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(11) EP 2 832 636 A1


(43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.:

04.02.2015 Bulletin 2015/06 B64C 1/26 (2006.01) B64C 5/02 (2006.01)

(21) Application number: 13178465.4

(22) Date of filing: 30.07.2013

(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventors:

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB • González Gozalbo, Alfonso
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR • Llamas Sandin, Raul, Carlos
Designated Extension States: 28906 GETAFE (Madrid) (ES)
(74) Representative: Carpintero Lopez, Francisco et al
(71) Applicant: Airbus Operations S.L. Herrero & Asociados, S.L.
28906 Madrid (ES) C/Alcalá 35
28014 Madrid (ES)

(54) Rear fuselage section of an aircraft

(57) Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft compris- to a pivot axis (29), characterized in that the horizontal
ing at least one closed frame (6) constructed as a unitary tail plane (23) is mounted at the closed frame (6) and the
body, and a horizontal tail plane (23) comprising a box- pivot axis (29) is contained in a horizontal plane (36) be-
type central element (19) and two lateral torsion boxes low the lowest end (37) of said closed frame (6).
(20), said horizontal tail plane (23) trimmable with respect
EP 2 832 636 A1

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 2 832 636 A1 2

Description in figure 2b and 2c), specifically consisting on a centre-

Object of the invention [0007] For illustrative purposes, figures 2a, 2b and 2c
are provided to show a cross section of the aircraft, along
[0001] The present invention relates to a new design 5 the xy plane as detailed in figure 1. Figure 2a shows an
for the rear fuselage section of an aircraft, specifically for HTP which comprises two lateral boxes 5 joined proxi-
those aircraft that comprise a horizontal tail plane (HTP) mately at their edges by a front shaft 3 and a rear shaft
with a box-type central element. 4, wherein both shafts 3, 4 are joined together by an
[0002] One object of this invention is to provide a rear assembly of shafts along the aircraft symmetry plane 25.
fuselage section for an aircraft wherein the cut-out re- 10 Figures 2b and 2c show two possible embodiments for
quired for emplacing the HTP is displaced from a struc- HTPs with a box-type central element configured to join
tural part of the rear fuselage section to a non-structural the two lateral torsion boxes. In both cases, the box-type
part of said rear fuselage section. Thus, the invention central element transversely crosses the rear section of
provides a rear fuselage section for an aircraft which is the fuselage of the aircraft, requiring a box-shaped open-
optimal in terms of stiffness and is easy to manufacture. 15 ing in the fuselage. Figure 2b shows a box-type central
[0003] Another object of this invention is to provide a element 19 whose configuration comprises a central tor-
rear fuselage section for an aircraft that eases the as- sion box. Figure 2c shows a box-type central element
sembly of the section. By dissociating structural and non- configured to join the two lateral torsion boxes 20 along
structural requirements in the rear fuselage section, the the aircraft symmetry plane 25, wherein said configura-
invention enables a rear fuselage section that involves 20 tion comprises a rib 18.In this last embodiment, the box-
the assembly of continuous frames instead of split frames type central element is formed by the portion of the two
with joining requirements in a structural part of the rear lateral torsion boxes 20 which lies within the fuselage of
fuselage section. the aircraft.
