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(11) EP 3 040 263 A1


(43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.:

06.07.2016 Bulletin 2016/27 B64C 1/06 (2006.01) B64C 1/12 (2006.01)
B64D 41/00 (2006.01)
(21) Application number: 14382578.4

(22) Date of filing: 29.12.2014

(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventor: Arévalo Rodriguez, Elena

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB 28902 Getafe, Madrid (ES)
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (74) Representative: Elzaburu S.L.P.
Designated Extension States: C/ Miguel Angel, 21
BA ME 28010 Madrid (ES)

(71) Applicant: Airbus Operations S.L.

28902 Madrid (ES)

(54) Tail cone of an aircraft

(57) The present invention refers to a tail cone of an face of the internal skin (3) in the longitudinal direction
aircraft, more specifically to a tail cone made of composite of the tail cone, and
materials comprising: - transversal structural members (2) located between the
- an internal skin (3), external skin (4) and the internal skin (3) in the transverse
- an external skin (4) which surrounds the internal skin (3), direction of the tail cone.
- longitudinal structural members (1) located on the inner
EP 3 040 263 A1

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 3 040 263 A1 2

Description Summary of the invention

Field of the invention [0009] The aim of the invention is to simplify the above
mentioned structure of the tail cone in order to make it
[0001] The present invention refers to a tail cone of an 5 easy to manufacture and assemble and to increase the
aircraft. More specifically it refers to a tail cone made of structural efficiency of the tail cone.
composite materials. [0010] The claimed invention is characterised in that
the tail cone comprises:
Background of the invention
10 - an internal skin,
[0002] A known tail cone comprises longitudinal struc- - an external skin which surrounds the internal skin,
tural members, transversal structural members and a - longitudinal structural members located on the inner
skin. face of the internal skin in the longitudinal direction
[0003] The skin is internally reinforced with said longi- of the tail cone, and
tudinal and transversal structural members such that said 15 - transversal structural members located between the
structural members are located on the inner face of the external skin and the internal skin in the transverse
skin. Stringers, beams and frames can be mechanically direction of the tail cone.
attached to the skin or optionally stringers can be cocured
to the skin while the other elements are riveted to the skin. [0011] The problem previously mentioned in the back-
[0004] The skin has to fulfill two different conditions, 20 ground of the invention related to intersections between
firstly to support structural loads mainly derived from the longitudinal and transversal structural elements has
attachment of the auxiliary power system APS which is been solved by providing two skins, an internal skin and
attached to the structure of the compartment usually an external skin and also providing the longitudinal struc-
through struts extending between the auxiliary power tural elements on the inner face of the internal skin and
system and strong points in the structure corresponding 25 the transversal structural elements on the outer face of
to frames-beams crossings. Additionally the skin has to said internal skin or in other words between the internal
be configured to support aerdynamic loads by having a and the external skins. Said configuration eliminates the
geometry with a low resistance to the said aerodynamic crossing between longitudinal and transversal structural
loads. elements.
[0005] The longitudinal structural members, for in- 30 [0012] Another objective of the claimed configuration
stance, stringers and beams, are located in the longitu- is to ease the manufacturing process of the internal skin
dinal direction of the tail cone, taking the flight direction and the reinforcing elements. Since the internal skin
as longitudinal direction. More specifically, beams rein- doesn’t have to fulfil aerodynamic constraints its cross
force cut outs or areas in which local loads are introduced. section could be designed to be manufactured more eas-
[0006] The transversal structural members, such as 35 ily in order to save time and cost, for instance, having flat
frames, are located transversal to the longitudinal direc- walls in order to make its manufacturing process easier
tion of the tail cone. and cheaper. Additionally, the head of the frames, that
[0007] Both elements, longitudinal and tranversal, in- are attached to the internal skin, is also straight while the
tersect each other in two types of intersections: foot of the frames follows the shape of the external skin,
40 as a consequence, the foot and the head of the frames
- Intersections between stringers and frame in which are not parallel. In addition, the frame can be made in
both elements are kept continuous and furthermore portions that are assembled afterwards forming the
frames have holes, called mouseholes, for allowing whole frame. Consequently as the head of the frames is
the stringers to pass through them. straight and the frames can be manufactured in parts,
- Intersections between beams and frames in which 45 the manufacturing process is simplified.
one of the two elements must be ended at the inter- [0013] Moreover, the tail cone is manufactured such
section so that the other element can be kept con- that its ability to support loads coming from the attach-
tinuous, being both elemens further joined with aux- ment of the auxiliary power system APS is increased.
iliary joining parts. This is due because said attachment can be made to a
50 strong point, that is, to a reinforced region corresponding
[0008] Manufacturing the previously mentioned struc- to the join of a frame, a beam and the internal skin.
tural elements and assembling them to the skin, including [0014] On the other hand, the external skin could be
all the intersections between frames and beams is a dif- suitable for supporting aerodynamic loads or additionally
ficult and time consuming task and in addition said inter- it can also be designed both for withstanding aerodynam-
sections between longitudinal and transversal elements 55 ic and structural loads providing more flexibility to the tail
increase the weight of the structure because auxiliary cone.
joining parts have to be provided. [0015] A further additional advantage is that in case of
impacts during handling operations, the replacement or

