Oral Microbiology Paper

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Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry (2016), 7, 149–157

Oral Microbiology

Impact of brief and sequential exposure to nystatin,

amphotericin B, ketoconazole, and fluconazole in
modulating adhesion traits of oral Candida dubliniensis
Arjuna N.B. Ellepola1, Bobby K. Joseph1, Lakshman P. Samaranayake2, H.M.H.N. Bandara3 & Zia U.
1 Departments of Bioclinical and Diagnostic Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Kuwait University, Jabriya, Kuwait
2 School of Dentistry, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
3 College of Pharmacy, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
4 Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, Jabriya, Kuwait

Keywords Abstract
adhesion, antifungal agent, Candida Aim: Candida adherence is implicated in the pathogenesis of oral candidosis.
dubliniensis, oral candidosis, polyene. Adhesion to buccal epithelial cells (BEC), germ tube (GT) formation, and rela-
tive cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH) are colonization attributes of candidal
Dr A. Ellepola, Department of Bioclinical
pathogenicity. Candida dubliniensis (C. dubliniensis) is allied with recurrent oral
Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Kuwait candidosis, which can be treated with nystatin, amphotericin B, ketoconazole,
University, Jabriya, Safat 13110, Kuwait. and fluconazole. Due to the diluent effect of saliva and the cleansing effect of
Tel: +965-2463-6714 the oral musculature in the oral cavity C. dubliniensis isolates undergo brief
Fax: +965-2532-6049 and sequential exposure to antifungal agents during therapy. Thus, in the pres-
Email: arjuna@hsc.edu.kw ent study, we evaluated the adhesion to BEC, GT formation, and the CSH of
oral isolates of C. dubliniensis following brief and sequential exposure to nysta-
Received 8 April 2014; accepted 17 August
tin, amphotericin B, ketoconazole, and fluconazole.
Methods: After determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of
doi: 10.1111/jicd.12132 the aforementioned drugs, 20 oral isolates of C. dubliniensis were briefly (1 h),
and sequentially (10 days) exposed to subcidal concentrations of these drugs.
Following drug removal, adhesion to BEC, GT formation, and CSH of these
isolates were determined.
Results: The percentage reduction of adhesion to BEC, GT formation, and
CSH of the isolates following exposure to antifungal agents were as follows:
nystatin: 53.55%, 33.98%, and 29.83% (P < 0.001); amphotericin B: 53.84%,
36.23%, and 28.97% (P < 0.001); ketoconazole: 37.43%, 20.51%, and 16.49%
(P < 0.001); and fluconazole: 8.93% (P < 0.001), 1.6%, and 0.63% (P > 0.05).
Conclusions: Brief and sequential exposure of C. dubliniensis to antifungal
agents would continue to wield an antifungal effect by altering its adhesion
attributes, and elucidate possible pharmacodynamics by which antifungal agents
might operate in modulating candidal adherence.

isolated from the oral cavity of diabetic patients and from

the sputum of cystic fibrosis patients. The fact that C. dub-
Candida dubliniensis (C. dubliniensis) is now well recog- liniensis has been isolated from the upper respiratory tract
nized as an opportunistic pathogen associated with recur- specimens, blood, as well as from a case of endocarditis
rent oral candidiasis in AIDS patients. It has also been involving a prosthetic aortic valve, suggests that it can

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Antimycotics and adhesion of Candida A.N.B. Ellepola et al.

