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S t r a i g h t T r u t h W W W . T E H R A N T I M E S .


8 Pages | Price 100,000 Rials | 1.00 EURO | 4.00 AED | 45th year | No. 14638 | Thursday | November 16, 2023 | Aban 25, 1402 | Jumada al-Awwal 2, 1445

Allameh Tabatabai
formed strong
intellectual base by
adopting active, offensive
approach: Leader
TEHRAN- Leader of the Islamic Revolution
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has said that
Allameh Sayyid Mohammad Hossein Tabat-
abai forged a stout intellectual base while
adopting an active and offensive approach.
Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks
during a meeting with organizers of the In-
ternational Congress in Honor of Allameh
Tabatabai on November 8 which was later
published on November 15.
The following is a part of the Leader’s
statement posted on the
The late Allameh Tabatabai was one of the
exceptional wonders of our seminaries in the
last centuries. The qualities that made up
this man’s character were all some of the su-
perior virtues of a person. A combination of
qualities such as knowledge, piety, morality,

Trophy of
literary talent and artistry, and sincerity and
friendship were what formed the personali-
ty of this great man. One point regarding the
knowledge of this noble man, was the wide
scope of his knowledge. He was an expert in
the principles of jurisprudence. He was a phi-
losopher. And he had a deep understanding
of theoretical mysticism. Page 2

an Invincible Army
Raisi writes to world
leaders on ‘organized
collective punishment’

of Gazans
Israel’s Al-Shifa hospital propaganda fails as it achieves nothing TEHRAN- Ebrahim Raisi, the President of
Iran, has denounced the collective punish-
ment of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, say-

OPINION: Reuters or UNICEF executive director Scholz standing on wrong ing that it is being carried out in a planned

dream makers? calls Gazs situation side of history in Gaza war In a letter sent to world leaders on Tues-
day, Raisi asserted that the Israeli regime

Mohammad Sarfi
‘devastating’ By Mehran Shamsuddin
has engaged in an “intensive and organized
collective punishment” of the Gaza popula-
tion, one that clearly violated all fundamen-
Editor-in-Chief In an emotional statement, UNICEF Executive German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Sunday he tal principles of international law.
TEHRAN - While the Israeli regime’s killing machine, with Director Catherine Russell has called for a opposed an “immediate” ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli regime has also killed thou-
the support of the West, has killed over 11,000 citizens humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza after describing the The statement by the German leader is in sharp sands of people in Gaza, many of them
of Gaza in more than 40 days - two-thirds of whom situation there as “devastating”. contrast to the global demand for a ceasefire. women and children, destroyed hospitals,
women and children - Western media has appeared as a “Today I visited the Gaza Strip to meet with children, Through such an approach, Germany is setting itself mosques, churches, houses, and other criti-
whitewashing machine for genocide and seeks to justify the against all countries, except the U.S. and Britain and cal infrastructure, and refused to lift a block-
their families and UNICEF staff. What I saw and
crimes of Israel. a few others. Most importantly, Scholze is standing ade that had left the enclave without food,
heard was devastating. They have endured repeated
Of course, propaganda and psychological operations in against the public opinion in the world. water, or electricity.
bombardment, loss and displacement. Inside the Strip,
war are not a strange phenomenon, and Western media The people around the world had formulated a In the letter, Raisi asserted that Palestine,
must also be considered part of the unequal forces involved there is nowhere safe for Gaza’s one million children
high opinion of Germany following the policies that being a nation under occupation, possesses
in this war. A force that tries to support Israel’s crimes in to turn,” Russell said in a statement released on the country followed after the Second World War. the right to fight back against aggression
Gaza with flimsy and unacceptable excuses such as “the Wednesday. It received hundreds of thousands of refugees who and occupation using any means necessary,
right to self-defense.” She added that more than 4,600 children have been fled the Syrian war. But Germany has disappointed including armed struggle.
One of these psychological operations was exposed killed during Israeli airstrikes with an additional 9,000 the people whenever it comes to Israel’s behavior in
He further stated that the Zionist regime is
by Reuters on November 15. Reuters claimed in a news Palestine. Germany is unreasonably biased in favor
reportedly injured. not authorized by international law to defend
report, citing three informed sources in Iran, that of Israel, no matter whether the Social Democrats or
The statement comes after the United Nations itself by killing civilians.
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of Iran, complained in Christian Democrats are in power.
announced it is mourning the death of more than 100 He urged international leaders to de-
a recent meeting with Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran that The war crimes being committed against the Gazans
of its aid workers, who lost their lives during Israeli nounce the atrocities carried out by the Is-
Hamas had refused to inform Iran about the “Al-Aqsa are so grave that have astonished the world. Regarding
raeli regime in Gaza and to put an end to its
Storm” operation. bombardments on Gaza. the war on Gaza,
hostility toward the territory. Page 2
Page 5

Tourist arrivals in Iran Iran FM addresses AEOI to produce 60 new

jump 40 percent y/y Gaza situation with UN radiopharmaceuticals for
TEHRAN – Foreign arrivals to Iran during the first
relief chief health sector
seven months of the current Iranian year were up TEHRAN – Iran’s foreign minister has TEHRAN - The Atomic Energy Organization
40% compared to the same period last year, the voiced his deep concern over the dire of Iran (AEOI) has received an order to
deputy tourism minister said. humanitarian situation in Gaza during produce over 60 new radiopharmaceuticals
for the domestic market.
“In the first seven months of this year, the a meeting in Geneva on Wednesday
with UN under-secretary-general for Behrouz Kamalvandi, AEOI spokesman,
arrival of overseas tourists to the country
humanitarian affairs Martin Griffiths. stated on Tuesday that the healthcare
increased by 40% compared to the same period industry has received a lot of support from
last year,” Ali-Asghar Shalbafian said. Hossein Amir Abdollahian demanded
the nuclear organization recently.
an immediate cessation of Israeli
He says the rate of tourist arrivals, mainly from He announced that the Food and Drug
attacks and abhorred attempts to
Iran’s neighboring countries, has been “promising”. Administration of the Health Ministry has
displace the people of Gaza.
The official said Iran enjoys a considerable share awarded the AEOI a contract to manufacture
He also denounced Israeli attacks 66 new radiopharmaceuticals.
of arrivals from its neighboring countries. on Gazans as genocidal, lacking any
“A range of domestically produced
“The tourism ministry has put in a great deal prospect of victory, and only increasing
IRNA/ Mehdi Bolourian

radiopharmaceuticals for cancer diagnosis

of effort to both ease arrivals and diversify costs for the U.S., the regime’s primary and treatment are being developed with
its tourism sources,” he added. “For example, supporter. world-class quality,” Kamalvandi stated.
travelers from Iraq and Turkey can easily visit The foreign minister also stressed In December 2022, AEOI director general
Iran in their own cars and such a facilitation is the imperative of swift and sufficient Mohammad Eslami announced that Iran aspires
to be provided for travelers from Armenia in the humanitarian aid to the besieged to become a worldwide hub for the production
near future.” Page 6 Gazans. Page 3 of deuterium pharmaceuticals. Page 2
Allameh Tabatabai formed strong intellectual base
POLITICS by adopting active, offensive approach: Leader

NOVEMBER 16, 2023 From page 1 He was a schol- into the room. He said, “I was at
S t r a i g h t T r u t h ar in astronomy and mathematics. Allameh Semnani’s house. Mr. Kho-
He was an outstanding scholar in meini and Mr. Tabatabai were there
TEHRAN TIMES the interpretation of the Quran and too along with a few other gentle-
the Quranic sciences. He was truly men. Allameh Semnani turned to Mr.
unparalleled in this field. He was a Khomeini and said, “I read your Tafsir
TEHRAN PAPERS skilled poet. He was skilled and ac-
tive in the science of genealogy. My
Al-Mizan. It is very good. It is excel-
lent. I truly enjoyed it.”
late father was friends with Mr. Ta-
Washington’s contradictory moves in
He continued complimenting
batabai from the time they were in him [Mr. Khomeini] for writing Taf-
Najaf. My father himself told me this. sir Al-Mizan, thinking he was Mr.
West Asia My father wrote a letter to Mr. Tabatabai. Since Mr. Khomeini was
Tabatabai asking him to ask a cer- not a person who would lose his
tain person [a famous man in Qom control in such a situation, he lis-
In the following column, we take a look at some important for our family tree], and then he tened without saying anything. Mr.
contents and views in the yesterday’s Iranian newspapers. wanted it sent to him. Now I don’t
remember his exact words, but in
dents, played key roles in the Islam- Today when we look at these issues,
we see that they are also related
Tabatabai who was sitting on the
other side, turned to Allameh Sem-
ic Revolution.
response to this letter, Mr. Tabatabai In the Assembly of Experts, many to the present day. This active and nani and said, “I am Mr. Tabatabi. He
Shargh devoted its headline to the confused Israel, if some of this support is reduced, Israel wrote, “I know [genealogy] as much offensive intellectual base was cre- is Mr. Khomeini, my teacher.”
state of the Biden administration and wrote: The will suffer tremendously. of those who wrote the constitution
as he does or more.” So he prepared were students of the late Mr. Taba- ated by the late Mr. Tabatabai. This The late Mr. Tabatabai, with all his
New York Times previously claimed that the U.S. Javan: IRGC power biggest threat against Is- our family tree and sent it. In other is one point.
is not seeking to escalate tensions with Iran and tabai. A number of the well-known spiritual, academic, and behavior-
rael words, the family tree that is cur- martyrs in the Islamic Revolution That is what I think we should al merits and with all these things
is not planning to enter a war with the country in rently in our hands was prepared by
In a commentary, Javan discussed the claim of had also been the students of Mr. learn from Mr. Tabatabai. We need that almost everyone knows about
the face of the current conflict between Israel and Mr. Tabatabai.
Financial Times and said: Only one day had passed Tabatabai. Martyr Motahari was his to form intellectual bases that fill him now, with all these qualities, in
Palestinians. This came after U.S. President Joe
since the full-scale attack of Hamas against the In the field of mathematics, he student, Martyr Beheshti was his the voids and have an active, offen- terms of personality and friendship,
Biden released about $6 billion of Tehran’s frozen
Zionist regime, that the United States showed drew the layout for the Hojjatiyeh student, Martyr Qoddusi was his sive nature toward the other side he was a very charming, pleasant
funds in South Korea as well as five Iranians from
its full support to this regime and sent a warn- Seminary (a prominent seminary in student, and Martyr Aghasheikh Ali rather than assuming a passive, person. His speeches were pleas-
US prisons in exchange for five Iranian-Americans
ing message to its regional enemies. The United Qom). He was a magnificent, pro- Heydari Nahavandi was his student. defensive position. ant, his language was pleasant, and
jailed in Iran. It has now been revealed that Biden
is set to approve a sanctions waiver that will al- States has sent another strike flotilla, defense ficient architect. Mr. Tabatabai’s There are two qualities that the His second characteristic, which he was a pleasant, friendly speaker.
low Iran to access at least $10 billion in previously systems and nuclear submarines to the Per- scientific diversity was one of the late Mr. Tabatabai possessed that in my opinion is also a very prom- In his more private meetings, his
frozen funds held in Iraq. The money will allegedly sian Gulf region to increase the protection of the special dimensions of his scientific grab my attention and draw me to inent, important characteristic, is conduct and silence were not the
be transferred to banks in Oman and Europe. It American military in the region. Washington has knowledge. him very much. One was Mr. Taba- that in the field of monotheistic same as when he was holding public
seems that since the beginning of the war between claimed it aims to “deter any potential attacks by Another dimension was the depth tabai›s exceptional intellectual jihad. teachings and divine concepts that meetings, discussions, lessons, etc.
Hamas and Israel, the Biden government has been Iran and the armed groups it supports including of his scientific and intellectual He lived at the time of the invasion he had come to understand, he did He was warm, charming, pleas-
suffering from a behavioral contradiction, on one Hamas”. The United States carried out its third knowledge. In [the science of] prin- of foreign, imported ideologies and not stop at intellectual growth. He ant, and a good conversationalist.
hand, it is trying to avoid escalating the tension in attack against “militia supported by Iran” in Syr- ciples, he was a master of tenets. doctrines such as Marxism, and grasped those concepts and truths When he would narrate something,
the region, especially the conflict with Iran, and at ia, which is seen as an escalation of tensions by In philosophy, he was an innovative also people who created and spread with his noble heart and soul, and he he would describe it in detail and
the same time, it has taken measures to spread Washington in retaliation for dozens of attacks philosopher. He presented a philo- doubts. These people weren’t try- put his knowledge into practice. with color and life. That’s the kind of
and generalize the war to the entire West Asian on American soldiers in the region. The English sophical system, which may be seen ing to present a certain school of These characteristics which he is person he was. He had a well-round-
region. Certainly, the current situation in the re- newspaper Financial Times considered the in- in his book The Principles of Philos- thought. They were creating and known for, such as his extraordinary ed personality. He was talented, he
gion and the world after Operation Al-Aqsa storm tensification of the liberating activities of the ophy and the Method of Realism as spreading doubts. humbleness and not following his was interested in poetry and litera-
has created a complex and at the same time con- resistance forces in the region after the Zionist well as in two other of his books that desires, were all due to this fact. His ture, and he possessed a complete
This is the same thing that the
tradictory situation for all actors in West Asia as regime’s war crimes in Gaza as the main factor in he wrote not long ago, the books patience and his humility were due combination of all the qualities that
late Mr. Motahari was working
well as other regions. The U.S. appears to also have strengthening Washington’s military presence in Bidaya and Nihaya. In the science of to the fact that he had grasped those an outstanding, eminent person
against. The books he wrote were
some kind of contradiction in its behavior, actions the region and considered the “powerful forces of commentary on the Quran, he was concepts and high levels of knowl- can have. I hope, God willing, the Al-
often in response to the doubts
and reactions towards this issue. the Revolution Guard Corps” as the main threat an extraordinary exegete. edge with his soul. When people saw mighty God will exalt his rank, and
that were being spread at that time.
against the Zionist regime and Western countries. him, it truly seemed to them that he make us of those who are apprecia-
Iran: Americans fail to infiltrate Gaza in pri- Another dimension of this no- In the midst of these events, the
mary attempts Siasat-e-Rooz: Zionist regime is the one to be ble man’s scientific endeavors was late Mr. Tabatabai (ra) was able to was not concerned with himself. He tive of him. Praise God that He bless-
condemned the area of training students. He form a strong intellectual base us- was patient. He had a very gentle at- ed him in this way.
In a note, the Iran newspaper indagated the
In an article, Siasat-e-Rooz addressed the trained philosophers such as Mar- ing an active, offensive approach, titude toward others, and he would Mr. Tabatabai is much better
role of Joe Biden’s administration in supporting
baseless claims of the Zionist regime against tyr Motahari, Martyr Beheshti, and with both his book The Principles even treat those who argued with known today than he was during his
the genocide of the Zionists in Gaza and quoted
Iran. It wrote: The Israeli regime cannot save itself other more recent scholars such of Philosophy and also with his ex- him or had disputes with him with lifetime. When he was alive, he was
Tehran University professor Foad Izadi, a senior
from condemnation by falsely blaming Iran. This as the late Mr. Mesbah [Yazdi], etc. planatory statements. This exege- patience and tolerance. He would known by maybe a tenth of the num-
expert on American issues, as saying: Stephen
apartheid regime is undeniably responsible for These are the kinds of people that sis is filled with a sea of political and forgive them. ber of people that now know him.
Walt, a prominent American theoretician, believes
that the Gaza war has affected the strategic situ- the tragic loss of innocent lives caused by its on- he taught. He revived philosophy social knowledge. His book [of com- One day, I was sitting in my sem- Praise God, he is now well-known in
ation of the United States in managing the issue going crimes against civilians in Gaza. According and created philosophers. Now, it is mentary], Al-Mizan, is [also] about inary room when one of my friends the country, in academic assemblies,
of Iran and its competition with China. It must be to Amir Saeid Iravani, Iran’s ambassador and per- also interesting to note that most political and social issues that had who loved Mr. Tabatabai and was and throughout the world to a great
said that what is happening in Gaza is not in the manent representative to the United Nations, the of his students, or many of his stu- not even been raised at that time. one of his devoted students came extent, God willing.
interest of America at all. Americans have made representative of the Israeli regime in his letter, by
a big mistake by supporting Israel, and this is repeating baseless claims against Iran, accused Raisi writes to world leaders on ‘organized collective punishment’ of Gazans
not good for America’s geopolitics in the region, Iran of “politics aimed at igniting regional war” From page 1 According to President Raisi, flow of electricity, water, food and fuel to that sary and incumbent upon all of us to engage in
where powerful countries like Iran and China are to divert the attention of the world community the international community must pressure the area, are practically a severe and systematic col- efforts with the aim to return all Palestinian ref-
present. On the other hand, Iran’s diplomacy in from war crimes in the Gaza Strip. As stated many Israeli regime to end its embargo on Gaza so lective punishment that substantively violates all ugees to their land of fathers and their ancestors
facing America and Israel is appreciable. Support- times, the decisions and actions of independent that food, medicine, and fuel could be distribut- the fundamental principles of international law, and the formation of a Palestinian state in the en-
ing the ideal of Palestine has both advantages and Palestinian resistance groups are based on their ed to the region’s residents. especially international humanitarian law and tire Palestinian territories with Al-Quds Sharif as
disadvantages. The Islamic Republic has always interests and in line with Palestinian interests, International human rights, and there is no doubt its capital, to request the relevant international
At the end of the letter, the president ex-
helped in the difficult situation, and if it wasn’t for and speaks to their right of self-determination that these crimes are clear examples of genocide, forums to force the occupying regime to immedi-
pressed hope that the Almighty God may save
Iran, the Palestinian case would have been forgot- and self-defense against Israeli occupation and war crimes and crimes against humanity. ately stop all its attacks on the Gaza strip and all
the oppressed Palestinian nation from occupa-
ten years ago. One goal is to reduce the support military aggression. As a result, any attempt to tion, aggression and crimes. its illegal actions, including Jewish settlements
The extent, intensity and cruelty of commit-
of Western countries towards Israel. Although blame or involve Iran for any of these issues is
The full text of Raise’s letter to world leaders ting these crimes, and the fact that they have and killing and arresting of Palestinians in other
Western countries do not stop their support for unacceptable.
is as follows: been perpetrated within only one month, espe- occupied areas of Palestine; to refrain from any
cially the brutal killing of several thousands of action to forcibly relocate Palestinians inside or
I am writing this letter to Your Excellency in the
Iranian, Qatari FMs reiterate demand to end context of the continuation of the Zionist regime’s
brutal attack on the Gaza Strip, which has so far
innocent children, hurt the heart of every free
person, and underscore the urgency and neces-
outside of Palestine; to push for immediate, com-
plete and unconditional lifting of the blockade of