3 EP 3 040 263 A1 4

repair of said external skin can be quickly done because an embodiment of the invention showing the attach-
it is joined to less number of structural members, mainly ment of the struts supporting the auxiliary power sys-
to the transversal structural members and, in some con- tem to the fuselage structure.
figurations, to some longitudinal structural members. Figure 5a is a schematic view of a cross section of
Moreover when the external skin is joined by reversible 5 an additional embodiment of the invention showing
means, the assembly and disassembly is eased and a the attachment of the struts supporting the auxiliary
reduction of the hours of the aircraft on ground is power system to the fuselage structure.
achieved. Additionally, in an embodiment having a frame Figure 5b shows a detail of the attachment of the
splitted into sections in case of impacts that damage a auxiliary power system disclosed in Figure 5a.
portion of the frame, only the damaged section needs to 10
be replaced instead of the whole frame. Detailed description of the invention
[0016] Additionally, routing for electrical system, lights,
could be placed between the internal skin and the exter- [0021] Figure 1 shows a known tail cone comprising:
nal skin, without fireproof requirements because they
would be located out of the compartment in which fire 15 - a skin (10),
can arise. - longitudinal structural members (1) located in the
[0017] In summary, the weight is optimized, the man- longitudinal direction of the tail cone and attached to
ufacturing method is simplified and the number of parts the inner face of the skin (10), and
is reduced. - transversal structural members (2) located in the
[0018] It is also an object of the claimed invention a 20 transverse direction of the tail cone and also at-
manufacturing method of a tail cone that comprises the tached to the inner face of the skin (10).
following steps:
[0022] The longitudinal structural members (1) shown
- providing an internal skin, in the figures are stringers (6) and beams (5) while the
- locating longitudinal structural members on the inner 25 transversal structural members (2) mainly consist of
face of the internal skin in the longitudinal direction frames (2). The stringers (6) could be omega or T shaped,
of the tail cone, and and the beams (5) could have a C, J or H cross-section.
- locating transversal structural members on the our- Said stringers (6) and beams (5) have intersections with
ter face of the internal skin in the transverse direction the frames (2) as explained in the background of inven-
of the tail cone, 30 tion. Said elements are made of carbon fiber reinforced
- providing afterwards an external skin surrounding polymer.
the transversal structural members, and [0023] Figures 2 and 3 show an embodiment of the
- attaching the external skin to the transversal struc- claimed tail cone made of composite material wherein
tural members or to the internal skin. the transversal structural members (2) are located be-
35 tween the external skin (4) and the internal skin (3). Ad-
[0019] It is also an object of the claimed invention an ditionally, the longitudinal structural members (1) are lo-
aircraft that comprises a tail cone according to the pre- cated on the inner face of the internal skin (3).
ceding technical features. [0024] As frames (2) are placed on the outer face of
the internal skin (3) and stringers (6) and beams (5) on
Description of the figures 40 the inner face of the internal skin (3), no intersections
exist between frames (2) and stringers (6) or beams (5),
[0020] To complete the description and in order to pro- therefore the manufacturing process is easier as no cut
vide for a better understanding of the invention, a set of outs (mouseholes) have to be made. Moreover, the head
drawings is provided. Said drawings form an integral part of the frames (2) is straight and the frames (2) can be
of the description and illustrate preferred embodiments 45 manufactured in parts. Not having said cut outs provide
of the invention. The drawings comprise the following the additional advantage of increasing the structural ef-
figures: ficiency of the frames (2). Additionally, as the auxiliary
joining parts between frames (2) and beams (5) are
Figure 1 is a schematic perspective view of a tail avoided, the number of parts is reduced implying recur-
cone of the state of the art. 50 ring costs and weight savings.
Figure 2 is a schematic view of a cross section of an [0025] An additional advantage is that, in the the state
embodiment of the tail cone. of the art, as frames (2) and beams (5) cross each other,
Figure 3 is a schematic perspective view of the em- the means for supporting the auxiliary power system APS
bodiment of the tail cone corresponding to Figure 2. (9), that are struts (8) in the shown embodiment, are
Figure 4a is a schematic view of a cross section of 55 joined in a complex way, by means of a high number of
the struts supporting the auxiliary power system of pieces, at frame (2) - beam (5) intersections as shown in
the state of the art. Figure 4a while in the claimed configuration these struts
Figure 4b is a schematic view of a cross section of (8) supporting the auxiliary power system (9) are joined

