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Activity 2- Making a Learning Environment Safe and



Name of FS Student Realyn B. Penuliar

Course, Year and Section BSE SST IV-2

Name of FS Mentor Ms. Kimberly Inaldo

Date October 29, 2023

At the end of this activity, the FS student must be able to achieve the following intended learning outcomes:
1. identify practical and feasible classroom routines and procedures in learning;
2. evaluate appropriate educational intervention in creating safe and conducive learning; and
3. acquire higher concept of learning strategies in establishing own procedures;

The learning environment is another important component aside from the curriculum in the teaching-learning
process. This activity exposes you to another learning experience, which enables you to make your learning environment
safe and conducive. As you immerse in the learning environment, you will learn the different methods and strategies to
maximize the involvement of learners in the different classroom activities.

Direction: Read the following instructions below before doing the indicated tasks.

1. Interview a professional teacher from any school who is teaching in any grade level.
2. Follow the minimum health protocol at all times.
3. Observe etiquette during the interview process.


Learning Environment 1
Activity 2- Making a Learning Environment Safe and


Name of the teacher: Rusell F. Rebamontan

Position / Designation: Teacher III
No. of years in service: 18
No. of years teaching in the grade level/subject: 17
Type of school: Public School

• I always make it a point that my learners are well-behaved

• ______________________________________
by implementing classroom rules, doing their daily routines
regularly and by using a timely and interesting motivation.
How do I manage my Classroom? • I also give reward or recognition to learners who always
• ______________________________________
abide by the classroom rules

• ______________________________________
• ______________________________________
I always consider the diversity of my learners, they haven’t
How do I make my lessons __________
their different needs and in different levels. No shoes fits all,
that’s why as a teacher I always try my best to be flexible in
relevant to all? • ______________________________________
making my lessons relevant to the needs of my learners

• ______________________________________
• I always believe an interesting and effective motivation
because if you can engage your learners at the start of the
How do I engage my students in __________
lesson, the lesson will go on smoothly and probably you can
all learning activities? • ______________________________________
engage them in your lesson from the start to finish


Learning Environment 2
Activity 2- Making a Learning Environment Safe and


Based from your

observation, how is a
typical classroom
structured? Based from your observation, how
do students communicate or interact
during classes?


A classroom Is structured with chairs for
students , there are two teacher’s desk one in

front and one at the back. There is a
chalkboard, and various educational materials

such as books and supplies. There are often
posters or visual aids related to the subject ________________________
In a typical classroom, students engage in multifaceted interactions
that enhance their learning experience. These interactions
matter. The arrangement of the chairs is 5
chairs in each rows. The teacher usually
encompass communication with both the teacher and their peers. The
teacher-student dynamic is fundamental, as educators impart
stands or sits at the front of the room, and ________________________
knowledge, guide discussions, and foster a nurturing learning
there is an interactive board for
presentations. The seating arrangement and
environment. Meanwhile, students collaborate with their classmates
during group activities, discussions, and projects, sharing ideas and
classroom structure can vary based on the
grade level and teaching methods used.
working collectively to solve problems. Question and answer sessions
offer clarity and deepen understanding. With the integration of digital
tools and platforms, modern classrooms witness a blend of traditional
and digital interactions, fostering a dynamic learning ecosystem.
Additionally, peer review and feedback mechanisms encourage peer
learning and constructive critique, enriching the overall educational
experience. These diverse forms of interaction in the classroom
create a vibrant and engaging atmosphere that promotes effective
learning and development.


