convolution Neural Network model to identify the
images after downloading the dataset. For example, the model presentation was evaluated
based on various factors, planning accuracy, accuracy of acceptance and accuracy of
testing and number of trainable parameters and number of trainable parameters with
regard to the pre-prepared model. There were three distinct datasets we used. We isolated
the tomato, apple dataset and the whole plant village dataset with 36 classes from the
Plant Village dataset. In this analysis, we trained our CNN model and obtained a different
form of test accuracy from each plant village dataset, we obtained 54.62 percent test
accuracy, 94.3 percent apple leaf dataset, 57.50 percent tomato leaf, and 41.43 percent
PDDP dataset accuracy. We have the highest accuracy on the apple leaf dataset, among
all datasets, and it's around 94.3 percent.

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction.
Crop disease detection system uses CNN method to detect the disease Accurately. Many
researchers used different methods to detect the diseases efficiently. Many of them using
R-CNN, Three image enhancement, Plantix, VGG etc. We have reconstructed a method
named CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) which is efficient for crop disease
detection. In several areas, such as computer vision, voice and face recognition, language
recognition[16], deep convolution neural networks have been used. Convolution
architecture of neural networks optimized for use in dynamic visual imaging
tasks[17].Deep learning was considered more powerful for this machine in image
segmentation, object recognition, self-driving a vehicle, etc. The problem was evaluated
in the identification of banana diseases by two convolution neural network
architectures[18].Resnet152 and inceptionV3[19]. TensorFlow is used to train pre-trained
models as it helps users to train GPU and CPUs.The implementation has been carried out
using the Keras library for neural network models and has high efficiency for back-end
TensorFlow computational computation[20]. The Google Colab computer with the
following specification was the program library used to train the models: the runtime type
is Python3, and the hardware accelerator is GPU, and the Notebook size is 20 Mb[22]. It
is not shocking because, with greater precision, the Convolution Neural Network makes
image recognition simpler. Too many days were wasted in the previous days for crop
disease identification. Because of the illnesses, farmers did not get their expected profit.
The new upgraded CNN crop disease monitoring system will now function better. As
farmers can take the requisite steps early on, they will also get their planned benefit.

2.2 Core Background Research

Computer vision is an area of deep learning for the identification of crop diseases in
agricultural applications. Detection of crop diseases such as bananas, detection of apple
leaves is used to pass learning to pre-train models on the convolution neural network

Page 20 of 67
framework[15].The agriculture sector is facing issues due to inadequate agriculture
research centers, lack of using modern agriculture technology and insufficient state of the
art facilities. Yield reduction, low-quality product, increase in production cost, and
ultimately decreased output are Hazardous effects of crop diseases. Many researchers
have contributed to ICTintervention in the development of such solutions that can help
farmers for crop protection and yield improvement [23]. A new real-time detection
paradigm based on a single-shot multibox detector is proposed for the treatment of apple
leaf diseases[24]. First, the basic pre-network, i.e. VGGNet, has been updated to acquire
a new basic pre-network, i.e. VGG INCEP, by adding the GoogLeNet Inception module
to boost the efficiency of extraction at multi-scale sites[25]. The Rainbow concatenation
process was then implemented into R-SSD[21]. Pooling and deconvolution are used
simultaneously to combine background and fuse elements of the function pyramid at the
back of the SSD, from which better efficiency in the identification of small diseased
artifacts can be realized[26].A deep convolution neural network is used for the real-time
identification of apple-leaf diseases. The discriminative features of the diseased apple
photos and the high precision identification of the five common forms of apple leaf
diseases can be recognized automatically by the proposed deep-learning-based solution.

