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Group 3:

1. Hanisa Insyarani
2. LulukNadzifa
3. Melda Amelia
4. Mulya Sri Anggia
5. Nasywa Hayati
6. Roihan Arifin Sinulingga


1. (class 7, semester 1)Nasywa Hayati

Goal 1: Students will be able to develop the ability to construct basic sentences with
proper subject-verb agreement and use them when responding to questions.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.1 Answer the teacher’s question using basic sentence structure.
1.2 Apply their knowledge in real-life scenarios to communicate confidently and
accurately in English.
1.3 Use effectively these sentences when responding to questions in both spoken and
written communication.
Goal 2: Students will be able to expand vocabulary by introducing new words and
phrases relevant to the topics covered in class.
Objectives**students will be able to:
2.1 Grasp the meaning of texts, lectures, and conversations more effectively.
2.2 Use a variety of words and phrases to convey their message and create more
engaging and coherent written pieces.
2.3 Participate actively in class discussions, engage in conversations, and articulate
their thoughts more effectively.
Goal 3: Students will be able to ask questions, seek clarification, and engage in
discussions related to the lesson content.
Objectives**students will be able to:
3.1 Discuss what often involves working with peers, which fosters collaboration and
teamwork skills. Students learn to listen to others, respect different viewpoints,
and engage in constructive dialogue.
3.2 Think critically about the lesson content, analyze different perspectives, and form
their own opinions.
3.3 Practice expressing their thoughts and ideas verbally.

2. (class 7, semester 2) Hanisa Insyarani

Goal 1: Students will be able to develop their ability to utilize speaking skills clearly
and confidently when interacting with peers, teachers, and family members.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.1 Initiate and sustain conversation in both speaking face to face or online interaction
with peers, teachers, and family members.
1.2 Select vocabulary and diction appropriate of a range of topics in simple present,
past, and future times frames.
1.3 Exhibit spontaneity in their interaction, particularly when the topic is familiar.
Goal 2:Students will be able to develop active listening skills to better understand and
respond to others.
Objectives**students will be able to:
2.1 Develop the ability to concentrate on the speaker, filter out distractions, and avoid
2.2 Comprehend the messages and ideas received when interacting with peers,
teachers, and family members.
2.3 Improve the ability to give undivided attention when others are speaking.
Goal 3:Students will be able to develop confidence when expressing ideas, opinions,
and feelings in a respectful manner.
Objectives**students will be able to:
3.1 Demonstrate the ability to maintain eye contact and body language during
3.2 Enhance public speaking skills through presentations and group discussions.
3.3 Manage and cope with any anxiety or fear associated with expressing oneself.

3. (class 7, semester 2)Hanisa Insyarani

Goal 1:Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of vocabulary by
successfully using it in both written and spoken communication, including basic
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.1 Communicate orally for everyday communication.
1.2 Comprehend information about their daily life, peers, and family members.
1.3 Create a short text about family vacations using basic vocabulary.
Goal 2:Students will be able to incorporate reading materials at an appropriate
difficulty level to expose students to new vocabulary.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.4 Share their interpretations of the text and the meanings they derived from the
unfamiliar words.
1.5 Look for clues of synonyms, antonyms or descriptive language in surrounding
sentences or paragraphs.
1.6 Actively search for and use new words they find in their reading materials.
Goal 3:Students will be able to foster teamwork and collaboration to practice English
skills in a fun and interactive way.
Objectives**students will be able to:
3.1 Organize group projects or pair work activities to create dialogues or
presentations. Look for clues of synonyms, antonyms or descriptive language in
surrounding sentences or paragraphs.
3.2 Actively participate in language games and interactive exercises, fostering
teamwork and making language learning enjoyable and engaging.
3.3 Provide constructive feedback to their peers during group activities.

