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Hari/ Tanggal: ENGLISH CULTURE IN ELT Waktu : 60’

Answer the following questions!

1. Write the concept of culture according to anthropologists !
Answer : According to Anthropology, culture is the whole system of ideas, actions, and
human creations in people's lives that are obtained by learning, quoted from the book
Anthropology: Revealing Cultural Diversity by Tedi Sutardi.

2. Explain briefly the iceberg analogy of culture !

Answer : Humans can also be described as an iceberg. What is visible from a person,
such as his attitude, speech and behavior, is only a surface. People who live successful or
successful, that’s just the outside. It may not be easy to see behind it, for example, how
that person carries out discipline, hard work, humility, integrity, dedication, or sacrifice.
It is the internal aspects that are more important to be analyzed, studied and imitated. The
internal aspect is the actual, critical condition, how a person makes a difficult and
courageous decision.

3. Give an example material culture and non-material culture !

Answer : Material culture → tangible, examples : statues, woven fabrics, traditional
clothes, traditional houses, traditional musical instruments.

Non-material → intangible, intangible, but can be enjoyed together with material culture
Example: songs, dance moves, traditional ceremonies.

4. Elaborate the definition of Norms, Values and Beliefs ?

Answer :
Norms refer to any rule or norm that defines appropriate and acceptable behavior, what
people should or should not do, think or feel in a given situation. Norms considered
expressions of values are norms of behavior shared by a larger part of society.
Values include preferred ideas, described in other words, which is good, just, wise or
beneficial. Values are implanted early in a person’s life and once established, they serve
as a guide for choosing behavior and forming attitudes.
Beliefs are ideas about the nature of the social world, supernatural reality, person, or
object that are believed to be true and act on them. Beliefs may be based on fact or they
may lack factual evidence. According to Ellis (1973), beliefs generate emotions. To cite
an example, when M. B. Abuse m.A, he (Mr. A) gets angry or sad with Mr. B. Because
he feels that this abuse has lowered his prestige, status, etc.

5. Give example of American values !

Answer : American values are :
1. Individualism (they have been trained from early in their lives to consider
themselves separate individuals who are responsible for their own situations in
life and their own destinies).
2. Equality (Although they sometimes violate this ideal in their daily lives,
particularly in matters of interracial relationships, Americans have a deep faith
that in some fundamental way all people (at least all US American people) are of
equal value, that no one is born superior to anyone else).
3. Informality (Their notion of equality leads US Americans to be quite informal in
their behavior and in their relationships with other people).
4. The Future, Change, and Progress (US Americans are generally less concerned
about history and tradition than are people from older societies. "History doesn't
matter," many will say. They look ahead. They have the idea that what happens in
the future is within their control, or at least subject to their influences. They
believe that people, as individuals or working cooperatively together, can change
most aspects of the physical and social environment if they decide things to do
and a schedule for doing them).
5. Achievement, Action, Work, and Materialism (American’s admiration for a
person who approaches a task conscientiously and persistently, and has a
successful conclusion. More than that, these expressions convey an admiration for
achievers, people whose lives are centered around efforts to accomplish some
physical, measurable thing).
6. Directness and Assertiveness (US Americans tend to assume that conflicts or
disagreements are best settled by means of forthright discussions among the
people involved. If I dislike something you are doing, I should tell you about it
directly so you will know, clearly and from me personally, how I feel about it).
7. Time (For US Americans, time is a “resource” that can be used well or poorly.
“Time is money,” they say. “You only get so much time in this life; you’d better
use it wisely.” The future will not be better than the past or the present unless
people use their time for constructive, future oriented tasks. Thus, US Americans
admire a “well organized” person, one who has written lists of things to do and a
schedule for doing them).


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