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Name : Tasya Elvie Thalia

NIM : 2202321001
Meeting/Week : 8/8
Date/day : Monday/March 28th 2022
Credit :2
Duration time : 60 minutes
Subject : English Culture in ELT
Class : Eng-Edu B
Answer the following questions!
1. Write the concept of English Culture according to an expert and conclude by using
your own sentences!
2. Explain briefly, how can you define Stereotype and Generalization!
3. Give an example of stereotype and generalization based on your own culture!
4. Elaborate the definition between Norms, Values, and Beliefs!
5. How can you relate English Culture in teaching, imagine if you were an English
Thank you
Have a nice day!

Write down your answers below!

1. Western culture is very different from Asian culture. Starting from clothing, lifestyle,
table manners, time, sports, arts and theater. The British have a freer lifestyle. An
English anthropologist named E.B Taylor defines culture as that complex which
includes the knowledge of beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs and others acquired by
humans as members of society.

2. Stereotypes refer to an oversimplified idea of the typical characteristics of a person or

thing. • Generalization makes a general statement to encompass all individuals who
belong to a particular category.

3. Examples of stereotypes and generalizations based on my own culture are: stereotypes

about the characteristics of the Bataknese speech in North Sumatra. Generalization of
a general statement to cover all individuals who fall into a certain category, for
example: All Jakartans assume that the general population of Medan speaks in a big
voice and looks like an angry person. In fact, not all Medan people are like that. But
because of the characteristics given, most people think so.

4. Norms refer to any rule or norm that defines appropriate and acceptable behavior,
what people should or should not do, think or feel in a given situation. Norms
considered expressions of values are norms of behavior shared by a larger part of

Values include preferred ideas, described in other words, which is good, just, wise or
beneficial. Values are implanted early in a person’s life and once established, they
serve as a guide for choosing behavior and forming attitudes.
Beliefs are ideas about the nature of the social world, supernatural reality, person, or
object that are believed to be true and act on them. Beliefs may be based on fact or
they may lack factual evidence. According to Ellis (1973), beliefs generate emotions.
To cite an example, when M. B. Abuse m.A, he (Mr. A) gets angry or sad with Mr. B.
Because he feels that this abuse has lowered his prestige, status, etc.

5. If I become an English teacher, related to the culture of English in teaching, I must be

able to improve my grammar by assuming that English is my second language. I have
to get used to the context of using English in everyday life. I also have to pay
attention to the expression and intonation when teaching in class.

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