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Gankster - Valorant LFG Game Experience Testers

Welcome to the Game Testers Program!!

As part of the game testers you will take part in testing the Gankster LFG experience while
playing Valorant and joining groups.

- You will be awarded 3$ per game played
- Swiftplays will receive 50% pay, as they are shorter.
- We will reach out to you on Discord every two weeks to sum the games.
- Please save a screenshot of the full screen with the “Match started” text for each
game as proof of playing similar to the example below.

- Compensation will be awarded for games found using the Gankster LFG platform, while
having the Gankster Desktop app open to track the matches
- Compensation will be awarded for joining an existing party,not creating a new one.
- You will need to join the party using “auto party invite” an not by sharing riot IDs
- You can only play up to 2 matches with the same person in the party.
- Engage with the party member & share the LFG game experience with Gankster staff
- During the matches you will do your best to play fairly and aim to win
- You will not smurf/play outside of your rank in accordance with RIOT’s TOS
- Please report any issues found in the LFG Game experience to the Gankster staff.
- Full instructions on how to join an LFG in the next page

- Screenshots should be saved in a document for review after two weeks, make sure to
send the first one to a gankster staff to make sure it’s taken correctly
- For the match to count all players need to join using “auto party invite” and not send
each other riot IDs
- If you have feedback, send it directly to the Gankster staff

How to join an LFG?
1. Download the Gankster LFG app here:

2. Go to the “Groups” tab

3. Request to join existing group that matches your region and rank:

4. You will need to accept the invite to start the game

5. Click “auto join party” to start the match with your teammate - this will automatically invite
all the players to the party together

6. Collect a screenshot of match started as proof of starting a match:

Video Guide can be found here

Make sure to have the desktop app and the game open
Use the “Auto Party Invite” to automatically invite the players to the party when ready
Games played when adding players using RIOT ID will not be compensated


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