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FERMENTED MILKS | Types and Standards of Identity

Chapter · December 2011

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-374407-4.00180-1


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2 authors, including:

Ingrid Suryanti Surono

Bina Nusantara University/Indonesian Scientific Society for Probiotics and Prebiotics


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Surono IS and Hosono A (2011) Fermented Milks | Types and Standards of Identity.
In: Fuquay JW, Fox PF and McSweeney PLH (eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy
Sciences, Second Edition, vol. 2, pp. 470–476. San Diego: Academic Press.

ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Author's personal copy


Types and Standards of Identity
Starter Cultures
Health Effects of Fermented Milks
Nordic Fermented Milks
Middle Eastern Fermented Milks
Asian Fermented Milks
Yogurt: Types and Manufacture
Yogurt: Role of Starter Culture

Types and Standards of Identity

I S Surono, SEAMEO TROPMED RCCN University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
A Hosono, Japan Dairy Technical Association, Tokyo, Japan
ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction General Features

Originally, the primary function of fermenting milk was Milk fermentations generally involve the metabolism of
to extend its shelf life. With this came numerous advan- lactose to lactic acid, a characteristic common to all fer-
tages, such as an improved taste and enhanced mented milks, by lactic acid bacteria (LAB), mostly
digestibility of the milk, as well as the manufacture of a lactococci and lactobacilli.
wide variety of products. Historically the fermentation of Fermented milk is obtained by fermentation by suita-
milk can be traced back to around 10 000 BC. It is likely ble microorganisms resulting in reduction of pH with or
that fermentation initially arose spontaneously from without coagulation. These starter microorganisms
indigenous microflora found in milk. should be viable, active, and abundant in the product to
Fermented milks have been an important component the date of minimum durability. If the product is heat-
of nutrition and diet. In addition to yogurt, there are treated after fermentation, the requirement for viable
numerous types of fermented milks manufactured in dif- microorganisms does not apply.
ferent parts of the world. Throughout the world, around As long as the starters are handled correctly, and added
400 names are applied to traditional and industrially to the milk of good quality, and the manufacturing tech-
made fermented milk products. In general, the different nology is adhered to, fermentation will produce a stable
types of fermented milks tend to be classified according to distinctive fermented milk product. Standard processes
the methods of fermentation and/or processing, which are are now available for most types of fermented milks.
related to the microorganisms involved. Each type of The basic identity of each type of fermented milk
fermented milk involves specific microorganisms, based results from both the specific microorganisms and the
primarily on the optimum growth requirements of the process conditions providing suitable environment for the
starter cultures (i.e., mesophilic and thermophilic micro- microorganisms concerned. Basic metabolism of the species
flora); however, there are strong similarities between or groups of species plays an important role in supplying
manufacturing technologies used. metabolites that ensure a complex range of chemical

Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, Second Edition, 2011, Vol. 2, 470-476
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Fermented Milks | Types and Standards of Identity 471

interactions, producing numerous functional properties strains of mesophilic or thermophilic LAB are used; (2)
such as preserving ability, flavor as well as texture devel- products obtained through alcohol–lactic fermentation,
opment, and thus contributing to the sensory quality of involving yeast and LAB; and (3) products where, in
fermented milk, which in turn improves the nutritional addition to fermentation of type (1) or (2), there is mold
value. growth. All products are the result of fermentation of
Careful selection of species is important in maintain- lactose into mainly lactic acid.
ing the identity of each fermented milk product, with
temperature as an essential factor. Table 1 shows exam-
ples of established types of fermented milk, with the Lactic Fermentation of Milk
microorganisms used as starter cultures. There are two types of lactic fermentation based on the
incubation temperature, namely, mesophilic fermenta-
tion, employing mesophilic starters, and thermophilic
Types of Fermented Milks fermentation, involving thermophilic starters, composed
solely of LAB.
Fermented milk products are classified into three differ- Cultured buttermilk, cultured cream, ‘lactofil’, ‘film-
ent types: (1) products of lactic fermentation, where jölk’, nordic ropy milks, ‘ymer’, ‘shrikhand’, and ‘chakka’