disseminate to other sites as well.1–5 In addition, resistance yeasts might undergo brief and sequential exposure to
to fluconazole has been discerned in C. dubliniensis iso- antifungal drugs during the drug-dosage regimen, a sce-
lates obtained from AIDS patients, and stable fluconazole nario all too familiar in the niches of the oral cavity.16–18
resistance can be readily persuaded in C. dubliniensis fol- Such transient exposure to antifungals might affect the
lowing exposure to the drug in vitro.6 Furthermore, a aforementioned adhesion traits of C. dubliniensis isolates.
breakthrough in C. dubliniensis fungemia has found to To our knowledge, there is no information on the impact
have transpired in a patient during prolonged exposure to of brief and sequential exposure to antimycotic agents on
voriconazole.7 More recently, it was revealed that longitu- the colonization traits of oral C. dubliniensis isolates. Tak-
dinal genotyping of C. dubliniensis isolates from HIV- ing together the aforementioned information, as well as
infected patients might acquire itraconazole resistance, the findings of a recent prevalence study where oral
even in the absence of prior azole therapy.8 C. dublinienis isolates had the highest prevalence rate
Adherence of Candida to host mucosal surfaces is a among non-albicans oral Candida species in Kuwait,19 the
major determinant of successful microbial colonization aim of the present study was to determine the effect of
and subsequent infection, and its critical role in the patho- such brief and sequential exposure to four antifungal
genesis of oral candidiasis is well recognized. Such attach- drugs — nystatin, amphotericin B, ketoconazole, and
ment enables the organisms to avoid dislodgement due to fluconazole — on three candidal adhesion traits, such as
the cleansing action of mucosal secretions, and facilitates adhesion to BEC, GT formation, and CSH of oral isolates
infection. Various in vitro and animal studies have pro- of C. dubliniensis.
vided evidence for a relationship between the proclivity of
Candida species to adhere to mucosal surfaces and their
presence in infections.9 Therefore, candidal adherence to Materials and methods
human buccal epithelial cells (BEC) is considered the criti-
cal initial step in the pathogenesis of oral candidiasis. In
addition, germ tubes (GT), which mark the onset of hyphal Twenty oral isolates of C. dubliniensis recovered from the
growth, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of candi- oral rinse samples from patients attending the Kuwait
diasis, as these cylindrical extrusions, unlike the blasto- University Dental Clinic (KUDC) for dental treatment in
spore form, are known to facilitate yeast adherence to a previous study were included in the current study.19
epithelial cells and impart resistance to phagocytic killing.10 None of the patients from whom the isolates were recov-
Furthermore GT tend to promote the aggregation of ered had oral candidosis. These patients were not on any
Candida cells and the bridging of adjacent hyphal elements, antimicrobial therapy and had not taken any antimicrobi-
thereby bringing a large battery of organisms into intimate als for at least 6 months prior to obtaining the oral rinse
contact with the oral epithelium. Candida hyphae have also samples. Initially, all the yeast isolates were tested for GT
been shown to penetrate dentinal tubules along cracks of formation. Thereafter, the colony characteristics were
tooth surfaces, enabling the organism to invade dental hard observed using CHROMagar Candida medium (Becton
tissues.11 Apart from the aforementioned biological factors, Dickinson, Sparks, MD, USA) and carbohydrate assimila-
microbial cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH), which tion profiles obtained using the VITEK 2 yeast identifica-
contributes to hydrophobic interactions between cells and tion system (BioMerieux, Crappone, France). The identity
surfaces, is thought to be an important non-biological of C. dubliniensis was confirmed by the production of
factor associated in the adherence of Candida to inert sur- rough colonies with hyphal fringes and chlamydospores
faces.12 Studies have also shown that hydrophobic yeasts on simplified sunflower seed agar, and by using seminest-
are more virulent than their hydrophilic counterparts.13 ed polymerase chain reaction amplification of the inter-
Statistically-significant correlations between CSH and can- nally-transcribed spacer (ITS)-2 region of rDNA, followed
didal adhesion to BEC and denture acrylic surfaces have by direct DNA sequencing of the ITS region of rDNA.
also been reported.14,15
Many antifungal drugs are available for the treatment
Antifungal agents and media
of oral candidiasis. These include polyene antifungals,
such as nystatin and amphotericin B, and azoles, such as Antifungal agents were prepared as reported previ-
ketoconazole (an imidazole) and fluconazole (a triazole). ously.16–18 Briefly, nystatin, amphotericin B, ketoconazole,
However, the luent effect of saliva and the cleansing effect and fluconazole (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) were dis-
of the oral musculature in the oral cavity tend to reduce solved in DMSO. These antimycotic agents were prepared
the availability of these antimycotics below that of the initially as 10 000 lg/mL and stored at 20°C before use.
effective therapeutic concentrations, thereby compromis- They were suspended/diluted in the following medium
ing therapeutic efficacy.16–18 Thus, the opportunistic during the exposure period (1 h) of yeasts. RPMI-1640