2.3 Previous Method

Most of the countries are using traditional farming technique for cultivation. In tradition
method finding crops disease from a large field accurately within a short time and
classify the actual disease within a short time is impossible. To reduce the problem and
improve the efficiency many deep learning method already applied for crops disease
detection. In this paper we introduced a simple and efficient improved CNN
(Convolutional Neural Network) model to train data and classify crops disease accurately
within a very short duration.. By the help of deep learning method new methods are
coming up for crop disease detection. Many methods are already implemented but
outcome or result is different. YOLOV3 was implanted for weed detection. After testing

Page 21 of 67
and [33] analyzing weed positioning the test accuracy was 72.6%. VGG Net is also used
for weed detection [35] by using UNet model, the accuracy was 84%. In wheat crop
disease detection CNN methodachieved 84.54% accuracy. Each category contained2,207
images to train the classifiers. In lemon classification CNN method is also used. The
dataset had 2000 images and the test accuracy was 92.56%.In [39]Unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV) based imaging was used for Weed location and recognition from crops
field. In[40] they used Bayesian aggregation for field wise classification.ResNet152 and
InceptionV3 with CNN architecture[41] was used for mobile based deep learning model
based banana diseases detection. This method applicable with android mobile and
inceptionV3 require lower memory and can detect any diseases earlier. Mask R-CNN[42]
method used in early disease detection for rice crops. By this method it can detect disease
in early stage from the crops and also localized classification for each segment of image.
Deep learning method used for [43]Crop Yield Prediction Integrating Genotype and
Weather Variables.

2.4 Observation and Discussion

In this chapter, the experiment of our proposed method has been shown step by step.
Confusion metrics, over all test accuracy, precision rate, recall rate, F1-score,
computational rate, RMSE value and error rate has been analysed to evaluate the
proposed method’s performance. We have used the most popular plant village dataset
with 3240 images from 36 different classes of crop disease images. Total 4050 images of
13 different classes has been used in this experiment. Another popular PDDP dataset with
more than 5000 images of diseased crop images from which 692 images of 25 classes has
been used in this experiment. Windows platform with 7th generation Intel Quad-Core i5-
7300HQ processor (6MB Cache, 3.5GHz), 8GB DDR4 DRAM and NVIDIA GeForce
940 MX with 4GB VRAM has been used for this experiment. We used tensorflow and
Keras updated version for our experiment and also googlecolab environment has been
used. We have also used Numpy, Matplotlib, Pickle, OS, Sklearn , CV2 library in this
experiment. The dataset has been divided into two sections, one for training and the

Page 22 of 67
other for validation .The training set is used to train the model while the validation set is
only used to evaluate the model performance. Confusion metrics, over all test accuracy,
precision rate, recall rate, F1-score, computational rate, RMSE value and error rate has
been calculated individually for every single dataset in this experiment. Finally we found
a satisfactory result from the experiment.

Observing more paper it is visible that for disease detection the test accuracy should
always higher. Using CNN model with a simple architecture and less time in prediction is
required for efficient model. It will help to implement in low cost and able to get best
result in detecting disease from crop leaf.

2.5 Conclusion
Crop disease is one of the biggest problem in the agricultural sector. Keeping that in
mind, we’ve tried to solve that problem by detecting the crop disease accurately. So that
the farmers can detect the crop disease earlier and cure that. After researching the
previous papers and methods, we have proposed an unique Convolutional Neural
Network for detecting the disease of the crop accurately cause CNN method has shown a
better result in this sector. Our proposed method can detect various type of crop disease
from crop leaf by using image processing. We have tested our model by using diseased
images randomly for betterment. According to this research there may be a great
opportunity to work with this topic. We used test accuracy, precision rate, RMSE, error
rate, computational time et al. parameter to evaluate our model. We have used graph over
accurate and loss for visual re-presentation . The accuracy rate is 94% of our proposed
method. There are many scope in future of our method. . In future there are often the real-
time diseases detection method which will be classified diseases in real-time video clips.
It will bring a tremendous change in disease detection technique. This proposed method
can be improved in future from which the farmers around the whole world will be

