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MAT 31101 College Algebra: Inequalities November 18 to 25, 2023

1. Find the minimum value of the objective Auto has embarked on an ambitious TV
function advertising campaign and has decided to
Z = 2x + 6y purchase 1-minute commercial spots on two
 types of programs: comedy shows and foot-
 2x + 3y ≥ 12,
ball games. Each comedy commercial is

x + y ≥ 9,

subject to constraints; seen by 7 million high-income women and

x ≥ 0, 2 million high- income men. Each football
y ≥ 0.

commercial is seen by 2 million high-income
women and 12 million high-income men. A
2. Maximize
1-minute comedy ad costs 50,000, and a
Z = 60x + 15y 1-minute football ad costs 100,000. Dorian
 would like the commercials to be seen by

 x + y ≤ 50, at least 28 million high-income women and

3x + y ≤ 90,

24 million high-income men. Use linear
, subject to constraints;  programming to deter- mine how Dorian
 x ≥ 0,
Auto can meet its advertising requirements

y ≥ 0.

at minimum cost.
3. A farmer wants to raise the production
6. Farmer Jane owns 45 acres of land. She
of Beans and Peas. Each hectare of
is going to plant each with wheat or corn.
beans yields a profit of K50, 000 while each
Each acre planted with wheat yields 200
hectare of peas yields a profit of K70, 000.
profit; each with corn yields 300 profit. The
For him farmer to sow these crops, he has
labor and fertilizer used for each acre are
to hire two machines, a tractor and a tiller.
given in Table 1. One hundred workers
The tractor is available for 200 hours, and
and 120 tons of fertilizer are available. Use
the tiller is available for 100 hours. Sowing
linear programming to determine how Jane
a hectare of peas requires 3 hours of trac-
can maximize profits from her land.
tor time and 2 hours of tilling. Sowing a
hectare of beans requires 4 hours of trac-
Wheat Corn
tor time and 1 hour of tilling. How many
Labor 3 workers 2 Workers
hectares of each crop should he plant to
Fertlizer 2 tons 4 tons
maximize the profit?
4. A dietitian formulates a special diet from
two food groups: A and B. Each ounce of
food group A contains 3 units of vitamin A,
1 unit of vitamin C, and 1 unit of vitamin
D. Each ounce of food group B contains 1
unit of vitamin A, 1 unit of vitamin C, and
3 units of vitamin D. Each ounce of food
group A costs 40 cents, and each ounce of
food group B costs 10 cents. The dietary
constraints are such that at least 24 units
of vitamin A, 16 units of vitamin C, and
30 units of vitamin D are required. Find
the amount of each food group that should
be used to minimize the cost. What is the
minimum cost?
5. Dorian Auto manufactures luxury cars and
trucks. The company believes that its most
likely customers are high-income women
and men. To reach these groups, Dorian

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