Israeli war crimes in Gaza led to the martyrdom of more than 10,000 Pales-
tinian civilians, including about 70% children and
sity of fulfilling the humanitarian duties of all
the freedom-loving governments of the world
the Gaza Strip; to provide the ground for imme-
diate, unhindered, widespread and sufficient hu-
women, and the wounding of more than 26,000 to help the oppressed people of Palestine and manitarian aid in Gaza, especially food, medicine
TEHRAN- The Israeli regime’s savage bombard- Israel’s genocide in Gaza. others, as well as the extensive destruction of the immediate cessation of the crimes of the and fuel; to activate pressure levers against the
ment on the Gaza Strip has been discussed by the Referring to the deteriorating humanitari- hospitals and schools, mosques, churches, houses Zionist regime. Zionist regime, including cutting off political and
foreign ministers of Qatar and Iran, reiterating an conditions in Gaza due to Israel’s “savage” and vital infrastructures of Gaza. In this regard, the government of the Islamic economic relations and embargoing its goods; to
their demands for an immediate halt to the war crimes, Iran’s foreign minister said, “Through These crimes are carried out under the pretext Republic of Iran believes that the humanitarian try to end the impunity of crimes against Pales-
crimes committed by the regime and the delivery indiscriminate bombardment and massacre of of confronting the actions of Palestinian liber- and legal duty of regional and international or- tinians through an effective and serious effort
of humanitarian relief to the beleaguered region. people in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli regime has ation resistance groups, which, according to the ganizations and all freedom-loving governments to provide a practical basis for the pursuit, trial
On Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hos- blatantly violated all norms of human rights established rules of international law, the Pales- requires them to take effective measures to im- and punishment of the leaders, perpetrators and
sein Amir Abdollahian spoke by phone with his and international law.” tinian nation, as a nation under occupation, has mediately and completely stop the military at- supporters of the crimes of the occupying regime
Qatari counterpart Sheikh Mohammed bin Ab- Amir Abdollahian also emphasized the im- the inherent right to self-determination and re- tacks against the residents of Gaza. in Palestine and to immediately and extensively
dulrahman Al Thani to discuss recent develop- portance of increasing international pressure sistance against aggression and Occupation “by In the same vein, and in addition to strongly help to start the process of rebuilding the ruins
ments in Palestine and the Gaza Strip. on Israel to end its assaults against the Gaza resorting to all means, including armed methods” condemning the unbridled crimes committed by of the Gaza Strip.
Over the phone conversation, the two parties Strip, establish a truce, and send relief aid to be and on the other hand, according to the same the Zionists against the oppressed Palestinian I pray to the Almighty for the health and
talked about the ongoing genocide in Gaza and besieged Gazans. rules, the occupying Zionist regime lacks any nation and resolutely supporting the realization well-being of your Excellency and the liberation
On Sunday, the International Committee of right to claim it is “legitimate defense”. of all the inherent rights of the Palestinian nation, of the oppressed Palestinian nation from the
the terrible humanitarian situation there, high-
lighting the urgent need to put an end to war the Red Cross (ICRC) sounded a stern alarm These heinous crimes, together with the com- including the right to self-determination, resis- occupation, oppression, aggression and crimes
crimes against the region and provide relief to about the humanitarian situation in the Gaza plete siege of the Gaza Strip and cutting off the tance to aggression and occupation, it is neces- of the Zionist regime.
Strip, saying, “The situation in Gaza is rapidly
AEOI to produce 60 new radiopharmaceuticals for health sector
Palestine’s homeless population.
approaching a humanitarian disaster.”
They also discussed the most recent develop-
ments in diplomatic efforts and measures to halt “An unbearable human tragedy is unfolding From page 1 “In a not-too-dis- diopharmaceuticals for detecting tural and medical fields.
Israel’s ruthless onslaught against Gaza. in front of our eyes. People call us day and night tant future we will turn into a hub and treating ailments. He also referred to the production of
saying they are afraid to open their doors for fear for manufacturing drugs based on
The attack on the Qatari Committee for the Re- Iran will soon become a major high-quality heavy water in the coun-
of getting killed and pleading to help them reach deuterium which are good alterna-
construction of Gaza’s offices was also addressed producer and exporter of radiophar- try, stating that Iran has established a
safety,” said William Schomburg, head of the tives to chemical drugs and have
by the two distinguished diplomats. maceuticals given the capacities dominant global position in this mar-
ICRC’s sub-delegation in Gaza. lower side effects in comparison (to
On Monday during a phone conversation with that have been developed, Eslami ket and is able to export the excess of
Targeting densely populated urban areas, the those drugs),” Eslami said.
his Hungarian counterpart, Péter Szijjártó, Amir noted. heavy water to other nations.
ICRC expressed alarm about the regime’s actions, Eslami stated that young Iranian
Abdollahian also slammed the continued slaugh- In April 2021, the AEOI began the The nuclear chief praised the Back in June, during a TV program,
stating that “Israeli attacks taking place in heavily
ter of Palestinians in the confined Gaza Strip, call- second phase of its deuterium pro- achievements in plasma science and Eslami said that Iran had achieved scientists made successes in a va-
populated urban areas in the Gaza Strip, including
ing it a flagrant breach of international law. around hospitals, endanger the lives of the most duction unit at the Arak heavy water technology and said that local scien- 159 goals in the previous Persian riety of sectors in the nuclear field,
During the call, the two senior diplomats re- vulnerable people like medical staff, patients, the reactor facility in central Iran. tists had also made significant ad- calendar year (ending March 20) such as irradiation systems, micro-
viewed the recent developments in the West Asia wounded, premature babies, people with disabili- Back in July, Eslami also an- vancements in developing radiation despite U.S. sanctions and other ob- wave, radiopharmaceuticals, and
region, particularly the situation in Palestine and ties, and the elderly.” nounced that Iran can produce ra- technologies utilized in the agricul- stacles imposed by the West. plasma technology.
As it was said two years ago: IRAN IN FOCUS
Just one wrong move!
NOVEMBER 16, 2023
S t r a i g h t T r u t h
By Alireza Akbari The American proposal for
TEHRAN- Referring to the events normalization known as the TEHRAN TIMES
that occurred after Operation al- «Abraham Accords» is aimed to
Aqsa Storm on October 7 inside diminish the importance of the
occupied territories, the Hill website Palestinian cause. Yet the Palestine
ran its November 13 story to pin issue has always been of top priority
the responsibility of the Hamas for the Muslim world.
operation on Iran and call Tehran the Persuading Riyadh to join the
“victorious” side of the Gaza war. Abraham Accords was Washington’s
The opinion, written by Ahmad latest effort. Israel signed
normalization agreements with the
Iran advance to 2023 Having suffered heartbreak at the FIFA World
Cup Qatar 2022, Iran will be determined to
Hashemi, is titled “Iran is the main
beneficiary of the Gaza crisis, but United Arab Emirates and Bahrain World Para Volley qualify for the 2026 edition after having failed to
advance from the group stage in all its previous six
on September 15, 2020 within the
Israel can turn the tables.” resistance fighters. Human Rights Watch said on June 14,
2022, on the fifteenth anniversary of
framework of the Abraham Accords. World Cup semis appearances at the global showpiece.
Hashemi suggested that Israeli From the early hours after the Hong Kong, however, will not be lacking in
the 2007 closure. Mediated by the United States,
officials and Westerners “hold start of the operation, Mohammed confidence after having sealed a return to the AFC
the initial announcement of August TEHRAN – Iran overpowered Iraq in straight
Iran accountable” for Tel Aviv›s Deif, the chief of Hamas›s Izz al-Din The closure has devastated the Asian Cup for the first time since 1968 and having
13, 2020, concerned only Israel and sets (25-12, 25-14, 25-13) on Wednesday to book
successive defeats. al-Qassam Brigades (IQB), revealed economy in Gaza, contributed to the advanced to the semi-finals of the Asian Games
the United Arab Emirates before a place in the 2023 World ParaVolley Sitting
The Hill, through shifting the the reason behind the Storm fragmentation of the Palestinian announcing a follow-up agreement Volleyball World Cup semifinals. for the first time in the recent Hangzhou edition,
blame on Iran, has made bids to Operation. people, and facilitated Israel’s between Israel and Bahrain on reported.
Team Melli had defeated Japan 3-0 and
cover up the Israeli military and He said that the operation was apartheid practices against Gazans. September 11, 2020. Algeria 3-0 in Group B. Turkmenistan, the only team in the group not
intelligence failures, which were a “response” to the desecration of “Israel, with Egypt’s help, has heading to the AFC Asian Cup Qatar 2023, will be
On September 15, 2020, the Iran will play the winners of Ukraine and
further called into question by the the al-Aqsa Mosque and relentless turned Gaza into an open-air prison,” fired up to erase that disappointment by enjoying a
official signing ceremony for the first China on Thursday.
Hamas operation on October 7. violence against Palestinians in the the Israel and Palestine director at good run in the Preliminary Joint Qualification.
iteration of the Abraham Accords was
The author also suggested the occupied West Bank. Human Rights Watch Omar Shakir The World Cup is a Paris 2024 Paralympic
hosted by the Trump administration Uzbekistan will be familiar foes, with their
Israeli army, with full U.S. military, said in June 2022. qualifier, where one berth per gender is
“We’ve decided to say enough is at the White House. As part of Central Asian rivals on a mission to advance to the
available for the winners or the highest placed
intelligence, and technological enough,” Deif said, calling October 7 White House initiatives, fallacies the dual agreements, both the third round after missing out in 2022.
non-qualified team of the tournament.
support, to carry out its «strikes» “the day of the greatest battle to end to marginalize Palestinian cause United Arab Emirates and Bahrain
once and for all. the last occupation on Earth.” recognized Israel›s sovereignty, France (hosts), Iran, and Brazil have previously
The U.S. should be held
booked their place in the Paralympics.
Storm Operation a response
to Tel Aviv’s relentless violence
The Gaza Strip has been under
siege for 17 years. The Gazans have
accountable for its miscalculations
and interferences in the region.
enabling the establishment of full
diplomatic relations.
against Palestinians been the subject of inhumane The United States has been On January 28, 2020, the Trump
Iran retain Rostami not allowed
Attributing the Hamas operation
to Tehran, the report has tried to
behaviors with their dignity
humiliated by the Zionists.
working hard to normalize the
Zionist regime’s relations with some
Administration announced the
details of the political portion of its
World Cup title to partake at Paris
deviate public opinion from the
reason behind the operation and
«Israel’s sweeping restrictions
on leaving Gaza has deprived its
other Arab states, most notably
Saudi Arabia. However, efforts
plan to solve the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict, a plan Trump called the Deal at 2023 Team 2024
of the Century.
to cover up the colossal defeat of
the Tel Aviv regime at the hands of
more than two million residents of
opportunities to better their lives,»
ended up with further insecurity in
West Asia. (See full text at Championships By Farrokh Hesabi
TEHRAN - Famous Iranian weightlifter and
Presidential aide criticizes ICC for inaction toward Israeli crimes TEHRAN - The World Cup remains in Iranian
hands thanks to the country’s male squad
Olympic gold medalist, Kianoush Rostami, will not
compete in the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.
TEHRAN – The Iranian presidential aide for new mechanisms based on their beliefs to
securing victory at the Seoul 2023 World The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF)
legal affairs has condemned the International address the crimes of the Zionist regime,” the Cup Team Championships Series, held in the expressed its disapproval of Rostami›s inclusion in
Criminal Court (ICC) for failing to investigate official suggested. western Seoul suburb of Goyang. the Qatar International Cup Grand Prix, an Olympic
Israeli war crimes for several years, saying the Last week, the ICC announced it is qualifying event.
The Iranians left the KINTEX 2 Exhibition
body’s failure to fulfill its duties has allowed carrying out an investigation into war Center, in the western Seoul suburb of Goyang, Last week, the Iran weightlifting team›s training
Israel to commit more crimes. crimes perpetrated by Israel in its relentless with not just the World Cup itself, but $20,000 camp in Tehran started a new phase. Rostami, Rio
“There are numerous legal organizations onslaught on Gaza since October 7. The move in prize money. 2016 Olympics champion, was not selected for the
abroad that are pursuing cases in the came after several rights groups as well as The title match pitted Iran, 2019’s winning team, thus ending his chance to participate in the
International Criminal Court, but unfortunately, thousands of protesters around the globe squad, against the tournament’s dark horse, 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.
the court has not fulfilled its duties,” noted called on the court to take action. Team Australia.
in the occupied territories. However, the Iranian Weightlifting Federation
Mohammad Dehghan. Israel is not a member of the ICC and claims
Since October 7, the regime has massacred Team Melli defeated them in two rounds sent a letter to the IWF, pleading for Rostami to be
Dehghan said that the ICC decided to that the body lacks the jurisdiction to investigate which left the Aussies hefting silver medals given an opportunity in the Qatar tournament to
more than 11,000 Palestinian civilians in the
sidestep previous cases filed against Israel, the conflict because Palestine is not a sovereign besieged Gaza Strip. Thousands of children are and taking home $10,000 in prize money after secure an Olympic quota due to his absence in the
pointing out how the Palestinian state gave state. Israel’s position has been backed by among the dead as the remaining population having established themselves as a new force 2023 World Weightlifting Championships in Saudi
the court jurisdiction over Israeli crimes its traditional allies like the U.S. and Britain. in the Palestinian territory struggles to survive to be reckoned with in this competition. Arabia, another Olympic qualifying event held from
committed in 2014, but did not receive any Some Israeli officials have even argued that under a “full siege” imposed by Israel. Third place – and $5,000 - went to Brazil, 4 to 17 September 2023.
response from the tribunal. investigating the regime’s war crimes amounts who won bronze in an absolute scorcher of a The IWF firmly rejected this request and insisted
Israeli troops and tanks are now directly
The VP also added how human rights to anti-Semitism. fight against China. on following the Olympic quota system.
raiding hospitals in Gaza where thousands
organizations have lost credibility, with some With Israel’s repeated attempts to foil the of civilians have taken shelter. Western The two sides tied with one round each, taking According to the Olympic quota system,
even turning a blind eye to the gross violations ICC’s probes and the tribunal’s reluctance to governments, however, continue to voice it to the third. In the last three seconds of Round 3, weightlifters must compete in both the 2023
of international law by Israel. “The world needs open an investigation into the regime’s conduct, unequivocal and unflagging support for the Brazil came back from behind, winning the match World Championship in Saudi Arabia and the
new mechanisms, and the recent crimes have Palestinians have begun to believe that Israel regime, while also helping Israel muzzle 70-65 to the screams of Brazilians in the stands. 2024 IWF World Cup in Thailand, ensuring their
shown that Islamic countries should propose was given carte blanche to do anything it wants dissent in the West. Earlier, in the first semi-final, Australia had eligibility for the Olympics.
ejected China, bronze medalist in the previous Rostami was extremely disappointed for not
Amir Abdollahian addresses Gaza situation with UN relief chief World Cup, after an ultra-tight 2-1 battle. being able to compete in the 2024 Olympics and
TEHRAN – Iran’s foreign Consequently, he called for provide humanitarian aid to Gaza. munitions, to Israel. “The In the second semi, Iran took on the very not being selected for the Iran national team by
concentrated efforts to achieve He disputed the negligible level consequence of this action is aggressive Team Brazil. Iran showed their quality coach Navab Nasir Shalal.
minister has voiced his
deep concern over the dire a ceasefire and end the ongoing of humanitarian aid sent to the a relentless bombardment, with a 2-0 wipeout. “I had a strong desire to bring glory to
humanitarian situation in war. “Urgent and effective Palestinian territory, contrary to affecting the Palestinian people In the morning quarter finals Australia had my country by joining the Iranian national
Gaza during a meeting in measures are essential to halt U.S. claims. in the besieged Gaza Strip,” he knocked out Mexico 2-0. China had defeated Côte weightlifting team. However, I knew from the
Geneva on Wednesday with UN the Israeli regime›s attacks,” he lamented. d’Ivoire in a thriller of a bout that saw the winners beginning that they wouldn›t include me in the
He also asserted that the UN
under-secretary-general for stated. Amir Abdollahian left Tehran bounce back from behind to grab a 2-1 victory in national team or support my participation in the
can leverage Iran›s capabilities
humanitarian affairs Martin for Geneva on Monday to the final seconds of Round 3. Paris Olympics,” he expressed his anger.
Highlighting his recent to promote peace and security in
Griffiths. meetings in Doha with the region. participate in the 52nd session Iran had taken out Korea in a fast-and-furious Kianoush Rostami participated in the 85 kg
representatives from the of the UN Human Rights Council. 2-1 win that had the crowd on their feet. And in the event at the 2016 Summer Olympics, where he
Hossein Amir Abdollahian For his part, Martin Griffiths,
Palestinian resistance Israel waged a ruthless war last of the quarters, Brazil had dispatched Morocco secured the gold medal and established a new
demanded an immediate expressing appreciation toward
movement Hamas and the Qatari on Gaza on October 7 following 2-0 in a highly combative bout that had seen a world record by lifting a total of 396 kilograms.
cessation of Israeli attacks and Iran’s efforts in preventing the
government, Amir Abdollahian a surprise Hamas attack on the game Moroccan squad lose a man to injury. He had snatched the silver medal at the London
abhorred attempts to displace spread of war in the region,
conveyed the message that occupied territories. This attack 2012 Summer Olympics.
the people of Gaza. detailed the UN›s commitment Male teams comprise three fighters,
Hamas is ready to address the was carried out in response to competing over three, three-minute rounds.
He also denounced Israeli to humanitarian issues.
issue of non-military detainees. the intensified crimes committed
attacks on Gazans as genocidal,
lacking any prospect of victory,
He underlined a potential Griffiths also emphasized the by the occupying regime against
At the 2023 World Cup, female, male and
mixed-gender teams are fighting over three days Iran earn third
reciprocal action, stating that if necessity to join forces to halt
and only increasing costs for Israel refrains from genocide in the war and alleviate the current
the Palestinian people.
In addition to military attacks,
from Nov. 14-16. Australia, Brazil, China, Côte
d›Ivoire, Iran, Korea, Mexico and Morocco are all
successive win at
the U.S., the regime›s primary
Gaza, Hamas will reciprocate by
refraining from counterattacks.
alarming situation in Gaza.
Following the meeting, Amir
Tel Aviv has also imposed a
“complete siege” on Gaza,
fielding teams. 2023 IBSA Goalball
The foreign minister also Amir Abdollahian also called Abdollahian told reporters severely restricting access to Asia/Pacific
stressed the imperative of swift
and sufficient humanitarian aid
for immediate UN intervention
to lift the criminal blockade
that the United States is
sending various prohibited
fuel, electricity, food, and water
for over two million Palestinians
Iran favorites at
TEHRAN - Iran’s men’s team beat South Korea
to the besieged Gazans. imposed by the Israeli regime to weapons, including phosphorus residing in the coastal enclave. 2026 FIFA World Cup 9-6 in the 2023 IBSA Goalball Asia/Pacific

