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Stock Holding Agreement

Actual contributor (Party A):

ID number.

Nominal shareholders (Party B member 1):

ID number:

Nominal shareholders (Party B member 2):

ID number:

Nominal shareholders (Party B member 3):

ID number:

Commercial enterprises , registration number

(Hereinafter referred to as Target Corp) is legally established and maintained according to
Chinese law. The registered capital of the company is CNY 0,000,000. Now party A actually
accounts for 00% of the registered capital of the company; Party B member 1 actually accounts for
00% of the registered capital of the company; Party B member 2 actually accounts for 00% of the
registered capital of the company; Party B member 3 actually accounts for 00% of the registered
capital of the company.

Based on the above facts, both parties in line with the principle of equality and voluntariness,
through friendly negotiation, under the framework of the provisions of the relevant laws of
People's Republic of China, Party A entrusts Party B to hold 00% of the shares of the Target Corp
(hereinafter referred to as "Shareholding Entrustment", Party B member 1 of 00%, Party B
member 2 of 00%, Party B member 3 of 00%), plus Party B actually have 00% shares (of which
Party B member 1 of 00%, Party B member 2 of 00%, Party B member 3 of 00%), to achieve
Party B nominal total holding 00% of the shares (Party B member 1 of 00%, Party B member 2 of
00%, Party B member 3 of 00%) ,related matters reached the following agreement:

I. The definition of Shareholding Entrustment

1.1 In order to clear the ownership of the holding shares, Party A and Party B confirm that the
shares are actually owned and invested by Party A, and Party B shall hold it in the name of Party
B on behalf of Party A.
1.2 Party B, in its own name, acts as an agent for Party A to hold shares, and exercises the rights of
shareholders on the basis of Party A's wishes, and Party A actually enjoys equity income.
1.3 According to this agreement, Party A entrusts Party B in Party B’s name to exercise
shareholders' rights include: named in the list of shareholders; participate in the meeting of
shareholders and exercise the voting rights in accordance with Party A’s will; exercise
shareholder's rights of company law and the articles of association of the company; take or pay
related profit and investment; legal documents signed by the name of the shareholder.
1.4 The shareholding entrustment can be understood as a similar legal concept such as anonymous
shareholders and anonymous agents, but all of them need to comply with the relevant provisions
of the Supreme People's Court's interpretation of ‘the company law (III)’.

II. Entrustment shares

2.1 Entrustment shares: Party A owns some share of Target Corp -- 00% of the share interest, and
the amount of investment is CNY 0,000,000, treated as entrustment shares through this agreement.
2.2 Entrustment shares will be registered by the name of Party B through the process of business
registration and shall be held by Party B in the name of Party B externally.
2.3 Party A is the actual holder of shares, Party B as a nominal shareholder, only for the purpose of
holding, need not to pay the related equity transfer payment in the business registration process.
2.4 Party B under this Agreement, shall be holding shares in accordance with the wishes of Party
A, transfer, pledge, increase and reduction of capital under the name of its holding shares are
prohbited to Party B without instructions of Party A.

III. Right of Share Income

3.1 Party A has the right to the entrustment shares, such as the share income and supervision right
under the holding of the shares.
3.2 Party B shall exercise the right to vote for profit distribution in the name of the shareholders in
accordance with the true meaning or instruction of Party A in the shareholders meeting.

IV. Other shareholders' rights

4.1 In addition to the aforesaid share income, Party B, as a nominal shareholder, shall perform the
legal rights of the shareholders in accordance with Party A's wishes.
4.2 Party B, as a nominal shareholder, needs to exercise the legitimate rights of shareholders under
the company law according to Party A's wishes, including participating in shareholders' meetings,
exercising voting rights, dispatching board members, signing resolutions of shareholders'
meetings, exercising shareholders' right to learn the truth and participating in shareholder lawsuits.

V. The statement and commitment of Party A

5.1 Party A promises that it will have lawful and complete rights to the holding shares, including
no pledge, guarantee and other rights defects.
If there are any defects of rights such as pledge and guarantee, the legal liability, economic
compensation and economic loss caused by the shares actually owned by Party A shall be borne by
Party A itself.
5.2 Party A has the right to actually enjoy the share income from the share holding profits, or to
have the final decision on the specific disposal of the share income.
5.3 Party A has the right to dispose of the shares in accordance with its own wishes, including
transfer, pledge and so on. Party B shall, in accordance with Party A's wishes, cooperate with
Party A to complete the corresponding disposal of the holding shares.
5.4 Party A promises to bear the economic loss and legal responsibility of Party B's actions to
exercise shareholders' rights in accordance with Party A's wishes.
5.5 All taxes generated during the dealing with Party A's authorization handling of affairs, shall be
taken by Party A; the costs caused by holding shares on behalf of Party A (including but not
limited to: cost of handling the transfer of shares in the registration offices, tax arising from stock
dividends etc.) will be borne by the Party A.
5.6 Party A promises that when Party B holds such shares and exercises related rights, Party A
shall bear all the investment risks and business risks of Party B based on this Agreement.

VI. Party B's Statement and Commitment

6.1 Party B undertakes that it will legally execute the act on behalf of the Party A in accordance
with the relevant provisions of this Agreement and Party A's wishes or instructions, so as to
protect and realize the legitimate rights and interests of Party A to the holding shares.
6.2 Party B has the right to exercise shareholders' rights externally within the company law and
the framework of the company's articles of association, in accordance with the wishes of Party A.
6.3 Without the prior written consent of Party A, Party B shall not delegate or transfer the whole
or part of the shares under this agreement.
6.4 Prior to exercise the rights of shareholders, Party B should maintain full communication with
Party A and understand the real intention of Party A's actual investor.
6.5 Party B shall exercise the rights of shareholders or perform shareholder obligations according
to Party A's wishes and instructions, whose economic profit and loss and legal liability shall be
borne by Party A.

VII. Confidentiality
The parties and witnesses of the agreement shall keep the whole contents of this agreement,
including the holding of shares, to be confidential.

VIII. Jurisdiction and Dispute Settlement

8.1 The agreement and the relevant legal relations are explained by the relevant laws of the
People's Republic of China and are governed by them.
8.2 Any dispute arising from the entrustment of this Agreement shall be settled by friendly
negotiation. If it fails to negotiate, it shall be brought to a lawsuit by the People's Court of aaaa.

IX. Other
9.1 The agreement is composed of four copies, and each member of the Party A and B shall hold
one copy and have the same legal effect. Any change and supplement to this agreement shall come
into force by the written consent of both parties. Matters not covered in the agreement shall be
appointed by the two parties through the supplementary agreement.
9.2 This agreement is a supplementary agreement of Contract signed by Party A and Party B, and
the two parties will further change this agreement after the stipulated conditions are reached in the
business agreement, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing the shares actually owned by Party
9.3 This Agreement shall come into force after the signing of the two parties. The Target Corp will
approve the content of this agreement with the resolution of the shareholders' meeting of the
Party A (signature):

Party B (signature) - member 1:

Party B (signature) - member 2:


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