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A.N.B. Ellepola et al. Antimycotics and adhesion of Candida

medium buffered with 0.165 M MOPS (3-[N-morpholi- those recommended by Clinical and Laboratory Standards
no] propanesulfonic acid) containing L-glutamine and Institute document M27-A2. Due to the lack of defined
lacking sodium bicarbonate (Sigma) was dissolved in 1 L susceptibility breakpoints for amphotericin B and ketoco-
sterile, distilled water, adjusted to a pH of 7.2, and filter nazole, an isolate was considered susceptible if it had an
sterilized. This liquid RPMI-1640 was stored at 2–8°C for MIC breakpoint of ≤1.0 lg/mL for amphotericin B and
2–3 months. The stock solution was used to obtain drug 0.125 lg/mL for ketoconazole, as determined in previous
concentrations (i.e. 29 minimum inhibitory concentra- studies.17–19
tion [MIC]) used in the experiments.
Preparation of cell suspension for the adhesion to buccal
Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration epithelial cells, germ tube formation, and relative cell
surface hydrophobicity
Antifungal susceptibility values for nystatin were deter-
mined by the broth dilution technique, as described pre- A previously-described method was used for this pur-
viously, with the same isolates used in this study by pose.20,21 Briefly, yeast cells were maintained in Sabouraud
performing twofold serial dilutions of the drug in microt- dextrose agar (SDA), inoculated onto fresh plates, and
itre plates using an inoculum of 1–5 9 105 c.f.u./mL.16 incubated overnight at 37°C for 24 h prior to use. The
The MIC was determined visually and spectrophotometri- organisms were harvested, and a cell suspension prepared
cally at 595 nm following 24 h incubation at 37°C. The in sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.4 to an
MIC was defined as the lowest concentration of the drug optical density of 1.5 at 520 nm. From this cell suspension,
that inhibited the growth of yeast cells, as indicated by 1 mL was added to tubes containing 4 mL RPMI broth
the absence of turbidity (optically clear). The MIC was (control) and 4 mL RPMI/drug solution (test), in which
read independently by two independent observers. Can- the drug concentrations were twice the MIC values. This
dida albicans (C. albicans) American Type Culture Collec- yielded a cell suspension of 106 cells/mL in each assay tube.
tion (ATCC) 90028 was used as a reference strain. All The tubes were then incubated at 37°C for 1 h in a rotary
experiments were repeated on two separate occasions with incubator. Following this limited exposure, the drugs were
duplicate determinations on each occasion. removed by two cycles of dilution with sterile PBS and cen-
Antifungal susceptibility values for amphotericin B, ke- trifuged for 10 min at 3000 9 g. Afterwards, the superna-
toconazole, and fluconazole were determined by E tests, as tant was completely decanted, and the pellets were
described previously, with the same isolates used in this resuspended in 5 mL sterile PBS; 100 lL of this cell sus-
study by performing these tests according to the manufac- pension was then inoculated onto SDA plates and incu-
turer’s recommendations (AB BIODISK, Solna, Swe- bated at 37°C for 24 h. Thereafter, the organisms were
den).17–19 Each test isolate was freshly subcultured. Five harvested and once again exposed to the drug, as men-
isolated colonies were uniformly suspended in sterile tioned previously. This procedure was performed for 10
saline, and turbidity was adjusted to 0.5 McFarland stan- consecutive days, after which cultures of the drug-treated
dard. The McFarland standard 0.5 is approximately equal Candida (test), as well as Candida unexposed to antifungal
to 1–5 9 106 cells/mL. This inoculum was swabbed onto agents (control), were inoculated onto SDA plates and
the agar plates (150 mm diameter) and allowed to dry for incubated at 37°C for 24 h. These cultures were then main-
10–15 min before the E-test strips were applied. RPMI- tained in SDA, stored at 4–6°C, prior to being used for the
1640 agar supplemented with 2% glucose and buffered adhesion to BEC, GT formation, and CSH assays. This
with MOPS (0.165 M, pH 7.0) was used for susceptibility procedure allowed Candida exposed to the drug to recover
testing, according to the method recommended by the and grow after the final treatment of antifungal drugs.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (formerly The aforementioned procedure for drug removal has
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards). been shown to reduce the concentration of the drug as
The plates were incubated at 35°C, and the MIC was read much as 10 000-fold, thereby minimizing any carry-over
after 24–48 h of incubation. The point where inhibition effect of the drug following its removal.16–18,20,21 Viable
ellipses intercepted the scale on the antifungal strip was counts of the control and the test were performed after
taken as the MIC for each test isolate: complete inhibition each procedure of drug removal. As the procedure of
(100%) of growth for amphotericin B, and marked drug removal effectively eliminated any carry-over effect,
decrease in growth intensity (80%) for fluconazole and there was virtually no difference in the viable counts of
ketoconazole. Reference strains of C. albicans ATCC 90028 the control and the tests following exposure to the already
and Candida parapsilosis (C. parapsilosis) ATCC 22019 diluted subtherapeutic concentrations of the drug, as
were used for quality control of the susceptibility testing. observed in previous studies.16–18,20,21 In addition, under
Interpretive susceptibility breakpoints for fluconazole were Gram stain, Gram-positive yeast cells were seen when