5 EP 3 040 263 A1 6

to strong points in the structure formed by the internal inner face of the internal skin (3) in the longitudinal
skin (3), the foot (7) and the web of the beam (5). Said direction of the tail cone, and
strong points are accessible due to frames (2) are located - locating transversal structural members (2) on the
in the opposite face of the internal skin (3), that leading ourter face of the internal skin (3) in the transverse
to a simpler attachment of the APS (9) as can be seen 5 direction of the tail cone,
in Figure 4b. - providing afterwards an external skin (4) surrounding
[0026] The internal skin (3) doesn’t have to fulfil aero- the transversal structural members (2), and
dynamic constraints, therefore the internal skin (3) could - attaching the external skin (4) to the transversal
be designed having flat walls in order to smooth its man- structural members (2) or to the internal skin (3) de-
ufacturing process. 10 pending of the embodiment.
[0027] An additional advantage is that as the head of
the frame (2) follows the contour of the internal skin (3), [0033] In the embodiment shown in Figures 2 and 4,
it also has a flat contour making easier its manufacturing the external skin (4) is attached to the transversal struc-
process. Moreover, this structural configuration allows tural members (2), ie, to the frames while in the embod-
the transversal structural members (2) to be easily divid- 15 iment shown in Figures 5 the external skin (4) is attached
ed into sections, each section comprising a portion of the to the longitudinal structural members (2) and to the in-
head, a portion of the foot and the web of the transversal ternal skin (3) in the points in which the internal (3) and
structural member (2). Afterwards, those sections can be the external (4) skin are joined and there is not transversal
joined by joining parts such that continuity to the web, structural member (2) inbetween.
the head including the inner skin and the foot of the frame 20 [0034] Said structure can be an integrated structure,
(6) is provided. that it is to say, an structure in which stringers (6), beams
[0028] Figures 5 disclose another embodiment in (5), frames (2) and the internal skin (3) are hot formed
which the frame (2) is also divided into sections (11) that and afterwards are cocured together in their final position,
are separated and extend between consecutive points therefore said internal part can be manufactured in a sin-
(12) in which the external (4) and the internal skin (3) are 25 gle piece as a single process known as one shot process,
joined. Therefore the frame (2) is not continuous and it with the appropiate tooling inside and outside the internal
comprises several independent sections (11) and the in- skin (3). Afterwards, the external skin (4) is attached to
ternal (3) and external (4) skin are joined at intervals. The the previous structure. As previously stated, the external
beams (5) are located in the points wherein the internal skin (4) could have an structural behaviour or only a aer-
(3) and external (4) skin are joined. 30 odynamic function like a fairing. In both cases, said ex-
[0029] Again, Figure 5b shows that the struts (8) sup- ternal skin (4) is mechanically attached to the transversal
porting the auxiliary power system (9) are joined to strong structural members (2) or to the internal skin (3). If the
points in the structure formed by the internal skin (3), the external skin (4) has an structural duty the attachment
foot (7) and the web of the beam (5). would be done by rivets and if the external skin (4) fulfills
[0030] Another advantage of having flat walls is that 35 only an aerodynamic objective the attachment would be
the internal skin (3) can be designed only noting the struc- done by reversible fastening means. Additionally in case
tural loads and not the aerodynamic loads, therefore the of having a non structural external skin (4) the detach-
inner structure can be designed in a simpler way to with- ment of said skin (4) would be done more easily thanks
stand these structural loads. to said reversible fastening means.
[0031] As previously stated, the external skin (4) could 40 [0035] It is also an object of the claimed invention an
be suitable for supporting aerodynamic loads or addition- aircraft that comprises a tail cone according to the pre-
ally it can also be designed both for withstanding aero- ceding technical features.
dynamic and structural loads. When the external skin (4) [0036] With the claimed invention auxiliary joining
only fulfils aerodynamic conditions, as the internal skin parts between longitudinal and transversal structural
(3) has a smaller diameter than a conventional skin (10), 45 members are avoided, first of all between frames (2) and
a more robust internal skin (3) would be advisable, to the beams (5) this reducing the number of parts and the total
contrary, the external skin (4) can also be prepared to weight. Secondly between frames (2) and stringers (6)
support structural loads. In order to improve the transfer avoding the need to have cutouts into the frames (2) for
of loads in the internal skin (3) the transition between allowing continuous stringers (5) this, together with the
adjacent flat walls is made through rounded corners bet- 50 straight head of the frames and the split into pieces, sim-
ter than through angled corners. Additionally, the skin plifying the manufacturing process of the frame (2). Be-
thickness at the transition zone between consecutive flat cause of the need to perform mouseholes is avoided,
walls could be increased. frame section is not interrupted, and therefore frame
[0032] Thus, the manufacturing method of the embod- structural efficiency is increased, additionally allowing a
iment shown in the figures comprises the following steps: 55 decrease into the height of the frame.
[0037] Additionally, the internal skin (3) can also ac-
- providing an internal skin (3), complish with the fireproof requirements.
- locating longitudinal structural members (1) on the