[0004] Another object of this invention is to provide a [0008] The need for the HTP to trim while, at the same
rear fuselage section for an aircraft that eases the main- 25 time, remaining attached or mounted to the rear fuselage
tenance tasks of the section. Having a rear fuselage sec- section, means piercing the fuselage skin. Figure 3a and
tion with the cut-out in a non-structural part of the rear 3b show the footprint on the fuselage skin of the openings
fuselage section, and, providing a detachable fairing in in the fuselage due to the emplacement of the two types
said non-structural part, the invention eases the access of HTPs.
to the bottom part of the aircraft. Thus, the invention pro- 30 [0009] In the case of an HTP with a central element
vides a rear fuselage section that simplifies the mainte- formed by shafts, the fuselage skin has to be pierced,
nance and repair tasks, no longer requiring to remove and two slots have to be provided in the fuselage skin to
the tail cone to access the box-type central element of allow the HTP to trim. These slots enable the joint be-
the HTP or the THSA, but detaching the fairing provided tween shafts and lateral boxes and the trimming of the
to inwardly enclose the HTP or accessing it through ac- 35 whole structure. The rear shaft defines the pivoting axis
cess doors. for the HTP trimming, whereas the front shaft is driven
by an actuator to perform the trimming movement. Nei-
Background of the invention ther the front nor the rear shafts of this HTP cross any
frame of the rear fuselage section, so there are no inter-
[0005] As it is known, the rear end of the fuselage of 40 rupted frames in this kind of HTP assembly. Figure 3a
an aircraft supports both the vertical and horizontal tail shows a lateral view of the fuselage skin 27 perforated
planes (VTP and HTP). Both planes act during standard by the slots 30.
aircraft operations to trim the aircraft in flight in order to [0010] In the case of an HTP with a box-type central
provide stability and control. As is shown in figure 1, the element, the rear fuselage section has to be crossed by
rear end of the fuselage comprises two different sections, 45 said central element and, at least, one frame has to be
the tail cone 1 and a rear fuselage section 2. Commonly, split for emplacing the HTP in its conventional mid-frame
the VTP 17 and the HTP 23 are fitted to said rear fuselage position. Said emplacement also entails a full removal of
section 2. a section panel of the fuselage skin, hereinafter referred
[0006] The majority of conventional HTP’s comprise to as cut-out, which is needed, not only to attach the HTP
two lateral bodies joined to a central element. The lateral 50 to the fuselage structure, but also to allow it to trim. Figure
bodies project outwardly from each lateral side of the 3b shows a lateral view of the fuselage skin 27 with a
aircraft fuselage, and the central element, which is joined cut-out 7 for emplacing the HTP. The cut-out 7 must be
to both lateral bodies crosses the internal aircraft struc- bigger than the box-type central element 19 for allowing
ture by means of openings in the fuselage skin. There the HTP to trim. Since the integration of the HTP with the
are two kinds of HTP depending on the type of central 55 fuselage skin must comply with severe aerodynamic con-
element they comprise. The central element can be a straints, the spaces between the walls of the cut-out 7
piece composed of a number of shafts/rods (as shown and the HTP torsion box have to be covered by a dedi-
in figure 2a), or of a box-type central element (as shown cated element 32 for ensuring a correct aerodynamic be-

