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very strange or I can't believe we're getting involved in

BIZARRE ( pelik)
unusual something so bizarre

BYGONE (telah belonging to an

Let's not talk of bygones
berlalu) earlier time

BOUNTIFUL The villagers think this years crop will

large in quantity
(banyak) be bountiful

BOUNTIFUL The villagers think this year's crop will

large in quantity
(banyak) be bountiful

BAFFLING impossible to I found what he was saying completely

(membingungkan) understand baffling.

BASHFUL (malu) shy He seemed bashful and awkward.

Everyone enjoyed today's weather as it

BALMY (nyaman) refreshing
was balmy.

CONCISE(ringkas giving a lot of information Write the letter in a clear, concise

dan padat) clearly and in a few words style.
hold close in one's arms
as a way of showing love A dream of mine is to cuddle a
CUDDLE(peluk) or affection baby koala in Australia.

a small house, typically The nearest cottage was still some

COTTAGE(kotej) one in the country distance away.
the showing of politeness in
COURTESY(budi one's attitude and behaviour He treated the players with courtesy
bahasa) towards others and good humour.
having the ability, fitness,
or quality necessary to do
or achieve a specified I'm quite capable of taking care of
CAPABLE(mampu) thing myself.
CONDUCIVE providing the right A quiet room is a more conducive
(selesa) conditions for something atmosphere for studying.

good to happen
CULTIVATION the act of preparing land These fields have been under
(penanaman) and growing crops on it cultivation for years.
CONSUME He consumes huge amounts of
to eat or drink
(makan atau minum) bread with every meal

DEDUCTION The act of removing a part from the Our deduction was based on the
(deduksi) whole to find the answer to a problem. information given to us at the time.
DEFAME The article is an attempt to defame
Charge falsely or with malicious intent.
(memfitnah) an honest man.
DEFIANCE An act boldly resisting authority or an There was challenge and defiance in
(penentangan) opposing force. her gaze.
DEPICT Road maps depict major roads in a
Show in, or as in, a picture.
(menggambarkan) state.
DISCORD No discord has yet been found
Lack of agreement or harmony.
(perselisihan) between them.

a sense of pride in oneself; self- After graduation, she walk with

DIGNITY(maruah) respect. respect and dignity
DURABLE (tahan able to withstand pressure, or Metal is a strong and durable
lama) damage; material
an action that is performed Doing good deed is liked by
DEED( perbuatan) intentionally or consciously. many people
a feeling of having already I get a deja vu of straight A’s in
DEJA VU(ramalan) experienced the present situation. the next coming exam.

He was physically strong and

the trait of being willing to undertake became a daring climber of rocky
DARING (BERANI) things that involve risk cliffs.
Janet found herself in a dilemma
DILEMMA (KEADAAN when her two best friends were
SERBA SALAH) a difficult situation or problem fighting.
to make something happen at a later
time than originally planned or Mina is nothing if not didactic, she
DELAY (KELEWATAN) expected always rule her friends.
DISCOURAGE (PATAH cause (someone) to lose confidence We want to discourage children
SEMANGAT) or enthusiasm from smoking.
This recipe makes three dozen
DOZEN (SEDOZEN) a group or set of twelve cookies.

She hoped to emulate her
EMULATE to match to be equal or excel mother’s success.
ENCHANTED Isabel was enchanted with the
( TERPESONA) filled with delight idea
She hopes the book and
ENLIGHTEN (MEMBERI give understanding about a subject or documentary will enlighten
PENCERAHAN) situation. people
a person who is actively opposed or the enemy shot down four
ENEMY (MUSUH) hostile to someone or something. helicopters

the feeling that you wish you had I watched with envy as she set
ENVY (CEMBURU) something that someone else has. off for the airport.
FATE ( nasib ) a destiny A terrible fate awaited her.
The meeting was an absolute
FARCE ( sandiwara ) any funny situation in real life farce.
FABRICATE He was late, so he fabricated an
( mengada-adakan ) to make up something that is not true excuse to avoid trouble.
FACILE ( mudah ) easily accomplished That was a facile victory.