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Antimycotics and adhesion of Candida A.N.B. Ellepola et al.

Candida were observed under light microscopy before tion, were counted; (b) clumped cells with GT were
brief exposure to these antifungals, and did not reveal any excluded; and (c) pseudo-hyphae-forming yeast cells were
observable changes after brief and sequential exposure to excluded.
these drugs (i.e. before the adhesion to BEC, GT forma-
tion, and CSH assays were performed) compared to the
Relative cell surface hydrophobicity assay
cells observed before the exposure.
A biphasic aqueous-hydrocarbon assay, previously used
for the assessment CSH on oral Candida species, was
Adhesion to buccal epithelial cell assay
used in the current study.15–17 In brief, 5 mL of the con-
A previously-used adhesion assay was performed with trol (prior to drug exposure) and test (following brief
slight amendments.16,18 Briefly, human BEC from four and sequential exposure) yeast suspensions were adjusted
adults were collected by gently rubbing the inner aspect of spectrophotometrically to an optical density (OD) of
the right and left buccal mucosa with sterile cotton swabs. 0.442–0.448 at 520 nm to obtain a cell concentration of
These were then dispersed in sterile PBS. The pooled BEC McFarland standard 7.0. For each organism tested (with
suspension was washed in PBS to remove any attached and without exposure to nystatin), 2.5 mL volumes of
organisms, by centrifugation at 3500 9 g for 10 min. The suspension were added to two sterile glass test tubes
BEC were thereafter resuspended in PBS to obtain a con- (16 9 150 mm; 20 mL), representing one test and one
centration of 1 9 105 cells/mL by hemocytometer count- control. A total of 0.5 mL xylene was added to each test
ing. For the adhesion assay, 0.5 mL BEC and 0.5 mL suspension. The test and the controls were placed in a
Candida suspension following brief exposure to the drugs water bath at 37°C for 10 min to equilibrate, then in
were mixed gently in tubes and incubated at 37°C for 1 h. turn vortex mixed for 30 sec and returned to the water
The Candida/BEC suspension was diluted in 4 mL sterile bath for a further 30 min to allow the immiscible xylene
PBS. The BEC were harvested onto 12-lm-pore-size poly- and aqueous phases to separate. The lower, aqueous
carbonate filters and washed gently with sterile PBS to phase of the sample was carefully removed using a pip-
remove any unattached Candida cells. Each filter was ette and transferred to a clean test tube. Any traces of
placed on a glass slide and removed gently after 10 sec. contaminating xylene that might have been carried over
The preparation on the glass side was air dried and stained in the pipette or bound to the yeast were removed by
with Gram’s stain. The number of adherent yeast cells was bubbling air through the suspension at a rate of
quantified by light microscopy at 4009 magnification. 180 mL/min for 2 min. The absorbance was measured
Fifty sequential BEC were observed for adherent Candida spectrophotometrically as before at 520 nm following
cells. Clumped, folded, or overlapping BEC were excluded, vortex mixing for 5 sec. The hydrophobicity was
as done in previous experiments.16,18 expressed as described previously, as the percentage
reduction in OD of the test suspension compared with
the control.15–17 Thus, the greater the change in absor-
Microscopic quantification of germ-tube forming cells
bance, the greater the shift in yeasts from the bulk med-
(germ-tube assay)
ium to the interface (i.e. the more hydrophobic the yeast
A previously-used method for GT induction was per- strain). Suspensions without xylene were used as the
formed.16,17 RPMI-1640 medium with L-glutamine negative controls.
(Sigma) was chosen for the assay because it effectively All experiments were repeated on three separate occa-
induces GT formation. For GT induction, 250 lL of yeast sions with duplicate determinations on each occasion.
suspensions of the control (prior to drug exposure) and C. dubliniensis reference strain CD36 was also used in the
test (following brief and sequential exposure) was added above assays.
to 1 mL RPMI-1640 medium with L-glutamine and incu-
bated at 37°C for 90 min. Afterwards, the tube was vor-
Statistical analysis
tex mixed for 10 sec, and a drop of each cell suspension
was placed on a Neubauer hemocytometer chamber and The effect of antimycotic agents on Candida isolates was
covered with a cover slip for the quantification of GT. statistically analyzed. The data obtained from all three
Thereafter, 300 yeast cells in contiguous fields were adhesion to BEC, GT formation, and relative CSH assays
counted (under 409 magnification), and the percentage were analyzed using ANOVA Dunnett’s t-tests, which treat
of GT-forming cells was calculated. A previously-used cri- one group as a control (unexposed to antimycotics), and
terion was used for counting.16,17 The following criteria compare all other groups (exposed to antimycotics)
were used: (a) only yeast cells with a GT, without con- against it. A P value of <0.05 was considered statistically
striction at the junction between the cell and the elonga- significant.

