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1st sliide: Crude oil and its compositions.

Crude oil is a complex mixture cinsisting 200 or more

different organic compounds and hydrocarbons, containing carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen,
oxygen. Crude oik is created when animal and plant matter undergoes complex decomposition
deep underground under high temperature and pressure. This a very slow process and that’s why
crude oil is considered to be a non – renewable energy source.Even though the composition of
crude oil will be different depending on where crude oil is extracted. The composition varies
widely depending on where and how the petroleum was formed. Different crude contains
different combinations and concentrations.
2nd slide: There are three main hydrocarbons that can be found in most crude oils around the
world. First, we have paraffins or alkanes and they make up 25% of crude oil. These are
saturated hydrocarbons and the simplest example of alkanes is methane. As the number of carbon
atoms in the alkanes increases so does their boiling temperature. Next we have napthenes and
they make up 45% of crude oil. Napthenes have a higher boiling temperature than paraffins.
Aromatics make up about 20% of crude oil. All aromatics contain a benzene ring . Some
examples are Tolueneтолуйн and зайлин Xylene. If they contain at least one benzene ring, they
are called aromatic. If they contain at least one cycloparaffin ring (the saturated ring), they are
called naphthenic. And if they have neither, they are called paraffinic.
There are 5 primary types of solid which can form and these fluids are flowing through a
pipeline and they all present flow assurance challenges now today we consider about one that is
wax (paraffins).
3rd slide: So what is a wax? Waxes are paraffins for a general name for a group of
hydrocarbons , its very chain like so roughly between six and sixty carbons long and they are
mostly linear waxes. They can have low or high molecular weight. The problem with these
waxes particularly as they get to longer and longer chains . Whats really happening here so there
are three key steps . These yellow circles represents a wax molecule. If I want to form a nucleus I
need to get two or more of these wax molecules to come together , so they stick totogether and
after this they can aggregate and grow. They precipitate out they can crystallize and they cant
continue to grow
4th slide: What issues do these waxes cause, there is two issues, so the first one is wax
precipitation causes increases fluid viscosity. If you imagine putting something solid into a
liquid, it gradually becomes more viscous does not flow very well, this is a nice simple example
and same thing happens with oil.
Wax can deposit on the wells of pipeline and this decreases the internal diameter . we ve got
some excellent pictures. These are pictures of different pipelines where wax has deposited. And
you see how big a decrease the of the internal diameter. So wax deposition is a big issue.
One more example where the precipitation and deposition is so bad , you essentially block up the
pipeline, in yhis case you might have to pig, that is the technical term for mechanical scraping of
your pipeline so you push all of that blockage out, and you end up with this fantastic looking
image here.
5th slide: When things go wrong, if I blocked on my pipeline I ve got various options. First of
these is a thermal treatment, we know wax deposits and precipitates because temperature
decreases, I could increase temperature I can do that by adding in a hot fluid that would be a
good way.
A common method used to remove paraffin and asphaltene is hot fluid treatment. This treatment
removes these deposits by using hot oil/diesel, hot water or steam. If it happens that heat thatis
generated might e sufficient to reduce all some of the wax.
I ve also got some options to use chemical trearments. I could try dissolve some of the wax that
has precipitated and deposited so perhaps having in some kind of solvent.
Lastly, you ve got the option to have some kind of physical remediation treatment so if you
remember this the image of about pigging on the previous slide mechanical scripping of a
pipekine .
6th slide:
Tanks for oil products and
be sealed - this is one of
the main tasks facing
specialized enterprises.
In order for the operated equipment
to be less exposed to breakdowns and
accidents, each container must
be protected. This is done with the help
of various
of anti-corrosion protection.

To understand how to protect

an oil tank from corrosion, you need to know


causes it.
is a natural phenomenon, the reasons for its
• humidity in combination with
temperature changes,
• the aggressiveness of the products that
are •
stored in containers,
the painting technology that
is applied to them.

To protect the underground tank,

two types of events are held.
a tank
an anticorrosive layer from two types
of damage - soil (also
stray currents. For
purpose, three types of protection are used:

The outer surfaces are protected
by applying anticorrosive coatings on them
is a very
of the surface of the container.

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