7 EP 3 040 263 A1 8

Claims 11. Method of manufacturing a tail cone of an aircraft,

characterised in that it comprises the following
1. Tail cone of an aircraft characterised in that it com- steps:
5 - providing an internal skin (3),
- an internal skin (3), - locating longitudinal structural members (1) on
- an external skin (4) which surrounds the inter- the inner face of the internal skin (3) in the lon-
nal skin (3), gitudinal direction of the tail cone,
- longitudinal structural members (1) located on - locating transversal structural members (2) on
the inner face of the internal skin (3) in the lon- 10 the ourter face of the internal skin (3) in the trans-
gitudinal direction of the tail cone, and verse direction of the tail cone,
- transversal structural members (2) located be- - providing afterwards an external skin (4) sur-
tween the external skin (4) and the internal skin rounding the transversal structural members (2),
(3) in the transverse direction of the tail cone. and
15 - attaching the external skin (4) to the transversal
2. Tail cone according to claim 1 wherein the internal structural members (2) or to the internal skin (3).
skin (3) comprises flat walls.
12. Method according to claim 11 wherein the longitudi-
3. Tail cone according to claim 2 wherein the transition nal and transversal structural members (1, 2) and
between adjacent flat walls of the internal skin (3) is 20 the internal skin (3) are firstly hot formed and after-
made through rounded corners. wards cocured together to form an integrated struc-
tural part.
4. Tail cone according to claim 2 or 3 wherein the in-
ternal skin (3) thickness is increased at the transition 13. Method according any preceding claim 11 to 12
zone between adjacent flat walls. 25 wherein the external skin (4) is firstly cured and af-
terwards is mechanically attached to the transversal
5. Tail cone according to any preceding claim wherein structural members (2) or to the internal skin (3).
the transversal structural members (2) are divided
into sections, each section comprising a portion of 14. Method according to claim 13 wherein the external
the head and a portion of the foot and web of the 30 skin (4) is attached to the transversal structural mem-
transversal structural member (2). bers (2) or to the internal skin (3) by rivets.

6. Tail cone according to claim 5 wherein the different 15. Method according to claim 13 wherein the external
sections (11) of the transversal structural members skin (4) is attached to the transversal structural mem-
(2) are separated from each other and extend be- 35 bers (2) or to the internal skin (3) by reversible fas-
tween consecutive points (12) in which the external tening means.
(4) and the internal skin (3) are joined.

7. Tail cone according to any preceding claim wherein

it also comprises means for connecting to an auxil- 40
iary power system (9), said means being joined to
the foot (7) and the web of the longitudinal structural
members (1) and to the internal skin (3).

8. Tail cone according to claims 6 and 7 wherein the 45

longitudinal structural members (1) for connecting to
an auxiliary power system (9) are located in the
points (12) in which the internal (3) and external (4)
skin are joined.
9. Tail cone according to any preceding claim wherein
the internal skin (3), the longitudinal structural mem-
bers (1) and the transversal structural members (2)
are an integrated structure manufactured as a single
piece. 55

10. Aircraft, characterised in that it comprises a tail

cone according to any preceding claim.

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