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How would you explain the difference between a business email and a business letter?

In my opinion the difference between a business email and a business letter are;

1. A business email is electronic mail sent within the scope of business and needs internet access
and email software. Email is an effective way to communicate quickly and easily with everyone.
However, email has shortcomings in privacy and security, so it is not recommended to send
confidential business information via email. The writing in a business email must have a
company identity that is different from the others, business emails are usually written by
including the company identity at the end of the email. Business emails are usually for email
marketing, sending invoices, integrating tools used by the company, and promotions that
require a wide reach. Business emails are easier and more flexible to use than business letters.
Especially when everything can be done online. Apart from that, business emails also don't take
a lot of time to create and don't add to the pile of paper waste.
2. A business letter is the most common business correspondence and can be a means of
communication between companies. Business letters using traditional media. Business letters
are written manually with business objectives and are in print out form. Business letters usually
use the company's official letterhead or seal. Business letters are usually used for delivery of
goods, travel documents, printed invoices, printed letters, and other things that require printed
evidence. Business letters can be used as a permanent record of business activities

Source :

Adya. 2022. Perbedaan Email Bisnis dan Surat Bisnis.


Ashadi, et al. Bahasa Inggris (BMP); 1-9 / MKWI4201 / 3 SKS. Tangerang Selatan: Penerbit Universitas

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