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Ghieyan Solomon


If the Philippines were still ruled by Spain today, lots of things might be different. Some of the
things they left behind still stick around in Filipino culture. Spanish rule lasted a long time, over
300 years, so their influence is pretty deep.

One big deal is the language. Spanish left a mark on our language. Lots of words in Filipino
come from Spanish, like "kamiseta" (shirt) or "mesa" (table). Even some last names are
Spanish. Many Filipinos have Spanish surnames, and Spanish is used in many Filipino
words and phrases. For example, the Filipino word for "hello" is "kumusta," which is
derived from the Spanish word "cómo estás?"

The way we celebrate is also tied to Spain. Fiestas are a big deal and they’re a mix of Spanish
and local traditions. The way we do celebrations, especially religious ones, has a Spanish

I believe their biggest contributions that I still use or adopt are their culinary contributions.
Dishes like adobo, afritada, and kare-kare, which is super popular, and it has Spanish roots.
Even the way we eat using spoons and forks came from Spain. And don’t forget about merienda
time, the idea of a small snack in the afternoon, that’s also from Spanish culture.

Many Filipino religious traditions are influenced by Spanish Catholicism. For example,
the Simbang Gabi and the Santacruzan are both traditions that were introduced by the

But if they stayed longer, who knows what more they could have brought or changed. Our laws,
beliefs, and other traditions might be more Spanish than they are now. It's interesting to think
about how things could have turned out if they never left.

Their influence is all over our country. But even if they had a big impact, the Filipino culture is a
mix of many influences, not just Spanish. It’s a combo of our own roots and everything we've
picked up along the way, which makes our culture super unique.

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