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Fantasy storylines

1. A legendary dragon is on its way to capture a princess. Plot twist: the princess kidnaps it,
and temporarily locks it away in her tower to teach it a lesson.
2. In a quiet little coffee shop in a quiet little town, famous people from history stop by
every so often for a drink.
3. Instead of trying to get a man on the moon, every nation raced to be the first at the very
bottom of the ocean.
4. It is the year 3000. The sun starts to flicker.
5. Money really does grow on trees and is heavily regulated by governments.
6. On your commute to work, you expect to see the sun rise as usual. This time, two suns
7. Someone who has lived a thousand years takes up a job teaching high school history.
8. The Earth does not rotate. One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight.
The other side is in eternal night. Cultures on both sides develop around this.
9. Two people are playing chess. One person can read minds, the other person can see the
10. You are a Nobel Prize Winner, on your way to the awards ceremony. Suddenly, you are
transported back in time.
11. You catch a falling star and put it in your pocket.
12. You find a treasure map.
13. You find your grandparent's old chessboard in the attic. Absentmindedly, you move a
piece. The next day, an opposing piece has been moved.
14. You're the world's best photographer. Your secret? You can freeze time.
15. A dragon drops in for the opening day celebration of a new local health food store (let's
call it Hale Feeds). P. S: No one knew dragons were real.
16. Bored high school wizards decide to throw a party to celebrate tomorrow's graduation.
Nothing could possibly go wrong.
17. A bored housewife wakes one day to find all her dishes are singing Hey, Jude.
(Alternatively, if you want to make this a darker story, have them sing The Sound of
18. One bright morning in May, all domestic pets start talking.
19. Tomorrow morning, all kings, queens, dictators, presidents, and politicians are suddenly
replaced by talking dogs.
20. What would you do if every tree you passed began whispering your name?

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