Iran’s position has always been that Karabakh is Azerbaijan: ambassador qualifiers Group E: Championships on Wednesday.
Team Melli had previously defeated Kazakhstan
TEHRAN- Iran’s ambassador to Azerbaijan The 3+3 format, that includes three hold a meeting within the 3+3 format as AFC 10-0 and Mongolia 11-1 in Group B in the
Seyyid Abbas Mousavi wrote on X that Caucasian states of Armenia, Azerbaijan and proposed by the President of Azerbaijan competition underway in Hangzhou, China.
Tehran recognizes that Karabakh belongs to Georgia plus Iran, Russia and Turkey held a Ilham Aliyev. TEHRAN - Iran are the clear favorites to Group A consists of China, Australia, Thailand,
Azerbaijan, the Report news agency reported meeting in Tehran on October 23. It was held The 3+3 format was established with the advance from Group E of the Preliminary Joint and Pakistan.
on Wednesday. at the level of foreign ministers. aim of resolving regional problems through Qualification - Round 2 for the FIFA World Cup Iran, which won a bronze medal in the recent
According to him, the restoration of the The meeting addressed the issues of the the inclusion of regional countries and the 2026 and AFC Asian Cup Saudi Arabia 2027. Asian Para Games, are in a very good position to
territorial integrity and sovereignty of South Caucasus region, peace talks between exclusion of extra-regional and Western Iran, seeking to qualify for a fourth consecutive get their ticket to Paris 2024.
Azerbaijan is welcomed by Iran. Azerbaijan and Armenia, and the need to countries. FIFA World Cup, will face Hong Kong on Thursday China will be participating, but they have already
“Ensuring the rights and security of the expand regional cooperation in political, The first 3+3 meeting was held in Moscow with Turkmenistan hosting Uzbekistan. qualified for the Paralympics. Japan, which won a
Armenian population of Karabakh should be economic, security, transit and energy fields. last year at the level of deputy foreign Iran›s array of stars means Hong Kong will silver medal in the same competition, decided not
regulated only by Azerbaijani laws,” the post Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan ministers and without the presence of face a stern test of its credentials at the Azadi to participate in this continental championship,
reads. recently announced that he had agreed to Georgia. Stadium in Tehran. opening up all the possibilities for the Persian squad.
Rail transportation brings Iran $1.3b in
ECONOMY fuel savings in a year
NOVEMBER 16, 2023
TEHRAN – The managing (INSTC) are of utmost importance,
S t r a i g h t T r u t h director of the Islamic Republic of he said.
TEHRAN TIMES Iran Railways (known as RAI) has
said using rail transportation has
He further mentioned a plan
for the renovation of the railway
made the country $1.3 billion in fleet, saying that currently, the
Sponge iron production up 5.4% fuel savings during the previous
Iranian calendar year (ended on
average age of the country’s
freight transportation fleet is
in 7 months on year March 20). about 25 years, which shows
improvement in comparison to
According to Miad Salehi, more
Direct reduced iron (DRI), also called sponge than 29.67 million passengers the previous years.
iron, is produced from the direct reduction were transported through the “During the previous year, we
of iron ore (in the form of lumps, pellets, or railway network in the previous managed to manufacture 1,598
fines) into iron by reducing gas or elemental Iranian year, which was a record new freight wagons, which was
carbon produced from natural gas or coal. in the history of the country’s rail about 48 percent more than the
Many ores are suitable for direct reduction. transportation, IRIB reported. preceding year (1400) when we
While Iran is fighting the U.S. severe The development of the consumption and preventing air is a major step towards the produced about 1,080 new freight
sanctions on its economy, and the country’s railway network will ultimately pollution, the official said. realization of the goals set for the wagons”, Salehi said.
different industrial and economic sectors lead to an increase in using the Mentioning a recent maritime economy. According to the official, all the
have been affected by the limitations and railway transportation which, in comprehensive plan for the In this regard, the connection above-mentioned measures have
difficulties caused by the sanctions condition, addition to having economical development of the maritime of the country’s industrial centers been taken in order to encourage
TEHRAN- Production of sponge iron in Iran the country’s mining sector is moving forward and safety benefits, will have economy in the country, Salehi to the railway network and the people and investors to partake
rose by 5.4 percent during the first seven noticeably, overcoming such barriers. significant positive impacts on said the promotion of railway development of the International in the development of the railway
months of the current Iranian calendar year Among the mining sector’s different the environment by reducing fuel transportation and transit North-South Transport Corridor industry in the country.
(March 21-October 22), according to the products, sponge iron is an outstanding
data released by the Iranian Steel Producers example, as the production of this item is
Association (ISPA). rising more and more in the country. Bank loans to economic sectors rises nearly 24% in 7 months
The ISPA reported that 22.112 million tons Iranian Mines and Mining Industries
Development and Renovation Organization TEHRAN- The Iranian banking system has business owners (real and legal), and the form of working capital loans, accounting
of sponge iron was produced in the country
(IMIDRO), Iran’s largest metals and mining paid 28.47 quadrillion rials (about $56 billion) 4.77 quadrillion rials (about $9.38 billion) for 38.6 percent of the total such facilities.
during the seven-month period of this year,
holding, has stated that one of the most of facilities to different economic sectors equivalent to 16.8 percent, to the final Over the past three years, CBI has been
while the figure was 20.984 million tons in the consumers (households).
important reasons for the increase in sponge in the first seven months of the current collaborating with the Industry, Mining, and
first seven months of the previous year.
iron production in Iran is the establishment Iranian calendar year (March 21-October 22), According to CBI data, the share of facilities Trade Ministry to implement a program based
As previously announced by the Iranian of new sponge iron plants, adding that in registering a 23.9 percent rise from the figure paid in the form of working capital in the first on which bank facilities are provided to small
Steel Producers Association, 18.86 million recent years, with its new strategy and with in the same period of the previous year, the seven months of the current year was 76.9 and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and
tons of sponge iron was produced in Iran in the participation of the private sector, the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) announced. percent of the total paid loans. semi-finished projects.
the first half of the current Iranian calendar organization has been able to launch several As reported, of the total facilities, 23.7 During the said period, businesses active in The mentioned facilities are mainly provided
year (March 21-September 22). projects to produce sponge iron. quadrillion rials (about $46.64 billion) the mining and industry sector received over for renewing machinery, equipping production
equivalent to 82 percent, was paid to the 7.02 quadrillion rials (about $13.8 billion) in units, or completing semi-finished projects.