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pared to the controls that were not exposed, this resulted

in a 33.98%, 36.23%, and 20.51% significant (P < 0.001)
The MIC (lg/mL) values of 20 isolates of C. dubliniensis percentage reduction with nystatin, amphotericin B, and
to nystatin, amphotericin B, ketoconazole, and fluconaz- ketoconazole, respectively. However, the 1.6% reduction
ole prior to exposure and following brief and sequential observed with fluconazole was not statistically significant
exposure to the respective drugs were as follows: for nys- (Table 2).
tatin, the MIC ranged from 0.09 to 0.78; for amphotericin The relative CSH of the of the of the 20 C. dubliniensis
B, the MIC range was between 0.002 and 0.125; for isolates that were not exposed to the drugs and following
ketoconazole, it ranged from 0.002 to 0.012; and for brief and sequential exposure to nystatin, amphotericin B,
fluconazole, the MIC range was between 0.016 and 0.38. ketoconazole, and fluconazole was 17.4, 12.21, 12.36,
Thus, all isolates were susceptible to the drugs tested 14.53, and 17.12, respectively, thereby resulting in a
before and after exposure to the respective drugs. 29.83%, 28.97%, and 16.49% significant (P < 0.001) per-
The adhesion to BEC (yeasts/50 BEC) of the 20 C. dub- centage reduction, with nystatin, amphotericin B, and
liniensis isolates not exposed to the drugs and following ketoconazole, respectively. However, the 0.63% reduction
brief and sequential exposure to nystatin, amphotericin B, observed with fluconazole was not significant (Table 3).
ketoconazole, and fluconazole was 215.72, 100.20, 99.57,
134.98, and 196.46, respectively. Compared to the controls
that were not exposed, this resulted in a 53.55%, 53.84%,
37.43%, and 8.93% significant (P < 0.001) percentage Candida dubliniensis is now well-known as an emerging
reduction, respectively, for all drugs tested (Table 1). pathogen associated with oral candidiasis. Particular atten-
The percentage of GT-positive cells of the of the 20 tion has been given to experimenting candidal adhesion to
C. dubliniensis isolates not exposed to the drugs and fol- BEC of the oral mucosa, as it is intimately allied with all
lowing brief and sequential exposure to nystatin, ampho- forms of oral candidosis.9 Another phenotypic characteris-
tericin B, ketoconazole, and fluconazole was 26.28%, tic associated with candidal adhesion is the formation of
17.35%, 16.76%, 20.89%, and 25.86%, respectively. Com- GT, which marks the onset of hyphal growth and the
Table 1. Adhesion to BEC of oral Candida
Isolate Control Nystatin Amphotericin B Ketoconazole Fluconazole
dubliniensis isolates (yeast cells/50 BEC) fol-
lowing brief (1 h) and sequential (10 days) CD1 223.7 94.6 96.3 138.2 198.7
exposure to antifungal drugs CD2 235.3 99.3 97.8 141.8 199.3
CD3 200.4 92.7 97.4 148.1 187.4
CD4 210.8 93.6 91.1 129.7 183.2
CD5 203.6 90.6 92.4 123.4 181.1
CD6 211.5 98.5 100.4 141.4 201.6
CD7 228.3 107.8 109.2 145.8 208.7
CD8 200.4 92.3 93.5 133.7 192.6
CD9 233.4 112.8 114.5 139.3 208.5
CD10 209.2 96.7 93.2 137.4 195.6
CD11 201.7 90.4 97.4 129.5 193.4
CD12 234.3 115.3 111.9 143.2 207.6
CD13 202.2 92.3 91.7 120.7 189.8
CD14 221.8 108.6 104.8 131.9 201.4
CD15 201.9 94.2 93.8 130.7 190.3
CD16 206.7 98.8 92.3 128.5 193.7
CD17 212.3 105.2 101.8 122.7 181.2
CD18 229.5 116.1 118.5 142.5 198.7
CD19 216.2 97.5 94.6 130.3 201.8
CD20 231.1 106.7 98.7 140.8 214.6
Mean 215.72 100.20 99.57 134.98 196.46
SEM 2.85 1.88 1.82 1.78 2.11
SD 12.75 8.40 8.13 7.98 9.42
Percentage reduction 53.55 53.84 37.43 8.93
Significance (P) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

