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Dr. Adel M.

Al-Azhar University
Faculty of Engineering, Qena Branch

Reservoir Rock and Assignment Fall 2020

Fluid Properties No. 2 Nov. 2020
PEQ 202

Answer all the following

1. Define each of the following:

a. Reservoir Rock

b. Coring Operations

2. Describe the different types of coring operations, mentioning the advantages

of each.

3. Differentiate between percussion and rotary side wall coring operations.

4. What are different causes of core alteration during recovery?

5. What is the routine core analysis?

6. List the main parameters that Special Core Analysis (SCAL) can provide

7. What are the main engineering objectives of a coring Program?

8. What are the main geological objectives of a coring Program?

All best wishes

Dr. Adel Salem

Page 1 of 1 HW #2_Dr. Adel M. Salem

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