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N.C.R.B (Ua. Fl (Webra ite wT -l) (Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.) yam Yea (amet 154 és often agar & ae) - District (Stem): wars He (Hate TEAS) P.S. (A141): BRT Year (aw): 2023 FIR No.(9.q.f. &.): 0332 Date &Time of FIR(.a fe. &t feaiav/ana): 17/11/2023 18:21 2. S.No. Acts (31fafrm) Sections (#T@1(@)) (#.2.) 1 ga 1860 120-B 2 mea 1860 153-A 3 mea 1860 298 4 mea 1860 384 5 mea 1860 420 6 wea 1860 467 7 Mea 1860 468 8 mea 1860 471 9 mea 1860 505 3.(a) Occurrence of offence (3Tuetel it Beat) : 1. Day Date From Date To (fe): (feate & ): (feria a5 ): Time Period Time From Time To (aaa arate): (waa): (aaa 7H): N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) (b)Information received at P.S. (4741 Set GAT WTA FS ): Date 17/11/2023 Time (@72):18:21 at (feaie ): (c) General Diary Reference (@aTaat dew ): Entry No. 049 Date &Time 17/11/2023 18:21 (afate &.): (foarte aie ara): 4. Type of Information ({aat aT war): fafa 5.Place of Occurrence (Ucaleaa): Direction and distance from P.S. Beat No. 1. (a) (rat & Ge site Fear): ara (fiz &.): (b) Address aren aget (war): (c) In case, outside the limit of this Police Station, then (ate erat ater & ange 2 a): Name of P.S. District(State) (2041 &T ATA): (Fret (asa): N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) 6.Complainant / Informant (faracHatiqearade ): (a)Name (Ta): ft Sere GAR erat (b) Father's Name (fat #1 ATA) : a0 fala Gar erat (c) Date/Year of Birth (sa fafa / af): 1988 (d) Nationality (qétae): | ART (e)UID No. (qargat &.): (f) Passport No.(aTaaté @.): Date of Issue (Te Hea ait fata): Place of Issue (41e Ht HI CATA ): (9) Id details (Ration Card,Voter ID Card,Passport,UID No.,Driving License, PAN) S.No.(#.8.) Id Type (EAT TA HT WHIZ) Id Number (TeaTA FEAT) 1 (h) Address (Ta): S.No. Address Type Address (WaT) (#.8.) (Tar HT FAT) 10 afar ue Hen HEAT 55/137, Arete area Vera eas, fOr 226004 asICale reas UE (Hate GAS), SAT WERT ATT 2 | cardiac A SEM 55/137, AaShet rei Vera ores, OT 226004 ATRSTA, EAS User (Hate IAS) TA Wea ATT (i) Occupation (aaara): (j)Phone number (qzHT9 @.): Mobile (alas @.): 7.Details of known/suspected/unknown accused with full particulars (ara / aferer / sora afta ar ye Prac afer aah): Accused More Than (ata amet wa @ afer gi at Wea): S.No. (#.4.) 1 N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L (Gita ata wr -1) Name (=T#) [Alias (3747#) |Relative's Name Present Address Ud 3a art meat afer 3k wars cere a7 wet ae HT cara aint afeahra are aa att arctan aed a ue fateh nfsateat ‘ainreat cht tafser ae ‘SASTEAT ATA ATer SARA SANT Faorars wet carr AR Ue dita ht (feeders ar ara) (acfara vat) 1, HST, SATE N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) “anise Tay 9 aia ana art 1. SAT, SAAT 8.Reasons for delay in reporting by the complainant/informant (RraraaHat / qaarenaf gre fate V8 a asf wert H Gren): 9.Particulars of properties of interest (Waf-tra ruta ar fae): S.No. Property Property Type Description Value (#.4.) Category (arate a ver) (ferazn) (In Rs/-) (safe toh) (ara (#4) 10. Total value of property (In Rs/-)-arufe HT get Fras 11. Inquest Report / U.D. case No., if any (4rq aAtan Reale / g. St. weet G., AA alg): S.No. UIDB Number 12.First Information contents (24 aa azz ): Fane TSU Brat TSUQYET Hm eat awe SETAE GAS sees 17/1 1/238 a, ward Ptgangieg,. at goers, Terie & Ra well Mere Hare erat Wa a0 fa Han erat Pare: vawa 137, aftetier are, Cere, see- meas Pardt §1 at doe # aren 8 fh ge aoa gra sa geet sivsar uigae fates agg, afte setar fe-c gore exe ferell, goret arsfaer sit SRST YAS, Sia ToT AENTE HAS, ame A ew HAGE eter & TET wT Fags ara a He Ture) We Forel WATT Vera aK Ta fercht aera & Ferg arfetan one crane wer EI FU Serre WATT wa Fa Ture a fery ashe Fay STE Bl Te wear we A Sa THR H cue aR VS ST THe FH TTA TT areat & ara Fecrars Ql fear Reet afters & He eta cea & Ere pedea WAM Ua a Area S uN HUA ErT gore WATT os Pht Ae Srafetar ort stfsier fear St eer Bi arr St Ta trea & rer Feerars vt fever ST lal sa Hoa gre Us at fage at wenfera Hes & ery He cela Toa HT WaT ae Wares Pear ST er 8 aan Petits arset ar ores oft vet Peat aT el @l sa SUPA gre fafag sea scores aafat at sighed ea 8 wena a Wear & ara ar sft srqfeta ea | va aed Bu