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Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction
Detecting disease from leaf images is a virtual imaging procedure to improve the world's
agriculture sector and increase the crop production rate. In maximum countries, farmers
are using the traditional mechanism to identify different kinds of crops disease like curly
top, mosaic, psoriasis, spotted wilt, basal rot, gray mold rot, heart rot, anthracnose, black
knot, blight, aster yellows, bacterial wilt,blight and so on. Most of the diseases are from
Bacterial and Fungal infection on leafs. In open eyes this kind of fungal and bacterial
disease can not classify correctly by the farmers. For that they make mistake in applying
correct pesticide for infected diseases. To solve this problem many researches done and
reduce the impact of diseases. But to improve the crop production those method are not
efficient and impactful. After that a Deep learning and Convolutional Neural Network
brings a significant improvement in image classification and automated classification and
learning system form any kind of data. Using this method many proposed researches
makes significant improvement in crops disease classification. But maximum of them
could not achieve a good accuracy and the implementation methodology was to complex
to implement. For this research many researcher used different kind of improved CNN
model like: Convolutional encoder networks[4],Mask R-CNN[8],Law texture masks with
Random Forest Classifier[12],CNN's Improved convolution neural networkINAR-
SSD[13],Faster RCNN[14],Convolution encoder decoder model with DNN[15],MDFC-
ResNet[17],CNN and deep learning[18],Using transfer learning and CNN [23],Deep
Siamese Networks[25],LBP based algorithm over CNN[26],DNN based semantic
Segmentation[35] etc.But their model takes more time to execute the whole process and
takes more time in prediction with a lower accuracy. Our proposed model is based on an
improved CNN architecture which has less depth in network and predict faster than any
other research method with a promising accuracy.

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3.2 Proposed Method
Fig(1) represented our method to train a dataset to classify and predict crop diseases with
less error and low computational time. Our Proposed model Fig(1)is straightforward and
easy to implement. Our model takes a dataset with two sub-folder train(images for
training ) and Val(images for validation). After taking those images, we proceed with the
data pre-processing technique to reshape image data in (256 x 256) size and convert those
images into the array with Python's Numpy library. In the Data augmentation part, we
used rotate range, shift range, horizontal flip, zoom range, and range to augment data and
increase the image data. We also split our data in train and test for validation purposes.
After that, we trained our all data with our CNN trained model. We used the Activation
function(ReLU) , batch normalization, max pooling, dense, flatten layer, dropout rate,
and activation layer to get maximum accuracy and reduce overfitting in training and

Fig(1): Improved Convolutional Neural Network Model.

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We evaluated our result based on test accuracy, precision rate, computation time, RMSE,
Recall rate, F1-score, and error rate for each Dataset. A prediction function was built that
takes a random image as input, and later it predicts the actual diseases class name and
gives it as output.

3.2.1 Collecting Dataset:

There are various datasets publically available in the internet. But from those, we have
decided to choose a plant village database published by “ Crowd AI” more as “ Plant
Village Diseases classification challenge.”

This Dataset contains more than 50,000 image data, and all of the images of plant leaves
collected under parts:

1. Plant village dataset ( 36 classes)

2.Tomato leaf dataset ( 10 classes)

3.Apple leaf dataset (3 classes)

4.PDDPDataset. (25 classes)

Besides these, we also used the PDDP dataset. Based on these datasets, we have trained
our whole model and evaluated the results according to various parameters.

The dataset folder is stored in Google drive on a zip file and can be shared via a URL or
unique id. Using that unique id, we have downloaded the zip file from the drive and used
that file after unzipping.

3.2.2 Libraries:
After downloading the Dataset, we have imported all the required libraries to process and
build the classification and evaluating the model. For this experiment, Numpy, Pickle,
CV2, OS, SklemnKeras, and matplotlib libraries have been used in Google colab.

Page 26 of 67
3.2.3 Data Pre-processing:
In this part, we have defined a variable required for our experimental operation on the
chosen Dataset. In this Fig(2) data processing part, we have to resize the raw dataset
images. If we take any input image, it will match the input shape in the initial layer of the
deep neural network for resizing the image. From the Dataset, there are various images of
the class folder. From each class, we have selected a random number of images to train
our model. Then the directory path of the Dataset has been added to collect the images.
Using the CV2 library, the image data and has been loaded and converted each folder
image into a NumPy array. After loading images for the training purpose, we have
mapped each label and class of each crop disease into a unique number and saved the file
as pickle file which will help us predict the images with label names in future prediction.
At last, we have split the Dataset into two sets: A training set and a Test set with 0.1 split
ratios. A training set is for training the classification model, and the test set is for
validating the model while training the Dataset with the classifier.

Fig(2):Data pre-processing technique

Page 27 of 67
3.2.4 Data Augmentation:
We have divided the plant village dataset as Tomato leaf, Apple leaf, and the whole Plant
village dataset for our experiment. Besides this, The PDDP dataset has been added. To
increase the number of images of the Dataset, a Data augmentation technique has been
used. For this, we have applied various operations, such as rotation, shift, flip, zoom on
the image dataset.

