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Roll No.

: 2 lo lo 5
MIT School of Engineering, Pune UNIVERSITY

(*.llasnt i MiTA ro T * , t

Name of Examination: Term Assessment- I Examination, September-

Programme: B. Tech. Year: Final Year Academic Year: 2022-23
Branch: Aerospace Engineering Semester: VII
Subject Code: 18BTAE701 Subject Name: Space Flight Mechanics
Date: 12/09/2022 Time: 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Max. Marks: 20
1. Attempt the Que 1 OR Que 2 and Que 3 OR Que 4.
2. Neat diagrams must be drawn, wherever necessary.
3. Use of slide rule, Mollier chart, electronic scientific calculator and steam tables are allowed.
4. Figuresto right indicate the marks allotted to the questions.
Question Marks
Q.1 At a given point of a spacecraft's geocentric trajectory, the radius is 12 000 km, the 10
speed is 9.6 km/s, and the flight path angle is 48. What will be the flight path?
Calculate the following (a) excess speed, (b) angular momentum. (c) true anomaly,
(d) eccentricity, (e) radius of perigee, () turn angle, (g) semimajor axis, and (h)
aiming radius.
Q.2 Derive an expression for eccentricity e in terms of specific energy and angular 10
momentum h.

Q.3 An Earth-orbiting satellite has the following position and velocity vectors in the 10
ECI frame
-6796 -3.7817
rs 4025 and v= -6.0146
3490 1.1418
Determine the six classical orbital elements.

Q.4 Derive the equations for langrage coefficients in term of true anomaly 10

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Roll No.: 2 9 olo

MIT School of Engineering, Pune

A l e p t e a r o s world t * LuiiIEn

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Assessment I Examination, September-2022

Name of Examination: Term

Academic Year: 2022-23

Year: Final Year
Programme: B. Tech.
Semester: VII
Branch: Aerospace Engineering
Subject Code: 183TAE702 Subiect Name: Vibration and Aeroclasticity
Max. Marks: 20
Date: 13/09/2022 Time: 2.30 PM to 3.30 PM

OR Que 2 and Que 3 OR Que 4.
1. Attempt the Que 1
wherever necessary.
2. Neat diagrams must be drawn, tables are allowed.
electronic scientific calculator and
3.Use of slide rule, Mollier chart,
the questions.
4. Figures to rightindicatethe marks allottedto

Q1.Attempt the following questions [10

show the equilibrium condition
Inclined spring-mass system of a single degree of freedom,
A) For an

of motion and find the

natural frequency of the system.
of the system, equation

Q2.Attempt the following questions condition of the
of freedom, show the equilibrium
A) For a spring mass system of a single degree
of the system using the Rayleigh Energy
system, fiud the natural frequency

Q3.Attempt the following questions

show the equilibrium of the system
A) For a spring mass system of two degrees of freedom,
the system. (You can assume
of motion, mode shape, and find the natural frequency of
specific eriteria if needed)

Q4.Attempt the following questions 10
equilibrium of the system and
torsional system of two degrees of freedom, show the
A) For a
can assume
natural frequency of the system. (You
equation of motion, mode shape, and find the
specific eriteria if needed)


Page: 1 of 1
Roll No.:
MIT School of Engineering, Pune F UNIVERSITrY
A leop ds world Cls*s LOucdt
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Name of Examination: Term Assessment-I Examination, September-

Academic Year: 2022-23
Programme: B. Tech. Year: Final Year
Branch: Aerospace Engineering Semester: VIl

Subject Code: 18BTAE703 Subject Name: Aircraft Design

Time: 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Max. Marks: 20
Instructions: -
1. Attempt the Que 1 OR Que 2 and Que 3 OR Que 4.
2. Neat diagrams must be drawn, wherever necessary.
tables are allowed.
chart, electronic scientific calculator and steam
3. Use of slide rule, Mollier
4. Figures to right indicatethe marks allotted to thequestions
Question Marks
You are to design a surveillance/observation aircraft which can carry four crew 10
Q.1 members. The aircraft must be able to fly with a cruise speed of Mach 0.3, and
have a range of 2000 km and an endurance of 15 h. At this point, you are only
Assume that the aircraft
required to estimate the aircraft maximum take-off weight.
is equipped with two turboprop engines and is required to cruise at 8000 m altitude.
The aircraft have SFC in Cruise and Loiter of 22 mg/N-s and 17 mg/N-s,
aircraft is
respectively. If the empty weight fraction is 0.52, and max. LD of the
18, estimate its design gross weight, if there is no reserve fuel.
Q.2 Explain Aircraft Design phases in detail. 10

