Chapter 9 - 10 Questions Frankenstein

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Chapter 9:

● What is Victor's emotional state at the beginning of Chapter 9? How has his outlook
on life changed since he first created the creature?
At the start of Chapter 9, Victor is filled with fear and anxiety. His outlook on life has
changed significantly since he first created the creature, and he now feels a deep sense of
remorse and guilt.

● What does Victor hope to gain by traveling into the mountains of Switzerland?
Victor hopes to find solace and peace by traveling into the mountains of Switzerland, away
from the turmoil and consequences of his past actions.

Victor hopes to find solace and peace by traveling into the mountains of Switzerland, away
from the turmoil and consequences of his past actions.

● Describe the creature's reaction when he approaches Victor in the mountains. How
does Victor respond to the creature's presence?
When the creature approaches Victor in the mountains, he appears sad and in need of
companionship. Victor is initially shocked and horrified by the creature's presence.

● What does the creature demand of Victor, and what does he threaten if Victor refuses?
The creature demands that Victor create a female companion for him, threatening to bring
misery and suffering to Victor's life if he refuses.

● How does Victor react to the creature's request, and what reasons does he give for his
Victor initially refuses the creature's demand, fearing the potential consequences and
believing it would be dangerous to create another creature.

Chapter 10:
● How does Victor's health deteriorate as he continues his journey in the mountains?
Victor's health deteriorates as he continues his journey in the mountains. He becomes weak,
sickly, and mentally exhausted due to the harsh conditions and his inner turmoil.

● What is the significance of the setting and the weather in Chapter 10, and how do they
reflect Victor's emotional state?

The setting and weather in Chapter 10, with its desolate and icy landscape, reflect Victor's
emotional state of isolation and despair.
● Why does Victor agree to listen to the creature's story? What does he hope to achieve
by doing so?

Victor agrees to listen to the creature's story in the hope of understanding his creation better
and finding a way to appease him.

● What does the creature tell Victor about his experiences since their last encounter?
The creature tells Victor about his experiences since their last encounter, including his
struggles to find acceptance and his loneliness. He also reveals that he has learned to speak
and read.

● How does he describe his emotions and the challenges he has faced?
The creature describes a range of emotions, from anger and frustration to sadness and
loneliness, as well as the challenges he faced in trying to fit into human society.

● How does Victor respond to the creature's narrative, and what realization does he
come to about his role in the creature's actions?

Victor realizes that his rejection and neglect of the creature have driven him to commit
terrible acts. He acknowledges his responsibility for the creature's actions and the suffering he
has caused.

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