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Test Bank for Learning & Behavior 7/E

7th Edition James E. Mazur

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 History, Background, and Basic Concepts Chapter 2 Innate Behavior
Patterns and Habituation Chapter 3 Basic Principles of Classical Conditioning
Chapter 4 Theories and Research on Classical Conditioning Chapter 5 Basic
Principles of Operant Conditioning Chapter 6 Reinforcement Schedules:
Experimental Analyses and Applications Chapter 7 Avoidance and Punishment
Chapter 8 Theories and Research on Operant Conditioning Chapter 9 Stimulus
Control and Concept Learning Chapter 10 Comparative Cognition Chapter 11
Learning by Observation Chapter 12 Learning Motor Skills Chapter 13 Choice
Glossary References Acknowledgments Author Index Subject Index


Chapter 1: History, Background, and Basic Concepts The Search for General
Principles of Learning The Associationists Aristotle The British Associationists:
Simple and Complex Ideas Ebbinghaus,s Experiments on Memory The Effects of
Repetition The Effects of Time The Role of Contiguity The Influence of the
Associationists and Ebbinghaus Behavioral and Cognitive Approaches to Learning
The Use of Animal Subjects The Emphasis on External Events The Physiological
Approach: Brain and Behavior The Basic Characteristics of Neurons Physiological
Research on Simple Sensations Physiological Research on Feature Detectors
Physiological Research on Learning Summary Review Questions

Chapter 2: Innate Behavior Patterns and Habituation Characteristics of Goal-

Directed Systems Reflexes Tropisms and Orientation Kineses Taxes Sequences of
Behavior Fixed Action Patterns Reaction Chains Innate Human Abilities and
Predispositions Habituation General Principles of Habituation Physiological
Mechanisms of Habituation Habituation in Emotional Responses: The Opponent-
Process Theory Summary Review Questions

Chapter 3: Basic Principles of Classical Conditioning Pavlov,s Discovery and Its

Impact The Standard Paradigm of Classical Conditioning The Variety of
Conditioned Responses Pavlov,s Stimulus Substitution Theory S-S or S-R
Connections? Basic Conditioning Phenomena Acquisition Extinction Spontaneous
Recovery, Disinhibition, and Rapid Reacquisition Conditioned Inhibition
Generalization and Discrimination The Importance of Timing in Classical
Conditioning CS-US Correlations Higher Order Conditioning Classical
Conditioning Outside the Laboratory Classical Conditioning and Emotional
Responses Classical Conditioning and the Immune System Applications in Behavior
Therapy Summary Review Questions

Chapter 4: Theories and Research on Classical Conditioning Theories of Associative

Learning The Blocking Effect The Rescorla-Wagner Model Other Theories
Summary Types of Associations Associations in First-Order Conditioning
Associations in Second-Order Conditioning Associations with Contextual Stimuli
CS-CS Associations Occasion Setting Summary Biological Constraints on Classical
Conditioning The Contiguity Principle and Taste-Aversion Learning Biological
Preparedness in Taste-Aversion Learning Biological Preparedness in Human
Learning Biological Constraints and the General-Principle Approach The Form of
the Conditioned Response Drug Tolerance and Drug Cravings as Conditioned
Responses Conditioned Opponent Theories Physiological Research on Classical
Conditioning Summary Review Questions

Chapter 5: Basic Principles of Operant Conditioning The Law of Effect Thorndike,s

Experiments Guthrie and Horton: Evidence for a Mechanical Strengthening Process
Superstitious Behaviors The Procedure of Shaping, or Successive Approximations
Shaping Lever Pressing in a Rat Shaping Behaviors in the Classroom Shaping as a
Tool in Behavior Modification Making Shaping More Precise: Percentile Schedules
Versatility of the Shaping Process The Research of B. F. Skinner The Free Operant
The Three-Term Contingency Basic Principles of Operant Conditioning Resurgence
Conditioned Reinforcement Response Chains Biological Constraints on Operant
Conditioning Instinctive Drift Autoshaping Reconciling Reinforcement Theory and
Biological Constraints Summary Review Questions