Fig(3): Image Data Augmentation(Rotation).

Fig(4): Image Data Augmentation.

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3.2.5: Training Model:
This is the most important part where we build our model to train and classify leaf
diseases. In this part, all types of hyper parameters of the crops disease classification
model have been defined. We have created a sequential model for classification purposes.
For this model, a 2D convolutional layer with 32 filters of 3*3 kernel size has been built,
and as an activation function, we have used the ReLU( Rectified Linear Unit) activation.
After that, batch normalization with chandim, max-pooling layer with pool size (2,2) has
been used. We also used the 25% dropout operation in the following layers.

Fig(5):Max pooling in CNN.

Next, we built two blocks of a 2D convolutional layer with 64 filters of 3*3 kernel size
with ReLU activation, pulling, and dropout layer.At last, we repeated the layered
architecture for the 128 filters with 3*3 kernel size, and this time, we added “Softmax”
ac.After building the model part, we initialized the optimizer with the learning rate and
decay parameter. For training our model, we used Atom optimizer, which is faster and
minimum convergence comparing to the other optimization technique.Activation , dense
and flatten layers also used in our model.

Page 29 of 67
Fig(6): Neural network with CNN.

3.2.6. Evaluating Model Performance:

In this phase, we evaluated the maximum accuracy of the training model. Besides this,
we measured the confusion matrix, plotted validation accuracy and training accuracy,
validation loss, Training loss. We measured RMSE, precision, recalls, computation time,
error rate, and F1 score from the trained performance evaluation model.

3.2.7. Predicting diseases from input images:

In the testing part, we created a function to predict leaf images from the image dataset as
we give an input image path randomly. For this, we randomly choose an image path and
send the prediction function and correctly classify the leaf image with crop disease
labeled. If we save this model, we can reuse it in the future and classify images from
external input.

Page 30 of 67
Fig(7): Disease classification and prediction.

3.3 Conclusion
Many models and methodologies have already been developed for image recognition and
disease detection. For a particular parameter, all of them have a good production.
According to the CNN-based approach, we attempted to create a model using a CNN
model to get the highest accuracy easily. For that, we customized our training model and
used the system of augmentation to improve our number of images.In addition, in our
model architecture, we used the activation function of ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) and
softmax pooling in our model. The ReLU function is another function of non-linear
activation that has gained prominence within the deep learning domain. ReLU stands for
Long Measure Rectified. The biggest value of using the ReLU function over other
activation functions is that at an equal moment it does not activate all the
neurons.Compared to the other optimization process, we used Atom optimizer, which is
quicker and minimal convergence. We can create a model in a more effective way in the
future to boost the efficiency of the model.

Page 31 of 67
Chapter 4: Experimental Results

4.1 Introduction:
Using an improved CNN architecture model, we made our model to classify crops
diseases from a leaf in less time with higher accuracy and precision.CNN model is widely
used in image classification with a higher depth of the network. Fromthe most popular
Plant Village and PDDP dataset, we picked all of our image data for this research.

Our model minimized the layer, experimented with less image, and got a 94.28%
accuracy rate and 475 ms on average to predict disease from an input image. From our
custom layered CNN model, we achieved a good result with less error and quickly. We
used the pre-processing image technique to reshape all images to make them compatible
with the network and converted all the images in an array with NumPy.The image
augmentation technique was used to increase the number of images and to make different
type of image from a single image for our experiment. To predict image in a short time
with less error in so tough for a low layered CNN model.

We evaluated our model performance by analyzing confusion matrix ,overall test

accuracy, precisionrate, recallrate, computational time ,F1-score ,RMSE(Root Mean
Squared Error) value and error rate .We also plotted some graphs to visualize our trained
model performance with training , validation accuracy and loss.

4.2 Experimental Result:

To evaluate the performance of our proposed method was done by analyzing confusion
metrics ,overall test accuracy, precisionrate, recallrate, computational time ,F1-
score ,RMSE(Root Mean Squared Error) value and error rate with the publicly accessible
dataset Plant village and PDDP dataset. We also used model performance with train,
validation accuracy and loss for graphical representation.