First National Housing Movement units

handed over to applicants in Kermanshah SEO’s main goal is to protect shareholders’ rights: Eshqi
past decade,” he noted. market is to create the basis for
TEHRAN- The first units of the National operation and also to launch some development According to the official, banks the active presence of the private
Housing Movement were handed over to projects in the housing sector was attended are less willing to finance small sector in the market to attract the
the applicants in Kermanshah province, in by former Transport and Urban Development and medium-sized enterprises financing they need to achieve
the west of Iran, the director-general of Minister Rostam Qasemi. (SMEs), so the stock market can their economic goals.”
the province’s Islamic Revolution Housing Also, in July 2022, the minister inaugurated a replace them in this regard. According to the official, SEO
Foundation announced. project for the construction of the first group of “Today, we need to revive would formulate, implement,
Shamsollah Khodadadi said that the affordable housing units for laborers under the people’s trust in the government, and monitor its policies and
mentioned units were handed over to the framework of the National Housing Movement. without this trust, we will not programs including supporting
applicants in Gilan-e Gharb and Qasr-e Shirin On September 10, 1,278 units of the National have a balanced development. investors, creating a transparent,
cities. Housing Movement were handed over to the People should know that the stock efficient, and equitable market,
The National Housing Movement is one of the applicants in a ceremony attended by Aref market is a safe and transparent and reducing inclusive risk based
major policies of the 13th government in the Norouzi, the acting director of the Headquarters implemented in three main areas platform for investment,” Eshqi on the market’s broad objectives.
housing sector, and according to this policy, the for Executing the Order of Imam Khomeini. of market monitoring, monitoring stressed. Outlining SEO’s main strategies
TEHRAN - Head of Iran’s
construction of four million residential units is The mentioned units were delivered to the Securities and Exchange of financial institutions and On November 4, the official said in the current year, Eshqi said:
planned in four years. applicants in five provinces throughout the Organization (SEO) Majid Eshqi supervision of IPOs.” his organization’s current priority “The first strategy is to use
The National Housing Movement is one of country. has said the main goal of his He further pointed to the is to attract capital and direct modern mechanisms to increase
the projects through which the government is The Headquarters for Executing the Order organization is to protect facilitation of financing, capital liquidity towards constructive public monitoring of the entities
trying to help low-income individuals in society of Imam Khomeini has signed a memorandum and support the rights of the formation, and risk management production, IRIB reported. offering shares in the market; the
become homeowners. of understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of shareholders, and SEO is taking as other strategic programs of Speaking at a meeting of second strategy will be to develop
Transport and Urban Development to construct all the necessary measures to the Securities and Exchange the government and private regulatory tools in a preventive
As announced on Monday by Deputy Transport
100,000 units under the framework of the achieve this goal. Organization and stated: sector dialogue council, Eshqi manner and in line with market
and Urban Development Minister Hadi Abbasi-
National Housing Movement. “Considering the negative rate considered capital formation as development.”
Asl, 1,867,719 National Housing Movement units Speaking to IRNA on Tuesday,
are currently under construction in the cities According to Norouzi, the headquarters also Eshqi pointed to the measures of capital formation in the past the most important challenge of According to the official, the
and villages across the country. completed and handed over 2,000 such units taken by the 13th government years and the increase in the the economy and said: “Financing third strategy is to amend the
back in April. and the SEO to return investors’ percentage of depreciation of [economic projects] and directing market’s rules and regulations
While explaining the performance of the
Speaking at the opening ceremony, the trust in the stock market, saying: economic enterprises, major liquidity towards production is to increase justice and
Ministry of Transport and Urban Development in
official said construction of the National “The philosophy of the Securities measures were needed to be the priority of the Securities and accountability, while the fourth
implementing the National Housing Movement
Housing Movement units is underway by the and Exchange Organization is to taken on the issue of capital Exchange Organization.” strategy will be strengthening
plan, the official emphasized the acceleration in
Headquarters for Executing the Order of Imam design, organize and develop a formation and financing.” “[Currently] The most the medium- and small-scale
implementing the Housing Construction Leap
Khomeini in 27 provinces. transparent, efficient and fair “Diversifying investment important economic challenge [in level financing through new
Law to achieve the goals of the 13th government.
market for investors so that they options by relying on indirect the country] is the issue of capital mechanisms.
In late September, Transport and Urbana Also, as announced by an official with the
Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation (IRHF), are able to operate smoothly in investment has been one of our formation because the rate of Facilitating the processes and
Development Minister Mehrdad Bazrpash
the foundation has constructed 167,700 this market.” main and long-term plans in the the mentioned item [capital developing the infrastructure
announced the launching of a program for
affordable housing units under the framework “At the beginning of the new organization,” he added. formation] has been negative in for attracting and managing
allocating free land (in the framework of the
of the National Housing Movement across the management at SEO, which On November 8, Eshqi said the last 10 years and is estimated capital in the market, along
National Housing Movement) to young couples
country. started from the first months of 30 percent of financing in the to be lower than the depreciation with engineering the media
in order to help them build houses.
country’s economy sector was rate,” the official explained. mechanism to provide the
The National Housing Movement to construct In addition to the mentioned units, the the 13th government incumbency,
Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation is also our main goal was defined in the done through the capital market If the mentioned trend shareholders with up-to-date
four million housing units in four years is one of information are the fifth and sixth
constructing 16,500 units for low-income form of a strategic plan, which in the previous Iranian calendar continues in the same way in
the major plans of the current government in strategies, he said.
groups, Hamidreza Sohrabi, the foundation’s was about protecting the rights year (ended on March 20), Mehr the long term, it will cause non-
the housing sector.
deputy head for urban housing affairs, said on of investors with an emphasis on News Agency reported. development, depreciation of The last strategy is to re-
According to the plan, out of these four industries, and the stagnation of engineer the new generation of
October 21. long-term benefits, and in this Speaking in an Exchange,
million residential units, 3.2 million units will the economy, he noted. technical infrastructure with
The official noted that so far 9,000 units of the regard, we defined some diverse Banking and Insurance
be constructed in cities and 800,000 units in the aim of increasing security,
National Housing Movement have been handed programs,” Eshqi said. Conference Eshqi said: “We “Injecting liquidity in the
villages. sustainability, and ease of access.
over to the applicants and another 9,000 units Mentioning other goals of the believe that the role of the capital production sector is now
After the National Housing Action Plan are also planned to be handed over to owners market in the economy can be considered one of our important
SEO outlined in the organization’s Eshqi further noted that based
(started in 2018), the National Housing by the end of the current Iranian calendar year made much stronger than what goals, but we are facing a series
strategic plan, the official said: on the strategies mentioned
Movement is the government’s second major (late March 2024). currently is.” of challenges among which the
“Increasing the effectiveness above, which have been
program to provide affordable housing units for decrease in investor confidence
President Ebrahim Raisi has stated that the and monitoring of capital “Today, the country’s economy developed taking into account the
the low-income classes. can be pointed out,” Eshqi said.
National Housing Movement is the flagship market activities was also needs creativity and innovation most important challenges of the
The operation for the construction of 209,212 project of the 13th government to meet the put on the agenda, and in this and the economy cannot be Back in June, the SEO head capital market, various programs
residential units of the National Housing needs of the people, and in addition to Transport regard, various programs were managed with the policies of the said: “Our approach in the capital have been prepared.
Movement began in February 2022. and Urban Development Ministry, all relevant
The ceremony to begin the mentioned organizations are also striving to achieve it.
TCCIMA board member urges businesses to
embrace AI technology
TEDPIX falls 7,000 points on Wednesday
TEHRAN - Farzin Fardis, a member of the Speaking at the opening ceremony of an AI sector enterprises with this technology, the
TEHRAN- TEDPIX, the main index of the TSE is one of the four Iranian stock board of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, promotion event called “Wealth creation on the ICCIMA portal reported.
Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), dropped exchanges, and the most important one. The Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA), verge of transformation” on Tuesday, Fardis “If we stay behind in the fourth industrial
other three ones are Iran Mercantile Exchange has stressed the need for businesses called on the members of the chamber to take revolution, which many consider to be based
7,191 points (0.35 percent) to 2,038,875 on
(IME), Iran Energy Exchange (IRENEX), and to familiarize themselves with artificial part in the events organized by the TCCIMA’s on artificial intelligence, we might lose all
Wednesday, which is the fifth day of the Iran’s over-the-counter (OTC) market, known intelligence (AI), as a major component of the Digital Innovation and Transformation Center our advantages even in the energy sector,” he
Iranian calendar week. as Iran Fara Bourse (IFB). world’s fourth industrial revolution. which are aimed at familiarizing the private stressed.
Israel’s Al-Shifa hospital propaganda fails

