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Quotation/Proposal Number 70014913388 Quotation/Proposal Date 06 - Nov - 2023

PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd.

Benefit Illustration for PNB MetLife Century Plan (UIN No. :117N129V01)
Individual, Non-Linked, Participating, Savings, Life Insurance Plan
Personal details
Name of the Life Assured Test Name of the Product PNB MetLife Century Plan
Age of Life Assured 38 Tag Line Individual, Non-Linked, Participating, Savings, Life Insurance Plan
Gender of Life Assured Male UIN 117N129V01

Name of Policyholder Test GST rate applicable 1st year / 2nd year onwards 4.500% / 2.250%
Age of Policyholder 38
Gender of Policyholder Male
Is client an employee? No
Policy Term 42 years
Premium Payment Term 15 years
Amount of Instalment Premium 1,00,000
Mode of payment of Premium Annual

How to read and understand this benefit illustration?

This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy, at two assumed rates of interest i.e., 8% p.a. and 4% p.a.Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future
performance of your insurer carrying on life insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed benefits then these will be clearly marked guaranteed in the illustration table on this page. If your policy offers variable benefits then the illustrations on this page will
show two different rates of assumed future investment returns, of 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dependent on a number
of factors including future investment performance.

Policy Details
Policy Options Death Benefit multiple 10.25 Annualised Premium (Rs.) 1,00,000
Plan Option Smart Income Base Sum Assured (Rs.) 10,00,000 Age Extra No
Maturity Option Upto Age 80 Sum Assured on Death (at inception of policy) (Rs.) 10,25,000 Health Extra No
Family Care Benefit No High Premium Reward Yes

Bonus Type Cash Bonus

Income payout mode Annual
Premium Summary
Base Plan Age Extra Health Extra Total Installment Premium
Installment Premium without GST (Rs.) 1,00,000 0 0 1,00,000
Installment Premium with First Year GST (Rs.) 1,04,500 0 0 1,04,500 Premium to be
Installment Premium with GST Second Year Onwards (Rs.) 1,02,250 0 0 1,02,250 collected

