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An-Najah National ‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬

Faculty ofmedicine and health sciences ‫ الطب و علوم الصحه‬:‫لكية‬

Department of Biomedical sciences, ‫دائرة العلوم الطبية احليوية‬
Division of Anatomy, biochemistry and genetics ‫قسم الترشحي و الكميياء احليوية و الوراثة‬

Introduction to anatomy course outline

 Course Details
Course Title Introduction to Anatomy
Course Number 7101101
Academic Year 1st year
Term 1st semester
Prerequisite(s) None
Course Type: Compulsory / Elective… etc. Compulsory
Credit Hours 2

 Instructor Information
Instructor Name Dr. Ahmad Massarweh, MD, PhD.
Office 1911300
Email Address

 Class Details
Days Variable from one semester to another
Time Variable from one semester to another
Class Room Variable from one semester to another

 Important Dates
Varies according to the semester

 Course Description and Objectives

 Course Description: This theoretical course introduces the students to the basic
terminology required to study human anatomy. In addition, the course presents a
general overview of the structure and the function of the human integumentary,
skeletal, articular, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and nervous systems with
simplified clinical notes related to each system. Using numerous examples, the
course explains how medical anatomical terms are constructed and how to derive
their meaning.
 Objective: Provide the medical students with the basic terminology required study
future advanced courses in human anatomy, physiology and related topics

 Intended Learning Outcome (ILO’s)

A- Knowledge and understanding
A1.Define the anatomical terms and explain how to use them
A2.Memorize the meanings of words and word parts that are used to construct
medical and anatomical terms
A3.Describe the basic structure(gross and sometime microscopic) of the body
systems described in the course

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An-Najah National ‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬
Faculty ofmedicine and health sciences ‫ الطب و علوم الصحه‬:‫لكية‬
Department of Biomedical sciences, ‫دائرة العلوم الطبية احليوية‬
Division of Anatomy, biochemistry and genetics ‫قسم الترشحي و الكميياء احليوية و الوراثة‬

A4.Classify bones, joints, muscles, etc., based onaspects relevant to each of these
A5.Compare and contrast the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system
A6.List the basic imaging techniques and their advantages and disadvantages

B- Intellectual skills
B1.Deduce the meaning of a medical or an anatomical term based on prior
B2.Explain the importanceof thenormal anatomy of some body structuresand how
deviation from the normal anatomy may affect the function
B3.Explain how someconditions (physiological and pathological) may result in
anatomical changes observed clinically
B4.Determine a diagnosis from a simplified clinical case report

C- Professional and practical skills

C1.Determine the degree of a burn, estimate its surface area, and judge its severity
based on a burn case description (or a photo)
C2.Recognize and comment on some of the skin color changes related to disease
states based on a case description (or a photo)
C3.Identify the physical signs of bone fracture and some types of arthritis
C4.Identify varicose veins, lymphedema, lymphadenitis and lymphangitis based on
a case photo

D- General and transferable skills

D1. Show professional behavior in the class and during class activities
D2. Present homework and assignments in a well-organized manner
D3.Use respected online sources to reach for scientific information and knowledge

 Textbook(s) and References

 Moore, K.L.; Dalley, A.F.; Agur, A.M.R. Clinically oriented anatomy; 7th ed.;
Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health: Philadelphia, 2014; ISBN

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An-Najah National ‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬
Faculty ofmedicine and health sciences ‫ الطب و علوم الصحه‬:‫لكية‬
Department of Biomedical sciences, ‫دائرة العلوم الطبية احليوية‬
Division of Anatomy, biochemistry and genetics ‫قسم الترشحي و الكميياء احليوية و الوراثة‬

 Marieb, E.N.; Wilhelm, P.B.; Mallatt, J. Human anatomy; 6th ed. media update;
Benjamin Cummings: Boston, 2012; ISBN 978-0-321-75327-4.

 Topics Covered / Weekly Lecture Schedule:

Week Hours Content
1. Human anatomydefinition and systems of human body
1. Major classification of human anatomy
2. Main approaches for studying anatomy
1st week 2 hrs
3. Importance of anatomy discipline forsocieties
(Medicine, anthropology, and forensics)
2. Systems of human body
2 week 2hrs 3. Imaging and advances in imaging techniques