All values indicate the average of experiments repeated on three separate occasions with dupli-
cate determinations on each occasion (i.e. average of six values).
BEC, buccal epithelial cells; SD, standard deviation; SEM, standard error of mean.

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Antimycotics and adhesion of Candida A.N.B. Ellepola et al.

Table 2. Percentage of germ tube-positive

Isolate Control Nystatin Amphotericin B Ketoconazole Fluconazole
cells in 20 oral Candida dubliniensis isolates
CD1 24.56 16.82 17.33 21.04 24.33 following brief (1 h) and sequential (10 days)
CD2 29.33 18.65 17.92 24.79 28.92 exposure to antifungal drugs
CD3 21.52 14.78 13.76 16.03 20.87
CD4 28.24 19.43 17.18 23.32 26.19
CD5 31.41 23.45 21.89 24.84 32.33
CD6 22.87 14.44 15.22 18.22 23.54
CD7 21.32 12.29 11.91 16.09 20.89
CD8 27.43 19.73 18.22 22.76 28.01
CD9 29.14 22.72 23.08 24.21 28.53
CD10 32.67 22.87 20.73 25.63 31.22
CD11 21.92 14.02 12.96 16.71 22.08
CD12 25.63 16.69 15.92 21.11 24.62
CD13 24.22 15.44 16.06 20.06 24.97
CD14 27.68 18.31 17.48 19.73 26.31
CD15 23.83 12.77 14.02 18.22 24.55
CD16 29.28 18.83 19.63 24.66 28.08
CD17 22.65 12.77 11.92 16.66 22.03
CD18 24.77 14.51 14.22 18.83 22.91
CD19 30.64 22.66 20.77 24.87 31.93
CD20 26.43 15.78 14.93 20.04 24.76
Mean 26.28 17.35 16.76 20.89 25.86
SEM 0.77 0.81 0.73 0.74 0.78
SD 3.45 3.61 3.26 3.30 3.51
Percentage reduction 33.98 36.23 20.51 1.60
Significance (P) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 >0.05

All values indicate the average of experiments repeated on three separate occasions with dupli-
cate determinations on each occasion (i.e. average of six values).
SD, standard deviation; SEM, standard error of mean.