3 EP 2 832 636 A1 4

havior of the area. ments of the rear fuselage section.

[0011] Commonly, this dedicated element may consist [0016] Figure 5a shows a schematic lateral view of the
of an apron or a shield. An apron is made of a deformable aircraft that details the fastening of the HTP to swingles.
material, suitable for adapting itself to the HTP move- Conventionally, at one side, the box-type central element
ment, as it is attached both to HTP and cut-out walls and 5 19 of the HTP is attached to swingles 8 by means of a
always covers the gaps between said parts. Thus, an lug 32, and at its opposite side, to the THSA 15. Through
apron is more suitable for covering small openings in the its attachment, the THSA 15 drives the rotating move-
fuselage skin where the surface curvature of the rear ment of the HTP.
fuselage is small. Shields, on the other hand, are made [0017] As conventionally, figure 5b shows the THSA
of rigid material and move together with the HTP. Shields 10 15 placed along the aircraft symmetry plane 25, in a for-
are more suitable for covering bigger openings, such as ward position with respect to the front spar 34 of the tor-
those used in wide-body aircrafts. These big openings sion box of the HTP. The fitting of said front spar 34 with
also usually require modifying the aerodynamic surface the TSHA 15, is typically made by means of a jackscrew
of the fuselage skin surrounding the cut-out to reduce 33. At each side of the rear spar 35 of the torsion box,
the gaps between the leading and trailing edge structures 15 close to the fuselage skin 27, the lug 32 attaches the rear
of the HTP and the walls of the cut-out and to provide spar 35 to the swingle 8.
enough space for said structures to be able to move dur- [0018] As it has been mentioned, HTPs with a box-type
ing the trimming of the HTP. This modification usually central element involves several drawbacks that need to
implies moving away from a conventional conical section be addressed.
which is easy to demould towards a much more compli- 20 [0019] There are known solutions that avoid the need
cated section which poses difficulties in said stage. for the cut-out for locating the HTP. For example, Spanish
[0012] Focusing on HTPs with a box-type central ele- patent ES2373812B1 discloses a horizontal stabilizer
ment, figure 4 shows in greater detail a perspective view configuration with a negative sweep angle, where the
of a rear fuselage section, wherein the tail cone is re- structural configuration of the VTP and the aircraft fuse-
moved and the tail cone attachment fittings 11 appear in 25 lage frames are such that it enables the connection of
the foreground. As has been mentioned, the cut-out 7 for the HTP to the rear end of the fuselage, without requiring
the HTP forces to construct, at least, one of the frames the fuselage to have a structural opening. The patent
6 of the aircraft, not as a unitary body, but as separated describes a structural connection of the HTP to the air-
pieces, joined together by ancillary elements that act as craft fuselage made between points of the front spar of
horizontal stabiliser attachment fittings, commonly re- 30 the HTP and a fuselage frame, such that a structural
ferred to as swingles 8. Swingles 8 provide the attach- opening is not required in the skin panels of the fuselage
ment points that create the pivot axis 29 around which affected by the VTP and HTP load introduction. In this
the HTP rotates to trim the aircraft. way, that solution avoids a cut-out in a zone heavily af-
[0013] As the cut-out 7 entails a stiffness reduction in fected by the structural loads introduced by VTP and
the fuselage skin, the section is reinforced by means of 35 HTP.
reinforcement 12. Conventionally, said means of rein- [0020] However, a new design for the rear fuselage
forcement 12 are stiffening elements disposed in the section of an aircraft with a weight reduction and an easier
trace of stringers to frame the cut-out 7 and, the means manufacturing and assembly are still desired for an HTP
of reinforcement 12 are joined to the stringers 31 of the assembly with a box-type central element.
fuselage section once the cut-out 7 ends. Said means of 40
reinforcement 12 are highlighted for illustrative purposes, Description of the invention
but they are inwardly mounted at the section shown.
[0014] Additionally, since the rear fuselage section 2 [0021] This invention overcomes the above-men-
has to be able to support heavy loads, appropriate ele- tioned drawbacks by providing a new design for the rear
ments have to be incorporated to the split frames 6 for 45 fuselage section of aircraft, which comprises an HTP with
achieving a convenient distribution of the loads absorbed a box-type central element. This new rear fuselage sec-
by the section. For this purpose, split frames 6 further tion eases the manufacturing of the section, achieves a
comprise tie 10 and stiffening beams 13. Frames 6 and weight reduction, a stiffness optimization and facilitates
swingles 8 are joined together by diagonal support struts the assembly and the repair tasks. At the same time, this
9. 50 new section meets all of the aerodynamic requirements.
[0015] The fastening of the HTP to the rear fuselage [0022] In one aspect of the invention, the rear fuselage
section is made by horizontal stabiliser attachment fit- section of an aircraft comprises at least one closed frame
tings (swingles). Both swingles, each one on the lateral constructed as a unitary body, and an HTP comprising
sides of the aircraft, define the pivot axis around which two lateral torsion boxes and a box-type central element
the HTP rotates. The trimming of the HTP is achieved by 55 configured to join the two lateral torsion boxes, said HTP
means of an actuator, called trimmable horizontal stabi- being trimmable with respect to a pivot axis. The HTP is
lizer actuator (THSA). Figure 5 shows different views that mounted at the closed frame and the pivot axis is con-
involve the THSA 15 and its connection with other ele- tained in a horizontal plane below the lowest end of said