Table 1 Some established types of fermented milk and their starter cultures

Product/origin Starter organisms

Acidophilus milk Lactobacillus acidophilus

BiogardeR Streptococcus thermophilus
Lb. acidophilus
Bifidobacterium bifidum
BioghurtR Sc. thermophilus
Lb. acidophilus
BifighurtR Bif. bifidum
Sc. thermophilus
Buttermilk (Bulgarian) Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
Buttermilk (cultured) Commercial butter starter or a mixture of: Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lc. lactis subsp.
cremoris, citrate-positive Lc. lactis, and Leuconostos mesenteroides subsp. cremoris
Cultura Lb. acidophilus
Bif. bifidum
Cultured cream As for cultured buttermilk, but usually without Leuconostoc spp.
Dahi Sc. thermophilus
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus or
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis, Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris, citrate-positive Lc. lactis (the final choice
depends on the country of manufacture)
Dadih Lb. casei subsp. casei, Ln. paramesenteroides, Lb. plantarum, Lc. lactis subsp. lactis, Lc. lactis
subsp. cremoris, citrate-positive Lc. lactis Enterococcus faecium (depends on the place of
Filmjölk Lc. lactis subsp. lactis
citrate-positive Lc. lactis
Ln. mesenteroides subsp. cremoris
Kefir Lc. lactis subsp. lactis, Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris, citrate-positive Lc. lactis, Ln. mesenteroides
subsp. cremoris, Ln. mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum, Sc. thermophilus, Lb. delbrueckii
subsp. bulgaricus, Lb. acidophilus, Lb. helveticus, Lb. kefir, Lb. kefiranofaciens, Kluyveromyces
marxianus, Saccharomyces spp.
German kefir Lc. lactis subsp. lactis, citrate-positive Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris, Sc. thermophilus, Lb. acidophilus,
Lb. lactis, Lb. brevis, Candida kefyr
Kumys Lb. acidophilus, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Saccharomyces lactis, Torula koumiss
Tätmjölk As for Filmjölk
Viili As for Filmjölk, plus Geotrichum candidum
Yakult Lb. casei subsp. casei
Yogurt (including labneh and Sc. thermophilus, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
related products)

Adapted from Kurmann JA and Rasic JLj (1988) Technology of fermented special products. In: Fermented Milks Science and Technology. Bulletin of
the IDF No. 227; Lee YK and Wong SF (1993) Stability of lactic acid bacteria in fermented milk. In: Salminen S and Wright A von (eds.) Lactic Acid
Bacteria, pp. 103–114. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.; Tamime AY and Robinson RK (1999) Yoghurt. Science and Technology, 2nd edn. Cambridge,
OK. Woodhead Publishing Limifed.

Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, Second Edition, 2011, Vol. 2, 470-476

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472 Fermented Milks | Types and Standards of Identity