ability to transform from the blastospore phase to the exposure to the respective drugs were within the range of
hyphal phase.22 This could be another reason for the path- the reference strain, which implies that the isolates tested
ogenic nature of C. dubliniensis. For instance, candidal were susceptible to the drugs, despite multiple episodes of
hyphae are thigmotropic in nature and traverse along sur- drug exposure. Furthermore, these values were within the
face irregularities both in vivo and in vitro, thus facilitating MIC range obtained in previous investigations of C. dub-
in the custody of the organism in hostile habitats, such as liniensis isolates.16–19 Therefore, it could be speculated
the oral cavity.11 Apart from the aforesaid biological phe- that such brief (1 h), sequential (10 days) exposure to
notypic traits, the relative CSH of Candida is considered a subtherapeutic concentrations of antifungal agents does
non-biological physical force of critical importance con- not have a significant impact on the susceptibility of the
cerning candidal adhesion. For instance, Hazen and Hazen isolates, and is unlikely to induce development of drug
verified that hydrophobic Candida are more virulent than resistance, despite such exposure.
their hydrophilic counterparts.23 Shibl et al.24 and Rama- The suppression of adhesion to BEC and GT production
dan et al.25 showed that the reduction in CSH following by limited exposure to the polyene antifungal agents (nys-
limited exposure to antimicrobials promoted increased tatin and amphotericin B) could be related to the mecha-
ingestion of microbes by polymorphonuclear leukocyte nism of action of these polyenes on the Candida cell wall.
(PMNL), thus increasing the susceptibility of the organ- Polyenes bind to the sterol components in the cell wall of
isms to the killing effect of PMNL. Hydrophobic cells also Candida and make it more permeable, as mentioned in
exhibited greater adherence to epithelial cells and extracel- previous studies.16,21 It has also been suggested that the
lular matrix proteins, and decreased susceptibility to phag- formation of sterols or their precursors could be inhibited
ocytic killing.26 Furthermore, enhanced virulence of by polyenes.16,21 Studies have demonstrated dynamic
hydrophobic cells over hydrophilic cells could be due to changes in the ultrastructural features of the cell wall dur-
the potential of hydrophobic cells to bind to various ing morphogenic transformation to GT, and have shown
organs following clearance from the bloodstream.26 that the cell wall of GT possesses stratification comparable
In the present study, the MIC values of all tested anti- to that of the blastospore wall.27 Other studies have shown
fungal agents before and following brief and sequential internally-collapsed cells with an intact cell wall leaving

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Table 3. Relative cell surface hydrophobicity

Isolate Control Nystatin Amphotericin B Ketoconazole Fluconazole
of 20 oral Candida dubliniensis isolates fol-
lowing brief (1 h) and sequential (10 days) CD1 16.78 11.38 11.92 14.53 16.02
exposure and subsequent removal of antifun- CD2 16.97 11.22 12.06 14.02 16.54
gal drugs CD3 17.81 12.73 12.01 13.26 16.77
CD4 18.38 12.81 11.63 13.45 18.78
CD5 21.23 14.87 15.66 18.44 20.95
CD6 16.45 11.92 11.04 13.94 16.81
CD7 16.96 11.06 11.88 13.61 16.22
CD8 17.43 12.03 11.91 14.03 16.98
CD9 21.62 15.02 14.91 17.34 22.04
CD10 17.32 12.98 12.61 14.14 17.55
CD11 17.81 12.02 11.34 14.08 16.76
CD12 16.43 11.94 12.07 13.96 17.02
CD13 16.22 11.32 12.11 14.22 16.06
CD14 16.81 10.96 11.95 14.37 17.05
CD15 21.84 15.93 15.77 18.91 21.26
CD16 15.02 11.21 11.97 13.68 15.96
CD17 15.61 11.08 11.06 14.03 15.23
CD18 16.07 11.67 12.05 13.48 15.91
CD19 16.16 11.24 12.19 13.22 16.33
CD20 15.07 10.78 11.07 13.93 15.63
Mean 17.40 12.21 12.36 14.53 17.29
SEM 0.45 0.33 0.31 0.37 0.43
SD 1.99 1.47 1.40 1.65 1.94
Percentage reduction 29.83 28.97 16.49 0.63
Significance (P) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 >0.05

All values indicate the average of experiments repeated on three separate occasions with dupli-
cate determinations on each occasion (i.e. average of six values).
SD, standard deviation; SEM, standard error of mean.

