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Reconceptualizing Mathematics for

Elementary School Teachers 3rd

Edition Sowder Test Bank
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1. Make up a story problem that could be solved by 3 12  2 13 and illustrates the
comparison view of subtraction.

2. Make up a story problem that could be solved by calculating 123 – 48 13 .

3. Following is an example of a child's work. You are to study the work and then
judge the student's understanding.

Rona was asked to subtract 2 85 from 4 18 . Her work is shown below.

A) Is Rona's work correct or incorrect?

B) If the work is incorrect, please explain why.

4. Four identical pizzas are shared among three people. Show two ways that the pizzas
could be cut.

5. Using a rectangular region as the unit, illustrate each of the following.

A) 2/3 + 4/5
B) 7/5 + 3/2
C) 10/8 – 1/2

6. Explain a strategy you could use to mentally compute the exact answer to the following.
A) 2 3 + 5 1 + 3 7 + 2
8 4 8
B) 2 4 +3 1 +52 – 1.8
5 6 3
C) 3 1 –23
2 8

7. Why is a common denominator needed to add and subtract fractions?

Page 1
8. Three children took a hike, carrying one heavy backpack. One child carried the
backpack for 3/8 of the hike, and a second carried it for 1/6 of the hike. For what part
of the hike did the third child carry the backpack? Which child carried the backpack for
the greatest part of the hike?

9. Jody mows 1/8 of the yard then takes a break. After the break, Jody mows another 1/3
of the yard then stops for lunch. After lunch, Jody mows another 1/6 of the yard and
then goes swimming. What part of the yard does Jody still have to mow?

10. The vegetable farmer has planted 1/3 of a field in cherry tomatoes, 1/5 of the field in
large tomatoes, and 2/7 of the field in popcorn. The farmer plans to plant sweet corn in
the remaining part of the field. What part of the field will be in sweet corn? Use number
sense to describe this part with a more familiar fraction.

11. Emmy wants to read an assigned book in four days. She reads 2/3 of the book the first
day, only 1/15 of the book the second day, and another 1/15 of the book on the third
A) What part of the book must she read the fourth day?
B) On which day did Emmy read the most?

12. Judy has a 10-page paper to write. The first day she writes 1 12 pages, takes a break, and
then writes 3 34 pages more. The next day, she writes another 2 13 pages. How many
pages does she still have to write?

13. A) On the number line below, show approximately where 4/7 + 1/2 would be using
number sense. Label it A.
B) On the same number line, show approximately where 4/7 – 1/2 would be, using
number sense. Label it B.

0 1 2

14. Use a drawing to help explain why 35 is equal to 35 . Be explicit.
4 7 47

Page 2
15. If two numbers are multiplied, their product is greater than (or equal to) each number.
A) True
B) False

16. Donny is asked to solve the following problem: If cheese is $1.89 per pound, how much
does 0.67 pounds cost? Which computation will answer the question?
A) 1.89 + 0.67
B) 1.89 – 0.67
C) 0.67 – 1.89
D) 0.67 × 1.89
E) 1.89 ÷ 0.67
F) 0.67 ÷ 1.89

17. Which point of A–E would BEST locate the point for 0.89 × n on the number line (n is

18. Which point of A–E would BEST locate the point for n ÷ 0.89 on the number line (n is

19. Which location on the number line indicated by the letter P, Q, R, S T, U, or W

represents each of the following?
0 1
A) 1/2 × 2
B) 5/8 of 1/2
C) 3/4 of 2/3
D) 1 ÷ 2/3
E) 1/4 ÷ 1/3

Page 3
20. A) Imagine you were to shade in 3/4 of 2/3 of this rectangle. What would it look like?

B) Show exactly where 2/3 is. It is 2/3 of what?

C) Show exactly where 3/4 is. It is 3/4 of what?

21. A) Show 1 ÷ 3/8 with a rectangular region as the whole. Write your answer as a mixed
B) Clearly explain how the fraction part of your answer relates to your drawing.

