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Assignment 1

Information Technology

According to You, which was the most innovative invention of digital

technologies (please explain why)?

When it comes to all of the inventions across digital technologies, it certainly isn’t an easy job to
pick one, the most innovative one. As we could ever argue whether innovative may be
considered as important and otherwise, in my chain of reasoning, innovation is what a
cornerstone of a subject is.

That said, I’m left with two important inventions; semiconductors and microprocessors. Both of
which are things that have changed the very fabric of the world we know, nevertheless, I must
pick one that went beyond being a scientist's lab-only topic of discussions.

My answer is microprocessors. As it might appear a bit archaic to some, my decision is based

on the logic mentioned above. No pc, smartphone, scanner, GPS, modern coffee machines and
many many more would ever exist in the form we know now without microprocessors. It is no
secret that microprocessors were a groundbreaking achievement because they allowed the
integration of complex computing functions onto a single, tiny chip. This miniaturization made it
possible to create smaller, more efficient, and portable digital devices.
It’s the idea behind creating a versatile general purpose computing tasks device that let us use
computers as a multi purpose tool, not only for collecting / reading data for administrative
purposes along with mathematician university calculations.
An interesting fact is that microprocessors demonstrated the concept of Moore's Law, named
after Intel co-founder Gordon Moore. This law predicted that the number of transistors on a
microprocessor chip would double approximately every two years, leading to consistent
performance improvements. Although its validity of Moore’s Law is a hot topic among IT industry
nowadays, we can certainly say that this scalability has driven continuous innovation in digital
technology up to this day.

Microprocessors are the cornerstone of modern computing devices. Its design, architecture
principles shaped the entire digitach technology landscape due to its influence on both;
hardware and software development.
Miniaturization and integration, mass production and accessibility.
The advent of microprocessors ushered in an era of mass production, which significantly
reduced costs of design and production. As a result, computing related technology became
more affordable and accessible to a broad population, leading to a widespread adoption of
personal devices that started to play lead role in our day to day life. It is also important to notice,
that majority of economical sectors would never grow to the state we know as of current
moment without significant development in technology of microprocessors. Everyone focusing
on wide web development as a main drive of our advancement should take a step back and
comprehend the importance of microprocessors, without which internet we now know would be
nothing but a useless, nerd & university driven project. It would just be a different form of the
telephone communication, just a form of a exchanging data. But it all needs microprocessors
that take the lead and make our daily lifes easier.

It is difficult to pinpoint specific reasons behind why I see microprocessors as the most
innovative inventions of digital technologies. It is a wide range of reasons that are correlating
with each other on many different angles. Nevertheless, all of we know nowadays, would be
either useless or would never come to existence without microprocessors.

Written by Artur Sobota

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