PNB MetLife India Ins ura nce Compa ny Limited, Regis tered office: Unit No 701,702 a nd 703, 7th Floor, Wes t Wing ,Ra heja Towers , 26/27 M G Roa d, Ba nga lore- 560001, Ka rna ta ka .
Ca ll us Toll-free a t 1-800-425-6969, Ema il: india s or write to us : 1s t Floor, Techniplex -1, Techniplex Complex, Off Veer Sa va rka r Flyover,
Gorega on (Wes t), Mumba i - 400062, Ma ha ra s htra . Phone: +91-22-41790000, Fa x: +91-22-41790203. IRDA of India Regis tra tion Number: 117, CI No.: U66010KA2001PLC028883,
Webs ite:
Base Policy Benefit Details
Total Benefits including Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed Benefits
Guaranteed benefits Non-Guaranteed benefits @4% Non-Guaranteed benefits @8%
Survival Benefit Maturity Benefit Death Benefit Surrender Benefit
Total Total Total Total Total
Age of Annualised Total Survival Maturity Maturity Death Death Total Total
Policy the Life premium* Min.
Year Assured Guaranteed Fixed Surrender Death Maturity Accrued Cash Fixed Surrender Accrued Cash Fixed Surrender Survival Benefit Benefit, Benefit, Benefit, Benefit, Surrender Surrender
(Rs.) Cash Bonus Income Benefit** Benefit Benefit Reversionary Bonus Income Benefit** Reversionary Bonus Income Benefit** Benefit @8% including including including including Value Value
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Bonuses (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Bonuses (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) @4% Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal @4% @8%
(15) = Bonus, if Bonus, if Bonus, if Bonus, if
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) = (1+ 11+ any @4% any @8% any @4% any @8% (20) = (21) =
(1+7+8) 12) (3+9) (3+13)
(16) (17) (18) (19)
1 38 1,00,000 0 0 0 10,25,000 0 0 19,550 0 0 0 38,000 0 0 19,550 38,000 0 0 10,44,550 10,63,000 0 0
2 39 1,00,000 0 0 60,000 10,25,000 0 0 19,550 0 19,550 0 38,000 0 38,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 10,44,550 10,63,000 79,550 98,000
3 40 1,00,000 0 0 1,05,000 10,25,000 0 0 19,550 0 39,100 0 38,000 0 76,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 10,44,550 10,63,000 1,44,100 1,81,000
4 41 1,00,000 0 0 2,00,000 10,25,000 0 0 19,550 0 58,650 0 38,000 0 1,14,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 10,44,550 10,63,000 2,58,650 3,14,000
5 42 1,00,000 0 0 2,50,000 10,25,000 0 0 19,550 0 78,200 0 38,000 0 1,52,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 10,44,550 10,63,000 3,28,200 4,02,000
6 43 1,00,000 0 0 3,18,000 10,25,000 0 0 19,550 0 97,750 0 38,000 0 1,90,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 10,44,550 10,63,000 4,15,750 5,08,000
7 44 1,00,000 0 0 3,92,000 10,25,000 0 0 19,550 0 1,17,300 0 38,000 0 2,28,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 10,44,550 10,63,000 5,09,300 6,20,000
8 45 1,00,000 0 0 4,72,000 10,25,000 0 0 19,550 0 1,36,850 0 38,000 0 2,66,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 10,44,550 10,63,000 6,08,850 7,38,000
9 46 1,00,000 0 0 5,58,000 10,25,000 0 0 19,550 0 1,56,400 0 38,000 0 3,04,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 10,44,550 10,63,000 7,14,400 8,62,000
10 47 1,00,000 0 0 6,50,000 10,50,000 0 0 19,550 0 1,75,950 0 38,000 0 3,42,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 10,50,000 10,63,000 8,25,950 9,92,000
11 48 1,00,000 0 0 7,48,000 11,55,000 0 0 19,550 0 2,78,000 0 38,000 0 5,33,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 11,55,000 11,55,000 10,26,000 12,81,000
12 49 1,00,000 0 0 8,52,000 12,60,000 0 0 19,550 0 2,83,100 0 38,000 0 5,74,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 12,60,000 12,60,000 11,35,100 14,26,000
13 50 1,00,000 0 0 9,62,000 13,65,000 0 0 19,550 0 2,84,200 0 38,000 0 6,13,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 13,65,000 13,65,000 12,46,200 15,75,000
14 51 1,00,000 0 0 10,78,000 14,70,000 0 0 19,550 0 2,82,300 0 38,000 0 6,52,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 14,70,000 14,70,000 13,60,300 17,30,000
15 52 1,00,000 0 0 12,00,000 15,75,000 0 0 19,550 0 2,76,400 0 38,000 0 6,91,000 19,550 38,000 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 14,76,400 18,91,000
16 53 0 0 0 12,45,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 2,93,250 0 45,500 0 7,47,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 15,38,250 19,92,000
17 54 0 0 0 12,90,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 3,14,710 0 45,500 0 8,13,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 16,04,710 21,03,000
18 55 0 0 0 13,35,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 3,36,170 0 45,500 0 8,81,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 16,71,170 22,16,000
19 56 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 3,57,630 0 45,500 0 9,80,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 17,07,630 23,30,000
20 57 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 4,05,180 0 45,500 0 10,97,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 17,55,180 24,47,000
21 58 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 4,63,100 0 45,500 0 12,15,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 18,13,100 25,65,000
22 59 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 5,21,020 0 45,500 0 13,35,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 18,71,020 26,85,000
23 60 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 5,79,940 0 45,500 0 14,58,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 19,29,940 28,08,000
24 61 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 6,39,860 0 45,500 0 15,84,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 19,89,860 29,34,000
25 62 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 6,99,780 0 45,500 0 17,12,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 20,49,780 30,62,000
26 63 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 7,60,700 0 45,500 0 18,44,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 21,10,700 31,94,000
27 64 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 8,22,620 0 45,500 0 19,80,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 21,72,620 33,30,000
28 65 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 8,84,540 0 45,500 0 21,19,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 22,34,540 34,69,000
29 66 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 9,48,460 0 45,500 0 22,64,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 22,98,460 36,14,000
30 67 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 21,460 0 10,11,380 0 45,500 0 24,14,000 21,460 45,500 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 23,61,380 37,64,000
31 68 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 10,45,300 0 53,000 0 25,70,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 23,95,300 39,20,000
32 69 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 10,81,020 0 53,000 0 27,40,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 24,31,020 40,90,000
33 70 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 11,12,740 0 53,000 0 29,19,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 16,10,000 24,62,740 42,69,000
34 71 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 11,45,830 0 53,000 0 31,06,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 16,91,000 24,95,830 44,56,000
35 72 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 12,07,440 0 53,000 0 33,02,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 17,81,000 25,57,440 46,52,000

