Chemistry X Trial 2022

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Damphu Middle Secondary School

Tsirang Dzongkhag
TRIAL Examination, 2022

Reading Time: 15 Minutes CHEMISTRY Invigilator’s

Writing Time: 2 Hours

Full Marks: 100 INDEX NUMBER

Year: 2022 D M S S

For Marker’s USE only

Section Question Item Weighting Award Change Marker’s Initial

a 25
Section A

b 5

Question 1 c 5

d 5

Question 10

Question 10
Section B

Question 10

Question 10

Question 10

Question 10

100 Changed Marks Subject Teacher’s initial


DMSS/TE/CHEM-X/2022 IMPORTANT: Turn over to read instructions

1. Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent on reading the
questions. After having read the questions, you will be given two hours to answer all

2. In this paper, there are two sections: A and B. Section A is compulsory. You are
expected to attempt any SIX questions from Section B.

3. Do not remove or tear off any page from the booklet.

4. Do not draw lines or pictures on or in the booklet unless specifies by the questions.

5. Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have
answered all the questions.

6. No marks will be awarded for any extra questions attempted. If extra questions are
attempted, the last question in the sequence of your answer script will be cancelled
by default.

7. Marks can be deducted for any Not-Called-For scribbling, sketching, commenting

etc. written in your answer booklet.

8. Writing neatly and clearly will always go well in your favour! If your writing
cannot be read-marks can’t be awarded.

9. Read and re-read carefully to understand the instructions and questions before
answering them.

10. Do not remove the cover page from the booklet. If you do so, your answers will not
be evaluated.

11. Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have
answered all the questions.
12. Write your Index Number in the space provided on the first page of the question

DMSS/TE/CHEM-X/2022 IMPORTANT: Turn over to read instructions

Question 1 [25]
a) Direction: For each question, there are four alternatives A, B, C and D. Choose the
correct alternative and CIRCLE it. Do not circle more than ONE alternative. If there is
more than one circled, NO score will be awarded.

i. If the pressure of a certain amount of gas is reduced to 1/4th of its initial pressure at a
fixed temperature, then its final volume would be increased by
A 2 times
B 3 times
C 4 times
D 5 times
ii. If you push down the plunger of a bicycle pump, the chamber’s volume will
decrease. When this happens, the pressure in the chamber increases and air then
rushes out of the pump and into the flat tire. What Gas Law does this this
A Charles law
B Avogadro’s law
C Boyle’s law
D Newton’s law
iii. The leaching process of concentrating ores is based upon the
A magnetic properties of gangue and ore.
B preferential wetting of ore particles by oil.
C difference in the specific gravity of ore and gangue particles.
D dissolution desired metal from ore particles in suitable reagent.
iv. Which of the following best describes the characteristics of halogen family?
A Atomic radius decreases down the group
B Their density decreases down the group
C Ionization energy increases down the group
D Their neutral atom contains seven electrons in their valence shell
v. The number of ligands present in this complex ion, [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ is
A 2
B 4
C 6
D 8
vi. If the element X has atomic number 21, then element belongs to?
A s-block elements
B p-block elements
C d-block elements
D f-block elements

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vii. Study the given thermos-chemical equation and identify the type of reaction.
CH4 + 2O2 → 2H2O + CO2; ∆H = +728KJ/mol.

A Endothermic reaction
B Oxidation reaction
C Exothermic reaction
D Reduction reaction
viii. A Chemistry teacher asked one of the students to dissolve sodium hydroxide pallets in
cold water. In due course of stirring the mixture, the student felt the production of
heat. What can you conclude from the above experiment?
A It is due to heat of neutralization
B It is due to endothermic reaction
C It is due to exothermic reaction
D It is due to stirring of the mixture
ix. The molecular formula of alcohol having four carbon atoms is
x. Sonam added some solution of sodium hydroxide into a test tube containing an
unknown salt solution. A white precipitate was formed which dissolve when excess
sodium hydroxide was added to it. The metallic ion present in the salt is most likely to
A ferric ion
B ferrous ion
C copper ion
D zinc ion

xi. Which structural formula represents an alcohol?

A I.

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xii. Alcohol is used in hand sanitizer because it has
A antimicrobial property.
B antiseptic property
C oxidizing property.
D reducing property.
xiii. Study the graph to answer the question below

In the above graph, the value of ΔH is

A Negative
B Positive
C Neutral
D zero
xiv. NaCl (s) + H2O (l)  NaCl (aq) ∆H = + 1.2 kcal.
The above reaction shows

A Heat of combustion
B Heat of neutralization
C Heat of solution
D Heat of formation
xv. The electronic configuration 24Cr is
A 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d4
B 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d5
C 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6
D 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d7
xvi. When a crystal of sugar dissolves in water, what happens to the entropy?
A the sugar’s entropy increases and total entropy decreases
B the sugar’s entropy increases and total entropy increases
C the sugar’s entropy decreases and total entropy decreases
D the sugar’s entropy decreases and total entropy increases
xvii. Chlorine is used in water treatment plant and swimming pool. The main advantage of
adding chlorine to water is to:

A Improve the taste of water.

