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Match the chemical substances given in column A with their appropriate application
given in column B.

Column A Column B

A. Bleaching powder i. Preparation of glass

B. Baking Soda ii. Production of H2 and Cl2

C. Washing Soda iii. Decolorization

D. Sodium Chloride iv. Antacid

a. A-ii, B-i, C-iv, D-iii

b. A-iii, B-ii, C-iv, D-i

c. A-iii, B-iv, C-i, D-ii

d. A-ii, B-iv, C-i, D-iii

2. Write the chemical name and chemical formula of the salt used to remove the
permanent hardness of the water.

3. Varun took sample A and added dilute hydrochloric acid to it. A colorless, odorless
gas X was evolved which turned lime water milky. Identify sample A and the gas X
evolved. Write a chemical equation to explain the reaction between sample A and
Hydrochloric acid. Why does the gas X turn lime water milky?

4. You are provided with 90 mL of distilled water and 10 mL of concentrated sulphuric

acid to prepare dilute sulphuric acid.

i. What is the correct way of preparing dilute sulphuric acid? Give reason.

ii. How will the concentration of H3O+ ions change on dilution?


i. Give the chemical name of the compound present in tooth enamel. What is the nature
of the compound?

ii. ‘Sweet tooth may lead to tooth decay.’ Explain why? What is the role of toothpaste in
preventing cavities?

6. Why does a honey bee sting cause pain and irritation? Give a method to get relief
from the discomfort.

7. Name one natural source of each of the following:

i. Citric acid

ii. Oxalic acid

iii. Acetic acid

iv. Lactic acid

v. Methanoic acid

vi. Tartaric acid


a. Identify the gases evolved at the anode and cathode in the below experimental setup.
b. Name the process that occurs. Why is it called so?

c. Illustrate the reaction of the process with the help of a chemical equation.

d. Write one use of each of the products of the above process. Write examples of other
compounds that can be formed using Sodium chloride as a raw material (reactant).

8. i. Write the name and chemical formula of the calcium compound used as a
disinfectant. How is this compound manufactured?

ii. Name the products obtained when sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated. Write the
chemical equation for the reaction.

9. Diana prepared a cake by two methods.

Method (i): She added baking soda to the cake mixture and let the mixture stand for one
hour before placing it in the oven to bake.
Method (ii): She added baking powder to the cake mixture and let the mixture stand for
one hour before placing it in the oven to bake.

State the difference in the cake mixtures that Diana is likely to have observed before
baking. Explain why.

10. What is meant by the term water of crystallization? How would you show that copper
sulphate crystals contain water of crystallization?

11. 1. Rahul found that the Plaster of Paris, which he stored in a container, has become
very hard and lost its binding nature. What is the reason for this? Also, write a chemical
equation to represent the reaction taking place.

ii. Give any one use of Plaster of Paris other than for plastering or smoothening of walls.

12. Identify the compound of calcium that is used for plastering fractured bones. With
the help of a chemical equation show how is it prepared and what special precautions
should be taken during the preparation of this compound.

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