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The basic concept of

Presented by SABILA PUTRI
1. the meaning of the 4. Stages of the postpartum
puerperium period

2. Purpose of 5. National postnatal

puerperium program policy

3. The role and

responsibilities of midwives
in the postpartum period
what is puerperium?

The postpartum period is the postpartum

recovery period until all the female
reproductive organs recover before the next
pregnancy. This postpartum period lasts
about 6-8 weeks after delivery.
Goals of postpartum care
1. maintaining the health of mothers 3. providing health education on
and their babies both physically and self-care, nutrition, family
psychologically, planning, breastfeeding, giving
2. carrying out comprehensive immunization for their babies and
screening, detecting problems, care for healthy babies,
treating or referring if complications 4. provide family planning (KB)
occur to mothers and their babies, services
The role and responsibilities of midwives
during the postpartum period
1. Provide support to the mother to reduce the physical tension
and psychological tension that occurs during this period
2. Become a promoter or liaison between the baby and its mother
and family
3. Encourage and also motivate the mother to breastfeed her
4. Able to prepare a health planning program related to the
health condition of the mother and child
5. Detect complications and other health problems and provide
Stages of the
postpartum period
A. Early Postpartum Period
Recovery where the mother is allowed to stand and walk
around. In Islam it is considered clean and allowed to work
after 40 days.
B. Intermedial Puerperium Period
Complete recovery of genital organs lasting 6-8 weeks.
C. Late Postpartum Period
The time needed for recovery and perfect health, especially if
during pregnancy or during childbirth there are complications.
Time to be perfectly healthy can be weeks, months, years
The basic concept of
The National Program Policies on the Postpartum Period are:
A. Rooming in is a system of care in which mother and baby
served in 1 unit/room. The baby has always been beside the mother since
birth (this is done only on healthy babies).
B. The national movement for exclusive breastfeeding designed by the
C. Giving vitamin A to postpartum mothers.
D. Initiation of an Early Breastfeeding Program.
Postpartum visits are carried out at
least three times, namely at:
first: 6 hours-3 days
Second: day 4 – 28 days
Third: day 29 – 42 days
(MCH book)

Postpartum visits are carried out

at least four times, namely at:
6 hours, 6 days, 2 weeks and 6
(Saifudin, 2009)

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