are the types of products obtained through mesophilic ‘tätmjölk’, produced in Sweden. It has a mild, sour taste
fermentation of milk, while yogurt, ‘laban’, ‘zabady’, and a ropy consistency. A similar fermented milk tradi-
‘labneh’, ‘skyr’, ‘yakult’, acidophilus milk, and Bulgarian tionally made in Norway is called ‘tettemelk’.
buttermilk represent products obtained as a result of ‘Filmjölk’, developed in Sweden in the early 1930s, is a
thermophilic fermentation of milk. sour milk used as a drink, often consumed with meals. It
contains 3.0% fat and it has a characteristic flavor and
Mesophilic fermentations aroma, and a relatively high viscosity.
Cultured buttermilk ‘Ymer’ (Denmark) and ‘lactofil’ (Sweden) are concen-
Cultured buttermilk, a low-acid fermented milk, is a trated after fermentation by removal of a fixed percentage
pasteurized skim milk fermented by a lactic culture and of whey. Both these products are made with nonropy
by aroma-producing bacteria. High-quality cultured but- culture. (see Fermented Milks: Nordic Fermented
termilk has mild acid flavor with an aromatic diacetyl Milks).
overtone and a smooth viscous body and texture. Its appear-
ance is soft white, without gas holes or whey separation, and Thermophilic fermentations
the product remains fresh for at least 10 days at 5  C. Yogurt
Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris and Lc. lactis subsp. lactis are Yogurt, a medium-acid fermented milk, is fermented by
responsible for acid production, while citrate-positive symbiotic cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus and
strains of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus characterized by a
Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris are the primary smooth, viscous gel with a delicate walnutty flavor. The
sources of flavor and aroma, because of their ability to two yogurt bacteria reside either naturally in the milk (in
produce diacetyl, an important volatile compound that is the regions where yogurt is traditionally made) or are
critical for cultured buttermilk quality, giving the product added as starter cultures at 2–5% inoculum, preferably
its characteristic buttery flavor and aroma. at a 1:1 ratio. Incubation is at 42–45  C for 3–6 h until pH
Most cultured buttermilks are made with mixed cul- 4.4 and 0.9–1.2% titratable acidity is reached.
tures as shown in Table 1. Milk is fermented at 22  C The delicate flavor of plain yogurt is achieved through
until a titratable acidity of 0.9% is reached. Incubation at a protocooperation relationship between rods and cocci,
22  C is necessary to enable both species of starter cul- which is influenced by factors such as incubation tem-
ture to produce the desirable characteristics of cultured perature and acid concentration. Lactobacillus delbrueckii
buttermilk. Incubation at a higher temperature would subsp. bulgaricus produces amino acids and peptides
favor the growth of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis, resulting in required by Sc. thermophilus as growth factors, while
excess acid production, and diminish aroma production folate is produced by Sc. thermophilus to support the
by Ln. mesenteroides subsp. cremoris. Buttermilks are growth of Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus.
most popular in Germany and Scandinavian countries. Volatile compounds include small amounts of acetic
See Fermented Milks: Buttermilk. acid, diacetyl, and acetaldehyde produced by
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, which contributes much to
Cultured cream the unique flavor of yogurt. Heat treatment of yogurt after
Cultured cream or sour cream, a low-acid fermented milk, fermentation is permitted in most countries. Alternative
is an extremely viscous product with the flavor and aroma nutritive sweeteners such as aspartame are also permitted.
of buttermilk. The final pH value of a freshly produced Based on the method of production, there are two types of
sour cream is about 4.5. It normally contains not less than yogurt, namely, set and stirred yogurt.
18% butterfat. The functions of the starter cultures are the Yogurt and yogurt-like products are made widely in
same as in cultured buttermilk, dominated by Lc. lactis. The the Mediterranean area, Asia, Africa, and central Europe.
incubation temperature is 21–24  C. Synonyms for yogurt or related fermented milks through-
out various countries are shown in Table 2. ‘Zabady’ or
Nordic (Scandinavian) fermented milks Egyptian yogurt is traditionally made from sheep’s milk.
Characteristic types of Nordic fermented milks are noted ‘Dahi’ and ‘dadih’ are Indian and Indonesian yogurts,
for their high viscosity and ropiness. They owe these respectively. Buffalo milk is often used in the manufacture
properties to the vigorous growth of capsule-forming of these products, sometimes in combination with bovine
lactococci, mainly Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris. If one applies milk. See Fermented Milks: Asian Fermented Milks;
a needle or a spoon to the milk surface, long strings will Middle Eastern Fermented Milks; Yogurt: Role of
appear when the needle or spoon is lifted. The ropy Starter Culture; and Yogurt: Types and Manufacture.
character of these fermented milks is derived from the
formation of exopolysaccharides formed by the lactococci Bulgarian buttermilk
involved in fermentation. An example of a traditional Bulgarian buttermilk, a high-acid fermented milk, is made
product of this type is ‘långfil’, also referred to as by inoculating Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus alone (at 2%