He eel Hoa A sep Gea HT seers ae wena wenita Rear a wT Bl SH ere ete WATT oF dare ame anfaes cant clare faftig aeafrat ant fear areas yer Peay genre WATT 5 N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) a Pile a sah Scores Bl aH Sa Aa 8 Bot HA ET TH a Brge semen i fy shia Fu a maaan aretha es Ter Ferret WATT UF Sara Al oA Phat B, Tae Scares ht evr at gers argfett arrarfeten ica anita Pear aT ter Bl Ae Us srerarfeles Fea B Te HS arigianr & fas Se arepfete cay at ars Fereteft fore fereteht creat eat ogee st Tl Bl Sa THR UH sare feel armas WSs UH fade ud sah ee cae eUTET HY Seah WATT ame, cht feat Sq gerret WaTUT ws Fear st eer B, Tass or ea ait eta Bret weer a Maa Tet Set F Ta eH TT fade % ware-wa off fear Sr wer 8 fee VS Seare aT wan a at RT er ee ee era ee corer at aor Gear St VT Ml SA THR ara araat &h ra wa eI are aeqait ue ft gerret WaT UF STR ae arafelat anfdes ory HATA aT Hie Ware Rear ST er Bl Taken Heal Era Var a theres snfeien, aifeen, ana & fory afer sara F anf ferey thor, ara sa arrar B fete erent Var Hy amin wet & fry oe aati ator & sarge Pear oT wer ai Raa sa ‘aprafal a afer wereeran & store area aaTA eit At sf Tas ech bag gener be go oy Reh wey ret an a Set ah ee eA Te Bra TATA iT At ennfater 81 Sen ATT Gra SH STs Gea Ge ate) eu ay argh om ot ran ve gaa ag tee ers a ae featelt mfafatean erro cht wire fea ora Gt arrgicnt Bl TTT TT area are Peers Hee Sy At Ah arstenr Bian: Maca 8 fh se wet wht Ue amma aca a afer sok cea at Us gah arfernisacierat & free Se es ee re tai seers UR TAT SEPT TTT TRY fete ti saeco ema ot rat Rc a go ef ge maf vat SS-137 aldister areitt term wats 226004 wad ane aad eh ee Broo oa nono eet ara mat N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) 13. Action taken: Since the above information reveals commission of offence(s) u/s as mentioned at Item No. 2. (At weft orang? : offs sates sreare @ ar aera @ PH arora Hes HT ala We &. 2 8 gece ae & aga? |) (1) Registered the case and took up or the investigation: (Tat asf frat (a) war aie aia & ferg ferar wa ): (2) Directed (Name of 1.0.) Ajeet Kumar Singh Rank SI (Sub-Inspector) (ara arferenret ar ara): (7): No. 982310236 to take up the Investigation (a): (@ sia ara ora & att & fery Freer fear wa) or (aT) (3) Refused investigation due to (aia % ferg ): or (& Hem sare Peat aT) (4) Transferred to P.S. District (arm): (Fererr): ( on point of jurisdiction (at aarfaare & are ea F.LR. read over to the complainant / informant,admitted to be correctly a 7 a copy given to the complainant / informant free of cost. mrafrcht ug ae ors we, aet eof Bs ATAT sie TH oth Pigea format at ot ret |) R.O.A.C.(ame. ait .u at.) N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) 14 Signature/Thumb impression of the complainant / informant.(RnradaHat | & pemar/ sis wT Pra): 15 Date and time of dispatch to the court (ered & tao ht fetin aie gaa): Signature of Officer in charge, Police Station (ara ware & seca) Name Vikram Singh Rank | (Inspector) No. 012250282 N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) Attachment to item 7 of First Information Report (warm aera Peat & He 7 Boras): Physical features, deformities and other details of the suspect/accused: (If known / seen ) (aiferer / arftraen cht arfifen Rrawand, Prpfear atte ara Pree : (ate ara / eer 7a)) S.No.(%.4.) Sex Date/Year Build Height Complexion Identification Mark (fein) of Birth (aaTae (cms.) (@) (s) (TeaTA fare ) (rr faPas (me af) (@.4f.)) 2 = 3 4 5 6 7 1 at 2 wer 3 we 10 N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) 8 re 9 Asal Deformities/) [Teeth Hair Eyes (3if@) Habit(s) Dress Habit(s) Peculiarities (cia) (Tet) (ated) (ae=TaT) 8 9 10 "1 12 13 1 N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) Language Place Of (aT €2177) Others (31-a) IDialect (aravratehy Burn Leucoder Mole Scar Tattoo Mark ma (Wea) (BTA) (TE BT aT (set gu (awteat ) at Fremt) — wea)) 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 12 N.C.R.B (Ua. LLF.-L ((eahtpet ita wr -1) These fields will be entered only if complainant/informant gives any one or more particulars about the suspect/accused. (ae as ash asf Pay aren afe fremracanaf / qaarHat afore / arftage ark a as Uh a sae afees ara eat 2 |) 13

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