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Sen1ina1· 1 The Practice of La,v

H on1c,vork a nd issues of class discussion Muster$' C!llll'SC

I. Reading A p.8-9: Talk about history of 00111111011 (Gnglish) lnw und uivil (lillt'Opcan) 1t1,v,
2. Rending B p.9: Discussion: Principles or i11vustign1io11 (nclvcnmriol und lnqul~ilorlnl $ysh.•111s),
3. Reading C p. I 0: Types of Law. Name typos of court In llkrnh10 and cx1>lnl11 lit<) cn~c it ,11!,1ls with .
4. Reading D p.11: Types of co11rt. Distinguish courts \Viti• reg1ll'dS (0 the coses Lhcy hem-.
5. Reading E p. 12: Persons in cow-t.
6. Listening A , p. 12-13: Documents in court.
7. ReadingF p. 14: Legal Latin. An example from 1he legal dQcumcnt k11Q\\11111s 1111 "1111swcr''.

·vocabulary to study

I. Reading A Bodies of law Discu ssion: Sources of couuuon hnv nud civil l:nv syste111s
body of laws CFICTCMa npana, 36ipHHJ< 3aI<OHin, C)'Kym-tiC'l'I> npaBOll\l:( nop~,
common la,,., npano, 3BH'laeee, rrpet1e,n:efrrRe
case law 3aram,He npaao, npeue.n:eHTHe npano
judge-made law 3aram,ae npano; apeue.neHTHe npano; npauo
judicial decision cy.noBe pimeH!ffl

2. Reading B Discussion: Principles of investigation (:1dvcrs:1ri:1l nnd inqui.sitori:1I ,,ystc111s)

adversarial system 3Mara.m-.aa cncTeMa rrpana
inquisi1orial system CHCTeMa CyJ:lOBOfO p03Cll iJ:IYB3Hllll
opposing party Cyrtp0TMBH8 c-ropOflll

decision-maker oco6a., mo npHHMllt: piwem-1J1
presiding judge rOJIOtl)'lO'lllH CY.!Ulll
"ace pit against npOT0CTOJITH
R ni,;t 3.Reading C Types of Law. Name types of co111·t in Ukraine 1l!ul axplnil1 the c:\SC it d~:ll$ \\'itll
s:OBi set forth BJ{Klla;{8TH, noBiJ;lOMJll!TI-!
THBH give effect BBO.L\1-11'1-1 B .L\iiO, H3A8881'H 'lHHHOCTi
D,Ol'O CTaT)'T, 3aKOH; 3llKOHOJ:l8B'll-lH aJ<T napnaMe'HT)'
ambiguous Re.UB03H8'UllfJ:i; JICHHH, BH3H8'leH.Hil.: neBHllil

ordinance YKa:l, .L\eKpeT, nOCTllHOBll MyHiL(enaniTCTy

,velfare .L\0Qpo6yt, AOCT3'l'OK
bill 33KOHOIIpOeKT, 6iJIJtb
an1endment nonpasKa ()lo pe301110L(iY i T.n.)
court ruling nOCTaHOBa (piwe1Hlll) cy.ny; BHHecellllR pillleHIIR CYAOM

regulation H1p1,1a: rro11olice1n1.R; npaDHJIO; po3nOpllllll(e,11111; HOpMnTll1l: perm\MCNT)'Mllllll


enact a Jaw np1-1HMaTH 3al(0fl; Ha:nana-rH 311KOHY 'IHHHOC'Ti, llBOAIITll 'l8\..'0ll 6 All()

4.ReadingD Types of court and Speaking U

1. Describe the diftferent rypes of court in your jurisdiction and the areas ofla,v they deal ,vith.
2. Select one type of court in your jurisdictjon and explain whal kinds of case it deal with.

appellate court aneniruii1.1-111i1 cy.n

Aro,vn court cy.n KOPOHH, KpHMiHaJlbHHH cyA npllCRJl(HHX
High court 8UCOKHH CYA

beneficiary 6e11e<1>iuiap, BHro.uo Ha6yna,,

Juvenile court cy.n y cnpanax HenoBHOJliTHix

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