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Fermented Milks | Types and Standards of Identity 473

Table 2 Yogurt-related fermented milks in various countries strain Shirota, and the protein content is 1.08%. See
Fermented Milks: Asian Fermented Milks and Health
Synonym Country
Effects of Fermented Milks.
Dahi India
Dadih Indonesia
Probiotic fermented milks
Katyk Kazakhstan
Laben, leben Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt Probiotic fermented milks are made with specific
Laben, rayeb Saudi Arabia strains of various probiotic bacteria, including bifidobac-
Mast Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan teria. Some strains of Lb. acidophilus, Lb. casei, and
Matzoon, madzoon Armenia Bifidobacterium spp. are the most commonly used probiotic
Roba, rob Egypt, Sudan, Iraq
bacteria in the manufacture of fermented milks. These
Tarho Hungary
Tiaourti Greece and some other microorganisms are thought to confer
Yaourt Russia, Bulgaria health and nutritional benefits, through their activity in
Zabady, zabade Egypt, Sudan the intestinal tract. The traditional yogurt starter cultures
Sc. thermophilus and Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus do not
grow in the intestinal tract. However, they do improve the
inoculum) into pasteurized whole milk and incubating at utilization of lactose in persons who are lactose maldiges-
38–42  C for 10–12 h, until a curd forms with about 1.4% tors, and some probiotic fermented milks are processed in
titratable acidity, which gives it a sharp acidic flavor. This a similar manner to yogurt, fermented by yogurt starter
product is popular only in Bulgaria. cultures enriched with probiotic bacteria.
The number of fermented milks made with probiotic
microorganisms has increased markedly over the past few
Acidophilus milk
decades. Such fermented milks are usually made with
Acidophilus milk is cultured with Lactobacillus acidophilus,
more than one organism although products made with
whose primary function is to produce lactic acid from
single-strain cultures are also known.
lactose. Moreover, Lb. acidophilus is considered to be a
In Germany for example, fermented milks made with
probiotic bacterium, and has been claimed to confer var-
probiotic bacteria include ‘bifighurt’, ‘bioghurt’, and ‘bio-
ious nutritional and health benefits on consumers. An
garde’, while a product called ‘cultura’, made with
ability to grow in the presence of acid and bile acids
Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lb. acidophilus, originated in
enables it to survive in the intestinal tract.
Denmark. Often, fermented milks presently manufac-
Lactobacillus acidophilus grows only slowly in milk and
tured in various regions and countries reflect local
therefore it is essential to maintain the inoculum’s activity
traditions of homemade fermented milks.
by daily transfers of mother culture; this will help to
The success of fermented milk products relates to
ensure consistent results. Acidophilus milk is fermented
nutrition and health, versatility, and marketing.
at 38  C with the inoculum of 2–5% active culture, until a
Scientific and clinical evidence is also mounting to sup-
curd forms (which usually happens after 18–24 h).
port the consumer perception of health from fermented
The final product contains 1.5–2.0% lactic acid but no
milks. See Bacteria, Beneficial: Probiotics, Applications
alcohol. It is cooled to 10  C before agitation and pumped
in Dairy Products and Fermented Milks: Health Effects
to a filler where it is filled into bottles or cartons.
of Fermented Milks.
In some countries, doctors recommend acidophilus
milk to patients with various gastrointestinal tract disor-
ders including constipation, nonulcerative colitis, and
diarrhea. See Fermented Milks: Health Effects of Yeast–Lactic Fermentations
Fermented Milks. Kefir
Kefir, an acidic and alcoholic fermented milk, has a sour
Yakult cream-like consistency and a distinct flavor. This foamy,
Yakult is renowned in Japan mainly on account of claims effervescent drink containing 0.9–1.1% lactic acid and
of its health-promoting properties. It is made with 0.3–1.0% alcohol has achieved great popularity in eastern
Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei strain Shirota, which appears Europe, but its consumption is limited elsewhere, which is
to remain viable in the intestinal tract of humans and is in part due to problems with packaging and distribution
also a probiotic bacterium. (if low temperature is not maintained, yeasts present in
The milk solids content in yakult is 3.6%, but it has kefir will continue to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide
16% added sucrose. Yakult is a Drink based on during storage).
Fermented Milk, consisting of 40% fermented milk, Kefir is usually made using whole milk by subjecting it
which is fermented by a single-strain culture. The final to severe heat treatment (95  C for 5 min) to denature the
product contains 108 cfu ml 1 viable Lb. casei subsp. casei whey proteins and therefore improve the viscosity of the

Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, Second Edition, 2011, Vol. 2, 470-476

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474 Fermented Milks | Types and Standards of Identity

end product. The so-called kefir grains, a mixture of Standards of Identity

bacteria and yeasts, constitute the inoculum. Starter cul-
ture is prepared from kefir grains, Lactobacillus kefiri, and The International Dairy Federation (IDF) published gen-
species of the genera Leuconostoc, Lactococcus, and eral standards of identity for fermented milks, which
Acetobacter growing in a strong specific relationship. Kefir could be briefly described as follows: Fermented milks
grains constitute both lactose-fermenting yeasts are prepared from milk and/or milk products (e.g., any
(Kluyveromyces marxianus) and non-lactose-fermenting one or combinations of whole, partially or fully skimmed,
yeasts (Saccharomyces unisporus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, concentrated or powdered milk, buttermilk powder, con-
and Saccharomyces exiguus). centrated or powdered whey, milk protein (such as whey
Incubation temperature for the kefir fermentation is proteins, whey protein concentrates, soluble milk pro-
18–22  C. After approximately 20 h, the product will con- teins, edible casein and caseinates), cream, butter or
tain up to 0.8% ethanol and 1.0% carbon dioxide. Fresh milk fat – all of which have been manufactured from
kefir is often held for several hours to ripen, which raw materials that have been at least pasteurized) by the
improves viscosity and stability of the coagulum. See action of specific microorganisms, which results in a
Fermented Milks: Kefir. reduction of the pH with and without coagulation.
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) and its com-
Kumys mittees, together with the IDF, have established
Kumys, another fermented milk containing acid and alco- regulations of international standards for fermented
hol, is traditionally made from mares’ milk. This product milks, Codex Standard for Fermented Milks (Codex
is a result of the fermentation of milk by Lb. delbrueckii Stan 243-2003), describing fermented milk, concentrated
subsp. bulgaricus and lactose-fermenting yeasts, for exam- fermented milk, and flavored fermented milks. Since
ple, Saccharomyces lactis and K. marxianus. Carbon dioxide drinkable fermented milk products such as yakult that
imparts frothy appearance to the product and contributes
existed in the market were not covered by the current
to flavor.
standards of identity, proposed draft amendment to the
Starter culture for kumys, which may include Lb. acid-
Codex Standard for Fermented Milks pertaining to drinks
ophilus, is added at a rate of 10–30% at 26–28  C, to give
based on fermented milk is currently being developed,
an initial acidity of 0.45% lactic acid, and is incubated
proposed to have a minimum content of 40% fermented
further. Depending on the duration of fermentation, the
milk, with a minimum protein content of 1.08% and a
final product may have (1) 0.6% lactic acid and 0.7%
minimum titratable acidity of 0.1% (titratable acidity
alcohol, (2) 0.8% lactic acid and 1.1–1.7% alcohol, or
expressed as percent lactic acid (% w/w)).
(3) 1.0% lactic acid and 1.7–2.5% alcohol. See
Fermented milks with a minimum protein content of
Fermented Milks: Asian Fermented Milks.
2.7% (Table 3) are usually classified into set yogurt,
Acidophilus-yeast milk
stirred yogurt, alternative culture yogurt, cultured butter-
Acidophilus-yeast milk is produced only in countries of milk, cultured cream products, kefir, kumys, and fermented
the former USSR. Whole or skimmed milk is heated at special products. Each country has its own standards for
90–95  C for 10–15 min, cooled to 35  C, and inoculated milk as raw material, starter culture, manufacturing proce-
with 3–5% mixed starter culture of Lb. acidophilus and dures, quality requirements, and legal requirements.
Sacch. lactis at 35  C, until 0.8% lactic acid and approx. In the United States, the Code of Federal Regulations
0.5% ethanol are produced. The product is described as (CFR) of the Food and Drug Administration sets the
viscous, with slightly acidic and yeasty taste. standards of identity for yogurt. Three categories are
listed, namely, yogurt, low-fat yogurt, and nonfat yogurt
(Table 4).
Mold in Lactic Fermentations Heat treatment after fermentation of yogurt results in
Viili an extension of shelf life, but kills the yogurt cultures.
Generally, fermented milks are not made with a mold as a IDF Standard 47 defines fermented milks as products
component of the starter culture. An exception to this rule with no heat treatment after the fermentation. The
is the Finnish product viili. The starter culture includes current Codex Alimentarius trend is to differentiate
citrate-positive Lc. lactis and Ln. mesenteroides subsp. between live product and heat-treated product by clear
cremoris, together with a mold, Geotrichum candidum. labeling, for example, ‘contains no active cultures’,
The milk, which contains 2.5–3.9% fat, is inoculated for the consumer information. IDF provides a recom-
with starter cultures at 18–21  C, and incubated to reach a mended method for the enumeration of total viable
final acidity of 0.9% lactic acid. The ropy character of count in yogurt. The total viable count is proposed to
viili is derived from the formation of capsules by lacto- be 108 cfu g 1 yogurt at the time of manufacture, and
cocci. (see Fermented Milks: Nordic Fermented Milks). Codex Standard for Fermented Milks (Codex Stan

