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Personal Essays

1. Why do you want to become a lawyer?

Mostly because I want to be a renowned figure similar to Late Senator Miriam Defensor, I admire her and
I have always looked up to her because of the way that she demands respect, no she doesn’t even
demand respect just the way she talks will make you concede and give respect. I first got introduced to
the idea of pursuing law when I was at grade 9 and I never realized it until I finally became a third year
College student I became obsessed with the law. All of my time is used productively into digesting cases,
reading codals, writing essays and so on… Because I am not that gifted in smarts so I make up for it by
being productive. I can’t put into words how much I want to pursue this profession.

2. Why do you want to study in this law school?

The University of the Philipppines is arguably the most successful and prestigious university in the
Philippines. It is of historical ssimply because the UP College of Law has been established since 1911 and
it has played a crucial role in developing or contributing to the Jurispudence of the country, it has one of
the most successful alumni’s in the country Miriam Defensor, Santiago, Ferdinand Marcos, Leila de Lima.
Jose Diokno to name a few but the most important part is that the UP College of law has great relations
with international law schools that will allow myself if I ever get admitted to exchange pointers with the
international students.

3. Should the media be regulated in the coverage of a crisis?

Is the regulation of the media constitutional? We’ll talk about that later it should be regulated that any
kind of crisis takes a lot of lives because of misinformation specially from celebrities. Misinformation is
dangerous because of the fact that in the previous covid 19 pandemic 78% of the public believes or is
unsure about at least one false statement and nearly a third or 33% believe at least of of eight false
statements tested (KFF. (2021). COVID-19 Misinformation is Ubiquitous) , if that statement was
detrimental and they acted on its faith it might result in an unwanted accident furthering the harm
caused. Additionally, celebrities have super fans or avid supporters which they have to be careful of
because if these supporters mimic the celebrities in acts that will cause danger to a human life especially
because the misinformation is easily spread by word of mouth or the internet.

The regulation of the media is constitutional, there exist no provision that regulation there’s no violation
to the right of speech if the object itself will compromise the national security, territorial integrity, public
safety and public health. Remember the freedom of speech is only a fundamental right and not an
absolute ight there are exceptions such as the mentioned above.

In conclusion, the media has to be regulated in periods of crisis to protect the greater good it is not a
choice between the lesser evil bur rather a choice on te basis of the promotion of public safety and
public health.
3. Should divorce be legalized?

The Philippines is a country whose population majority is Christians but even still, divorce should be
legalized because of the new norms the law has to adapt. Relationship nowadays aren’t as deep as the
relationships back in the days wherein the courtship isn’t just a mere getting to know stage but a way to
declare you want to get to know her regardless of what happens with the intention to marry back in the
days women and men were faithful unlike now where the people are too “free” Two people enjoined by
marriage fell out of love for each other if they aren’t allowed lo get divorced then that is encouraging
living with another person while still married for the reason that a person won’t stay in a happy
relationship may still occur which induces a crime divorce on the other hand saves the two persons
unwilling from a lot of trouble in legalities or for personal reasons. Apart from inducing a crime it may
also result into fights and may lead into battering which will compromise the safety and development of
their children.

For the reasons mentioned above, divorce should be legalized and the officers of the law basing their
decisions over religion should be looked into as the interest of the state is at risk the logical mind is
better equipped than the emotional mind in this matter.

4. If you were to create a law what would it be ?

The Philippines, as an agricultural nation, recognizes the significance of rice farming in its economy and
food security. To bolster this vital sector, a proposed law—the "Rice Farming Property Tax Incentive
Act"—aims to stimulate rice cultivation by offering a 0% tax rate on properties intended for rice farming.
This strategic legislation seeks to incentivize investment in agriculture, enhance food self-sufficiency, and
foster rural development.

The primary purpose of the law is to encourage the acquisition of properties exclusively earmarked for
rice farming. By providing a tax incentive, the government hopes to attract individuals and entities to
invest in this critical sector. The law underscores the intention to reduce financial barriers and stimulate
economic activity within the agricultural domain.

The proposed law defines "Rice Farming Property" as land and real estate dedicated solely to rice
cultivation. This classification ensures that the tax incentive is directed solely toward properties that
contribute to rice production. This focused approach promotes transparency and accountability in the
implementation of the incentive.

One of the key provisions of the law is the application of a 0% tax rate on transfer tax, documentary
stamp tax, and capital gains tax for qualified properties. This tax relief eliminates financial burdens
associated with property acquisition for rice farming. It aims to encourage potential landowners to invest
in agriculture by providing a tangible financial benefit.
To ensure the effectiveness and fairness of the tax incentive, the law includes eligibility criteria. The
property must be utilized exclusively for rice farming, a requirement validated by the Department of
Agriculture or its designated agency. This measure guarantees that the tax incentive is granted to
properties genuinely contributing to the nation's rice production goals.

The law also emphasizes compliance and monitoring mechanisms. The Department of Agriculture, in
partnership with relevant agencies, will periodically review properties benefiting from the tax incentive
to ensure their continued agricultural use. Stringent penalties are proposed for misuse or
misrepresentation, highlighting the government's commitment to safeguard the integrity of the incentive

In terms of implementation, property owners seeking the tax incentive must submit applications to the
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), which will issue a certification of eligibility upon approval. Annual
reporting requirements ensure transparency and accountability, aiding in the proper administration and
oversight of the incentive.

While the proposed law presents a promising opportunity to promote rice farming, a sunset clause is
included to allow for periodic review. This clause acknowledges the dynamic nature of agricultural
policies and allows for adjustments based on evolving conditions and requirements.

In conclusion, the "Rice Farming Property Tax Incentive Act" is a strategic approach to boost rice
production in the Philippines. By offering a 0% tax rate on properties used exclusively for rice farming,
the government seeks to attract investment, enhance food security, and support the livelihoods of
farmers. The law's provisions, eligibility criteria, and compliance measures collectively create a
framework that aligns with the nation's agricultural objectives while ensuring the proper use of

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