PNB MetLife India Ins ura nce Compa ny Limited, Regis tered office: Unit No 701,702 a nd 703, 7th Floor, Wes t Wing ,Ra heja Towers , 26/27 M G Roa d, Ba nga lore- 560001, Ka rna ta ka .
Ca ll us Toll-free a t 1-800-425-6969, Ema il: india s or write to us : 1s t Floor, Techniplex -1, Techniplex Complex, Off Veer Sa va rka r Flyover,
Gorega on (Wes t), Mumba i - 400062, Ma ha ra s htra . Phone: +91-22-41790000, Fa x: +91-22-41790203. IRDA of India Regis tra tion Number: 117, CI No.: U66010KA2001PLC028883,
Webs ite:
Base Policy Benefit Details
Total Benefits including Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed Benefits
Guaranteed benefits Non-Guaranteed benefits @4% Non-Guaranteed benefits @8%
Survival Benefit Maturity Benefit Death Benefit Surrender Benefit
Total Total Total Total Total
Age of Annualised Total Survival Maturity Maturity Death Death Total Total
Policy the Life premium* Min.
Year Assured Guaranteed Fixed Surrender Death Maturity Accrued Cash Fixed Surrender Accrued Cash Fixed Surrender Survival Benefit Benefit, Benefit, Benefit, Benefit, Surrender Surrender
(Rs.) Cash Bonus Income Benefit** Benefit Benefit Reversionary Bonus Income Benefit** Reversionary Bonus Income Benefit** Benefit @8% including including including including Value Value
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Bonuses (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Bonuses (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) @4% Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal @4% @8%
(15) = Bonus, if Bonus, if Bonus, if Bonus, if
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) = (1+ 11+ any @4% any @8% any @4% any @8% (20) = (21) =
(1+7+8) 12) (3+9) (3+13)
(16) (17) (18) (19)
36 73 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 12,71,450 0 53,000 0 35,11,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 18,84,000 26,21,450 48,61,000
37 74 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 13,36,760 0 53,000 0 37,34,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 20,01,000 26,86,760 50,84,000
38 75 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 14,04,520 0 53,000 0 39,74,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 21,35,000 27,54,520 53,24,000
39 76 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 14,73,630 0 53,000 0 42,34,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 22,89,000 28,23,630 55,84,000
40 77 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 15,47,690 0 53,000 0 45,19,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 24,68,000 28,97,690 58,69,000
41 78 0 0 0 13,50,000 15,75,000 0 0 23,360 0 16,75,300 0 53,000 0 46,25,000 23,360 53,000 0 0 15,75,000 24,68,000 30,25,300 59,75,000
42 79 0 0 0 0 15,75,000 15,75,000 0 23,360 0 0 0 53,000 0 0 23,360 53,000 20,55,000 32,05,000 15,75,000 27,08,000 0 0