Trophy of an invincible army
NOVEMBER 16, 2023
By Ali Karbalaei Nations humanitarian operations, S t r a i g h t T r u t h
TEHRAN- In what has been Martin Griffiths, has condemned the
described as a new low for Israeli Israeli military raid at the hospital TEHRAN TIMES
war crimes in Gaza, the regime’s compound, saying “hospitals are not
forces have raided the enclave’s al-
Shifa hospital, the biggest medical In a post on social media, he said,
facility in the besieged territory, “I’m appalled by reports of military
killing families sheltering there. raids in al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. The
Israeli troops shot dead dozens of protection of newborns, patients, UNICEF executive The rally was held amid reports of a possible
prisoner swap deal between Israel and Hamas.
medical staff, and all civilians must
civilians trying to flee the regime’s
army. override all other concerns. Hospitals director calls The Gulf state of Qatar is leading mediation
efforts between Hamas and Israel.
Amid the brutal raid, Gaza
are not battlegrounds.”
Al Jazeera said it was in contact with
Gazs situation Israel estimates that at least 239 Israelis,
government officials said the
occupation forces opened fire Ahmed Mokhallalati, a doctor inside ‘devastating’ including both military personnel and
civilians, are being held captive by Hamas in
on families trying to leave the al-Shifa hospital who has regularly
hospital, which “led to more than 30 spoken to the media. the Gaza Strip.
From page 1 “The intermittent opening of Gaza’s
Palestinian martyrs”. has proven to be another major all hospitals in Gaza” in order to He said, “Since yesterday evening, border crossings to shipments of humanitarian
there have been really continuous,
Many more have reportedly been
injured at the site where (as well as
intelligence failure for the Israelis.
The regime’s Channel 13 reported
“expose the falsehoods in the
occupation’s narrative”. aggressive gunshots, bombardments
supplies is insufficient to meet the skyrocketing
needs,” the UNICEF executive further explained
2 more Israeli soldiers
thousands of doctors, nurses and
patients) thousands of civilians took
that “contrary to what was predicted, In a statement on Wednesday,
and attacks. It’s a totally scary time;
it’s a horrible time for the families, the
asking all parties to ensure a ceasefire in order to
save civilian lives.
killed in Gaza ground
al-Shifa hospital was devoid of any Hamas blamed U.S. President Joe
refuge, believing it to be a safe haven weapons and military equipment.” Biden for the “storming” of the facility.
civilians sheltering in the hospital with
their kids. It’s terrible for the staff who
Human rights activists have been calling offensive, death toll
from the Israeli bombardment.
Forty days after its war on Gaza,
Meanwhile, some sources have said
that no traces of hostages were found.
Hamas has also accused the U.S. of
giving the regime the “green light” to
are taking care of their patients and
on Israel to refraining treating civilian sites as
battlegrounds, and put an end to the brutal killing
rises to 49
an army that once considered itself the patients themselves.”
All the regime has achieved launch the raid by “adopting” Israeli of Palestinian children.
invincible and was believed as such in “What we feel is really shocking The Israeli army said Wednesday another two
is to exacerbate the already claims that the hospital was being
the region and beyond, is now trying and bad is that the whole world has soldiers were killed in the Gaza Strip, bringing the
dire humanitarian situation for used by the resistance.
to present an attack on a hospital as a
victory to others. Palestinians in Gaza. It held the “Zionist regime, President
been witnessing this crime and seeing
everything that is happening in front Gaza death toll death toll from its ongoing ground offensive in the
blockaded enclave to 49 since Oct. 27.
Yet Palestinian resistance Regional journalists based in Gaza
who have managed to get in touch
Biden, and his administration, fully
responsible for the repercussions of
of everybody, and no one has stopped,
and no one has said loudly this is not
soars to 11,320 amid A military statement said that four more
continued to inflict heavy defeats on soldiers were seriously injured in fighting in the
Israeli ground forces on Wednesday, with those stuck inside the hospital the occupation army’s storming of
the Shifa Medical Complex, and what
allowed. Where is the international relentless Israeli Palestinian territory.
have reported a terrifying state of community?” he asked.
blowing up Merkava tanks, killing
Israeli troops and firing missiles at affairs, with doctors, nurses and the medical staff and thousands of
Another doctor inside the hospital, attacks, including Israel has launched relentless air and ground
attacks on the Gaza Strip since a cross-border
displaced people are exposed to, as
occupied territories. families traumatized as heavily armed
Israeli troops rampage through the a result of this brutal crime against a
Ahmed El Mokhallalati, told Reuters
that “Israeli bombardment, shooting
4,650 children attack by Hamas on Oct. 7.
According to Palestinian sources, medical complex. health facility protected by the Fourth
the regime also arrested at least 200 around the hospital and within the
Geneva Convention”. The Palestinian death toll from an ongoing
civilians and patients at the hospital They have described women and
children in a state of shock and “These statements (by the White
hospital. It’s really horrible... and then
we realised that the tanks are moving Israeli onslaught in the Gaza Strip has surged to UN chief ‘deeply
The director of the al-Shifa
screaming in fear. House) give a green light to the Israeli
occupation to commit further brutal
around the hospital.” 11,320 people, the government media office said
on Tuesday.
disturbed’ by
hospital complex issued disturbing
One Gaza-based journalist reported
that the occupation forces turned al-
massacres targeting hospitals,
“They just parked in front of the
hospital emergency department. All “The victims include 4,650 children and 3,145 dramatic loss of life in
with the goal of destroying Gaza’s
“We contacted all relevant
Shifa hospital into a military barrack
and during the raid they handcuffed
healthcare system and displacing
kinds of weapons were used. They
targeted the hospital directly. We try
women, while 29,200 others are injured,” the
office said in a statement. Gaza hospitals
international bodies, but have Palestinians,” the resistance group
a large number of doctors and shot to avoid being near the windows.” According to the statement, 3,600 other people
not received anything other than added. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
at some of them, allowing troops to Hospitals have protected status in remain unaccounted for, including 1,755 children.
expressing concern. The emergency The health ministry for the expressed profound disturbance Tuesday about
expand their attack in the corridors of wartime, but the Israeli military has “A total of 198 medics, 22 civil defense
department has shut down operations Palestinian Authority - based in the dramatic loss of life in hospitals in Gaza with
the medical complex. proven, on countless occasions, it personnel and 51 journalists were also killed in the
while hundreds of wounded people the occupied West Bank - has also ongoing Israeli attacks.
were admitted there. More than Over the past days, Israeli ground does not play by the rule books when assaults,” it added.
forces have been advancing towards said that Israeli forces are “fully it comes to war. «The Secretary-General is deeply disturbed by
900 patients and 5,000 displaced responsible” for the lives of medical “The Israeli aggression has forced 25 hospitals
the hospital, trapping around 1,200 the horrible situation and a dramatic loss of life in
people are facing certain death at the staff, patients and displaced people in This assault on the biggest medical and 52 health care centers out of service, while 55
patients and staff, despite global several hospitals in Gaza,» spokesman Stephane
hospital” he warned. Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital. complex in Gaza is another Israeli war ambulances were targeted by Israeli forces,” the
calls on the regime to halt its Dujarric said at a news conference.
He also said, “It is possible crime that has been “greenlighted” by statement said.
offensive against a medical center, Youssef Abu Rish, an official with the West, and the U.S. in particular. «In the name of humanity, the Secretary-General
hundreds of people will die in their the Gaza health ministry, who is inside The media office said 40 patients died inside the
which under the rules of war must calls for an immediate cease-fire,» said Dujarric.
homes due to the lack of health the hospital, said he could see tanks As the Israeli military fails to achieve Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in the past five days
be spared from any attack. He added that Guterres continues to talk with
facilities” as a result of the Israeli inside the complex and “dozens of anything after 40 days of fighting amid an Israeli siege and fuel shortage.
damage to the health facility. Khader al-Zaanoun, a reporter for and resorted to brutally attacking a «a variety of interlocutors and his colleagues in
the Palestinian news agency, WAFA, soldiers and commandos inside the “Eighty-two people were buried in a mass the field.”
Experts say taking over a hospital emergency and reception buildings.” hospital that provided the only real grave inside the medical complex because of the
told CNN, Israeli tanks and military lifeline in Gaza, the regime claimed to
is far from a military victory intransigence of the occupation, which is still
vehicles were “inside the courtyard The World Health Organisation said have found weapons at the hospital.
or an achievement, but merely
psychological warfare.
of al-Shifa hospital.” it had lost contact with staff at the
hospital after Israeli forces stormed This is despite Israeli sources
completely besieging the hospital,” it added.
Israel has launched relentless air and ground
Israeli bulldozers
During the invasion of Iraq, the
United States and its media put
Israeli troops, he said, were in the
buildings “conducting search and the facility, the head of the agency said. indicating no weapons were found,
and images from inside the hospital
attacks on the Gaza Strip since a cross-border attack destroy Arafat
much focus on capturing Baghdad
interrogation operations” and that
the Israeli army “is calling on the
The hospital is a large complex
comprising of 22 acres, housing
show the widespread destruction the
by Hamas on Oct. 7.
monument in
International Airport, aiming to Israeli military caused in a desperate
young men through megaphones emergency and neonatal facilities as West Bank
portray this takeover as a victory.
International media went along with to raise their hands, come out, and well as specialist units.
attempt to justify its war crime.
In a statement published late on
Israelis march in
surrender themselves.”
this bogus claim.
The regime has published
Following the Israeli ground
offensive, it also became a refugee
Wednesday, Hamas said, “The Israeli
occupation’s claim that weapons
Tel Aviv to demand Video circulating on social media shows
Israeli bulldozers destroying a monument to late
In a similar fashion, the Israelis have,
for a long time now, been spreading images of its military operation,
purportedly showing troops on foot
camp where thousands of civilians
sought sanctuary and shelter in its
are being stored at al-Shifa hospital release of hostages Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in Tulkarem.
fake news linking Hamas to al-Shifa
hospital, while pinning their hopes and in military vehicles attacking the courtyards, corridors, and wards
is a blatant lie that should deceive
nobody any longer.” held by Hamas The video has been met with different reactions
from users on social networks.
vicinity of the medical center. from the regime’s unprecedented
that taking over a medical facility It added, “The Zionist occupation’s “If still in doubt that the goal of the ongoing
The Israeli occupation has claimed bombardment of Gaza. Families of Israelis held captive by Hamas staged
would be portrayed by the media as a claim that it found weapons and aggression is not the destruction of the
military achievement. that al-Shifa hospital has been used More than that, it has become a military equipment at al-Shifa medical a march in Tel Aviv on Tuesday to demand the release Palestinian people, watch how Israeli bulldozers
But, while Israeli media may by the Hamas resistance without place that is symbolic of Palestinian complex is nothing but a continuation of their relatives held hostage in Gaza. destroy a monument of late President Yaser
boast about the war crime in the providing a shred of evidence to back resilience, where doctors have of its lies and cheap propaganda Hundreds of Israelis waved photos of Arafat in Tulkarem in the West Bank, after killing 7
hospital, the international media is up the accusation. performed heroically, saving lives in trying to justify its genocidal crimes hostages held by the Palestinian group following civilians,” Laith Arafeh, the ambassador and head
not buying it. White House’s National Security the most difficult of conditions. destroying the health sector in Gaza.” a cross-border attack on Oct. 7, according to an of the Palestine Mission to the Federal Republic of
On the 40th day of the Israeli war Council spokesperson, John Kirby, The hospital had already been The group reiterated calls for the Anadolu reporter. Germany posted on X.
on Gaza, Palestinian doctors at the said on Tuesday that the U.S. had its operating under enormous pressure UN and other organizations to form
hospital reported hearing explosions
in the large compound. They say the
intelligence that showed Hamas was
operating out of al-Shifa without
amid the extraordinary courage of
its doctors and nurses, who have
an international committee to review
the conditions of Gaza hospitals,
Reuters or dream makers?
Israeli military attack came from the specifying what evidence he was been strongly praised and admired and “determine the falsehood of the From page 1 First and foremost, it must be foreign media - could not remain silent in the face
west, with troops storming into the basing the U.S. allegation on. by international humanitarian occupation’s narrative”. said that this is a tendentious and unprofessional of baseless reports by Reuters. On July 24, 2018,
surgical and emergency sections of Hamas has responded by “strongly organizations. news report. Accurate information received by Zarif said: “Know that Reuters produces 50 lies
“We, the Palestinians, are aware of
the facility. condemning and rejecting the claims”. They have been operating against the degree of lies and deception the the Tehran Times indicates that such a claim about Iran’s economy every day.”
The regime said it would rescue The organization has called the odds as the war has closed in occupation has plotted to cover up its was not true and such a matter was not even A very long list of Reuters’ lies about Iran can be
hostages and destroy a Hamas on the UN to “establish an around them. crimes against children, women, and discussed in the meeting. presented: the claim of 1,500 deaths in the events
center at the hospital, yet it international committee to inspect The official in charge of the United defenseless civilians,” it concluded. This fake news can be examined from two of November 2019, the claim of Iranian snipers
perspectives. First, sowing discord on the shooting Iraqi protesters in October 2019, the
Scholz standing on wrong side of history in Gaza war enemy’s front is an old and perennial technique.
Both sides of a conflict strive to weaken the
claim of transferring ballistic missiles from Iran to
Iraq in August 2018, the claim of a drone attack on
From page 1 the German leadership is offices will remain as a stain on the forehead of Aramco from southern Iran in November 2019, etc.
unity and cohesion of the opposing party
standing against human rights and the demands of humanity like the Srebrenica massacre.
through various methods, especially through These are just a few examples of Reuters’
public opinion. Israel has launched a mad war on the besieged psychological operations. The Reuters fake lies against Iran. Interestingly, Reuters
Aren’t Scholz and his team of advisors seeing protests Gaza Strip otherwise so many innocent lives would news can also be analyzed from this angle; an often attributes its lies to three anonymous
against Israel’s war crimes in Gaza? If Tel Aviv has waged not have been lost. So far about 12,000 people, attempt to create discord between the Islamic sources. It’s as if a lie becomes believable if it
war against Hamas for the October 7 attacks, why is it mostly children and women, have been killed. Until Republic of Iran and the Palestinian resistance is attributed to three people!
collectively punishing 2.3 million Gazans by cutting off this date, Israel has killed nearly 10 people for every front. In fact, Reuters tries to pretend that
food, water, medicine, and fuel to them? The fact that most rooted and professional
person killed in the October 7 attack by Hamas. The Hamas does not trust Iran and Iran is also media in the West, when it comes to Iran
What Israel has started against Gaza is not a war. bombardments are so cruel and thoughtless that complaining about this lack of trust. and its issues, set aside their principles and
It is a clear instance of genocide, war crime, and even 101 UN staff workers have also been killed.
Second, the discussion is related to Reuters’ frameworks and turn their dreams into a
crime against humanity. Attack on hospitals is the height of madness. The to the BBC, the hospital›s manager said the health history in this regard. Mohammad Javad Zarif, tool of vile propaganda, is a separate and
Attacking hospitals and ambulances, fleeing World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that center was under a «blockade», and that dogs had the former foreign minister of Iran - who has important issue that must be addressed
people, and bombarding civilians who take shelter Al-Shifa Hospital, which is also tackling power cuts started eating corpses.
always tried to take a balanced approach toward independently and deeply.
in schools, mosques, churches, hospitals, and UN and a lack of fuel, is «nearly a cemetery». According (See full text at
Tourist arrivals in Iran jump 40 percent y/y
TOURISM From Page 1 According tors in the Iranian calendar year