22. The product of a positive number n and another positive number m is always greater
than n.
A) True
B) False

23. Three-fourths of seven ones is the same amount as seven 3/4 of one.
A) True
B) False

24. Draw a picture that represents the following:

A) 3/4 × 2/5
B) 2/5 × 3/4

25. Draw a picture that represents the following:

A) 4/3 × 2/5
B) 2/5 × 4/3

26. Working on his summer tan, Zonker leaves 4/5 of his skin exposed. He has only enough
lotion to cover 1/3 of his exposed skin. What part of his body will be unprotected? Draw
a neatly labeled diagram displaying your solution.

Page 4
27. Use these circles to show each division. For each part tell what question is being asked.
Tell what your answer is in each case, and show how you obtained it.
A) 7/8 ÷ 1/4
B) 1/4 ÷ 3/8

28. Why is the division of fractions confusing to people? Give two reasons.

29. Is one meaning of 1/4 × 1/3 the following: How many 1s is 1/4 of 1/3 of 1? If it is one
meaning, how much of a 1 or how many 1s?

30. Is one meaning of 1/4 ÷ 1/3 the following: how many 1/3s of 1 are in 1/4 of 1?
If it is one meaning, how many 1/3s or how much of 1/3 of 1 are/is in 1/4 of 1?

31. One meaning of 45/59 × 35/17 is, “How many ones is 45/59 of 35/17 of 1?”
A) True
B) False

32. One meaning of 45/59 ÷ 35/17 is, “How many 35/17of 1 are in 45/59 of 1?”
A) True
B) False

33. One meaning of 16/19 ÷ 25/17 is, “How many 25/17 of 1 are in 16/19 of 25/17?”
A) True
B) False

34. Use number sense in estimating that (1201.794 ÷ 24.3%) + 0.0423 is approximately

35. The stagecoach robbers have a 12-mile head start on the sheriff's posse. But the sheriff's
posse has faster horses, so the posse catches up by 3/4 of a mile every hour. How many
hours will it take the posse to catch the robbers? Show your work.

Page 5
36. Tell what 8 78 ÷ 3 means
A) with the repeated subtraction or measurement view.
B) with the partitive or equal-sharing view.

37. Division involving only positive numbers always gives a smaller answer than the
number being divided.
A) True
B) False

38. What calculation would solve this story problem?

Cheese was $2.55 a pound. A woman bought 0.85 pounds of the cheese. How much did
she pay?
A) 2.55 + 0.85
B) 2.55 – 0.85
C) 0.85 × 2.55
D) 2.55 ÷ 0.85

39. What calculation would solve this story problem?

George had 4/5 of a pie. He ate 2/3 of what he had. What part of a whole pie did he eat?
A) 4/5 + 2/3
B) 4/5 – 2/3
C) 2/3 × 4/5
D) 4/5 ÷ 2/3

40. What calculation would solve this story problem?

A woman paid $4.80 for 3/4 of a pound of candy. How much does the candy cost, per
A) (4.80 ÷ 4) × 4
B) 4.80 × 3/4
C) 4.80 ÷ 3/4
D) 4.80 + 0.75

41. Tuna costs 70¢ a can at Store X and 80¢ a can at Store Y. How much will eight cans of
tuna cost if one-quarter of the cans are bought at Store X and the rest at Store Y?
A) $1.40
B) $4.80
C) $5.60
D) $6.20

Page 6
42. One day, Joe's old car used 5/8 of a quart of oil. The next day, it used only 2/3 as much
oil. How many quarts of oil did the car use on the second day? Which computation will
answer the question?
A) 5/8 + 2/3
B) 2/3 × 5/8
C) 5/8 ÷ 2/3
D) 2/3 ÷ 5/8

43. One day, Joe's old car used 5/8 of a quart of oil. The next day, it used only 2/3 as much
oil. On day three, the old car used 1 14 quarts of oil! But on day four, it used only 60% as
much as it did on day three. How many quarts of oil did the car use on day four? Which
computation will answer the question?
A) 1 14  0.60
B) 1 14  0.60
C) 3 1 1
5  1 4 1  0.60
D) 1 4  100
1 60

44. How many portions of 2/3 a pound can be obtained from 30 pounds?
A) 20
B) 45
C) 60
D) 90

Page 7
45. Following are three students' solutions to 9/16 of 48.
A) For each student, first evaluate the student's mathematical reasoning. Check whether
the steps are mathematically correct or flawed, or indicate that you cannot tell.
B) Next, mark each student's work with “doesn't appear to understand,” “may or may
not understand,” or “shows good understanding of” multiplication of fractions.