4. (class 7, semester 2) Mulya Sri Anggia

Goal 1: Students will be able to expand their vocabulary related to daily life,
including common activities, household chores, and personal routines.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.1 Demonstrate the ability to apply expanded vocabulary in practical, everyday
1.2 Comprehend and remember a wide range of vocabulary specific to cooking,
cleaning, commuting, and other daily tasks.
1.3 Engage in conversation using the learned vocabulary effectively to describe their
daily routines
Goal 2: Students will be able to understand and use basic location and direction
vocabulary to describe where they go and how to get there in their daily life.
Objectives**students will be able to:
2.1 Recognize and use a minimum of 50 new words and phrases related to locations
and directions.
2.2 Provide clear and accurate directions to common places in their local
environment, such as schools, parks, stores, or public buildings.
2.3 Reflect on their ability to use location and direction vocabulary effectively and
identify areas for improvement.
Goal 3: Students will be able to explore and discuss cultural differences in daily life
practices, comparing their own routines with those of others from different cultures.
Objectives**students will be able to:
3.1 Discuss cultural differences with respect and sensitivity, promoting an atmosphere
of open-mindedness and tolerance in the classroom.
3.2 Conduct research on different cultures, gathering information about daily life
practices and traditions, and present their findings in an organized manner.
3.3 Engage in discussions and written assignments that involve a comparative analysis
of daily routines and practices, highlighting both similarities and differences
with other cultures.

5. (class 7, semester 2) Mulya Sri Anggia

Goal 1: Students will be able to enhancing their overall writing proficiency and
collaborative capacities at the descriptive text.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.1 Develop writing skills, including precise grammar, vocabulary, and style, to create
clear and engaging written content.
1.2 Demonstrate improved proofreading and editing skills, leading to error-free
written materials and enhanced attention to detail through group writing exercises
and projects.
1.3 Developing strong writing skills encourages critical thinking and problem-solving.
Goal 2: Students will be able to encourage teamwork, discussion actively, and
effective communication among group members.
Objectives**students will be able to:
2.1 Promotes continuous learning, as group members can share new insights and
updates on current issues.
2.2 Rotate leadership roles within groups to allow students to practice leadership and
decision-making skills.
2.3 Combined efforts of the group result in outcomes that are greater than the sum of
individual contributions.
Goal 3: Students will be able to express their ideas clearly and coherently during
group discussions, contributing to sentence-building activities with ease.
Objectives**students will be able to:
3.1 Adapt their communication style and language use to suit different discussion
topics and group dynamics.
3.2 Encourage students to communicate respectfully, actively acknowledging and
considering the input of their fellow group members.
3.3 Encourage students to provide constructive feedback to their peers during group
discussions, highlighting the strengths and areas for improvement in others'

6. (class 8, semester 1)Nasywa Hayati

Goal 1: Students will be able to comprehend the texts about daily life and family tree
more fluently and identify the main ideas.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.1 Apply critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate information presented in the
1.2 Practice identifying main ideas and supporting details.
1.3 Comprehend through active engagement with the text, highlighting key points,
and taking notes.
Goal 2: Students will be able to develop a broader vocabulary by learning and using
new words in written assignments and discussions.
Objectives**students will be able to:
2.1 Demonstrate a better understanding of English grammar and mechanics.
2.2 Explore word families, synonyms, and antonyms to deepen vocabulary
understanding and usage.
2.3 Demonstrate the ability to use new words accurately and appropriately in written
assignments such as short notes and short reports.
Goal 3: Students will be able to write coherent and accurate sentences and short
paragraphs using appropriate grammar and vocabulary.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.7 Proficient in using a wide range of vocabulary to express their ideas, incorporating
new words introduced during the course.
1.8 Use transition words and phrases to improve the flow and coherence of their
1.9 Use feedback from instructors and peers to make revisions and enhancements to
their writing, showing ongoing improvement in accuracy and coherence.

7. (class 8, semester 1) Melda Amelia

Goal 1: Students will be able to use and understand Key media literacy vocabulary
and terminology.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.1 Understand the definitions and meanings of key media literacy terms.
1.2 Recognize examples of media literacy vocabulary in media content in the learning
1.3 Integrate media literacy vocabulary into assignments, projects, and assessments,
demonstrating their understanding and ability to apply these terms in practical
Goal 2: Students will be able to critically evaluate the impact of digital media on
society, considering ethical, social, and engaging in discussions or debates on related
Objectives**students will be able to:
2.1 Evaluate the positive and negative impacts of digital media on different aspects of
society, such as culture, politics, economy, and education.
2.2 Participate in class discussions, debates, or group activities focused on digital
media and its societal impacts.
2.3 Collaborate with peers to explore diverse perspectives on digital media issues and
foster meaningful discussions.
Goal 3: Students will be able to create their own digital media content using
appropriate language and media elements to effectively communicate their ideas and
Objectives**students will be able to:
3.1 Combining visual and verbal communication effectively, using simple language to
describe the visual elements they incorporate.
3.2 Create basic digital content, such as simple image captions, short video clips, or
slideshows, to express their ideas.
3.3 Emphasize the ethical aspects of digital media creation, teaching students to create
content that is respectful, inclusive, and culturally sensitive.