Chapter 6: Reinforcement Schedules: Experimental Analyses and Applications

Plotting Moment-to-Moment Behavior: The Cumulative Recorder The Four Simple
Reinforcement Schedules Fixed Ratio Variable Ratio Fixed Interval Variable
Interval Extinction and the Four Simple Schedules Other Reinforcement Schedules
Factors Affecting Performance on Reinforcement Schedules Behavioral Momentum
Contingency-Shaped versus Rule-Governed Behaviors Reinforcement History
Summary The Experimental Analysis of Reinforcement Schedules Cause of the FR
Postreinforcement Pause Comparisons of VR and VI Response Rates Applications
of Operant Conditioning Teaching Language to Children with Autism Token
Reinforcement Organizational Behavior Management Behavior Therapy for Marital
Problems Conclusions Summary Review Questions
Chapter 7: Avoidance and Punishment Avoidance A Representative Experiment
Two-Factor Theory Evidence Supporting Two-Factor Theory Problems with Two-
Factor Theory One-Factor Theory Cognitive Theory Biological Constraints in
Avoidance Learning Conclusions about the Theories of Avoidance Flooding as
Behavior Therapy Learned Helplessness Punishment Is Punishment the Opposite of
Reinforcement? Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Punishment Disadvantages
of Using Punishment Negative Punishment Behavior Decelerators in Behavior
Therapy Positive Punishment Negative Punishment: Response Cost and Time-Out
Other Techniques for Behavior Deceleration Summary Review Questions

Chapter 8: Theories and Research on Operant Conditioning The Role of the

Response The Role of the Reinforcer Is Reinforcement Necessary for Operant
Conditioning? Expectations about the Reinforcer Can Reinforcement Control
Visceral Responses? Biofeedback How Can We Predict What Will Be a Reinforcer?
Need Reduction Drive Reduction Trans-situationality Premack,s Principle Response
Deprivation Theory The Functional Analysis of Behaviors and Reinforcers
Behavioral Economics Optimization: Theory and Research Elasticity and
Inelasticity of Demand Behavioral Economics and Drug Abuse Other Applications
Summary Review Questions

Chapter 9: Stimulus Control and Concept Learning Generalization Gradients

Measuring Generalization Gradients What Causes Generalization Gradients? Is
Stimulus Control Absolute or Relational? Transposition and Peak Shift Spence,s
Theory of Excitatory and Inhibitory Gradients The Intermediate-Size Problem Other
Data, and Some Conclusions Behavioral Contrast "Errorless" Discrimination
Learning Transfer of Learning and Learning Sets Concept Learning The Structure
of Natural Categories Animal Studies on Natural Concept Learning Developing
Stimulus Equivalence Stimulus Control in Behavior Modification Stimulus
Equivalence Training Study Habits and Health Habits Insomnia Summary Review

Chapter 10: Comparative Cognition Memory and Rehearsal Short-Term Memory,

or Working Memory Rehearsal Long-Term Memory, Retrieval, and Forgetting
Time, Number, and Serial Patterns Experiments on an "Internal Clock" Counting
Serial Pattern Learning Chunking Language and Reasoning Teaching Language to
Animals Reasoning by Animals Summary Review Questions

Chapter 11: Learning by Observation Theories of Imitation Imitation as an Instinct

Imitation as an Operant Response Imitation as a Generalized Operant Response
Bandura,s Theory of Imitation Which Theory of Imitation Is Best? Mirror Neurons
and Imitation Interactions Between Observational Learning and Operant
Conditioning Achievement Motivation Aggression Effects of the Mass Media
Television Violence and Aggressive Behavior Video Games and Popular Music
What Can Be Learned Through Observation? Phobias Drug Use and Addictions
Cognitive Development Moral Standards and Behavior Modeling in Behavior
Therapy Facilitation of Low-Probability Behaviors Acquisition of New Behaviors
Elimination of Fears and Unwanted Behaviors Video Self-Modeling Conclusions:
The Sophisticated Skill of Learning by Observation Summary Review Questions
Chapter 12: Learning Motor Skills The Variety of Motor Skills Variables Affecting
Motor Learning and Performance Reinforcement and Knowledge of Results
Knowledge of Performance Distribution of Practice Observational Learning of
Motor Skills Transfer from Previous Training Ironic Errors in Movement Theories
of Motor-Skill Learning Adams,s Two-Stage Theory Schmidt,s Schema Theory
What is the Best Way to Practice? Learning Movement Sequences The Response
Chain Approach Motor Programs Dynamic Pattern Theory Summary Review

Chapter 13: Choice The Matching Law Herrnstein,s Experiment Other Experiments
on Matching Deviations from Matching Varying the Quality and Amount of
Reinforcement An Application to Single Schedules Theories of Choice Behavior
Matching Theory and Melioration Theory Optimization Theory Momentary
Maximization Theory Other Theories of Choice Self-Control Choices Delay
Discounting The Ainslie-Rachlin Theory Animal Studies on Self-Control Factors
Affecting Self-Control in Children Techniques for Improving Self-Control Other
Choice Situations Risk Taking The Tragedy of the Commons

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