Jessica: 9/16 is 1/16 more than1/2. Half of 48 is 24, and 1/16 of 48 is 3, so 27.
A) Mathematical steps: choose one.
- Jessica's steps are mathematically correct.
- Jessica's steps are mathematically flawed.
- I cannot tell if Jessica's steps are mathematically correct or flawed.
B) Understanding multiplication of fractions: choose one.
- Jessica doesn't appear to understand multiplication of fractions.
- Jessica may or may not understand multiplication of fractions.
- Jessica shows good understanding of multiplication of fractions.
C) If Jessica's steps are mathematically correct, use her way of thinking to solve 3/8 ×
32. If they are not, explain how Jessica's reasoning is flawed.

Justin: 9
 48  9
 48
 27
 27
A) Mathematical steps: choose one.
- Justin's steps are mathematically correct.
- Justin's steps are mathematically flawed.
- I cannot tell if Justin's steps are mathematically correct or flawed.
B) Understanding multiplication of fractions: choose one.
- Justin doesn't appear to understand multiplication of fractions.
- Justin may or may not understand multiplication of fractions.
- Justin shows good understanding of multiplication of fractions.

Stacy: 9/16 of 48? 9 × 16 = 144; 144 ÷ 48 = 3; and 9 × 3 = 27. So 9/16 of 48 is 27.

A) Mathematical steps: choose one.
- Stacy's steps are mathematically correct.
- Stacy's steps are mathematically flawed.
- I cannot tell if Stacy's steps are mathematically correct or flawed.
B) Understanding multiplication of fractions: choose one.
- Stacy doesn't appear to understand multiplication of fractions.
- Stacy may or may not understand multiplication of fractions.
- Stacy shows good understanding of multiplication of fractions.

46. Finish the following story problem so that your question could be answered by the
calculation 18 ÷1/2.
You buy 18 muffins for an after-school faculty meeting …

Page 8
47. For this number line,

A) the point for p + q would be closest to which letter?

B) the point for p × q would be closest to which letter?

48. Karen and Sara go for a bike ride. Karen biked for 3 13 hours, which was 2/3 as many
hours as Sara biked. How many hours did Sara bike?
A) 2 2
B) 2 2
C) 4
D) 5

49. After the family had gone 140 miles, the children asked, “Are we getting close?” The
driver said, “We've gone only 2/7 of the way.” How far did the family still have to go?
A) 40 miles
B) 80 miles
C) 350 miles
D) 490 miles

50. A farmer keeps 40% of his land UN-cultivated. Two-thirds of the cultivated portion is
planted with corn. What fraction of the entire land is planted with corn? Make a drawing
and show your work clearly.

51. Alex ate 1/2 of a pizza. Tandy ate 1/3 of what was left. Finally, Tabby ate 1/2 of what
was left. How much of the whole pizza did Tabby eat?

52. Consider this number line:

Points R and S represent numbers between 0 and 1 as indicated. Which of the remaining
points best represent the following?
A) R × S B) R + S C) R – S D) 1 ÷ R

Page 9
53. Under a repeated-subtraction interpretation, 34  1 14 means, _____. The quotient is
_____. Verify and explain your answer with a sketch.

54. A recipe calls for a 1/2 cup of sugar. You have 2/3 of a cup of sugar. If you use all of
your sugar, how many recipes can you make? Solve by means of a diagram.
Referent unit for the 1/2: _____

Referent unit for the 2/3: _____

Referent unit for the answer: _____

Page 10
Answer Key
15. B
16. D
22. B
23. A
31. A
32. A
33. B
37. B
38. C
39. C
40. C
41. D
42. B
43. C
44. B

Page 11
48. D
49. C

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