Page 32 of 67
Plant Village dataset:
From the most popular, publically available plant village dataset first of all we took 3240
images from 36 different classes of crops disease. After that we separated the apple and
tomato images from the plant village dataset split the image data in train and valuefolder.
In apple leaf dataset, we took 1050 images from 3 classes, and in the tomato leaf dataset,
we took 3000 images from 10 classes. The plant village dataset is ideal for this kind of
research because it has more than 50000 image data and high-quality images in different
light conditions.

PDDP Dataset:
PDDP Dataset is another most popular dataset and publically available on the internet.
This data set contains more than 5000 images, which have a fair resolution in different
light conditions. From this Dataset, we took 692 images from 25 classes and trained them

4.2.2:Experimental Setting:
For experimental purpose we used windows platform with 7th generation Intel Quad-
Core i5-7300HQ processor (6MB Cache, 3.5GHz), 8GB DDR4 DRAM and NVIDIA
GeForce 940 MX with 4GB VRAM. We used tensorflow and Keras updated version for
our experiment .For our experiment we used Google-Colab environment TPU which has
12.72 GB RAM and 107.77 GB disk space. We also used some modules Numpy,
Matplotlib, Pickle, OS, Sklearn , CV2 and NumPy. We divide our dataset into two
sections. One for training and the other for validation . Training section contains 80 %
ofthe dataset images and remaining 20% was used for validation and testing purpose.

Page 33 of 67
4.2.3:Evaluation on Dataset:
For this experiment, we used three separate datasets. From Plant Village dataset we
separated tomato, apple dataset and the whole plant village dataset with 36 classes.
In every dataset, we tried to get a maximum number of images. However, in
GoogleColab, the given TPU can not support the bulk of data for the classification and
training. When we increased the model epoch size, increased the deepness of the model
layer and network and quantity of training images, the colab runtime was crashed due to
less RAM. This operation crossed more than 12GB hosted RAM at the training time and
crashed after a particular time. For the problem, we decide to choose a minimum number
of image data and epochs, which was not crossing the runtime RAM. We adjusted this
with lots of experiment with the same dataset.

.For all dataset, we used different kind of epochs, split ratio, Image data, trainable and
non-trainable params. All of the data from our experiment are given below-

No Dataset Number Number Epochs Split Trainable Non- Total

Name of of Ratio params trainable Params
Classes images params

1 Apple 3 1050 35 0.1 134,502,467 2,880 134,505,347

2 Plant 36 3240 34 0.2 134,539,172 2,880 134,539,172
3 Tomato 10 3000 30 0.2 134,509,642 2,880 134,512,522
4 PDDP 25 692 30 0.2 134,525,017 2,880 134,527,897
Table(1): Some hyperparameter used in this experiment
The starting of the performance evaluation begins from calculating training accuracy,
validation accuracy, training loss and validation loss. For measuring accuracy, we
divided the amount of correctly classified image by total amount of classified images.
The equation is given below-

Page 34 of 67
Fig(8): Equation of accuracy calculation

The training set is used to train the model while the validation set is only used to evaluate
the model performance. For training and validation accuracy using matplotlib we got
four different graph for each dataset.All of the plotted graphs are given below-

Fig(9): Training and validation accuracy(PDDP Dataset)

Fig(10): Training and validation accuracy(Tomato Dataset)

Loss calculation is another essential part of the experiment. Like training and validation
accuracy, we also calculated training and validation loss for every epoch over every
Page 35 of 67
dataset we used and plotted graphs to visualize the performance. All of the graphs related
to training and validation loss are given below-

Fig(11): Training and validation loss(PDDP dataset)

Fig(12): Training and validation loss(Tomato dataset)

Page 36 of 67
Fig(13): Training and validation Accuracy (Apple leaf dataset)

Fig(14): Training and validation loss (Apple leaf dataset)

In this research, we trained our CNN model and got a different kind of test accuracy from
our each dataset. In the table(2)listed all the testing accuracy achieved by our CNN
model.From plant village dataset we got 54.62% test accuracy, 94.3% from apple leaf

Page 37 of 67
dataset, 57.50% from tomato leaf and 41.43% accuracy from PDDP dataset. Among all
dataset, we got the best accuracy on the apple leaf dataset and it is around 94.3%.

