MID 3 Process Heat Transfer CH MId Paper

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Subject code:CH1204

Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam IIIT Ongole

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Andhra Pradesh
SUBJECT: Process Heat Transfer DATE: 16-5-2019
BRANCH: Chemical Engineering Max. 15 Marks

1A) i. Explain hydrodynamic boundary layer and thermal boundary layer (2M)
ii. Define the Prandtl number? What is its significance? How does the Prandtl number varying for
liquids, gases and liquid metals? (2M)
iii. Define the local and average heat transfer coefficient in boundary layer flow over a flat plate. (1M)
1B) Name five dimensionless groups in heat transfer (except Prandtl Number)? What are their physical
significance? (5M)

2A) Derive the empirical correlation for the heat transfer in the forced convection using dimensional
analysis? (5M)
2B) Benzene is cooled from 141 to 79 oF in the pipe of a double pipe heat exchanger. Cooling water flows
countercurrently to the benzene, entering the jacket at 65 oF and leaving at 75oF. The exchanger consists
of inner tube inner diamter is 0.0621 ft and inner tube outer diameter is 0.0729 ft. And outer tube (jacket)
inner diameter is 0.1342 ft. The linear velocity of the benzene is 5 ft/s. Neglecting the resistance of the
wall and scale films and assuming L/D>150 for both pipes, compute the film coefficients of the benzene
and water and the overall coefficients based on the outside area of the inner pipe. (5M)
Value at average fluid temperature
Property Benzene water
Density ρ, lb/ft3 53.1 62.3
Viscosity µ, lb/ft. h 1.16 2.34
Thermal conductivity k, 0.089 0.346
Btu/ft.h. F
Specific heat cp, Btu/lb oF 0.435 1.000

3A). A liquid metal flows at a rate of 4.00 kg/s through a tube having an inside diameter of 0.05 m. The
liquid enters at 500K and is heated to 505 K in the tube, The tube wall is maintained at a
temperature of 30 K above the fluid bulk temperature and constant heat flux is also maintained.
Calculate the required tube length. The average physical properties are as follows: µ=7.1×10 -4
Pa.s, ρ=7400kg/m3, cp=120 J/kg K, k=13 W/m.K.
[Use the correlation Nu= (hLD/k)=0.625Pe0.4] (5M)
3B) Discuss the analogy between transfer of momentum and heat? (5M )

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