5 EP 2 832 636 A1 6

closed frame. not being required to take away the tail cone to access
[0023] In any event, for the purposes of describing this the box-type central element of the HTP or the THSA but
invention, a horizontal plane should be understood as a detaching the fairing provided to inwardly enclose the
plane parallel to the ground when the aircraft t is on the HTP from the bottom part of the aircraft.
ground. 5 [0033] Therefore, the new rear fuselage section focus-
[0024] Additionally, a box-type central element should es the complexity in a non-structural section, easier to
be understood as referring to that portion of the two lateral manufacture, assemble and repair. Additionally, a weight
torsion boxes which lies within the fuselage of the aircraft, reduction is achieved and the aerodynamic requirements
said portion with a box shape and requiring a box-shaped are met.
opening. 10
[0025] The rear fuselage section can be seen as com- Brief description of the drawings
prising a first section, corresponding to the structural part
of the section, containing the unitary closed frame and [0034] For a better comprehension of the invention the
the fuselage of the aircraft, and a second section, corre- following drawings are provided for illustrative and non-
sponding to the non-structural part of said section, pref- 15 limiting purposes, wherein:
erably containing, at least, a fairing.
[0026] By functionally dividing the rear fuselage sec- Figure 1 shows a view of an aircraft wherein the rear
tion into a first structural section and a second non-struc- end of the fuselage of an aircraft comprising the rear
tural section some requirements, such as the need for fuselage section and the tail cone sections have
an opening (cut-out) to emplace the HTP, are displaced 20 been highlighted. The X direction represents the di-
from the first section to the second section. Thus, the rection of flight of the aircraft.
new rear fuselage section shifts the design complexity
to a second section, which is easier to manufacture as it Figure 2 shows prior art plan schematic views of two
does not contain structural elements. different types of aircraft, attending to the HTP cen-
[0027] Therefore, a technical effect and advantage of 25 tral element type. Figure 2a shows a plan view of an
the invention is that manufacturing is simplified. The new HTP with an enlarged detail of a central element
rear fuselage section comprises entire frames that allows formed by an assembly of shafts. Figure 2b and 2c
the section manufacture as one piece, and provides a show plan views of different embodiments of an HTP
potentially one-shot fuselage section manufacture. with a box-type central element.
[0028] Also, and given that the cut-out for the HTP is 30
displaced to a non-structural section, the need for Figure 3 shows prior art lateral views of the fuselage
strengthening the opening by conventional means of re- skin of the two types of HTPs. Figure 3a shows a
inforcement is removed. In this respect, the rear fuselage lateral view of a fuselage for emplacing an HTP with
section simplifies the manufacture at the same time as a central element formed by an assembly of shafts.
it achieves a weight reduction. 35 Figure 3b shows a lateral view of a fuselage with a
[0029] Moreover, the new rear fuselage section avoids emplacement for an HTP with a box-type central el-
the need of creating indentations in the areas of the fu- ement.
selage surrounding the cut-out, conventionally provided
for modifying the aerodynamic surface of the fuselage Figure 4 shows a perspective view of a prior art rear
skin to meet aerodynamic requirements. In this way, the 40 fuselage section of an aircraft.
manufacture of the section is also simplified, at the same
time that the aerodynamic requirements are met. Figure 5 shows prior art views of the HTP connected
[0030] Likewise, another technical effect and advan- to the THSA and to the swingles. Figure 5a shows
tage of the invention is that assembly is simplified. The a schematic lateral view and figure 5b a plan view.
new rear fuselage section involves the assembly of, at 45
least, one unitary closed frame and a fairing, instead of Figure 6 is a schematic perspective view of the ar-
split frames with joining requirements. The fairing can be rangement of the HTP according to an embodiment
modular or manufactured as one piece, but in either case, of the present invention.
the fairing assembly entails an easier assembly, involving
bigger pieces that imply fewer elements. 50 Figure 7 is a cross-sectional view that schematically
[0031] Also, the assembly of the new rear fuselage shows a lowermost segment of the closed frame,
section avoids conventionally connecting pieces be- that comprises the lowest end of the closed frame,
tween the means of reinforcement and the stringers, so, according to one embodiment of the invention. Fig-
a simplification in assembly and a weight reduction are ure 7a corresponds to a closed frame constructed
additionally achieved. 55 as a ring-shaped body and Figure 7b constructed as
[0032] Additionally, regarding the HTP mounting loca- a body which comprises rounded upper and lower
tion, another technical effect and advantage of the inven- sides and substantially straight lateral sides.
tion is that maintenance and repair tasks are simplified,

