Detailed - Lesson - Plan - For - Physical - Education 8

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At the end of the lesson student should be able to;

a. Define what is Philippine Folk Dance
b. Identify the different basic step use in Folk Dance specially in feet
and arms position.
c. Execute the fundamental positions of feet and arms in folk dance.
d. Appreciate the nature beauty of the Philippine folk dance steps.


Topic : Fundamental position of feet and Arms in Philippine Folk

Reference: Physical Education and Health Book
Materials: Laptop, Printed Pictures, Speaker, Projector
Value: Embracing and Patronizing our own Philippine Cultures and


a. Preliminary

Good morning class

Good morning sir!
Fix your chairs and pick up the
litters under your chair

Please stand and let us pray. Mr.

Santos, please lead the prayer.

You may sit class (Praying)

Ok class, please raise your right Thank you Sir!

hand if you are present today.
(checking of attendance)

Okay class Present Sir!

“Anyway, How was your day ? “

That’s good! It is great Sir!

b. Motivation
(The teacher will post a pictures

Before we proceed to our formal

discussion, I want you to observe
the following posted pictures and
say something about it.

Anyone else who can tell, what flag

is this?
Philippine Flag Sir
Very good!

How about this costume? What

particular dance we usually wear
this? Folk dance sir

Impressive Class! Give yourself a

candy clap!

c. Lesson Proper

Today we are about to discuss

about the Fundamental position of
feet and arms in Philippine Folk

Are you ready to listen?

Yes sir!
But before we start to our topic let
me ask to you this,
What is Folk Dance First? Folk dance refers to the dances
created and
Performed collectively by the
ordinary people .The term
usually includes so called
“Ethnic Dance” such as those of
the cultural community in the
cordillera , in Mindoro, Palawan,
Sulu and Mindanao, and the
rural or lowland Christian
dances among the groups like
the Ilokano , Pangasinan,
Tagalog , Pampango, Bicol
Cebuano , ilongo and Waray.

Very Good!

There are 2 types of Philippine

1. Rural(occupational dance)-
such as rice production, broom
good planning, fishing, tuba
gathering of sweet potatoes,
fetching of
water , pot making, corn planting
been reflected in the philippine
Tinikling-the tinikling is
considered by
many as Philippine NAtional
dance. The
dance movement imitate the
movement of tikling bird as it
walks around tall grasses
and between tree branches, people
perform using bamboo poles.
itik-itik- the best description of
itik-itik is that, the steps mimic the
way a ducks
walk, as well as the way it splashes
water on its back to attract a mate.
According to a popular tradition,
the dance was created by a lady
named kanang while
choreographed the steps while
dancing at the baptismal
maglalatik-mock war dance that
depicts a fight over cocout meat
the men of the dance wear coconut
shell as part of their costumes, and
they slap them in rhythm with the
2. spanish inspired-mostly
Christian and wedding dances.
Carinosa- it is a courtship dance.
Means affectionate and lovable,
there are many versions of this
dance, but hide and seek
movements using a fan and
handkerchief are the most
Fandango characterized with
lively steps
And clapping while following a
varying ¾ Step.

So based on the nature and

background of Folk dance what
did you learn about it, is it
enjoyable, easy or interesting
Enjoyable sir and very
Ok that’s good to hear class.

Any question about the nature of

Folk Dance? None, sir

Okay, this time kindly move all the

chairs at the side and kindly
gather yourselves at the center
cause I will demonstrates to you
the Fundamental steps in

So we proceed on the basic

position on feet and arms in Folk
Dance , are you ready to dance?
Yes , sir.
This Fundamental positions of feet
and arms, have 5 positions that we
are going to execute. But now let’s
proceed first in Feet Position from
1st to 5th and followed by the arms

So in feet position,

1st Position- Heels together, toes

apart with an angle of 45 degrees.
2nd Position – Astride sideward of
about pace or 1 foot distance.
3rd Position – Heels of one foot
close to the in- step of the other
4th Position- One foot in front of
the other about a pace distance.
5th Position – Heel of Front close
to the big toe of the rear foot (The students will follow the
demonstration of the teacher)

We are done in Fundamental

positions of Feet, any question
about the feet Position?

Now we proceed in arms Position.

1st Position – Encircle both arms

in front of chest with the finger
tips about an inch apart. None sir.

2nd Position- Both arms raised

sideward with a graceful curve.

3rd Position- One arm raised

sideward , the other arm

4th Position – One arm in a half

circle in front other arm raised (The students will follow the
overhead. demonstration of the teacher)

5th Position- Both hands raised

So we are done in all positions in
hand and feet. Any question class?

Since all of you know all the

fundamental positions of feet and
arms, it’s your turn to execute it,

Choose your partner and execute

the Fundamentals of Arms and
Feet Position. I will give you 10 None sir.
minutes only to prepare. Am I
clear class?

You may proceed class.

d. Generalization Ok sir.
Folk dance is a part of our culture
and tradition so we need to
preserve and care off this kind of

In the Feet position, how we are Yes sir!

going to execute it?

1st Position- Heels together, toes

apart with an angle of 45

2nd Position – Astride sideward

of about pace or 1 foot distance.

3rd Position – Heels of one foot

close to the in- step of the other
How about in arms position? 4th Position- One foot in front of
the other about a pace distance.

5th Position – Heel of Front close

to the big toe of the rear foot.
1st Position – Encircle both arms
in front of chest with the finger
tips about an inch apart.

2nd Position- Both arms raised

sideward with a graceful curve.

3rd Position- One arm raised

sideward , the other arm

4th Position – One arm in a half

circle in front other arm raised

5th Position- Both hands raised


Choose your partner and execute the Fundamentals of Arms and
Feet Position.


Mastery 50%
Proper Execution 50%

V- Assignment

Research and study the Philippine Festivals, its origination, definition

and nature.
Strategy Used:

Enabling Strategy

 Inductive method
 Participatory Method
 Question and Answer method

Prepared By :

Sherwin C. Tamayao

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