Datasets Test Accuracy Rate

Apple leaf dataset 94.28%
Plant village dataset 76.22%
Tomato leaf dataset 57.50%
PDDP Dataset 41.43%

Table(2): Test accuracy from trained datasets with the CNN model.

Evaluating our model performance, we used the precision rate from all dataset. Precision
means the ratio of generated result from a system that accurately predicts positive
observation (True Positive) to the system divided by total predict positive observation
both correct(True Positive) and incorrect (False Positive).To calculate the precision rate,
we generated a confusion matrix after training each dataset. To calculate the precision
rate, we used the given formula is given in figure(10).

Fig(15): Equation of Precision rate calculation

The results of the precision rate for every dataset are given in table(3). We can see that
the highest precision rate was found from apple leaf dataset and it is about 94.3%.Beside
this we got 94.3% precision rate from plant village, 68% from tomato leaf and 41%
precision from PDDP dataset which are not good enough.

Page 38 of 67
Datasets Precision Rate
Apple leaf dataset 94.3%
Plant village dataset 76.22%
Tomato leaf dataset 68%
PDDP Dataset 41%

Table(3): Precision rate from trained datasets with the CNN model.

From the confusion matrix, we also calculated the Recall rate for our trained
dataset.Recall is the ratio of results that accurately predict positive observation (True
Positive) to all observation in the actual malignant class (Actual Positive).

Fig(16): Equation of Recall rate calculation

From the experiment, we got the highest recall rate on apple leaf dataset. For the other
three datasets, the recall rate is not satisfying. Recall rate, according to the trained dataset,
is given below in table (4).

Datasets Recall Rate

Apple leaf dataset .943

Plant village dataset .762

Tomato leaf dataset .58
PDDP Dataset .35

Table(4): Recall rate from trained datasets with the CNN model
To incorporates both precision and recall rate in a single metric, we used the F1-score for
evaluating the model. F1-score is a model accuracy on a dataset . This score takes both

Page 39 of 67
false positive and negative value into account to stick a balance between precision and
recall. A high F1-score is a sign of a well-performing model .

Fig(17): Equation of F1-Score calculation

From our experiment, we got different kind of F1-score based on the various dataset and
listed on a table. We got best F1-score on apple leaf dataset. According to the dataset, all
the measured F1-score are given in table (5).

Datasets F1-Score
Apple leaf dataset .943
Plant village dataset .76
Tomato leaf dataset .54
PDDP Dataset .32

Table(5): F1-Score from trained datasets with the CNN model

To measure the average amplitude of the error, we used quadratic scoring rules called
RMSE(Root Mean Square Error). To see how a model is capable to fit a dataset,RMSE
is a useful way . Smaller RMSE is a sign of a better model for classification and training.

Fig(18): Equation of F1-Score calculation

Page 40 of 67
For that, we also calculated RMSE value on our dataset at the training time. We got the
lower RMSE on apple leaf dataset and quite significant RMSE value in other dataset.All
the calculated RMSE value are given in table(6).

Datasets RMSE
Apple leaf dataset .447
Plant village dataset .562
Tomato leaf dataset .254
PDDP Dataset .792

Table(6): RMSE value from trained datasets with the CNN model
To predict the system and model performance easily, we calculated the error rate from each
dataset. Less error rate of a system is a sign of the best model. According to this, We got All
of the error rates are given below in the table (7) the lowest error with our CNN

Datasets Error Rate

Apple leaf dataset 0.05
Plant village dataset .45
Tomato leaf dataset .42
PDDP Dataset .58
model on apple leaf dataset among all dataset we used.

Table(7):Error rate from trained datasets with the CNN model

The required computational time was also calculated to evaluate the processing time of
the model. Less processing time is beneficial for both training and testing purpose of the
experiment. There is a table based on computation time for both training and testing

Datasets Computation Time or Processing

Time in Seconds
Apple leaf dataset 3h.39 min
Plant village datatset 8hr 30 min
Tomato leaf dataset 5h 24min
PDDP Dataset 4h 50min
phase of the experiment.

