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Technical Data Mercedes-Benz Industrial Diesel Engine OM 601 60 kw Technical Data. The OM601 (23) in-line engine is part of {he industrial engine series 600 offered by Mercedes-Benz. red £=340 F= 90 ‘S=center of gravity General Pormissinle PTO torque at rontend Starter, battery and Gyinder rangement in eta ae alternator ie, single-side radial PTO. cn requeat Fee Cooling system recirculaing Bower, Voltage 12V wralar cooing hotgie and Output 22kw aaa ios, engine speed ratings Weight og MB-pre-chamber Powerand torque curves see diagram Starter battery ‘Number of cylinders 4 Max torque Norse te Sane a ae a EO Ne 1541Nm Min, capacity T2An ET ‘zamm Min. permissible engine speed Thiee-phase aternaior Bosch Famiieincomen’ "3.9561 steottruos operation _1s00/min Votage say Totaldisplacement _2.299'| j1imum speed without load depending Current Compression ratio__22:1 on cyctic inegularty of governor Woight 46 ig Mean eflective pressure at Min. iting speed approx.700/min POW delivery stats at iting speed 4000/min and 60 KW. 7.8 bar Min-istng speed __approx. 700/min ‘Mean pision speed atimsiion data Injection pump and gaporme oe aap AO nS tale a of engin Stavbog speed. 200108 100/m9 wah fywheel Jue .15 021 kgm? In-line Sense of rotation of engine ee eRe pum wih governor Bosch a eeee yee S140000min 4.2 m/min Frovion rinsing standard engne SRS ne Exhaust gas volume at 4000/min and Speed and infection governors Cooling water capacity of engine 60 KWwih back pressure of : without recooling system _2.94 | 1g9 mbarat engine outlet (preliminary) Consumption data ‘Max lube oll capacity, 10.5 m/min Fuel consumption see diagram standard oll pan 5.0 Heat to be dissipated from cooling Lube oil consumption for new and Weight of basic engine acc.toVOWA, water wth uncooled already rut-in engines is approx. 0.5% ‘Le without recaaling system exhaust manila 3200 kJ/KWM of elective uel consumption. alematorand startor_185 #9. Capacty of cooling waler pump ‘This value can application ang ‘Weight of engine with fan, without coating system running time - rise in individual cases to allernator and starter 186 hg atengine speed 4000/min 196 L/min max 1%. e Power-o-woight rao, Permissible ar intake resirction telerred ig VOMA weight and upstream of engine inlet at 60 KW 2.6 kg/kW rated automotive power Braking power of engine (exhaust brake) oil bath air filter max. 30 mbar at an engine speed of 4000/min dry air fier, new max. 20 mbar without thre valve approx 24 KW dry iit polluted _max. 50 mbar Cold-starting ailty without staring aid Perisible exhaust gas and batlery 75% charged, down to _back pressure af raled automative power : 20°C atengine outet imax. 180 mbar Power, torque and fuel consumption of engine type OM 601 (2.3). 80/1269/EEC +88/195/EEC Maximum automotive power (mo) kw Viseo fan nin 60 kW (82h) hydraulic loose Se i Fan, tigi es aot Sean DIN 6271 Tet 56 snl eh Maximum 60 nt bake pale luel stop power IFN —- — 52 52 kW (71 ho i$Ostandard — 1CXN ———— 68+ i at STRAGEh) excoedabie by10% ‘as distinct from DIN standard 627, the = (eat power tequired by'a fan is not considered 56 Cl in poner specications IFN and ICKN 40 because of he great varety of cooing sz systems available oe : 4a + i The 180 net brake fuel stop power FN > cannot be exceeded. is permite fot 4b 32 3 ‘hour without Interruption o intra 0 tently winin a period of 6 hours. or. i The 180 standard power 1CXN repre oF < enls continuous power exosedable by 24 Ns 10%. The overload power ss blocked and a2 eric (or Ham pica narod eh Drintermitenty within a period ot Br 20 ene 12hours. Bel ie 16 4 20 F ie wee 12 Nem 170 ls e 184 Nm 150 130 The power specications and the (orsny gin ue specific uel consumplion dala reler to ieee uel with a reerence density of 220 300 a ss 0.84 g/crr? and a temperature of i 35°C atthe injection pump inlet. as ? In ingivua cases the power ratings can 200 | : De chosen lo sut he intended applica. ae) : ton, taleng all operating conditions into E i 3 account io Sip 3 Continuous operating speeds betow 1000 2000 3000 3600 t/min 1500/ min are not permissibe. Below tis 1900. 