PNB MetLife India Ins ura nce Compa ny Limited, Regis tered office: Unit No 701,702 a nd 703, 7th Floor, Wes t Wing ,Ra heja Towers , 26/27 M G Roa d, Ba nga lore- 560001, Ka rna ta ka .
Ca ll us Toll-free a t 1-800-425-6969, Ema il: india s or write to us : 1s t Floor, Techniplex -1, Techniplex Complex, Off Veer Sa va rka r Flyover,
Gorega on (Wes t), Mumba i - 400062, Ma ha ra s htra . Phone: +91-22-41790000, Fa x: +91-22-41790203. IRDA of India Regis tra tion Number: 117, CI No.: U66010KA2001PLC028883,
Webs ite:
*Annualized Premiums exclude underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premium, the premiums paid towards the Riders, if any, Goods & service tax. Refer Sales literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
**In case cash bonuses have been paid out, the same (alongwith Fixed Income payout) shall be deducted from the Surrender Values indicated, at the time of payout.
Goods & Service Tax levied is as per presently applicable tax laws and the same are subject to changes in the tax laws in future. Please consult your Tax advisor for more details. Service Tax is inclusive of applicable cess.
Notes to the Benefit Illustration:
1. PNB MetLife Century Plan is only the name of the product and does not in any way indicate the quality of the product, its future prospects or returns.
2. Please read this benefit illustration in conjunction with the product brochure carefully to understand all Terms, Conditions and Exclusions before concluding a sale. The detailed Terms and Conditions are contained in the Policy Document.
3. Neither the Company nor any of its Advisor/ Financial Planning Consultants are authorised to offer any tax related advice. The tax benefits under various sections shall be available as per the prevailing tax regulations.
4. The above illustration is applicable to a standard life (in terms of medical, life style and occupation).
5. Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of the life insurance company. If your policy offers guaranteed returns then these will be clearly marked guaranteed in the illustration table.
6. The values in the illustration have been rounded off to the nearest rupee wherever applicable.
7. Cash bonus will be subject to a guaranteed minimum Cash Bonus Rate during premium payment term if Super Income Option is chosen and during Fixed Income Payout Period (as applicable) if Future Income option is chosen.
8. Fixed Income is equal to Sum of all accrued Simple Reversionary Bonuses divided by Fixed Income Payout Period (as applicable). Fixed Income Payout Period commences from 15th policy year and equal to outstanding term ll maturity or specified fixed period;
whichever is earlier. Such specified fixed period is 30 years for maturity age option 100 years and 20 years for maturity age option 80 years.
9. The above amounts assume that all premiums are paid when due. Further, the above death and surrender values are illustrated assuming that all the installment premium payable in a policy year are paid (i.e. the event occurs at the end of the policy year). The
death or surrender values at any time other than at the end of the policy year will be lower than those illustrated above.
10. For the purpose of illustra ons, we have used 4% and 8% as the lower and the higher rates of investment returns respec vely, in the calcula ons. These are in accordance with the guidelines issued by IRDA of India and in no way signify our expecta ons of
investment return on the funds and the actual investment returns may be higher or lower.
11. The maximum amount of policy loan payable is limited to 80% of the Surrender Value at the end of the relevant Policy Year less any unpaid premiums for that year and loan interest accrued to the end of that year.
12. In case of any conflict between this benefit illustration and your policy document, the latter shall prevail.
13. The main objective of the illustration is that you are able to understand the features of the product and the nature of benefits under different circumstances with some level of quantification.
14. The policy will acquire a surrender value after payment of two full years' premium and the policy can continue with paid up
15. Terminal Bonus (if any) shall be payable post premium payment term or 10 years whichever is earlier in the event of death of Life Assured, surrender or maturity
16. Surrender Value payable is taken as the higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value and Special Surrender Value. Please read the Policy document for more details.
17. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read Sales brochure of the particular plan carefully before concluding a sale.
18. The following riders are available along with this plan: PNB MetLife Accidental Death Benefit Rider Plus (UIN: 117B020V03), PNB MetLife Serious Illness Rider (UIN: 117B021V03).

I, …...................... (name), have explained the premiums, and benefits under the product fully to the prospect / policyholder. I, …...................... (name), having received the informa on with respect to the above, have understood the above statement
before entering into the contract.

Date: Date:
Signature of Agent / Intermediary / Official Signature of Prospect / Policyholder

Financial Advisor/Specified Person/Authorized Person of Broker Code/IMF: _________________

Branch/Location: _________________________ Contact No: ________________ Seal: ____________________

PNB MetLife India Ins ura nce Compa ny Limited, Regis tered office: Unit No 701,702 a nd 703, 7th Floor, Wes t Wing ,Ra heja Towers , 26/27 M G Roa d, Ba nga lore- 560001, Ka rna ta ka .
Ca ll us Toll-free a t 1-800-425-6969, Ema il: india s or write to us : 1s t Floor, Techniplex -1, Techniplex Complex, Off Veer Sa va rka r Flyover,
Gorega on (Wes t), Mumba i - 400062, Ma ha ra s htra . Phone: +91-22-41790000, Fa x: +91-22-41790203. IRDA of India Regis tra tion Number: 117, CI No.: U66010KA2001PLC028883,
Webs ite:

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