Table(8): Computational time for trained datasets with the CNN model

Page 41 of 67
4.2.4 Comparison with Previous Research Results:
For evaluating any kind of model at first we look at the test accuracy. Test accuracy
define that how a model can classify or predict accurately. Higher accuracy is the sign of
best model for prediction and classification. Test accuracy mainly varies on the image
quality and number of images. In table (X) we can see that our improved CNN model got
the highest Test accuracy for Apple leaf dataset which was collected from Plant village
dataset. With data augmentation technique and customizing the CNN layer we achieved
the highest test accuracy rate 94.28% in our model. Intable(9) all the test accuracy values
are given comparing with other previous method.

Method Name Test Accuracy

1. Improved CNN model 94.28%
2.VGG-16 and Unet Model[36] . 91.2%
3.Convolutional encoder networks 86.78%
Table(9): Comparison of test accuracy with previous method

Evaluating our model performance, we used the precision rate from all dataset. Precision
means the ratio of generated result from a system that accurately predicts correct image
observation to the system divided by total predict correct observation both correct and
incorrect .With our model table(10) we achieved .943 precision rate which is the highest
rate among others model’s precision rate.

Method Name Precision Rate

1. Improved CNN model .943
2.Convolutional encoder networks .91
3.CNN's Improved convolution .7880
neural networkINAR-SSD [38]

Table(10): Comparison of Precision with previous method

Page 42 of 67
Method Name Recall Rate
1. Improved CNN model .943
2.Convolutional encoder networks .91
Table(11): Comparison of Recall rate with previous method

Recall is the ratio of results that accurately predict positive observation (True Positive)
to all observation in the actual malignant class (Actual Positive).Highest recall rate
always appreciate for a best model for classification. Image quality and model structure
mainly the variable for recall rate. If the training model and all the images for training
purposes are in good conditions, this model will produce a better recall rate and correctly
predict and classify image. Our model we got .943 recall rate from the confusion matrix
which is better than the previous research study.

Beside this we got lowest RMSE rate .447 and 0.05 error rate from our model. To predict
a single image it takes 457 ms on average to classify diseases from a input images.
Overall among all dataset we got the best result from the apple leaf dataset and we hope
that we will gain more accuracy on our model after more improvement.

4.3 Conclusion

In every experiment, we used different kind of step to increase the model performance for
all dataset for the first time we applied our model without data augmentation. That gave
us a low accuracy rate and the validation loss is so high and testing accuracy was low.
Because of the overfitting problem, we used data augmentation and increased the number
of images. Using that we got a much better result than previous. However, it was not
satisfactory at all. Then we tried to tune our parameter and for the experiment . If we used
high epoch, Google Colab runtime environment was crashing. For that, we adjust the
epochs according to Colab and also adjusted the learning rate, the dropout rate and the
optimizer. This technique increased our model accuracy by more than 20% from the
Page 43 of 67
previous accuracy. After that, we made our model network deep to increase model
performance and accuracy. That gave us a satisfactory result. In future, we will try to use
cross-validation technique to increase the performance of our model.

Page 44 of 67
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work

5.1 Introduction

Deep learning is a technique focused on AI that mimics the activity of the human brain in
the analysis of data and the development of patterns for higher cognitive processes. In
classifying disorders, the Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) performs well.
CNNs are recognized as awesome graphic templates that create highlights that empower
specific segmentation with chains of significance.
After studying the photographs of the leaves, we suggested a totally new way to
distinguish the disease from the grain. The thesis would resolve the problems of farmers
with the detection of plant illness without pursuing plant researchers. In this way, it
would allow them to correct the disease of the plant in a timely manner and will also
improve both the quality and quantity of food crops produced and thereby help to
increase the benefit of ranchers.From gathering data sets, inserting libraries, data
collection, data processing, augmentation, training, assessing model performance and
checking, we attempted to complete the tasks sequentially in our proposed approach. For
this experiment, in Google colab, libraries of Numpy, Pickle, CV2, OS, SklemnKeras and
mathplotlib are included. We develop our model to train and identify leaf diseases in the
model component, which is the most important part of our model. After completing all
the steps, we tested our model by using diseased images randomly .According to this
research there may be a great opportunity to work with this topic .Realtime image
classification from filed image, automated sprayer for specific diseases and multiple
diseases detection from a single leaf etc.In this chapter we are going to describe the future
scope of our research and the overall contribution of this research.

