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A: Hey, how was your trip to Jakarta

B: it was amazing! We visited all the famous landmarks like the National Monument and Gelora Bung Karno Stadium

A: That sounds like a lot of fun.What else do you do?

B: We also went to watch a jkt48 theater performance and visited several museums.

A: Which museum was your favorite?

B: The Jakarta History Museum was amazing. They had so many incredible exhibits.

A: That's great. Did you try any new foods while you were there?

B: Yes, we went to ShuShu's famous drinks restaurant - NEO SOHO and had some of the best drinks I've ever tasted..

A: Sounds delicious! Did you do any shopping while you were there?

B: Yes, we went to several famous department stores like Central Department Store and Matahari Department Store (Plaza Atrium)

A: did you met artists like Raffi Ahmad or Dedy Corbuzier?

B: I thought it would be difficult to meet famous artists like them because it wasn’t just us who wanted to meet them. It could have been anyone in Indonesi
a who wanted to meet them. If we had met them, maybe we would have just been lucky.

A: Did you buy anything interesting?

B: I bought new dress for my sister's wedding and some souvenirs for my friends back home.

A: Did you like to go back again?

B: I thought if there was a chance I would go.

A: Could I go with you because it sounded quite interesting.

B: Yes, if you wanted to bring your friends, that was fine so we could both have the experience of going to Jakarta.

A: Could I invite my parents?

B: Of course it was fine, no problem for me.

A: Okay, thank you for allowing it.

B: You’re welcome, if I had the chance to go I would let you know.

A: Okay, thank you.

A: Hey, how was your trip to Jakarta

A: That sounds like a lot of fun.What else do you do?

A: Which museum was your favorite?

A: That's great. Did you try any new foods while you were there?

A: Sounds delicious! Did you do any shopping while you were there?

A: did you met artists like Raffi Ahmad or Dedy Corbuzier?

A: Did you buy anything interesting?

A: Did you like to go back again?

A: Could I go with you because it sounded quite interesting.

A: Could I invite my parents?

A: Okay, thank you for allowing it.

A: Okay, thank you.

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