7 EP 2 832 636 A1 8

Figures 8a and 8b are side-elevation views of two the attachment fittings 21 are arranged at the both ex-
embodiments of the invention, where, in both, the tremes of the lowermost segment 24 of the closed frame
HTP is located at the closed frame between the rear 6. It is desirable that the fittings are as low as possible
pressure bulkhead and the tail cone in such a way and as short as possible, for reducing the weight of the
that its pivot axis is contained in a horizontal plane 5 fittings. Thus, in a preferential embodiment, the attach-
lower than the lowest end of said closed frame. Fig- ment fittings 21 comply with these preferences.
ures 8a and 8b show two potential locations for the [0042] The HTP 23 is suitably mounted at the lowest
THSA. end 37 of the closed frame 6, at mounting points located
within the extension of said lowermost segment 24. Fig-
Figure 9 is a planform view looking upwards to the 10 ures 6, 7a and 7b shown the horizontal stabilizer attach-
belly of the aircraft where the fairing is provided to ment fittings 21 that protrude downwardly from the
enclose the HTP. The figure includes an enlarged mounting points above mentioned, providing the attach-
detail of the fairing attachment to the fuselage skin. ment points between the HTP and the closed frame 6 in
a non-structural area of the aircraft.
Preferred embodiments of the invention 15 [0043] Preferentially, the rear fuselage section 2 fur-
ther comprises a detachable fairing 16 configured to in-
[0035] In the preferred embodiment of figure 6, the rear wardly enclose the HTP 23, said fairing 16 having a pair
fuselage section 2 of an aircraft comprises at least one of cut-outs 7, each cut-out 7 for containing one of the
closed frame 6 constructed as a unitary body, and an lateral torsion boxes 20 of the horizontal tail plane 23.
HTP comprising two lateral torsion boxes 20 and a box- 20 [0044] Both figures 8 and 8b show a side-elevation
type central element 19 configured to join the two lateral views of two possible embodiments of the invention
torsion boxes 20, wherein said HTP is trimmable with wherein the HTP 23 is not shown but its potential location
respect to a pivot axis 29. The HTP is mounted at the is represented trough the cut-out 7 of the fairing 16. Both
closed frame 6 and the pivot axis 29 is contained in a figures clearly show how the traditional mid-frame posi-
horizontal plane 36 below the lowest end 37 of the closed 25 tion of the HTP 23 is modified to a lower one according
frame 6. In the embodiment of the figure, the configura- to the invention. In the embodiment of the figures, the
tion of the box-type central element comprises a rib 18 configuration of the box-type central element comprises
that joins said two lateral torsion boxes 20. a torsion box which joins the two lateral torsion boxes 20.
[0036] Figure 6 shows the modified position of the [0045] Preferentially, as shown in figures 8a and 8b,
HTP, emplaced in a lower position according to the in- 30 the closed frame 6 at which the HTP 23 is mounted, is
vention, specifically to be positioned in a way that its pivot the last frame of the rear fuselage section 2, that is, the
axis 29 is contained in a horizontal plane 36 below the frame that closes said rear fuselage section 2, and where-
lowest end 37 of the closed frame 6. in the last is referred to the flight direction of the aircraft,
[0037] Preferentially, the HTP 23 is mounted at the the X axis. As shown in said figures, in another prefer-
closed frame 6 by horizontal stabilizer attachment fittings 35 ential embodiment the fairing 16 extends along the lon-
21 arranged at the both sides of the lowest end 37 of the gitudinal axis of the aircraft from the rear pressure bulk-
closed frame 6. head 14 to the HTP pivot axis frame, in the figures, the
[0038] In another preferential embodiment, the closed last frame 6 shown in the rear fuselage section 2. Pref-
frame 6 is a ring-shaped body and the horizontal stabilizer erentially, the HTP 23 is boxed between said rear pres-
attachment fittings 21 are arranged at a lowermost seg- 40 sure bulkhead 14 and the tail cone 1.
ment 24 of said closed frame 6, being said lowermost [0046] Additionally, in another preferred embodiment,
segment 24 delimited by a 45 degree angle extended to the THSA 15 is mounted to the upper part of the structural
both sides from the aircraft symmetry plane 25. rear fuselage section 2, as shown in figure 8a, or, ac-
[0039] As shown in figure 7a, the lowermost segment cording to another preferred embodiment, mounted to
24 of the closed frame 6 is delimited by the 45 degree 45 the lower part of the structural rear fuselage section 2,
angle extended to both sides from the aircraft symmetry as shown in figure 8b.
plane 25, and from the geometer center C of a circum- [0047] Moreover, in another preferential embodiment,
ference within which the closed frame 6 can be circum- along the Z axis, the dimension of the fairing 16 will be
scribed. defined by the size of the cut-out 7 in addition to the re-
[0040] Figure 7b shows another preferential embodi- 50 quired manufacturing clearances, where the size of the
ment in which the closed frame 6 is an body with rounded cut-out 7 is defined by the rotation of the lateral torsion
upper and lower sides and substantially straight lateral boxes 20 around the pivot axis 29 plus manufacturing
sides and, wherein the attachment fittings 21 are ar- tolerances.
ranged at a lowermost segment 24 of said closed frame [0048] An additional technical effect and advantage of
6, being said lowermost segment 24 delimited by the tran- 55 the invention, is that any intricate shape of the rear fuse-
sition between the rounded lower side and the substan- lage section which is difficult to manufacture, is provided
tially straight lateral sides. at the fairing 16 instead of at the load-bearing part of the
[0041] Preferentially, as shown in figures 7a and 7b, rear fuselage section.

