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Journal of Alloys and Compounds 442 (2007) 231–234

Y3Fe5O12 yttrium iron garnet and lost magnetic moment

(computing of spin density)
A. Bouguerra a , G. Fillion a , E.K. Hlil b , P. Wolfers b,∗
a Laboratoire Louis Néel-CNRS, Grenoble, France
b Laboratoire de Cristallographie, CNRS, Grenoble, France
Received 15 July 2006; received in revised form 13 October 2006; accepted 16 October 2006
Available online 6 February 2007

The yttrium iron garnet (YIG) has been intensively studied in the past as a convenient ferrimagnetic insulator for resonance devices and magnetic
memories. The YIG was considered as the model of ionic compound with the ion Fe3+ and 5 ␮B on each of two iron sites with a resulting
magnetization of 5 ␮B . Contrarily, all neutron diffraction studies lead to a localized moment close to 4 ␮B . The present work is a tentative to
understand these noticeable discrepancies by using the electronic structure computing.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Oxide materials; Electronic band structure; Spin density

1. Introduction 2. Electronic structure calculation details

The yttrium iron garnet compound (YIG) was intensively We used the full linearized potential augmented plane wave
studied in the past as a convenient ferromagnetic compound for (FLAPW) method [5,6] which performs DFT calculations
magnetic memories (magnetic cores or bubbles). Traditionally, using the general gradient approximation (GGA) where the
the tetrahedral and octahedral sites of the iron atoms were known Kohn–Sham equation and energy functional are evaluated
as the state Fe3+ and typical ionic oxide. All the performed mag- self-consistently. For this method, the space is divided into the
netic measurements seem to be coherent with a pure ionic model interstitial region and the non-overlapping muffin tin spheres
with 5 ␮B of magnetic moment by iron atoms in the two sites centered on the atomic sites. The employed basis function inside
at low temperature [1,2]. Unfortunately, all neutron diffraction each atomic sphere is a linear expansion of the radial solution of
studies (powder or single crystal) lead to a magnetic moment a spherically potential multiplied by spherical harmonics. In the
close to 4 ␮B at low temperature [3,4]. Our aim in the present interstitial region, the wave function is taken as an expansion
paper is to understand this apparent discrepancy between the of plane waves and no shape approximation for the potential
magnetization measurements and the neutron diffraction experi- is introduced in this region which is consistent with the full
ments. The basic idea was to find an unlocalized spin distribution potential method convenient to non-metallic compounds. The
of spin to compensate the lowered localized magnetic moment core electrons are described by atomic wave functions which
of 4 ␮B (affected to each iron atom) and to check if this spin are solved fully relativistically using the current spherical
distribution was in agreement with the neutron diffraction data. function base and the valence electrons are treated with the spin
As the polarized neutron diffraction experiments are not easy polarized potential in our case.
due to the large secondary extinction [3,4], we have undertaken The crystallographic structure is defined in the space group
to determine the spin density in the YIG unit cell by electronic Ia-3d (#230) with four independent atoms: yttrium, oxygen and
structure computing. the two iron atoms successively at 24c, 96h, 16a (octahedral)
and 24d (tetrahedral) sites. The YIG material is considered to
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 76 88 74 05; fax: +33 76 88 10 38. be in the collinear magnetic state where the magnetic moments
E-mail address: (P. Wolfers). of octahedral and tetrahedral sites are opposite.

0925-8388/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
232 A. Bouguerra et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 442 (2007) 231–234

Fig. 1. Total (a) and partials YIG density of states (for spin up and down) showing the not electric conductor character of YIG ((b) Feo , (c) Fet , (d) O, (e) Y). The
Fermi energy is located for energy = 0.

