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Not Alone: 3 P’s in Action


Imagine that you’re a member of the White House Task Force to Protect Students from

Sexual Assault. You’re proud of the report Not Alone, which received wide publicity and

positive responses from universities. Now you want to create a PowerPoint report for easier

reading, and you start with the executive summary page. See the full report at (or

04/report_0.pdf) and the current executive summary in the Reference Manual, section B.


1. Who is your audience for the report?

 The main target audience is the college administration and relevant teams,

particularly campus police officers, who are in charge of preventing sexual assaults

on college campuses.

 College students are also the intended audience since they ought to all be aware of

the procedures being developed to safeguard them against sexual assault, and

because doing so can convey to survivors of sexual assault the fact that they are not


 Everyone who has experienced sexual assault but has decided to remain silent

rather than speak up is also the audience to be picked up in this article, although

young students are the ones who are most often seduced into doing things they do

not completely understand or for which they do not give their consent.
2. What is most important for your audience to know? How will you summarize the 23-

page report (which currently includes a four-page executive summary) into just one

page? Describe your strategy for identifying main points.

 The main goal is to let all the victims know that there are so many of these people

who are in the same boat as them and feel the shame if they come out and talk

about the person who did such a crime against them. The most important thing for

the audience to know is that it is okay to speak up and make sure justice is served

to whoever had done you wrong and there is no shame in doing so.

 The report's recommendations and actions should be widely disseminated so that

schools may respond right away if the presentation is to be actionable, in my


 I would concentrate on emphasising the four possible courses of action for schools,

coupled with concrete examples in bullet points. Concise, straightforward, and

properly constructed language shall be used.

3. Although the page will be mostly text, what graphical elements can you use to add

visual interest and make it easier to read? Consider simple approaches, such as

boxes, fonts, bullets, and colors.

 I would like to draw attention to the focused word "Not Alone," which will give

courage to many victims who have been silent about the wrongs done to them

because they are ashamed of being exposed in public. To ensure that the victims

believe that the person who did this to them needs to be in jail and justice to be

served, I would include jail cells symbols and stop signs to the PowerPoint.

 I would use various fonts, boxes, and colours to differentiate the context from the

action plan.
 The four important arguments would also be broken up into bullet points and

bolded, in my opinion. If schools wanted to get more materials, I would also use

links to deliver more information.


Create your one-page executive summary using PowerPoint or another presentation software.

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