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What is electricity?
Electricity is a flow of charged particles. An important form of energy, electricity powers
things around us. We use it every day in our homes to power lights, TVs, computers,
fridges, and ovens.
Electricity is also something associated with electric charge when at rest or in motion.
Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter and is carried by elementary particles. In
electricity, the particles involved are electrons, which carry a charge defined as negative.
Thus, the various manifestations of electricity are the result of the accumulation or movement
of a number of electrons.
Electricity is at the heart of many modern technologies, used for:
Electric power where electric current is used to energize equipment;
Electronics which deals with electrical circuits involving active electrical components such as
vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits, as well as associated passive
interconnection technologies.
Electrical phenomena have been studied since antiquity, although progress in theoretical
understanding was slow until the 17th and 18th centuries. The theory of electromagnetism
was developed in the 19th century, and by the end of that century electricity was being used
for industrial and residential purposes by electrical engineers.
What is electricity?
Electricity is a flow of charged particles. An important form of energy, electricity powers
things around us. We use it every day in our homes to power lights, TVs, computers,
fridges, and ovens
Electricity is also something associated with electric charge when at rest or in motion.
Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter and is carried by elementary particles. In
electricity, the particles involved are electrons, which carry a charge defined as negative.
Thus, the various manifestations of electricity are the result of the accumulation or movement
of a number of electrons.
Electricity is at the heart of many modern technologies, used for:
Electric power where electric current is used to energize equipment;
Electronics which deals with electrical circuits involving active electrical components such as
vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits, as well as associated passive
interconnection technologies.
Electrical phenomena have been studied since antiquity, although progress in theoretical
understanding was slow until the 17th and 18th centuries. The theory of electromagnetism
was developed in the 19th century, and by the end of that century electricity was being used
for industrial and residential purposes by electrical engineers.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan listrik?
Listrik adalah aliran partikel bermuatan. Sebagai bentuk energi yang penting, listrik
menggerakkan benda-benda di sekitar kita. Kita menggunakannya setiap hari di rumah untuk
menyalakan lampu, TV, komputer, kulkas, dan oven.
listrik juga adalah sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan muatan listrik yang diam atau bergerak.
Muatan listrik adalah sifat dasar materi dan dibawa oleh partikel elementer. Dalam
kelistrikan, partikel yang terlibat adalah elektron, yang membawa muatan yang ditetapkan,
berdasarkan konvensi, sebagai negatif. Dengan demikian, berbagai manifestasi listrik
merupakan hasil akumulasi atau pergerakan sejumlah elektron.
Listrik merupakan jantung dari banyak teknologi modern, yang digunakan untuk:
Tenaga listrik di mana arus listrik digunakan untuk memberi energi pada peralatan;Elektronik
yang berhubungan dengan sirkuit listrik yang melibatkan komponen listrik aktif seperti
tabung vakum, transistor, dioda, dan sirkuit terpadu, serta teknologi interkoneksi pasif yang
Fenomena kelistrikan telah dipelajari sejak jaman dahulu, meskipun kemajuan dalam
pemahaman teoretis masih lambat hingga abad ke-17 dan ke-18. Teori elektromagnetisme
dikembangkan pada abad ke-19, dan pada akhir abad itu listrik digunakan untuk keperluan
industri dan perumahan oleh para insinyur listrik.

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