8. (class 8, semester 2) Melda Amelia

Goal 1: Students will be able to learn strategies to prevent conflicts by proactively

addressing misunderstandings, miscommunications, and differences in a constructive
and empathetic manner.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.1 Develop confidence in public speaking and presentation skills, allowing
individuals to express themselves effectively in front of audiences.
1.2 Develop critical thinking abilities to build and communicate well-reasoned
viewpoints that are supported by logic and facts.
1.3 Encourage the practice of expressing oneself while maintaining a respectful and
constructive tone, even when discussing controversial topics.
Goal 2: Students will be able to enhance their communication skills by articulating
thoughts and ideas clearly, actively listening to others.
Objectives**students will be able to:
2.1 Practice organizing their thoughts logically and conveying them coherently to
2.2 Ask relevant questions and seek clarification during conversations.
2.3 Engage in activities promoting perspective-taking to understand diverse
viewpoints better.
Goal 3: Students will be able to recognize and respond empathetically to the emotions
and experiences of others.
Objectives**students will be able to:
3.1 Recognize and appreciate different perspectives and emotions expressed by
3.2 Promote empathy and understanding, fostering positive relationships and a sense
of community.
3.3 Demonstrate empathy through acts of kindness and support for their peer.

9. (class 9, semester 1 )Roihan Arifin Sinulingga

Goal 1: Students will be able to develop knowledge of perceptions, gestures, folklore,

and the dynamics of families and communities as well as cross-cultural abilities.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.1 Demonstrate an understanding that there are important linguistic and cultural
variations among groups that speak the same target language.

1.2 Demonstrate an awareness of their own native culture and identify specific
cultural traits.
1.3 Understand how words, body language, rituals, and social interactions influence
Goal 2: Students will be able to interact with native English speakers or individuals
from English-speaking countries through virtual exchange programs, pen pals, or
language exchange partnerships.
Objectives**students will be able to:
2.1 Develop the ability to communicate effectively with individuals from English-
speaking countries, understanding and respecting their cultural norms and
communication styles.
2.2 Improve listening and comprehension skills as students engage in conversations
with native speakers, which often have different accents, dialects, and speaking
2.3 Give and receive constructive feedback on language usage, pronunciation, and
Goal 3: Students will be able to recognize and respond empathetically to the emotions
and experiences of others.
Objectives**students will be able to:
3.1 Develop the ability to explore and analyze various aspects of English-speaking
culture, such as traditions, holidays, food, or popular customs.
3.2 Hone presentation and communication skills by preparing and delivering
informative presentations about the chosen cultural aspects to their peers.

Reflect on their own cultural biases and how the process of exploring and
presenting on cultural aspects has influenced their perspectives.

10. (class 9, semester 2)LulukNadzifa

Goal 1:Students will be able to strengthen study skills and organizational habits that
will be essential for success in high school and exploring language-related interests.
Objectives**students will be able to:
1.1 Develop strong oral communication skills by participating in class discussions,
debates, and presentations.
1.2 Explore high school language course options to make informed decisions about
future academic paths.
1.3 Develop time-management, organizing, and note-taking skills to strengthen study
Goal 2: Students will be able to identify personal strengths, interests, and values,
when selecting high school courses and extracurricular activities.
Objectives**students will be able to:
2.1 Explore a variety of subjects and activities, both inside and outside the classroom.
2.2 Gain a better understanding of their unique talents and abilities.
2.3 Seek guidance from teachers or mentors to discuss personal strengths, interests,
and values, and receive advice on how to align their choices with their future
Goal 3: Students will be able to actively engage in language learning opportunities
outside the classroom and participating in language exchange programs, to further
develop their language skills and expand their vocabulary.
Objectives**students will be able to:
3.1 Share their language learning experiences with their peers.
3.2 Set language learning goals for the participation in language exchange programs,
such as improving conversational fluency, enhancing pronunciation, or expanding
their vocabulary.

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