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FOCUS 4 SE unit 3 RESIT group III bde 5 9th Nov.

Name: _____________________________________ Score: _______/

I. Wstaw czasowniki w Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple lub Future Perfect Continuous. (3)
plan for tonight: read Chapter 1 from a new novel I got as a gift, 7 p.m.–8 p.m.
a. By 8 p.m. tonight I __________________________________________ the whole of Chapter 1.
b. At 7 p.m. I ___________________________________________________________ Chapter 1.
c. By 7.30 p.m. I _________________________________________________ for thirty minutes.
II. Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań stosując jeden z czasów/ jedną z konstrukcji wyrażających przyszłość. (8)
1. This time next year I (nie będę pracował)_________________________ in this company anymore!

2. By 10 o’clock he (będę spał) ______________________________ for fourteen hours! Shouldn’t we

wake him up?
3. In about two hours’ time we (przejadę za kierownicą)_________________________ about 600 km.
I need to stop and stretch my legs.
4. When (skończę pisać) ___________________________ this test, I (zjem) _______________my
packed lunch.
5. I (nie mam zamiaru zdawać) _________________________________ any more exams this year.

6. What time (odjeżdża) ____________________the last bus ________________________ ?

7. I promise I (pomogę ci) _________________________________ fill in the application form.

III. Wybierz i podkreśl poprawną opcję. [6]

1. I enjoy eating most of / most / plenty kinds of food.
2. There is none / neither / no person in the world who would accept such behaviour.
3. All these things together have caused me several / a great deal of / a number of emotional pain.
4. If I were you, I’d talk to either of / each / a couple ofyour parents and ask them for help.
5. Some of / Some / Most of the people in my class are foreigners.
6. I have lots of / much / few pairs of shoes but I don’t like any of them!
IV. Przetłumacz. Użyj the other, the others, another, other lub others. [5]
1. Where are (inni) ______________ people?
2. Call (pozostałych ) ________________________ students.
3. I have (kolejną) ___________________ complaint.
4. He lives on (drugiej stronie) _____________________________ of the lake.
5. I have to talk to (pozostałymi/ resztą) _______________________________________ .

V. Przekształć zdania nie zmieniając ich znaczenia. Użyj od 2 do 5 wyrazów łącznie z PODANYMI OBOK
1 It’s going to take her at least two more years to write her book. WRITING
She __________________________________________________ her book this time next year.
2 We want a house close to a school. REACH
We want to live ____________________________________________________ of a school.
3 My friends all saw the film and they were all disappointed. NONE
_________________________________________________________ enjoyed the film.
4 I know she’s a great singer but I don’t like her music. CUP
I know she’s a great singer but her music _____________________________________________.
5 After six weeks of travelling they will get to India. BEEN
They _______________________________________ for six weeks when they finally get to India.
6 Our house is built where the city centre meets the old town. BORDER
Our house is built ________________________________ of the city centre and the old town.
VI. Wstaw brakujące wyrazy. [10]
1. I'm happy to live alone as I e _ _ _ _ my own _ _ _ _ a _ _.
2. I'd hate to live at the top of a t _ _ _ _ b _ _ _ _. I'm scared of heights.
3. When I have a family, I'll live in the _ _ _ _ r _ _. For now I prefer the city centre.
4. My grandfather lives in a s _ _ _ - c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flat next to ours. That way he can be
independent but we can help him when he needs us.
5. We're going on a tour of the m _ _ i _ _ _ _ old town this morning. Do you want to join us?
6. They are building a new _ _ _ _ _ – s_ _ _ _ _ car park in the town centre.

7. If there were more buses going to the centre, my daily _ _ m_ _ _ _ to work wouldn’t take so long.
8. I could ride to school by bike if there was a _ _ _ l_ _ _ _ _ . Now I am scared of cars passing by.
9. Thanks to a r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ n_ _ _ _ _ _ of buses, I know I can get everywhere whenever I need.
10. You cannot drive into the city centre – it is closed for vehicles – it is a _ e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.

VII. Wstaw wyrazy odpowiadające definicjom. [10]

1. a road made of round stones - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r_ _ _
2. so beautiful you would like to paint it or take a photo - p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. old and in a bad condition - _ _ a_ _ _
4. attractive but unusual or strange - _ u_ _ _ _
5. elements of bathroom like taps, hangers etc - bathroom _ _ t_ _ _ _ _
6. a long journey by ship - _ _ _ a_ _
7. full of life and energy ( ~ city, ~ colours) - _ i_ _ _ _ _
8. cheap enough for you, at reasonable price - _ f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. a household duty = a _ _ _ _ _ _ i_ ____e
10. slightly and unpleasantly wet ( ~ room, ~wall, ~ cloth) - _ _ _ _

VIII. Przetłumacz. (po 2 pkt) [8]

1. Obydwa mieszkania są na obrzeżach miasta.

2. Ta dzielnica mieszkaniowa jest popularna wśród studentów.

3. Podkręć centralne ogrzewanie i przynieś mi koc.

4. Żaden z tych dwóch pokoi nie jest przytulny.

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