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Fermented Milks | Types and Standards of Identity 475

Table 3 Minimum composition types and standard of identity of fermented milks

Yogurt, alternate culture

Fermented yogurt, and Acidophilus
milk milk Kefir Kumys

Milk proteina–(% w/w) Min. 2.7% Min. 2.7% Min. 2.7%

Milk fat (% w/w) Less than Less than 15% Less than 10% Less than 10%
Titrable acidity, expressed as percent lactic Min. 0.3% Min. 0.6% Min. 0.6% Min. 0.7%
acid (% w/w)
Ethanol (% v/w) Min. 0.5%
Sum of microorganisms constituting the Min. 107 Min. 107 Min. 107 Min. 107
starter culture defined in section 2.1
(cfu 1g in total)
Labeled microorganismsb (cfu 1g total) Min. 106 Min. 106
Yeasts (cfu 1g) Min. 104 Min. 104
Protein content is 6.38 multiplied by the total Kjeldahl nitrogen determined.
Applies where a content claim is made in the labeling that refers to the presence of a specific microorganism (other than those specified in section 2.1
of Codex Standard for Fermented Milks CODEX STAN 243-2003 for the product concerned) that has been added as a supplement to the specific
starter culture.
Source: Codex Standard for Fermented Milks CODEX STAN 243-2003.

spices, and other harmless natural flavoring foods)

Table 4 Composition standards for yogurt in the United States
and/or flavors. The nondairy ingredients can be
Composition Low fat Nonfat mixed in prior to or after fermentation.
(%) Yogurt yogurt yogurt The current standards of identity for fermented milks
Fat >3.25 >0.5 to <2.0 <0.5
concern milk fat, milk protein content, amount of starter
Protein 4.4 5.7 5.2 cultures, a minimum live and active culture content of
Carbohydrate 7.5 7.5 6.9 labeled microorganisms added as supplement to the spe-
Milk solids nonfat >8.25 >8.25 >8.25 cific starter cultures as well as titratable acidity expressed
Titratable acidity >0.9 >0.9 >0.9 as lactic acid.