2. Anatomical terminology
1. Structure of anatomical terms
2. Anatomical position
3rd week 2 hrs
3. Terms of relationship and comparison,
4. Anatomical planes, sections and views
5. Terms of laterality
2. Anatomical terminology (contd.)
4th week 2 hrs 1. Terms of movement
2. Anatomical variations
3. Integumentary system
5th week 1 hr 1. Skin structure and skin functions
2. Clinical notes on skin colour, wounds, and burns
4. Fascia, fascial compartments, bursae and potential
1. Superficial fascia
5th week 2 hrs 2. Deep fascia, investing fascia, intermuscular septa,
Retinaculum and musculovenous pump
3. Bursae, potential spaces, body cavities and serous
6th week 1 First hour exam (20 %)
5. Skeletal System
1. Classification and function of bones and cartilage
2. Structure of long bones
6th and 7th 3. Bone formation, growth, and remodelling
week 3 hrs 4. Vasculature and innervation of bones
5. Bone trauma, bone changes, and osteoporosis
6. Axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton, and bone

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An-Najah National ‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬
Faculty ofmedicine and health sciences ‫ الطب و علوم الصحه‬:‫لكية‬
Department of Biomedical sciences, ‫دائرة العلوم الطبية احليوية‬
Division of Anatomy, biochemistry and genetics ‫قسم الترشحي و الكميياء احليوية و الوراثة‬

6. Articular system
1. Classification of joints
8th week 2 hrs 2. Joints of the newborn cranium and fontanelles
3. Arthritis: types and terminology
4. Arthroscopy
7. Muscular system
1. Description of skeletal, cardiac and smooth and an
outline of their differences
2. Skeletal muscles: names, attachments, types of
contraction (reflexive, tonic and phasic (i.e. isotonic
and isometric))
9th and 10th
3 hrs 3. Functional classification of skeletal muscles: prime
mover, fixator, synergist, antagonist, and muscle force
4. Motor unit
5. Clinical notes on growth and regeneration of muscle,
myocardial infraction, and muscle hypertrophy, and
10 th week 1 hr Second hour exam (20 %)
8. Circulatory system: Definitions and classifications
11th & 12th 1. Pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation
3 hrs
week 2. Blood vessels layers and types of blood vessels
3. Components of the lymphoid system
9. Nervous System: Definitions and classifications
12th to 15th 6 hrs
1. Organization of the nervous system: Central,
Peripheral Somatic, Autonomic N.S.
16th week 2 hr Final exam (50 %)
Total 32 hrs

 Assessment Measures and Methods of Evaluation

Tool %
Homework, assignments and class
First Exam1
 Multiple choice questions 20
 Extended Matching
Second Exam1
 Multiple choice questions 20
 Extended Matching
Final Exam1 50
 Multiple choice questions
 Extended Matching
 Fill in the blank spaces

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An-Najah National ‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬
Faculty ofmedicine and health sciences ‫ الطب و علوم الصحه‬:‫لكية‬
Department of Biomedical sciences, ‫دائرة العلوم الطبية احليوية‬
Division of Anatomy, biochemistry and genetics ‫قسم الترشحي و الكميياء احليوية و الوراثة‬

 Short writing questions

 Long writing questions
Total 100
Clinical case-based questionswill be included. (Questions will take into account the level of first year
medical students)

 Content-ILOs matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
Human anatomy definition and systems of human body ● ● ● ●
Anatomical terminology ● ● ● ●
Integumentary system ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Fascia, fascial compartments, bursae and potential ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ●
Skeletal System ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Articular system ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Muscular system ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Circulatory system ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Nervous System ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Imaging and advances in imaging techniques ● ● ●

 Assessment-ILOs matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
Written examination: First Exam ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Written examination: Second Exam ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Written examination: Final Exam ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Homework and assignments ● ● ● ● ● ●
Participation ● ● ● ●

 Teaching and Learning Methods

Tool Purpose (to attain or help in developing) ILOs
Lectures (including  Knowledge, understanding, intellectual A1–A4, B1–
videos, animations, and skills, professional and practical skills, B4, C1–C4, D1
human skeleton models) general and transferable skills
Small group teaching  Professional and practical skills, General C1–C4, D1
and discussion and transferable skills
Homework  Knowledge, understanding, intellectual A1–A4, B1–
andassignments skills, general and transferable skills B4, D2 and D3
E-learning  General and transferableskills D2 and D3
 Teaching resources

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An-Najah National ‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬
Faculty ofmedicine and health sciences ‫ الطب و علوم الصحه‬:‫لكية‬
Department of Biomedical sciences, ‫دائرة العلوم الطبية احليوية‬
Division of Anatomy, biochemistry and genetics ‫قسم الترشحي و الكميياء احليوية و الوراثة‬

 Lecture room
 Computer and LCD projector
 White board for projection and writing
 Human skeleton models
 Course Policies
 Attendance according to the university rules and regulations
 Participation in class activities
 Professional behavior with classmates and teachers
 Respect deadlines, lecture times and avoid unjustified absence

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