B Disinfect the water.
C Decrease the density of water.
D Increase the density of water.

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xviii. Calcination is heating of ore in the absence of air just below its melting point. This
method is used to concentrate the ore. Which of the ores is concentrated by this
A Pb(NO)3
xix. An impure metal is heated in a vessel. The metal forms vapour which condenses in a
receiver while the non-volatile impurities are left behind in the vessel. The process
described in the statement above is
A liquation.
B reduction.
C distillation.
D oxidative refining.
xx. Jigme prefer to make ear rings with silver and gold over other metals. The reason for
her choice is
A Gold and silver are reactive
B Gold and silver are attractive
C Gold and silver are inert
D Gold and silver are light
xxi. The correct order of increasing electronegativity of the halogens is
A F < Cl < I < Br.
B I < Cl < Br < F.
C F < Cl < Br < I.
D I < Br < Cl < F.
xxii. What is the IUPAC name for an organic compound represented by the following

A 2-methyl-2-propanol
B 2-methyl-3-propanol
C 3-methyl-2-propanol
D 3-methyl-3-propanol
xxiii. The following graph represents three different plots for Charles’ law. The graph given
below is best describe by

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A P1 > P2 > P3.
B P3 > P2 > P1.
C P2 > P3 > P1.
D P1 > P3 > P2.
xxiv. What would be the effective nuclear charge of the chlorine atom?
A +17
B +10
C +7
D +2
xxv. Each of these flasks contains the same number of the gaseous reactant molecules. In
which container is the pressure highest that results in the effective collision at
constant temperature?

A Flask-A
B Flask-B
C Flask-C
D Flask-D

b. Fill in the blanks by writing suitable word(s) in the space provided. [5]
1. At constant temperature when the volume of the gas decreases, the

2. A student analysed a common salt and found that one of the halogens required for normal
metabolic function of human body. The halogen that could be missing in the salt
3. Chimi boiled some water to prepare tea. This process involves the________________in

4. The alcohol found in whisky and wine is _____________________________________.

5. The transition metal used in galvanization of iron is _____________________________

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c. Write True or False in the space provided [5]
1. The inflated balloon inside the car during a hot sunny day will experience increase in
2. ∆H is negative for exothermic reaction.
3. The process of extracting metals from their ore is called electrolysis.
4. For transition elements, the electrons enter the p-orbital.
5. The functional group in alcohol is –COOH which gives the characteristic reaction of

d. Match each item under Column A with the most appropriate item in Column B. [5]

Column A Column B

A endothermic reaction
1. Explains volume temperature B Transition elements
relationship. C Charles’ Law
2. Element important for human teeth D Chlorine
3. Gold E Jewelry and plating of teeth
4. Burning of methane gas F Boyle’s Law
5. These metals are hard and tough G exothermic reaction
H Fluorine

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Attempt any six questions from seven questions given below

Question 2
a) The following are structures of the first three members of a homologous series of
alcohols. Based on the given structures, answer the following questions:

i. Write the general formula of alcohols. [1]

ii. Arrange the three structures in decreasing order of their boiling points. [1]

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iii. Write the molecular formula of a compounds having 5 carbon atoms. [1]

b) Write ONE difference for the following based on what is given in the bracket
i. Paramagnetic and diamagnetic substance (magnetic properties) [1]

ii. Hydrogenation and Contact process (catalyst used) [1]

iii. Copper and chromium (electronic configuration) [1]

c) Why are halogens, usually stored in the glass containers? [1]

d) The figure below demonstrates the behaviour of a certain gas

Study the figure and answer the following questions.

i. Which gas law does the figure demonstrate? [1]

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ii. Define the law based on the figure. [1]

e) We often hear accidents due to drunken driving. For public safety, police officers test the
level of alcohol in drivers.
i. Name the device used. [½]

ii. What is the principle used in the device? [½]

Question 3
a) Answer the following question on enthalpy.
i. What is enthalpy? [1]

ii. During the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form water. Does the entropy increase
or decrease? Why? [1]

iii. The enthalpy, ∆H for a reaction is -890.4kJ. What does negative ∆H indicate? [1]

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iv. Define the term internal energy. [1]

b) Write the electronic configuration in s, p, d, f notation of following elements. [2]

i. 26Fe

ii. 29Cu

c) Answer the following questions in reference to the element ‘X’ with its electronic
configuration 2, 8, 7.
i. What is the valency of the element ‘X’? Why? [1]

ii. Is the element ‘X’ electropositive or electronegative? Why? [2]

iii. Calculate the effective nuclear charge of element X on valence shell. [1]

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Question 4
a) You are provided with following materials: [3]
(a beaker, copper wire, battery, a torch bulb, silver nitrate solution, impure silver rod and thin
sheet of pure silver to be used as electrodes).
Using the above materials, design a set up to purify the impure silver rod. In your set up label
the electrodes used, electrolyte and battery terminals.

b) Write the IUPAC name for the following alcohols. [2]