Page 45 of 67
5.2 Contribution of the Research

Our proposed model was to train an image dataset of bacterial and fungal affected leaf
and build a model to predict disease from an input image after comparing it with the
trained images, and as a output, it will show the affected diseases class name with a
sample image.
We used an improved Convolutional Neural Network model to train this image dataset,
which has very simple Conv2D layer . For enhancing the performance of training and
testing we used the info augmentation technique before training our model. Data
augmentation in data processing is a means of increasing the volume of data by
incorporating marginally changed versions of existing data or newly produced synthetic
data from existing data. When training a machine learning algorithm, it serves as a
regularization and helps minimize overfitting. So, we used data augmentation to make the
model accurate with inadequate data for the dataset.We used sequential models to train
our algorithm and we used Conv2D layers of the same padding size within the core CNN
model architecture. We initialized the optimizer with the learning rate and decay
parameter after constructing the model variable. We used Atom optimizer for training our
model, which is faster and minimal convergence compared to the other optimization
process. Activation , dense and flatten layers also utilized in our model. To evaluate our
model we used test accuracy,precision rate,RMSE,error rate, computational time et al.
parameter.For visual representation we used graph over accurate and loss. In our
experimental result we able to achieved the highest accuracy in test and recall and
precision rate was .943 for apple leaf dataset.It can predict any disease from a input
image during a very short time about 457 ms.For training purpose we used only less
image and epoch in our model which wasn't utilized in the other research.After all we
achieved an efficient model for improving the disease detection technique.

Page 46 of 67
5.3 Future Work

Future work in the agricultural sector, the world is improving day by day. Automated
farming could be a new invention of this era. To automate a system without machine
learning or deep learning, it is impossible to enhance. Modern technology introduced
many automation systems to enhance production and enhance the cultivation system and
reduce farming costs. Automated crop disease detection from crop leaf is one of the most
popular topics for research from this automation. At first, all of the research is predicated
on how accurate and at low cost, a model are often built to detect crop diseases from
crops leaves. In our model, we achieved less error and highest accuracy in detecting
diseases. Besides this, we got a minimum time for predicting diseases from input images.
within the future there are many research scope in this crops disease detection method. In
future there are often the real-time diseases detection method which will be classified
diseases in real-time video clips. If we use any UAV drone to capture the video and at
that point the automated system can detect the plant diseases. it will bring a tremendous
change in disease detection technique. If we add a pesticide sprayer and build a model to
spray on certain quantity of pesticide on related leafs, it will reduce the cultivation time
and save farmers from the side effects of pesticide. In recent research, we observed that
the utmost model could not classify the multiple diseases from one leaf if two or more
diseases infect them. This can be implemented with a mobile-based crop detecting
system, which may capture images and from these images, it can predict the disease's
name, with proper pesticides to use. After all, it's visible that there are many opportunities
to enhance these sorts of research with more advanced technology within the upcoming

Page 47 of 67
5.4 Conclusion
A crop disease detection problem based on Convolution Neural Networks for the
detection of crop diseases has been proposed in this article. The deep learning-based
method can quickly identify and remove any peculiar features of the diseased crop
images and can also detect in a short time the common types of crop diseases with high
accuracy.We downloaded the tomato leaves dataset from the plant town for the trial
purpose. We have designed up a Convolution Neural Network model to identify the
images after downloading the dataset. This paper used three different datasets. The
tomato, apple dataset and the whole plant village dataset of 36 groups have been
separated from the Plant Village dataset.We learned our CNN model in this analysis and
got a different kind of test precision from each dataset. We received 76.22 percent
research precision from the plant village dataset, 94.28 percent from the apple leaf
dataset, 57.50 percent from the tomato leaf, and 41.43 percent accuracy from the PDDP
dataset. We have the highest accuracy on the apple leaf dataset, among all datasets, and it
is around 94.28 percent.The diseases of crops are known by several ways. We have tried
to create an enhanced strategy in our paper that will help farmers increase the rate of crop
production by detecting the crop disease in the earlier stage. It has provided a lower error
than other methods after implementing our approach in those datasets. It is possible to
refine the proposed approach in the future and provide more detailed and better

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Appendix A

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