to available data, the Islamic 1398 (started March 21, 2019).
NOVEMBER 16, 2023
Republic saw 3.35 million for- Although the country’s per-
S t r a i g h t T r u t h eign arrivals in the first half formance as a tourist desti-
of the current Iranian year, nation is still far below that
TEHRAN TIMES which soared 38 percent year of 2019, which was before the
on year. start of the pandemic, it is im-
Pursuing a border-easing proving slightly compared to
Iranian expats invest $291 million in scheme, the Iranian government last year’s statistics.
mulls abolishing visa require-
homeland’s travel industry ments for passport holders from
Based on the latest United
Nations World Tourism Organi-
68 countries. The country seeks zation (UNWTO) World Tourism
to encourage overseas travelers, Barometer, foreign tourist ar-
though available evidence sug- rivals in Iran reached some 2.93
gests it will not be finalized to be million between January and
implemented shortly. July 2023.
Shalbafian says the visa waiver The average statistics of
incentive will mostly be granted Iran’s tourism from January to
to neighboring countries as well Guinea, Poland, Luxembourg, itors in the Iranian calendar August 2023 is 50% lower than
as those considered emerging Libya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mal- year 1398 (started March 21, the same period in 2019 based
markets with a considerable dives, Hungary, Macedonia, Mex- 2019). on the barometer that tracks
population and per capita in- ico, Mauritius, Mali, Madagascar, Based on the latest United the sector’s post-pandemic re-
come. Niger, Vietnam, Yemen, Greece, Nations World Tourism Organi- covery throughout 2023 up to
The tentative list includes Ar- and India constitute other states zation (UNWTO) World Tourism the end of July.
gentina, South Africa, Indonesia, whose nationals may be granted Barometer, foreign tourist ar- Another statistic compiled
TEHRAN - Iranian expatriates have invested reach six million by the end of the current year Jordan, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Es- visa-free access. rivals in Iran reached some 2.93 by Iran’s tourism ministry indi-
some $291 million in the homeland’s travel & (March 19, 2024), Shalbafian said last month. tonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ecuador, The number of tourist arrivals million between January and cates the country saw 3.35 mil-
leisure industry over the past two years, Iran’s “With the [steady] increase in the arrival of for- Algeria, UAE, Bahrain, Bolivia, is estimated to reach six million July 2023. lion tourist arrivals in the first
deputy tourism minister said on Tuesday. eign tourists, it is expected the number of inter- Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, by the end of the current year The average statistics of Iran’s half of the current Iranian cal-
national arrivals will reach about 6 million by Belarus, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, (March 19, 2024), Shalbafian said tourism from January to Au- endar year (started March 21),
“During the years of the 13th [Iranian] govern-
ment (since President Ebrahim Raisi took office year-end.” Paraguay, Peru, Tanzania, Tajik- last month. “With the [steady] gust 2023 is 50% lower than the which soared 38 percent year
in August 2021), 291 million dollars of foreign istan, Thailand, and Turkmeni- increase in the arrival of foreign same period in 2019 based on on year.
Earlier this year, President Raisi reaffirmed his
investment has been attracted from Iranians stan. tourists, it is expected the num- the barometer that tracks the The Islamic Republic expects
government’s obligation to defend the rights of
living abroad in the field of tourism,” Ali-Asghar Tunisia, Czech Republic, Rus- ber of international arrivals will sector’s post-pandemic recovery to reap a bonanza from its nu-
Iranians abroad. “We consider Iranians abroad
Shalbafian said. sia, Romania, Japan, Ivory Coast, reach about 6 million by year- throughout 2023 up to the end of merous tourist spots such as
as our citizens. We believe that Iranians resid-
Singapore, Senegal, Sudan, end.” July. bazaars, museums, mosques,
The official noted that the amount of invest- ing abroad have rights, and the government
ment in the country’s tourism by Iranian immi- has responsibilities [towards them], just as the Seychelles, Chile, Serbia, Saudi According to available data, According to available data, bridges, bathhouses, madrasas,
grants has become ten times more than that government has obligations towards Iranians Arabia, Ghana, Finland, Cyprus, Iran’s tourism had constant- Iran’s tourism had constant- mausoleums, churches, towers,
made a decade ago. living inside the country,” the president said at a Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Qatar, ly been growing before the ly been growing before the and mansions, of which 27 are
gathering of non-resident Iranians in Tehran on Cameroon, Croatia, South Ko- COVID-19 pandemic, reaching COVID-19 pandemic, reaching inscribed on the UNESCO World
“This amount of investment from Iranians
March 15. rea, Colombia, Comoros, Kuwait, more than eight million vis- more than eight million visi- Heritage list.
living abroad in the country’s tourism shows a
more than 10-fold growth compared to a decade The president added that safeguarding the
ago, which shows the welcome of Iranians living
abroad to invest in the field of tourism.”
Iranian identity is a paramount issue for Iranians
living abroad, stressing that children of Iranians
Book featuring Egypt under Achaemenids gets
Utilizing the capacity of Iranians living abroad
is on the agenda for the Ministry of Cultural Her-
living outside the country should not be oblivi-
ous to their Iranian identity. Persian translation
itage, Tourism and Handicrafts, Shalbafian add- Millions of Iranians live in different countries TEHRAN - Henry P. Colburn’s remarkable the material culture of Egypt during the pus of visual and material records from Egypt
ed. across the world. Iranian officials, including book “Archaeology of Empire in Achaemenid period of Achaemenid Persian rule, and that can be dated with confidence to the 27th
“One of the most important programs is to President Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Egypt” has recently been published in Per- its goal is to challenge the common idea dynasty; and to use this corpus to character-
identify Iranian expatriates from each province Amir-Abdollahian, have repeatedly advocated sian. that the Achaemenid rule of Egypt was ize Achaemenid rule in Egypt.
to invest in the tourism of that province. So far, the need to support them and resolve issues either ephemeral and weak or oppressive The Achaemenid Empire was the largest
the provinces of Fars, Bushehr, Mazandaran, The Persian edition of the book was un- and harsh.
facing them. and most durable empire of its time. The
Isfahan, Khorasan Razavi, and East Azarbaijan veiled on Wednesday during a ceremony held
Last year at a summit in Doha, Raisi described To achieve his goal, Colburn focuses on Persian kingdom stretched from Ethio-
have used this capacity.” at the Glassware and Ceramic Museum of
the Iranians living abroad as “assets”, calling on three main tasks; to describe the intellectual pia, through Egypt, to Greece, to Anatolia
“Moreover, our compatriots living abroad can Iran in downtown Tehran. foundations of our knowledge of the archae- (modern Turkey), to Central Asia, and to
them to make an effort to preserve the culture
help to introduce Iran’s tourism capacities to of their homeland while living abroad. He noted It is said to contain the first study of ology of the 27th dynasty; to assemble a cor- India.
overseas tourists, the use of such capacity is on that the Islamic Republic has taken measures to
the agenda.” remove obstacles to the presence of Iranians re-
The number of tourist arrivals is estimated to siding in other countries. Rarely seen timepieces to go on show at Tehran Museum
time-measuring structures, bronze clock, covered with a thin
such as an oil clock, a sun clock,
Restorers unearth ancient mosque a water-powered mechanical
layer of gold, made in France,
which is decorated in the style
inscription in southern Iran clock, a candle clock, a sand
clock (hourglass), a rope clock,
of Louis XVI and shows the body
of Homer, the epic Greek poet.
and a dragon boat clock. It also
TEHRAN – A team of cultural heritage re- position in Iran and unified the region as a The second floor is dedicat-
displays those that once be-
storers has found a centuries-old stone in- political and territorial entity after several ed to the display of Houshang
longed to famous people, such
scription in southern Iran. centuries of fragmented rule by small dynas- Foroutan’s works. The reason
as Nasserdin Shah Qajar, and
The discovery was made when the team ties. During the reign of the Il-Khanid Maumud Professor Mahmoud Hessa- for displaying his works in this
was working on Fasa Jameh Mosque, located Ghuzun (r. 1295-1304), the Il-Khanids lost all bi, who was an Iranian nuclear museum is his collages, made
in the province of Fars. contact with the remaining Mongol chiefs in physicist and senator. of unused pieces of old clocks.
“Based on archaeological assessments, the China. Mahmud Ghuzun himself embraced On this floor, there is a circular
On the first floor, visitors may
stone inscription dates from the Ilkhanid era,” Sunni Islam, and his reign was a time of Irani- display with clock repair tools.
tour clocks from the seven-
a local official said on Wednesday. an cultural renaissance in Iran, with scholars TEHRAN – Two rarely-seen two time-instruments will go on Other interesting sights on this
teenth to the twentieth centu-
Moreover, available evidence suggests the such as Rashid al-Din flourishing under his timepieces will be put on show show at the Museum, the report floor are the clocks displayed
ries. Moreover, there are replicas
inscription belonged to the mosque’s mihrab, patronage. Ghazan’s brother Oljeitu (r. 1304- at a Tehran museum dedicated to said, adding “They both date from from the Qajar period, such as
of the various clocks, all of which
which is a semicircular niche in the wall of a 16) converted to Shia Islam in 1310. time instruments. the 19th century.” the sun clock of Nasser al-Din
combine art and craftsmanship.
mosque that points out the directions of the qi- The terms “Jameh Mosque”, “Masjed-e The timepieces include a ring In addition, the museum plans Some of these clocks are gifts Shah. In this part of the floor,
bla, the official said. Jameh” and “Friday Mosque” are used in Iran watch and a fan-shaped clock to showcase some other rare- from political figures from their there is an old astrolabe, which
The Ilkhanid dynasty, also called Il-Khanid, for a grand communal mosque where manda- being kept at the treasure trove ly-seen clocks following an ex- travels to other countries and was an astronomical device and
was a Mongol dynasty that ruled Iran from tory Friday prayers are performed: the phrase of Zaman (Time) Museum, Mehr tensive restoration. some from people’s personal a permanent calendar. Else-
1256 to 1335. Il-Khan is Persian for “subordi- is used in other Muslim countries but only in reported. The museum showcas- property. Another interesting where, there is a celestial sphere
nate khan”. The Il-Khanids consolidated their Iran does it designate this purpose. It would be the first time that es a wide variety of historical piece of art in this section is a that was used to measure time.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria: An ancient Greek engineering marvel

