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Present Tenses.

Англійська мова, 8 клас (Карп'юк)

Present Tenses. Англійська мова, 8 клас (Карп'юк)

Прізвище ім'я по батькові/по матері учня Клас Дата

Опис тесту:
Тест допомагає зрозуміти значення кожної часової форми теперішнього часу.

Питання №1
Which of the present tenses English speakers usually use when they describe the activity which is in
progress at the moment?
А) Present Simple Б) Present Continuous
В) Present Perfect Г) Present Perfect-Continuous

Питання №2
Which of the present tenses is used to describe a regulary repeated action?
А) Present Simple Б) Present Continuous
В) Present Perfect Г) Present Perfect Continuous

Питання №3
Which of the present tenses is used to describe an action that happened before the present
А) Present Simple Б) Present Continuous
В) Present Perfect Г) Present Perfect-Continuose

Питання №4
Which of the present tenses uses to describe something that is generaly true?
А) Present Simple Б) Present Continuous
В) Present Perfect Г) Present Perfect Continuous

Питання №5
Which of the present tenses is usually used with such adverbs as ''now', ''at the moment''?
А) Present Simple Б) Present Continuous
В) Present Perfect Г) Present Perfect Continuous

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