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AIS (T TH, 02:30-04:00PM)


IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. The main functions include writing,
compiling and debugging code, monitoring resources. It is intended as a set of tools that all work
together. In visual basic, the IDE is "visual studio".

The Visual Basic IDE is made up of a number of components

1. Title Bar
2. Menu Bar
3. Tool Bar
4. Standard Bar
5. Solution Explorer Window
6. Properties Window
7. Error/Task List Window
8. Designer Window

Title Bar
A title bar is a graphical user interface (GUI) component of a software application or Web page.
It holds related metadata and is used to define the name of a window, software or visible

Menu Bar
This Menu Bar displays the commands that are required to build an application. The main menu
items have sub menu items that can be chosen when needed. The toolbar in the menu bar
provides quick access to the commonly used commands and a button in the toolbar is clicked
once to carry out the action represented by it.

The standard toolbar, which is directly under the menu bar by default, is one of four VBE
toolbars. You can customize the toolbars, move them around, display other toolbars, and so on. If
you’re so inclined, use the View → Toolbar command to work with VBE toolbars. Most people
just leave them as they are.

The Toolbox contains a set of controls that are used to place on a Form at design time thereby
creating the user interface area. Additional controls can be included in the toolbox by using the
Components menu item on the Project menu.
Standard Bar

The standard bar typically sits snugly beneath the menu bar and provides fast access to some of
the most used menu commands.

Solution Explorer Window

It is a special window that enables you to manage solutions, projects and files. It provides a
complete view of the files in a project, and it enables you to add or remove files and to organize
files into subfolders.

Properties Window

With the Properties window, you change the characteristics (property settings) of the user
interface elements on a form. A property setting is a characteristic of a user interface object. For
example, you can change the text displayed by a text box control to a different font, point size, or
alignment. (With Visual Basic, you can display text in any font installed on your system, just as
you can in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word.)

Error/Task List Window

The Error/Task Window display information about a specific error message. You can copy the
error number or error string text from the Output window. Error List Window display the errors,
warnings and messages produced while you write code.

Designer Window
Designer Window in Visual Studio provides a rapid development solution for creating Windows
Forms-based applications. It lets you easily add controls to a form, arrange them, and write code
for their events.

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