9 EP 2 832 636 A1 10

[0049] Preferably, the fairing 16 is made of composite at a lowermost segment (24) of said closed frame
material. And as shown in figures 8a and 8b, the fairing (6), being said lowermost segment (24) delimited by
16 is detachably attached to the structural rear fuselage a 45 degree angle extended to both sides from the
section, satisfying the continuity of the fuselage skin 27 aircraft symmetry plane (25).
of the rear fuselage section 2 with the fuselage skin 27 5
of the rest of the aircraft. Also in the lower part of said 4. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to
figures, is shown the tail bumper 28 fixed at the fuselage claim 2, wherein the closed frame (6) is a body with
skin 27 close to the rear pressure bulkhead 14 and the rounded upper and lower sides and substantially
fairing 16 in order to prevent damage in the event of a straight lateral sides and, wherein the attachment
tail strike. 10 fittings (21) are arranged at a lowermost segment
[0050] Preferentially, the box-type central element 19 (24) of said closed frame (6), being said lowermost
has a front spar 34 and a rear spar 35. In another pref- segment (24) delimited by the transition between the
erential embodiment, the HTP 23 is mounted at the rounded lower side and the substantially straight lat-
closed frame 6 by the rear spar 35 of its box-type central eral sides.
element 19. And in another preferential embodiment, the 15
HTP 23 is connected to a trimmable horizontal stabilizer 5. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to
actuator 15 by the front spar 34 of its box-type central any of claims 3-4, wherein the attachment fittings
element 19. Being the front and the rear referred to the (21) are arranged at both extremes of the lowermost
flight direction of the aircraft, the X axis. In this preferred segment (24) of the closed frame (6).
embodiment, the THSA 15 may be mounted to the upper 20
part of the structural rear fuselage section 2, as shown 6. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to
in figure 8a, or to the lower part of said structural rear any of the preceding claims, further comprising a de-
fuselage section 2, as shown in figure 8b. tachable fairing (16) configured to inwardly enclose
[0051] Figure 9 shows a fairing 16 which is preferably the horizontal tail plane (23), the fairing (16) having
provided to enclose the HTP 23, and comprises a pair of 25 a pair of cut-outs (7), each cut-out (7) for containing
cut-outs 7 for the protrusion of the two lateral boxes 20 one of the lateral torsion boxes (20) of the horizontal
of the HTP 23. As is shown in more detail in the enlarged tail plane (23).
view of that figure 9, the fairing 16 is preferably attached
to a profile 26 which is riveted to the fuselage skin 27 of 7. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to
the aircraft. 30 claim 6, wherein the fairing (16) is attached to a pro-
[0052] Preferably, the rear fuselage section according file (26) fastened to the fuselage skin (27) of the air-
to this invention is made of composite material, such as craft.
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP).
8. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to
35 any of claims 6-7, wherein said fairing (16) is made
Claims of composite material.

1. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft comprising 9. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to
at least one closed frame (6) constructed as a unitary any of the preceding claims, wherein the box-type
body, and a horizontal tail plane (23) comprising two 40 central element (19) has a front spar (34) and a rear
lateral torsion boxes (20) and a box-type central el- spar (35) and the horizontal tail plane (23) is mounted
ement (19) configured to join the two lateral torsion at the closed frame (6) by said rear spar (35).
boxes (20), said horizontal tail plane (23) trimmable
with respect to a pivot axis (29), characterized in 10. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to
that the horizontal tail plane (23) is mounted at the 45 any of the preceding claims, wherein the box-type
closed frame (6) and the pivot axis (29) is contained central element (19) has a front spar (34) and a rear
in a horizontal plane (36) below the lowest end (37) spar (35) and the horizontal tail plane (23) is con-
of said closed frame (6). nected to a trimmable horizontal stabilizer actuator
(15) by said front spar (34).
2. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to 50
claim 1, wherein the horizontal tail plane (23) is 11. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to
mounted at the closed frame (6) by horizontal stabi- any of the preceding claims, further comprising a rear
lizer attachment fittings (21) arranged at the both pressure bulkhead (14) and a tail cone (1) coupled
sides of the lowest end (37) of the closed frame (6). with said closed frame (6), wherein the horizontal tail
55 plane (23) is boxed between said rear pressure bulk-
3. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to head (14) and said tail cone (1).
claim 2, wherein the closed frame (6) is a ring-shaped
body and the attachment fittings (21) are arranged 12. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to

11 EP 2 832 636 A1 12

any of claims 6-10, further comprising a tail bumper

(28) fixed at the fuselage skin (27) comprised be-
tween the rear pressure bulkhead (14) and the fairing
(16) for providing a tail strike protection.
13. Rear fuselage section (2) of an aircraft according to
any of the preceding claims, wherein the closed
frame (6) is the last frame of said rear fuselage sec-
tion (2).










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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• ES 2373812 B1 [0019]


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