Learning Environment 3
Activity 2- Making a Learning Environment Safe and



1. What classroom routines and procedures did you observe and how could you apply it to promote essential learning?
- Typically in a classroom routines and procedures are important in promoting essential learning. These practice
such as morning routine, where students share their thoughts and idea with each other. Establishing clear and
simple rules to create a structured atmosphere where students know what is expected of them. There is a
smooth transitions of delivering the lesson at giving activities using TV. Teacher encouraging collaborative
learning through group work procedures can enhance essential social and problem-solving skills. Implement
procedures for organizing materials, like backpacks and desks, helps develop responsibility and time
management skills. They have Classroom Management they employ procedures for addressing behavioral
issues, such as a warning system or a calm-down corner, are vital for maintaining a productive learning
environment. Every start and end of the lesson the teacher provide feedback on assignments and conducting
assessments can help students understand their progress. In applying these procedures for promoting essential
learning you need to be consistent, consistency is the key. This can reinforce learners by modeling the behavior
they expect from students, providing positive reinforcement, and addressing issues promptly. These routines
and procedures create a safe, predictable, and supportive environment where students can focus on their
learning and development.

2. What is the effect to the learners if the teacher creates a safe and conducive learning environment?
- Creating a safe and conducive environment has a positive impact on learners. It can boost students
confidence, learners feel more comfortable expressing themselves and taking risk. A safe environment
minimize anxiety and fear of making mistake making learning less stressful. Having a safe and conducive
learning environment can also improve focus on students learning, students can concentrate better on
their studies when they feel secure and supported for them to be more engage in learning.


Learning Environment 4
Activity 2- Making a Learning Environment Safe and


Construct your own set of rules and regulations that will make your learning environment safe and conducive.
Creating a safe and conducive learning environment is paramount in nurturing the growth and development of individuals
within educational institutions. Rules should be clearly communicated to all participants, including students, teachers,
and staff. Ensure everyone understands the expectations. Here are some set of rules and regulations that will help the
in making safe and conducive learning environment.
1. Respect and Inclusivity
- Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their background or abilities.
- Embrace diversity and promote inclusivity.
- Avoid any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying.
2. Classroom Behavior
- Maintain a quiet and focused atmosphere during lessons.
- Raise your hand to speak, ensuring everyone gets a chance to participate.
- Listen attentively when others are speaking.
3. Attendance and Punctuality
- Arrive on time in classes, meetings, and events.
- Notify in advance if you can’t attend a class or an important event.
4. Health and environmental care
- Follow safety guidelines for laboratory and practical work.
- Keep the classroom and common areas clean and organized.
- Dispose of waste in designated bins and recycle when possible.
- Maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness.
5. Dress Code
- Follow the established dress code, if applicable.
- Ensure that clothing choices are appropriate for a learning environment.
6. Consequences
- Outline consequences for rule violations, including warnings, penalties, and potential legal actions in severe cases.
Therefore, to achieve this, it’s important to involve all stakeholders, including students, in the development of these rules to
ensure they are fair and effective in maintaining a safe and conducive learning environment. These rules serve as the
foundation upon which a positive learning culture can thrive, promoting not only physical safety but also the emotional and
intellectual well-being of all participants.


Learning Environment 5
Activity 2- Making a Learning Environment Safe and


• As a would be teacher, how can you make the environment safe and conducive to learners?
- A safe and conducive environment, in learning, refers to a setting that is both physically secure and supportive of
the educational and emotional needs of learners. As a prospective teacher, you can make the environment safe
and conducive for learning by considering the Physical Safety of all inside the school, this means that the
environment should free from physical hazards that could harm the students. Another is the Emotional Safety
because we all know that Learners need to feel emotionally secure to focus on their learning. Having an
environment where they are not subjected to bullying, discrimination, or any form of emotional harm will help them
actively engage in every activities in school. Besides it’s very important in a classroom to have safety where they
can feel respected and can express themselves without fear. In addition in making environment conducive for
learner we need to Build a positive relationships among students and between students and teachers is essential.
These relationships contribute to a supportive and harmonious learning environment. Lastly we need to consider
also the inclusivity, It’s a place that is inclusive and accommodates the diverse needs of students, including those
with different abilities, backgrounds, and learning styles. In summary, a safe and conducive environment for
learners is a place where students can learn effectively, both academically and emotionally, without fearing for their
physical safety or emotional well-being. Therefore applying these principles, you can create a classroom
environment that is both safe and conducive to learning, fostering the success and well-being of your students


Learning Environment 6
Activity 2- Making a Learning Environment Safe and


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Learning Environment 7

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