The Lighthouse of Alexandria, the An important landmark of the house of Alexandria. Furthermore, The inscription was hidden under a German archaeologist, Hermann lized by slaves for carrying fuel for
last standing of the Seven Wonders Hellenistic period, the Lighthouse he developed commerce, exercised a plaster layer, covered by anoth- Thiersch, in his 1909 work Pharos, the fire of the beacons.
of the Ancient World, was an engi- of Alexandria had travelers from all skillful diplomacy, and made Alex- er inscription in honor of Ptolemy. antike, Islam und Occident. According to ancient accounts, the
neering marvel that served to guide over the world who were encour- andria a center of the arts and sci- Centuries later, the layer was gone, According to the ancient sourc- lighthouse could be seen from up to
ships to the port city. aged to visit the port city to admire ences. and the name of the architect was es he consulted, the lighthouse was thirty-five miles (fifty-six kilome-
It was completed in the 3rd cen- the tower. According to Strabo, Greek archi- revealed. constructed with large blocks of light, ters) away. Legend has it that the
tury BC during the reign of Ptolemy Design of an architectural won- tect and engineer Sostratus of Cni- Construction of the Lighthouse colored stone and was built in three light of the beacons could burn ene-
II Philadelphus, the son of Ptolemy der dus, a friend of Ptolemy, designed of Alexandria stages. The blocks all sloped slightly my ships.
I, the Macedonian Greek general of and constructed the lighthouse and inward. The lowest was square; the
The ambitious project was com- The lighthouse was constructed This would have been possible ei-
Alexander the Great, on the island of second lowest was octagonal; and
missioned around 300 BC by Ptolemy presumably funded the works. for practical purposes: It aided ships ther with the use of prismatic lens-
Pharos off the coast of the city of Al- the top was cylindrical. A spiral ramp
exandria in Egypt. I Soter. He was a general of Alexander Pliny says that Sostratus was the in safely detecting the Alexandria led to the top. es or by spraying fire from the top
the Great and the first Macedonian architect and that Ptolemy gracious- harbor. With two observation plat- of the tower. However, it is rather
The Lighthouse of Alexandria was Near its summit, there were two
King of Egypt who reigned from 323 ly allowed him to “sign” the monu- forms, it also served as a military unlikely.
a beacon, safely guiding seamen sail- beacons. At night, a great bonfire
to 282 BC. ment with: ”Sostratus of Dexiphanes lookout for approaching enemy ships. Some texts mention a statue
ing the Mediterranean to Egypt for generated the light and, during the
fifteen centuries. It took twenty years to complete the Cnidian to Savior Gods for the The lighthouse stood 110 meters day, a great mirror, made with a con- placed atop of the lighthouse. A
the massive construction, and by the seafarers.” high (350 feet). This would have cave disc of polished metal, reflected poet named Poseidipos of Pella,
It was one of the greatest archi-
time it was ready, Ptolemy II Phila- Another source claims that Ptole- made it the second tallest structure and directed the sun rays. who lived in Alexandria in the third
tectural feats of antiquity, serving as
a symbol of power of the Ptolemaic delphus was sitting on the throne as my forbid Sostratus from putting his in antiquity after the pyramids of In entering the lighthouse, one century BC, wrote about a statue
Dynasty, the successors of Alexander the second king of the Ptolemaic Dy- name on his work. Nevertheless, the Giza. would go up a long vaulted ramp depicting Zeus. Zeus was accompa-
the Great, who was the founder of the nasty in Egypt. architect wrote an inscription on the Information on the structure of the from which a spiral staircase led up nied by Poseidon.
city of Alexandria. Ptolemy II completed the Light- walls of the base. Lighthouse of Alexandria comes from to numerous chambers, probably uti- (Source: Greek Reporter)
VP calls for Zionist regime
exclusion from CSW
TEHRAN –The Zionist regime umenting the reality of women’s NOVEMBER 16, 2023
should be excluded from the lives throughout the world, and S t r a i g h t T r u t h

Commission on the Status of shaping global standards on

Women (CSW) in the United Na- gender equality and the empow-
tions, the vice president for wom- erment of women
en and family affairs has said. During the Commission’s an-
“The most brutal violence ever nual two-week session, repre-
sentatives of UN Member States,
Some 99% of medications being
is being committed in Gaza and
there is no safe place left for civil society organizations, and
UN entities gather at UN head-
produced domestically
women and children,” IRNA quot-
ed Ensieh Khazali as saying on quarters in New York. supplying medical equipment for health centers
TEHRAN –About 99 percent of the medicines
Wednesday in a webinar named They discuss progress and needed for the country are produced by domestic across the country, according to the Vice Presi-
“Voice of Women in Al-Aqsa gaps in the implementation of companies, the head of the Food and Drug Admin- dency for Science and Technology.
Storm”. the 1995 Beijing Declaration istration has said. Iranian-made pharmaceuticals are currently
and Platform for Action, the key During the coronavirus pandemic and despite exported to Canada, Japan, and Europe, Faramarz
On October 7, following
global policy document on gen- shortages and sanctions, we were able to prevent Ekhteraei, chairman of the Iranian Pharmaceuti-
Hamas’s Operation Al-Aqsa
der equality, and the 23rd special a drug shortage crisis by relying on domestic pro- cal Industries Syndicate said, emphasizing that
Storm against the usurping enti- She called for the expulsion of migration of the homeless Pal-
session of the General Assembly duction, IRNA quoted Heidar Mohammadi as say- 72 percent of the country’s pharmaceutical raw
ty, Israel launched its brutal war the Zionist regime from the Com- estinians are among her other
held in 2000 (Beijing+5), as well ing on Tuesday. materials are domestically produced.
on Gaza which has left thousands mission on the Status of Women requests.
as emerging issues that affect
dead and injured so far. in the United Nations, as well as, The Commission on the Sta- gender equality and the empow- Medicine exports Some 40 percent of the country’s total phar-
Additionally, it has established the reopening of the Rafah cross- tus of Women erment of women. In September, Mohammadi said Iran has tri- maceutical exports are biotechnology products, a
a complete siege on the coastal ing and dispatching peacekeep- The CSW is the principal global pled exports of medicine with the pharmaceutical member of the board of directors of the Associ-
This year’s priority theme was ation of Manufacturers and Exporters of Medical
sliver, depriving the more than ing forces and their presence to intergovernmental body exclu- products being exported to 40 countries across
“Innovation and technological Biotechnology Products said.
two million Palestinian residents prevent the closure of this vital sively dedicated to the promotion change, and education in the the world.
of their water, food, fuel, and crossing, the immediate send- of gender equality and the em- digital age for achieving gender Mohammadi made the remarks on the sidelines Consistent supply of medicine
power supplies. ing of health and medical aid to powerment of women. equality and the empowerment of his visit to the 8th International Exhibition on On January 16, President Ebrahim Raisi called
Khazali added that the occu- mothers, children and teenagers, A functional commission of of all women and girls.” Pharmaceuticals and Related Industries IRAN- for drawing up strategies to guarantee a long-
pying regime insists on bombing and the recognition of the legit- the Economic and Social Council PHARMA EXPO 2023. term supply of pharmaceuticals and avoid sea-
It also reviewed Challenges and
houses, schools, hospitals, and imacy of Palestinians resistance (ECOSOC), it was established by “The increase in medicine exports is a sign of sonal shortages in the country.
opportunities in achieving gender
other safe places. How can the right. ECOSOC resolution 11(II) on June equality and the empowerment Iran’s good interaction with neighboring coun- Speaking at a meeting of the administration’s
fragile children and infants with- An immediate cease-fire, help- 21, 1946. of rural women and girls (agreed tries. We hope to develop the access of the people Economic Coordination Headquarters in Tehran,
stand this ongoing violence being ing those trapped under the rub- The CSW is instrumental in conclusions of the sixty-second of the region to quality medicine at the G5 summit Raisi urged the Health Ministry and other relevant
deprived of food and water? ble, and preventing the forced promoting women’s rights, doc- session). and regional cooperation,” ISNA quoted Moham- organizations to develop comprehensive plans to
madi as saying. progressively meet the public’s demand for medi-
cine and prevent seasonal and short-term short-
Evidence suggests climate change may trigger The Eighth International Exhibition of Pharma-
ceuticals and Related Industries (IRANPHARMA ages of pharmaceuticals.

earthquakes: expert EXPO 2023) was held at Imam Khomeini Grand

Campus (Mosala) in Tehran, during September
The president also emphasized the need to
subsidize medicine and lower the cost of medical
He stated, “In Iran, 400 plains, especially in Morteza Seddiqi, an official with the Organi- 27-29. care.
Tehran, Alborz, and Isfahan provinces are grap- zation, told ISNA that using satellite data and A total of 427 domestic companies and 282 for- Speaking at the meeting, Health Minister Bah-
pling with subsidence.” images is one of the methods that have been eign companies from 33 countries participated in ram Einollahi said the scarcity of a small number
implemented to check the rate of subsidence of Iran Pharma Expo 2023. of medications that developed in the early fall has
Some 96 billion cubic meters of water is con-
sumed in Iran annually, while the country’s total the whole country. Mohammadi considered the presence of for- been alleviated. Einollahi also stated that Iran’s
renewable water resources are only 90 billion “Based on the surveys carried out on these eign countries as one of the biggest achieve- drug stocks are in good condition.
cubic meters, he added. images, we have identified as many as 252 sub- ments of the IranPharma Expo. Raisi stated in December 2022 that Iran’s abil-
sidence areas in the country.” He pointed out Iran Pharma exhibition is an ex- ity to produce 95 percent of its required medica-
Effective factors in land subsidence
cellent opportunity for showcasing the national tions may transform the country into the region’s
Reports show that 98 percent of the subsid- In 2021, Gholam-Ali Jafarzadeh, the for-
potentials and capabilities of experts and phar- pharmaceutical powerhouse.
ence is caused by excessive extraction of un- mer head of the National Cartography Center,
lamented that some 29 provinces are currently maceutical industries. Restrictions on medicine supplies
derground water and mismanagement of water
at risk of subsidence. On August 13, Mohammadi said exports of In December 2022, Reza Najafi, the deputy for-
TEHRAN – There is evidence that faults trig- resources.
pharmaceuticals and medical equipment grew by eign minister for legal and international affairs,
gered by climate change may lead to the occur- Geologists call subsidence a “silent earth- He named two factors of climate change and
300 percent in the first four months of the cur- slammed the steps taken by certain nations to
rence of earthquakes, Mehdi Zare professor of quake” because an earthquake is instantaneous human intervention as the most important fac-
rent Iranian calendar year (started on March 21), impose restrictions on the supply of medicine to
engineering seismology at the International and its effects are visible at the same time, but tors of land subsidence in the country and not-
IRNA quoted. other countries, calling such a ban “illegal, bar-
Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seis- subsidence is the cause of environmental de- ed that it is expected that we take measures to
mology, has said. Last year, some 1,060 trillion rials (about $2.1 baric, and disgraceful.”
pletion and its impact appears gradually; which reduce the pressure on the environment.
billion) worth of medicine and medical equipment The statement was made during a speech given
“Climate change is a regional issue that could is becoming a big threat in the country. He added that 80 percent of the groundwater were manufactured inside the country, he added. at the high-level meeting of the Group of Friends
lead to large migrations,” IRNA quoted Zare as With the spread of droughts and lack of is withdrawn annually in Iran, which outpaces
saying on Tuesday in a meeting held on the oc- Around 99 percent of the medicine supplied to of Neutrality for Peace, Security, and Sustainable
proper water management, the gradual land the global rate.
casion of science promotion week. the domestic market is produced by Iranian com- Development, which was hosted by Turkmenistan.
subsidence has become a routine threat to the In the whole world, water resources with- panies, he highlighted.
Land subsidence has already occurred in 400 “Countries placing restrictions on the supply
country. drawal is between 3 to 20 percent, and when it
out of 609 plains of the country, IRNA reported. Iran plans to increase the exports of medicine of medicine are, in effect, using pharmaceuticals
When the amount of harvest is greater than reaches 40 to 60 percent it is considered prob- and medical equipment as a weapon against pa-
to around $200 million in the current year from
Land subsidence, a gradual settling or sud- the amount of nourishment of the underground lematic, and it will be a crisis when exceeding
some $60 million last year, Mohammadi said in tients, which is utterly unlawful, barbaric, and
den sinking of the Earth’s surface due to sub- aquifers, the earth moves downward and final- 60-80 percent, he noted. April. disgusting,” Najafi said in describing sanctions as
surface movement of earth materials is mainly ly, the soil particles are compressed together, Over the past decades, some of the aquifer Currently, the production of medicine, medical a type of “economic terrorism”.
caused by aquifer-system compaction, drain- in such a situation, the phenomenon of sub- levels dropped by 100 centimeters.
age, and decomposition of organic soils, un- equipment, and powdered milk is supported by The Iranian diplomat added that the use of
sidence takes on another meaning; It means Inefficient irrigation methods in addition to subsidies. So, their exports were very limited, but unilateral coercive measures, such as sanctions,
derground mining, oil and gas extraction, hydro
“death of aquifers”. digging illegal wells are the other main causes it is hoped that their exports will increase next is one of the destabilizing factors undermining
compaction, natural compaction, sinkholes, and
thawing permafrost. The scope of this man-made phenomenon of groundwater extraction-induced subsidence, year, he explained. global peace and security.
has advanced to such an extent that research- as out of 50,000 wells pumping underground Referring to the shortage of 100 drug items in These actions not only blatantly violate human
Subsidence results in significant economic
ers in this field describe it with words such as water resources in the capital, 30,000 are ille- the country, he said: “Currently, nearly one and a rights but also impede the economic and social
losses in the form of structural damage and
high maintenance costs. This affects roads and “cancer”, “irreversible risk” and “death of the gal. half percent of the country’s pharmaceutical need advancement of their target nations, he added.
transportation networks, hydraulic infrastruc- earth”. It should be noted that over the next 40 years, is imported. Along with domestic production, it is Such unilateral coercive measures are reckless, a
ture, sewage systems, buildings, and founda- In order to give a perspective of the coun- the country’s temperature will rise by 2.6 de- done as soon as the domestic production meets flagrant breach of international law, and go against
tions. The total damage worldwide is estimated try’s subsidence rate, the National Cartographic grees on the Celsius Scale, which will increase the demand.” the fundamental tenets of international humanitar-
at billions of dollars annually. Center started a project in this field in 2016. the country’s need for more water resources. A total of 227 knowledge-based firms are ian law, he said.