Q.3 Determine the zero-lift drag coefficient (CD) of the fighter aircraft Eurofighter 10
which is flying with a maximum speed of Mach 2 at 35000 ft where the density of
air is 0.38 kg/m>. This fighter has two turbofan engines and the following
characteristics: TsLmax=2 7300 kg, WTo=21000 kg, S = 50 m', AR = 2.2, e =F

Q.4 Derive the equation which shows the relation between power loading and wing 10
loading for the constrain of desired rate of climb.

3 o6 FIU

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Roll No.:
MIT School of Engineering, Pune UNIVERSITY

A lep
TUNH dutat
Uaveniy. 0
Etuliuotrt rehTa A N xXXIX ot 2C15

Name of Examination: Term Assessment - I Examination, September-z02

Academic Year: 2022-23

Programnme: B. Tech. Year: Fourth Year
Semester: VII
Branch: Aerospace Engineering
Subject Code: 18BTAE732 Subject Name: Experimentai
Max. Marks: 20
Time: 2:30 pn to 3:30 am
Date: 16/09/2022
1. Attempt the Que 1 OR Que 2 and Que 3 OR ue 4.
2. Neat diagrams must be drawn, wherever necesary.
scientific calculator and steam tables
3. Use of slide rule, Mollier chart, electronic
4. Figures torightindicatethemarks allotitedto the questions.
I5+3 +2]
Q1.Attempt the following questions
Induction tunnel. Discuss its advantages and
A) With a neat sketch explain the opera:icn of
in detail about the working concep: of turbulence sphere
B) Explain
for hyp: sonic tunnel operation?
C)Why preheating of air is necessary


Q2.Attempt the following questions 5+3 +2]

associated with subsonic wind tunnels. Explain ANY TWO themin
A) Mention the power losses
tunnels. And write short note on automobile tunnel.
B) Mention some special purpose wind
C)What is meant by tunnel blockage? Briefit.

Q3.Attempt the following questions [10]

about the dye visualization
A) Explain the concept of dye producing technique and briefly discuss
pertain to low speed wind tunnels.


Q4. Attempt the following questions [10

A) Explain the following methods of flow visualization with suitable sketches.
) Smoke
(i) China clay

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Roll No.: 2 olo g

MIT School of Engineering, Pune UNIVERSITY



Examination, September-2022
Name of Examination: Term Assessment- I
Academic Year: 2022-23
Programme: B. Tech. Year: Final Year
Semester: VII
Branch: Aerospace Engineering
Name: Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Subject Code: 18BTAE735 Subject
Max. Marks: 20
Tinme: 02:30 pm to 03:30 pm
Date: 19/09/2022
3 OR Que 4.
1. Attempt the Que 1 OR Que 2 and Que
wherever necessary.
2. Neat diagrams must be drawn, calculator and steam
tables are allowed.
electronic scientific
3. Use of slide rule, Mollier chart,
allotted tothequestions.
4. Figures to rightindicate themarks
Q1. Attempt the following questions suitable example relating to real life
of Substantial Derivative. Give
A) Brietly explain tlhe concept
the following questions
Q2. Attempt with a through hole
a circular cylinder
simulate the 2D flow field over
A) In order to computationally fluid domain that
deseribe with a suitable sketch the possible
in it as shown in the figure below, briefly be needed to
different artificial boundaries that will
can be adopted for
the simulation. Mention the
also describe briefly each artiticial boundary
define the domain boundaries and

inulal Cynde



Q3. Attempt the following questions [10]

A) Explain the three major types of errors observed in CFD.
While running a CFD sinulation on my computer, I suddenly observed the residual rising with the
iterations and apparently a blow up in the solution was observed, what might be the reason behind
such a situation and how such situations be avoided?
Q4. Attempt the following questions 10
A) With the help of Taylor Series expansion over a 2D grid, show that centrai difference
approximation technique gives more accurate results compared to forward/backward difference


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