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History 2059/01

Speed Test

Chapter 16 (China onwards)

Q1: When did Pakistan recognize China?

Q2: When was the first time Pak-China relation improved?

Q3: When did China officially support Pakistan on Kashmir?

Q4: When did China and Pakistan signed a nuclear cooperation treaty?

Q5: When did Pakistan and China settle their Border dispute? (Month
and year)

Q6: Who was China locked in civil war with:

Q7: Which event in August 1963, improved the trade relations between
the two countries drastically?

Q8: Under the `Colombo Plan` Pakistan received aid worth

____________ for Sui gas projects from Britain.

Q 9: Who was the first British Prime Minister to visit Pakistan after
the soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Q10: Pakistan remained a commonwealth member until _____

Q11: Pakistan criticized Britain of the invasion of ____________ in


Q12: Who did the Britain support in the Indo-Pak wars?

Q13: During the tenure of ____________ Britain gave training to

Pakistani workers.

Q14: Margaret Thatcher visited Pakistan in ________

Q15: What happened in London, in June 1965?

Q16: Who was the First Pakistani Prime Minister to visit Bangladesh?

Q17: When did Pakistan officially recognized Bangladesh as a state?

Q18: What was the value of trading goods between Bangladesh and
Pakistan by 1986?

Q19: In 1947, which of the two leaders had control over NWFP?

Q20: Afghanistan was the only state that voted against Pakistan in it's
entry in UN on_____________.

Q21: How did relations with Afghanistan hit a low point in 1955?

Q22: Afghanistan did not join ____________as Pakistan was also a


Q23: Afghanistan signed 'trade and transit' agreement


Q24: In______Zia visited the city________and Daud returned the

visit in_______________.

Q25: On___________pressure from Pakistan and Afghanistan led to

Soviets withdrawing their army.

Q26: The Islamabad Accord was signed by ________ separate


Q27: Who decide to support Taliban for the best interest of Pakistan?

Q28: Who was the first to recognize Pakistan as an independent state?

Q29: What was the first ever pact signed between Iran and Pakistan?

Q30: When was RCD established?

Q31: Due to the Islamic revolution in Iran, relation between Pakistan

and Iran ________.
Q32: When did Iran helped Pakistan to put down an uprising in

Q33: The RCD with Iran was re-established by Zia in _______.

Q34: In 1979, Pakistan was the first country to recognize

___________ in Iran, during Zia's tenure.

Q35: What was the immediate cause behind Pakistan joining OIC?

Q36: Which pact upsetted Egypt and Saudi Arabia?

Q37: Pakistan didn’t support Egypt in ___________.

Q38: Where was the first meeting of OIC held?

Q39: Where was it decided to set up the permanent headquarters of


Q40: The Islamic Summit, hosted by Pakistan was attended by how

many countries?

Q41: How much loan was Pakistan provided from Iran?

Q42: How many military personnel’s from Pakistan were operating in

other countries?

Q43: What was the aim of International coalition which was joined by
Pakistan during the Gulf War 1990-91?

Q44: Which was the only Muslim country to favor India in Indo-Pak

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