Afghanistan thanks Iran for ‫افغانستانازهمکاریایرانبرایمداوایمهاجران‬

free services to refugees ‫مبتال به کرونا قدردانی کرد‬
IRNA / Mohammad Ataei

during COVID-19 ‫وزارت امور خارجه افغانستان از کمک و همکاری جمهوری اسالمی ایران‬
Afghanistan has appreciated Iran for offering health and treatment ‫به مهاجران افغانی مبتال به ویروس کرونا و مداوای رایگان آنها قدردانی‬
services to Afghan refugees infected with coronavirus free of charge. .‫کرد‬
All measures, especially the recent decree by the Iranian president
‫ تمام اقدامات به ویژه صدور حکم اخیر رئیس‬:‫در این اطالعیه آمده است‬
to provide free medical treatment to Afghan refugees in Iranian pub- ‫جمهوری ایران برای درمان رایگان مهاجران افغان در بیمارستان های‬
lic hospitals, have assured the Afghan government, IRNA reported on .‫دولتی ایران موجب خاطر جمعی رهبری دولت افغانستان شد‬
Sunday.According to the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, providing ‫ ایجاد تسهیالت در رفت و آمد‬،‫براساس اطالعیه وزارت خارجه افغانستان‬
transportation services to transit trucks and providing the necessary ‫کامیون‌های ترانزیتی و فراهم آوری مساعدت های الزم بهداشتی برای‬ Gorgan Bay dredging underway
health assistance to vulnerable Afghan nationals are among the mea- ‫مهاجران در مناطق آسیب پذیر آن کشور اقداماتی هستند که از جانب‬
sures that are highly appreciated. .‫دولت افغانستان به چشم قدردانی نگریسته می‌شوند‬ Dredging the Gulf of Gorgan, also known as Gorgan Bay, which is the largest gulf in the
Caspian Sea, is being carried out.
The bay has a unique, but fragile, biodiversity and not only has valuable cartilaginous fish,
white fish, and mullet but also provides a significant share of caviar needed by the country.
Promoting book reading habits in children:
TEHRAN TIMES w w w.t e h ra n t i m e s . c o m a path to knowledge and growth
Managing Director: Mohammad Mahdi Rahmati TEHRAN – Iran Book Week, an
annual event held on November
Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Sarfi 15, known as Book, Reading and
Librarianship Day, organized by
Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 the Iran Book and Literature
Email: House, has commenced with
Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 a range of planned programs.
However, amidst the excitement,
Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051430
concerns about the reading
Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 habits of Iranians have come to
Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 the forefront.
Te h r a n t i m e s 7 9
Printed at: Jame Jam Bartar Borna - 44197737 One of the main objectives
set by public libraries in Iran for
No. 18, Moghadasi Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran P.o. Box: 14155-4843 Zip Code: 1599814713 the year 2025 is to cultivate a
culture of reading among a wider
NOVEMBER 16, 2023 audience, especially children,
adolescents, and young people.
GUIDE TO SPIRITUAL AWAKENING However, with Iranians currently
averaging a mere 18 minutes
One who says unpleasant things about others, will himself quickly of reading per week, it remains
become a target of their scandal. questionable whether this
ambition can be achieved within
the remaining two years. scholar has said. increases children’s audio books and radio stories for
Imam Ali (AS)
Investing in increasing the Reading books has a direct understanding of their older children can also be very
reading time among children impact on the future character environment and helps their effective.
and adolescents may prove of a child, as it enhances life cognitive growth. She said, “It is better to choose various
Prayer Times Noon:11:49 Evening: 17:16 Dawn: 5:15 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:42 (tomorrow)
to be a vital step in improving skills and creates an interest in “Books are the best form of topics, including scientific
the prevailing state of learning, ISNA quoted Zahra Zare entertainment for everyone, subjects such as animal life,
Lian Music Band to perform in Canada, reading in the country. as saying on Wednesday. especially a valuable source of bees, ants, plants, trees, forests,
However, it is disheartening learning for children, as they mountains, seas, fruit benefits,
Reading books strengthens
Australia to witness the abundance
of children flocking to toy
skills such as conversation with
stimulate the child’s mind and
encourage critical thinking,
and foods, as well as historical,
scientific, and religious stories,
others to listen well, respect for allowing them to express their
TEHRAN-Lian Music Band led by ney-anban to Harbor”. They have been aptly named so to stores, while bookstores and reading historical letters,
others, increasing vocabulary, own opinions about what they
libraries remain deserted. personal lives of scientific
(bagpipe) virtuoso Mohsen Sharifian is set to symbolize a powerful cultural exchange between poetry, proverbs, strengthening have read.”
Toys create attraction for these and religious figures, and any
perform in Canada and Australia. two distinct regions and musical traditions. imagination, creativity, curiosity,
children, but books have not been She also considered focus subject that increases the
Starting from Canada, the band will perform in The band’s last performance in Sydney brings focus, and self-confidence, she child’s scientific, emotional, and
able to create such attraction. and concentration as important
Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal on November 19, together diverse musical traditions for the first added. reading skills, especially for intellectual level for the child to
time in history. It will feature the world-class The preference for giving or
24, and 26 respectively. Reading books increases the reading aloud, and added, read.”
Aboriginal Australian musician William Barton receiving anything other than
In their performances, Sharifian and his band vocabulary level in children and “Reading constantly calms the She stressed that children’s
sharing the stage with the Lian Band. books as gifts, the reluctance to
members including his daughter Liana, Mahmoud familiarizes them with different child’s mind and body and allows books should be full of colorful
spend money on reading from
Bardaknia, and Morteza Palizdan will perform Lian Band’s traditional bagpipe music, deeply sentence constructions, writing them to focus on a specific task.” and cheerful images, have
the family’s economic basket,
a repertoire of folk music of their native region rooted in the history of Bushehr, will blend styles, and expression methods, Reading books during creative content, and be
and the unawareness of the
Bushehr, in the south of Iran. Aka Safavi and harmoniously with the mesmerizing sounds of while also enhancing their childhood has a lasting impact on attractive for children to read.
importance of reading by parents
Mohammad Bahrani will sing at the concerts as well. Barton’s didgeridoo. understanding of the content, a child’s success in education and
are all factors that lead to a “Books should have characters
Barton is widely recognized as one of Australia’s future where children are devoid she mentioned. life, she stated.
Bushehri music is an offshoot of ‘bandari’ that can make the right decisions
finest traditional didgeridoo players and a leading of creativity and confidence, She also highlighted the When reading a story, in difficult situations and have a
(literally meaning ‘of the port’) music, common
didgeridoo (yidaki) player in the classical world. He burdened with thousands of benefits of reading books in children use their creativity and happy ending,” she mentioned.
in the southern coastal areas around the Persian
has appeared at music festivals around the world challenges in expressing their children, including increasing imagination to create a visual
Gulf. The band has performed around the world, “We need to initiate a love
and has also recorded a number of orchestral works. desires and needs verbally or in knowledge and empathy, representation in their minds,
from the U.S. to the Far East. for reading books ourselves,
A portion of the income generated from this writing, and handing them over and emphasized that reading and they can guess what will and books should become a
Taking the tour to Australia, Lian Band will hold concert will support underprivileged children to the society. books introduces children and happen next or come up with a
concerts in Melbourne on December 1, Brisbane on part of our lives like any other
in Iran through the partnership with the Yarra Reading books is one of the adolescents to different cultures, similar story, she added. belongings and items. By doing
December 3, and Sydney on December 10. Foundation, which was founded by a group of ideas, and beliefs, and they will
most important methods of She emphasized that it is so, we can cultivate a reading
The concerts in Australia are titled “From Harbor Iranian immigrants in 2013 in Melbourne. enhancing capabilities in children explore more in topics of interest. better to start reading books habit in our children from an
and adolescents, an Iranian She stated that reading from an early age and using early age,” she concluded.

Iranian animation “Loupetoo” on

Loose adaptation of Neil Simon’s “Fools”
screen at Italian film festival
at Tehran’s Ahura Theater
TEHRAN – “Loupetoo”, an acclaimed animated to children. But the toy studio is shut down due to TEHRAN-The fantasy musical play “Fools” The play depicts the people of a remote A number of children from Barana Acting
movie produced at the Sureh Film Organization of sabotage, which causes a critical mental condition village, who are waiting for a teacher for School act in the play including Shayan Pirouz,
directed by Abdolreza Akbari and produced
Iran’s Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization, in the patients. While Mr. Kamali efforts bear no Adrina Omidi, Andia Jafari, Arshida Dorostkar,
by Barana Lotfi is currently on stage at Ahura their children. After the teacher arrives,
is on screen at the Vittorio Veneto Film Festival results, an angel of hope appears to help him. Ali Dalir, Sonia Azizi, Sarina Azizi and Ghazal
Theater in Tehran. one of the villagers does not let him work
(VVFILMF), which is currently underway at the Sharifi among others.
“Loupetoo” has won awards at several properly because he is against education
Italian city. It is a loose adaptation of the namesake
international festivals, including the award for and progress. All the teacher’s effort is to The play is performed every night until
Directed by Abbas Askari, “Loupetoo” tells the comic fable written by the renowned remove this great obstacle. The play shows November 17 at Ahura Theater located at
best animation film at the 2022 Ahmedabad
story of Mr. Kamali, the owner of a sanitarium, who American playwright Neil Simon, Honaronline the conflict between these two and other Erfan Art Complex, South Mofatteh Ave.,
treats the patients by teaching them to make toys. International Children Film Festival in India.
reported on Tuesday. villagers. Haft-e-Tir Square.
The toys are creative, so they are very attractive The event will come to an end on December 11.

Cartoon of Day Directors pull films from Amsterdam Documentary Festival

in protest of anti-Palestinian comments
Several directors have pulled demonstrators display a banner The IDFA did just that, releasing freedom fighters. To call this
their films from the International with the slogan, “From the River a statement online saying the slogan ‘hurtful’ is to be against
Documentary Film Festival to the Sea, Palestine Will Be “From the River to the Sea” slogan the end of occupation.”
Amsterdam (IDFA) in protest Free.” Nyrabia was captured on “does not represent us, and we “I am heartbroken, betrayed,
over the festival’s statements in video seemingly applauding the do not endorse it in any way. We and outraged by the damaging
reference to the Israeli-Hamas protesters. are truly sorry that it was hurtful slander of the slogan ‘From
war. Many Jews consider the slogan to many.” The festival released a the River to the Sea’. I have
separate statement calling for an withdrawn my film from IDFA
According to The Hollywood to be inherently antisemitic
immediate ceasefire in the Israel- and canceled all screenings of
Reporter (THR), the IDFA has and a threat to wipe out the
Hamas conflict, as well as for Mast-del. This was to be my first
become a site for heated debate state of Israel. Supporters of
the distribution of humanitarian film at the festival and meant
over the Israel–Hamas war, with the Palestinian cause see it
aid and the “restoration of basic a lot to me,” she wrote on her
the festival drawing protests as a rallying call to end the
services and infrastructure” in page. “To equate decolonization
from both sides. fragmentation of Palestinian
Gaza. with terrorism is to maintain
Speaking to The Hollywood land and Israeli occupation.
But several filmmakers, the colonial narrative. As the
Reporter on Tuesday, IDFA Nyrabia told THR he did not and the Palestine Film West does everything in its
artistic director Orwa Nyrabia see the banner and slogan until Institute, took offense at the power to ensure the erasure of
confirms that “around 10” after the protest and says he festival’s categorization of Palestine, let’s remember that
directors have pulled their was applauding another banner the “From the River to the this is a struggle against the
films from the festival lineup in held up in the audience that read Sea” slogan as “hateful.” The white imperial supremacy and
protest over comments made “Silence is Violence,” a statement PFI said doing so “unjustly art institutions’ maintaining of
by the IDFA. The Palestinian Film he took to be in support of criminalizes Palestinian voices the status quo for fear of losing
Institute (PFI) over the weekend freedom of expression. and narratives” and called on funding”.
also announced it was pulling Following the demonstration, directors to withdraw their Despite the controversy and
out from all organized activities several prominent members of films from the festival in disruption that has rocked
at the IDFA film market. the Israeli film community signed protest. this year’s IDFA, Nyrabia says
On Monday, the PFI staged a a letter addressed to the IDFA and Several did, including Iranian the goal of the world’s largest
demonstration outside the main the international film industry filmmaker Maryam Tafakory, documentary festival remains
IDFA headquarters to demand in which they called the banner who pulled her non-fiction short the same: To be a place of
a ceasefire in Gaza, and to “a personal attack against us,” Mast-del, posting on Instagram peaceful dialogue and debate for
criticize the IDFA for its response and called on the festival and its that the “River to the Sea” slogan even the most divisive issues in
Cartoonist: Seraj from Saudi Arabia to a protest on the festival’s director to distance themselves is “an expression of liberation the world today. The IDFA runs
opening night, which saw three from “these calls for violence.” and resistance by Palestinian through November 19.

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