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c) ‘With one death in two days, alcohol liver diseases (ALD) continue to be the top killer
diseases in the country. In 2005, about 92 deaths were recorded which increased to 176
in 2014’.
As a responsible citizen, how would you relate the above statement with social and
economic problems? [1]

d) Why burning of ethanol fuel is considered as neutral to the environment? [1]

e) Bronze is an important metal alloy made up of Cu=80, Zn = 2% and Sn = 18%.

i. Name the base metal and alloying metal in Bronze. [1]

ii. Give two uses of Bronze. [1]

iii. What are alloys produced? [1]

Question 5
a) Answer the following questions related to metallurgy.
i. What do you understand by the term concentration of ore? [1]

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ii. Name three processes used for the concentration of ore with one specific ore
which can be concentrated by the named process. [3]

b) 6.2 L of an ideal gas is present at 3.0 atm and 37°C in a container. How many moles of
this gas is present in the container? (R=0.0821 Latm/Kmol) [2]

d) Give the reason for the following statements.

i. The elements in halogen family have similar properties. [1]

ii. Aluminum is p-block element. [1]

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e) Give any two applications of endothermic and exothermic reactions in our day-to-day
life. [2]

Question 6
a) When sodium hydroxide is slowly added to the Iron (ll) sulphate solution, a dirty green
precipitate is formed.
i. Write the balanced chemical equations for the reaction. [1]

ii. Name the precipitate. [1]

b) Study the thermo chemical equations and answer the following questions.
C + S  CS2, ΔH = +21.0 kcal
C₃H₈ + 5O₂  3CO₂ + 4H₂O, ΔH = -530.60 kcal
i. What is the significance of ∆H value in the reactions? [1]

ii. Classify the reactions into types of heat of reaction. [1]

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c) With reference to the extraction of metal, answer the following questions.
i. Complete the word reaction between metal oxide and carbon. [1]
a. Metal oxide + C → _____________ + ___________
ii. What name is given to this chemical reaction? [1]

d) Write two properties of transition elements. [1]

e) Complete the following chemical equation. [1]

C2H2OH > _______________________ + H2O

f) A student conducted an experiment on a certain gas to find the relationship between

temperature (T) and the volume (V). Using the data obtained, a graph was obtained as
shown in the figure below.

Use the figure to answer the following questions.

i. Which gas law does the plot verify? [1]

ii. Define the law. [1]

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Question: 7
a) Bleaching is a process of removing the colours from coloured organic matter by using
chemical agents.
𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡
Raw wood pulp → Bleached wood pulp
In the above equation, raw wood pulp is bleached using a bleaching agent.
i. Name the bleaching agent used. [1]

ii. Mention the bleaching property of the above element. [1]

b) A balloon filled with helium gas at 22℃- and 760-mm Hg. It is then placed outside on a
hot summer day when the temperature is 31℃. If the pressure remains constant, what will
be the volume of balloon? [2]

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c) A flame test is carried out to identify an unknown metal ion. The heat of the flame
excites the electrons of metal ions producing visible light.
Using the following materials, write down the procedures to carry out a flame test.
(FeSO4, candle, nichrome wire, spatula, watch glass, Conc. HCl, matchbox) [2]

d) Give one reason for the following statements:

i. Scandium is not considered as transition metal although it’s member of d-block
element. [1]

ii. Transition metal ions are usually colored. [1]

Question 8
a) A balloon is transported from Phuentsholing to Thimphu. The volume and the pressure of
the balloon in Phuentsholing is 2.0 L and 1atm. Assuming the temperature to be constant,
find the volume of balloon in Thimphu if the pressure at Thimphu is 650 mm Hg. [2]
b) From the chemical reactions,
i. I2 (g) + 2e →I ˉ (aq)
ii. 2I ̄ (aq) → I2 (aq) + 2e,

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Write the reaction that undergoes
i. Oxidation. [1]

ii. Reduction. [1]

c) How is internal energy of a system related to enthalpy? Explain it with equation. [2]

e) The table below shows the information on halogens.

Atomic Colour (In pure Electronic Electronegative

number Form) configuration Value

9 Fluorine Pale yellow gas C……… 4

17 A…… B……… 2,8,7 3

35 Bromine Dark red liquid D………… 2.8

53 Iodine Grey solid 2,8,18,18,7 2.5

Refer the table and answer the following questions.
i. Complete the table. [2]
ii. What type of bond is formed between metals and halogens? [1]

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iii. Why does electronegativity value decrease down the group? [1]

Question 9
a) Write the structural formula for the following compounds.
i. 2-methyl-3-pentanol. [1]

ii. Propene. [1]

b) After usage for certain period of time, a cooking gas cylinder was considered to be empty
as no gas was coming out of it. Explain what happens if the cylinder is kept in a hot water
bath or shaken vigorously. Explain by using kinetic molecular theory of gas. [2]

c) The diagram given below shows the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride.

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Answer the questions that follow:
i. Name the ions which will migrate to the cathode and anode respectively. [1]

ii. Write the reaction at the cathode and the anode. [2]

d) Alkali metals and halogens are present on the extremes in the periodic table. How does
their reactivity vary as you move down the groups? [1]

e) What is tincture of iodine? Why is it used during pre-operative skin preparation? [2]

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