3. Electronic structure calculation results of Y3 Fe5 O12 Table 1 presents the resulting magnetic moments as deduced
from the differences between the spin up and spin down popu-
Take into account the electrical insulator character of the YIG lations of electron in each atomic sphere and in the interstitial
as confirmed by the total density of state (Fig. 1), we expect that region. These results clearly reveal the existence of a noticeable
the spin density is localized in some well defined place in the spin density out of iron atomic. The contribution of the intersti-
crystallographic structure not previously fixed by a particular tial spin density must be just as expected because the integration
model of wave function basis. The spin density is deduced from of (spin) moments on the whole of unit cell is very close to the
the difference between the spin up and spin down electronic low temperature experimental value of 5 ␮B /f.u. [1].
density by using the FLAPW package that build 3D maps after The 3D spin density (in the primitive unit cell) is built and
convergence of the self-consistent process. displayed by using the Xcrysden program [7] (Figs. 2 and 3)
A. Bouguerra et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 442 (2007) 231–234 233

Table 1
Computed and measured magnetic moments

Sites RASA (Å) FLAPW (␮B ) Neutron diffraction (␮B )

4K 300 K (sphere) [2] 300 K (cube) [2]

Y 1.11 0.007 – – –
O 0.77 0.078 – – –
Feo 1.03 −3.308 −4.53 −3.78 −3.75
Fet 1.03 3.146 4.21 3.62 3.70
Interstitial region (␮B /f.u.) 1.219 – – –
Magnetization (␮B /f.u.) 4.998 3.57 3.30 3.60

In this table Feo and Fet denote, respectively, the octahedral and tetrahedral iron sites. The DFT deduced magnetic moments in the atomic spheres are given
in FLAPW column. Our typical neutron powder diffraction study at 4 K (ILL/D1B instrument) are displayed in the 4 K column. The 300 K values are taken
from reference [2] were the magnetic moment integration was a sphere or a cube. For this data the corresponding observed magnetization is 3.63 ␮B (at
300 K).

and our program map to diag which allows creating simulated

neutron diffraction patterns by fast Fourier transformation with
addition of nuclear contributions from a traditional structure fac-
tor computing. This last way enables us to evaluate the effect of
the found unlocalized spin density on the neutron diffraction
pattern and also gives some keys on a future experimental deter-
mination by neutron diffraction on a small single crystal to avoid
a too large secondary extinction.
By the examination of the 3D density map display
(Figs. 2 and 3) the following results can be deduced: the spin
density takes the form of the dual polyhedral of the coordination
ones with rounded edges and vertex (Fig. 2). The octahe-
dral iron atom presents a spin distribution in form of rounded
cube and the tetrahedral iron a rounded tetrahedral distribution.
These spin distributions can be explained as the 3d electrons
avoid the oxygen atoms. The oxygen spin distribution is very
anisotropic and presents a net magnetic quadrupolar feature
(Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Perspective view displaying the spin density in the plane Feo –O–Fet . We
can see form of spin density on the oxygen atoms that exhibits a quadrupolar
spin distribution with the positive (in red) and negative (in blue) parts (yellow
arrows). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

4. Discussion

Our resulting density of state (Fig. 1) shows the electric iso-

lator character of the YIG. The 3d character of the band just
above the narrow gap displayed by the total DOS is the sum
of contribution of the empty 3d band as well displayed by the
DOS of two iron sites (Fig. 1b and c). The d electrons cannot
give significant conductivity owing to their high effective mass.
So, the narrow gap (∼0.25 eV wide) does not flag a traditional
A second point is the weakness of iron magnetic moments.
This feature can be enforced by the anisotropic distribution of
Fig. 2. Perspective view showing the unlocalized spin density on Fe sites. The the spin around the iron atom, especially for the tetrahedral site.
dual coordination polyhedron form of the spin densities on the octahedral (dual This anisotropic spin distribution should be take into account
cube) and tetrahedral (dual tetrahedron) is clearly evidenced. by an anisotropic form factor when we perform the magnetic
234 A. Bouguerra et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 442 (2007) 231–234

structure fitting from neutron diffraction data, and this effect density where small details could be compared to the DFT com-
can be augmented by the particular oxygen spin distribution. puting spin density map. This study would allow to evaluate the
We know that the used method is not ideal because a com- possible accuracy of the DFT spin density.
mon feature of the DFT computing is to exaggerate the effect of
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