2400 »-3300- 4000 eed only intermittent operation i per: rmissibie, Comets nt bind sawide ringe-of i 1 varying fr 61ORW (25-830 hp). Inf be found in the asiccon-— equipmes cept bel family ofengines standard deliver and in type sheets detailing the tech: Besides ahigh-quali ly perfected prodi also. provides a co: up system. This inelude: dvisory s MERCEDES-BENZ [you require furl please consult the Vehicle Componenis Divisic Untertuerkheim: Aggregate (PEA) Postfach 600202 D-7000 Stuttgart 60 Telefon (071) 17-0 Felefax (0711) 1755971 Telex 72524-0 i Technical Data Mercedes. Tadastrial Dice Engine . OM 602 69 kW Technical Data. The'OM 602 (29) in-line engine is par of the industial engine series 600 offered. bby Daimler-Benz A= 750 B=520 S= canter of gravity General Permissible PTO torque atfontens Starter, battery and ef crankshatt with aval ot alternator ‘Gyinderarangement YOU SeicsdsaslFTD_onmguoet ining, H0ale-side aca! PTO) _on request rer colng elem Voltage sev seater cooling Output 22kw Operation ‘rairoke, engine speed ratings Weight MB.pre-chamber Poweran torque curves see diagram Starter batery Number of cylinders Max. orque (80/1268/EEG) Votiage rv ae —a 12400/min ohm Min 74h oe ‘Trwee-phase alerator Bosch 1500/min Valiage WY Jgplesiaurmen _2.67t) Maximum speed withoutioad depending Current 28/5 4 ‘Compression ato. nyelc neguianty of governor Woight 469 Mean eftecive pressure at Mining epee approx. 700/min POWE! dotvery starts ating speed 4000/min and 69 KW 26 pq O-Ging seged _sppen. 20m Injection pump and governor ring —_ S090. a _ inane wjeoton Senso ofotason of engine Bieter = 38 Bump wih governor Bosch sieracay hota a Sone 4B m/min Provision frinstaling Standard engine it Biba anar pas ume RZBOGTRIn and Seed andinjaction governors Cooling water capaciy of engine Ries a ‘tuhoul recookng system __S141 19 mbaratengine outet (preliminary) | Consumption cata —__130 m'/min Fuel consumption see diagram Healiobe dssipsiediromcoolng Lube al consumption for new and \Weightofbasicengineacc To VOWA, water wih ureaoled aieady ror-nenginesie. 29908 05% ‘2 without recooing system exhaust manifold 4000 ki/AW of etloctve tel comsumpion. f__ 188 4G. Gapacty of cooling water pamp ‘This value canace. to application and. gi without cootng system running time-rse in individual cases to aerator and starter 19949 atengine speed 4000/min 145 Venn max. 1%. Powor-to-weight ratio, Permissible ar itake restiction felorred to VONA weight and ‘Upstream of engine inet at 69h 2.7 ng/AW rated automatve power Braking power of engine jexhaust brake) oll bathairfiter ‘max. 80 mbar alan engine speedo! 4000/min dry air iter, new max. 20 mbar ‘without hottie valve dryairfitec poluted __max. $0 mbar Cald-staring abiity without staring aid Permissible exhaust gas ‘and battery 75% charged, down to =20°0 ‘back pressure at rated automotive power atengine outer, ax. 180 mbar Power, torque and fuel consumption of engine type OM 602 (2.9). v 80/1269EEC Maximum automotive power (he) kW anni The powers avaiable atthe tywhoo of %E 70 tne engine, The power required by the oe snl eahey Standard fan Ras aed) beon taken into ne account 88 o4kw 67h) DIN 6271 84 62 9 Maximum 150 netbrake fuelstoppover EN» —. — [iiag SBIW (79) SO standard pewer ICXN — — — 7% exceedable by 10% 7 As dstint rom DIN standard 6271, the est 50 ower required by an is not considered in power specifications IFN and ICXN. 64 because af the great variety of coating 6. systems avaiable 60 42 The ISO net brake fuel stop power IFN 56 ‘cannot be exceeded. itis permitted for ‘ hour without interruption or intermit- sep 38 tently within period of 6 hours, a8 34 The ISO standard power ICXN repre- 44 ‘sents continuous power exceedable by 0 10%. The overload power is blocked and 40 permitted for 1 hour without interruption Cr intermittently within a perio of 36 26 ‘Y2hours. 32 The power specifications and the ae ‘spectic fuel consumption data eter to Giese! fuel with a reterence density of at 18 1s = 0.84 g/cm? and a temperature of Nm 35°C at the injection pump inlet. DE 44 180 In individual cases, the power ratings can 16 ‘be chosen to sult the intended appica 170 ‘ion, faking all operating conditions into ‘account. 150 Continous operating speeds below 1500/min are not permissible. Below this 130 ‘speed only intermittent operation is per (ghhph) g/kWh 4 Josey missible. 7 220 -- 300 280 200 260 i 180 240 1000 2000 3000 3600 1/min 1500 2400 3300 4000 Comets nt bind sawide ringe-of i 1 varying fr 61ORW (25-830 hp). Inf be found in the asiccon-— equipmes cept bel family ofengines standard deliver and in type sheets detailing the tech: Besides ahigh-quali ly perfected prodi also. provides a co: up system. This inelude: dvisory s MERCEDES-BENZ [you require furl please consult the Vehicle Componenis Divisic Untertuerkheim: Aggregate (PEA) Postfach 600202 D-7000 Stuttgart 60 Telefon (071) 17-0 Felefax (0711) 1755971 Telex 72524-0

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