I should like to take this opportunity oto

brave thank the gallant conduct of everyone
(gagah berani)
involved in this rescue operation.

GARLAND flowers or leaves tied The islanders wore garlands of flowers

(kalungan bunga) or woven into a circles around their heads.

willing to give a lot of

GENEROUS It is very generous of you to pay for our
money, time for some
(pemurah) holiday.

the main part (of an

GIST (inti pati) Just give me the gist of what he said.

GHASTLY very bad or ugly / I made a ghastly mistake by marrying

(dahsyat) horrible or terrible him

Humble not having a high opinion of You have plenty of ability but
(rendah hati) oneself you’re too humble.
heed He refused to heed my
pay close attention to
(menghiraukan) warning
a person) looking very tired She looked haggard after a
(lesu dan
and thin-faced sleepless night.
hoard to keep large quantities of His mother told him to stop
(menimbun) (something), often in secret hoarding old newspapers.

Follow as a model/ copy (a

imitate (meniru
person's speech or She can imitate the calls of
mannerisms) many different birds.
Sari would like to immigrate to
immigrate to come to live permanently the United States and find a
(berpindah) in a country that is not your better life than the one she has
own in Syria
impossible or almost
illegible impossible to read because
(tidak teratur) of being very untidy or not
clear: His writing is almost illegible.

(jangkitan) the act of causing to become Poor hygiene can increase the
diseased danger of infection

insecure (tidak
yakin) uncertain or anxious about oneself; He still feels insecure about
not confident his ability to do the job.
to put something in a
situation where there is a risk Bad weather could jeopardize
of failing or being harmed all our plans.
JUMBLE a confused mixture or group
(bercampur) of things, to mix together in Her handbag is a jumble of
an untidy way pens, make-up and keys.

(gementar) nervousness, a feeling of Every time I have to make a
fright or uneasiness speech, I get the jitters.
JUBILANT feeling or showing great
(perasaan happiness, usually because I am jubilant when my sister is
gembira) of a success finally having a baby.

(keadilan) behaviour or treatment that is Justice is an important element
fair and morally correct of good government.

(of an object or action) require the
The cost of the pencil is
COST payment of (a specified sum of money)
before it can be acquired or done. 2.00 Ringgit.

I will pay him a hundred if

give (a sum of money) in exchange for
goods or work done or to settle a debt.
he help me to paint the
SPENDTHRIF a person who spends money in an Putt was a spendthrift and a
T extravagant, irresponsible way. heavy shopper

All the goods prepared

GOODS merchandise or possessions.
are ready for sale
As a consumer, we
a person who purchases goods and
CONSUMER services for personal use. should be wise when we
buy the things.

ACCURATE Correct, exact, and We hope to become more

(tepat) without any mistakes accurate in predicting earthquakes.

AWFUL Extremely bad or

The food was awful.
(teruk) unpleasant

ASTONISHED The doctors were astonished at the speed

Very surprised
(terkejut) of her recovery.

AMBITIOUS Having a strong The company was created by two

(bercita-cita determination to succeed very ambitious young men.

ADVANCED Modern and recently The biologist advanced a new theory

(maju) developed of life.

AUTHENTIC We went to an authentic Mexican

(asli) restaurant for my birthday.

ABANDONED Having been deserted or It was bad enough that I abandoned

(diabaikan) left her.

ACKNOWLEDGE To accept, admit or You must acknowledge the
(mengakui) recognise something truth of her argument.

Likeable and pleasant Sarah has an amiable manner.

ANXIOUS The drought has made farmers anxious

Worried and nervous:
(cemas) about the harvest.

Of or from a long time

ANCIENT ago, People have lived in this valley since
(purba) having lasted for a ancient times.
very long time

APPRAISAL Assessment or I made a quick appraisal of the situation

(penilaian) evaluation and decided to leave right away.

to love someone very

ADORE ( menyukai) She has one son and she adores him

AMEND to modify or alter The rule was amended according to

( membetulkan) something school law

AMUSE We amused ourselves by watching the

to entertain someone
( menghiburkan) comedy movie

to make an urgent His mother made an appeal for his

APPEAL (rayuan)
request son's wrongdoing

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