See also: Bacteria, Beneficial: Probiotics, Applications

243-2003) defines the viable count of yogurt starter after in Dairy Products. Fermented Milks: Asian Fermented
the product has been stored under the storage conditions Milks; Buttermilk; Health Effects of Fermented Milks;
specified in the labeling at the end of expired date as a Kefir; Middle Eastern Fermented Milks; Nordic Fermented
minimum 106 cfu g 1 viable yogurt starter organisms Milks; Yogurt: Role of Starter Culture; Yogurt: Types and
(Table 3). Manufacture.
Many countries have their own standards of identity
for yogurt and other fermented milk, normally based on
fat and solids nonfat content and acidity. The FAO/ Further Reading
WHO CAC has drafted standards for yogurt as partly
skimmed and skimmed yogurt. Four yogurt types are Codex Standard for Fermented Milks (CODEX STAN 243-2003).
International Dairy Federation (IDF) (1982) IDF Bulletin 149.
included, namely, yogurt, flavored yogurt, sweetened International Dairy Federation (IDF) (1997) Dairy starter cultures of lactic
yogurt, and product pasteurized after fermentation. acid bacteria (LAB) standard of identity. IDF Bulletin 149A.
Kosikowski FV and Mistry VV (1997a) Cheese and Fermented Milk
Concentrated fermented milk is a fermented milk in
Foods, Vol. 1: Origins and Principles, 3rd edn. Westport, CT: FV
which the protein content has been increased prior to or Kosikowski.
after fermentation to a minimum of 5.6%. Concentrated Kosikowski FV and Mistry VV (1997b) Cheese and Fermented Milk
Foods, Vol. 2: Procedures and Analysis, 3rd edn. Westport, CT: FV
fermented milk includes traditional products such as Kosikowski.
stragisto (strained yogurt), labneh, ymer, and ylette. Kurmann JA and Rasic JLJ (1988) Technology of fermented special
Flavored fermented milks are composite milk products. Fermented Milks Science and Technology, pp. 138–164.
Brussels: IDF. Bulletin of the IDF No. 227, pp. 138-164. Brussels:
products, which contain a maximum of 50% (w/w) of IDF.
nondairy ingredients (such as nutritive and nonnutri- Kurmann JA, Rasic JLJ, and Kroger M (1992) Encyclopedia of
tive sweeteners, fruits, and vegetables as well as juices, Fermented Fresh Milk Products. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Lee YK and Wong SF (1993) Stability of lactic acid bacteria in fermented
purees, pulps, preparations and preserves derived milk. In: Salminen S and von Wright A (eds.) Lactic Acid Bacteria,
there from cereals, honey, chocolate, nuts, coffee, pp. 103–114. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.

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Author's personal copy
476 Fermented Milks | Types and Standards of Identity

Puhan Z (1988) Results of the questionnaire 1785B ‘Fermented Milks’. Tamime AY (ed.) (2006) Fermented Milks. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
In: Fermented Milks – Science and Technology. Bulletin of the IDF Tamime AY and Marshall VME (1997) Microbiology and technology of
No. 227. fermented milks. In: Law BA (ed.) Microbiology and Biochemistry of
Robinson RK and Tamime AY (1990) Microbiology of fermented milks. Cheese and Fermented Milk, pp. 57–152. London: Blackie
In: Robinson RK (ed.) Dairy Microbiology, Vol. 2: The Microbiology of Academic and Professional.
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Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, Second Edition, 2011, Vol. 2, 470-476

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