“ghost-like” cells and deflated Candida cells following study was conducted after a recovery period of these iso-
exposure to subcidal concentrations of nystatin.28 In addi- lates, resulting in a lesser impact on the adhesion attributes
tion, microbial structures that contribute to CSH include tested. Irrespective of these differences, it is reasonable to
outer membrane protein, lipoprotein, phospholipid, lipo- ascertain that by affecting the cell wall structures polyene,
polysaccharide, and fimbriae. Drugs, such as polyenes, that antifungals continue to subdue both biological (adhesion
modify these structural features could reduce CSH of to BEC and GT formation) and non-biological (CSH)
microbes.24,25 In the case of C. albicans, it has been shown adhesion traits of C. dubliniensis isolates.
that CSH correlates with the concentration of fibrils in the For ketoconazole, brief and sequential exposure of
exterior layer of the cell wall. As C. dubliniensis isolates are Candida to this azole antifungal drug resulted in a statisti-
phenotypically similar to C. albicans isolates, the observed cally-significant reduction of their adhesion to BEC, GT
suppression of CSH elicited by polyenes on C. dubliniensis formation, as well as suppression of its CSH, although to a
could also be related to the aforementioned pharmacody- lesser extent than exposure to the polyene antifungals. In
namics of the polyenes on the cell wall of C. dubliniensis. previous studies, we demonstrated that single, brief expo-
In previous studies, we demonstrated that a single, brief sure to ketoconazole induced an approximately 50%
exposure to polyenes induced an approximately 75% reduction of adhesion to BEC, abrogation of GT formation
reduction of adhesion to BEC, almost complete abrogation by approximately 18%, and approximately 21% reduction
of GT formation by approximately 95%, and approxi- in candidal CSH in the same oral isolates of C. dubliniensis
mately 34% reduction in CSH in the same oral isolates of used in the present study.16–18 This slightly higher percent-
C. dubliniensis used in the present study.16–18 This higher age of the suppressive effect by ketoconazole on adhesion
percentage of suppressive effect by the polyenes on all to BEC and candidal CSH of C. dubliniensis following
tested adhesion traits of C. dubliniensis following brief, sin- brief, single exposure could be once again due the fact that
gle exposure compared to brief and sequential exposure these studies were conducted soon after drug removal
could be due the fact that previous studies were conducted when isolates were in a state of drug-induced metabolic
soon after drug removal when isolates were in a state of shock, compared to the current study, which was con-
polyene-induced metabolic shock, whereas the current ducted after a recovery period of these isolates. However,

ª 2014 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd 155

Antimycotics and adhesion of Candida A.N.B. Ellepola et al.

although the exact reason cannot be speculated, there was The development of resistance to antimycotic drugs by
hardly any difference in the ability of ketoconazole to sup- C. dubliniensis isolates might have important implications
press candidal GT formation irrespective of the exposure for antifungal therapy, and indicate the need for possible
procedure (18% following brief single exposure vs 20% fol- alternative therapies that could facilitate the management
lowing brief and sequential exposure). Irrespective of these of oral candidosis. For instance, C. dubliniensis resistance
differences, the suppressive effects observed might also be to azoles, such as fluconazole, voriconazole, and itraconaz-
related to the mode of action of ketoconazole. These drugs ole, has been reported previously.6–8 In addition, C. dub-
alter the fungal cell membranes by blocking the 14 a-deme- liniensis isolates resistant to the DNA analog antifungal
thylation step in the biosynthesis of ergosterol. The conse- agent 5-flucytosine was recovered from clinical isolates
quent depletion of ergosterol and the accumulation of 14 from Kuwait,30 the same country from which the isolates
a-methyl-sterols lead to alterations in a number of mem- of the current study was recovered.19 In this context, the
brane-associated functions, which could be the reason for current study is the first to document that brief and
the observed suppressive effect on adhesion to BEC, GT sequential exposure to nystatin, amphotericin B, ketoco-
formation, and relative CSH of C. dublinienis isolates.17,18 nazole, and fluconazole would endure to exert an antifun-
In contrast to ketoconazole, the other azole drug (fluco- gal effect by modulating all or some of the adhesion
nazole), induced a significant suppression on adhesion to attributes of C. dubliniensis isolates in vitro. In clinical
BEC, but virtually had no impact on the suppression of GT terms, the results of this study following such brief and
formation and candidal CSH. Although fluconazole is sequential exposure to antifungal agents, which is all too
remarkably more effective than ketoconazole in the man- familiar in the niches of the oral environment during anti-
agement of candidal infection, its growth inhibitory activ- fungal therapy, provides further credence to the use of
ity against Candida isolates in vitro is less than that of these drugs in vivo in the management of oral candidosis.
ketoconazole,29 which could be due to the subtle changes However, testing with a larger number of sessile isolates
between the two azoles; ketoconazole being a imidazole, encased in a Candida biofilm scenario instead of using only
and fluconazole being a triazole. Although the tested planktonic isolates, as used in the present study, is war-
C. dubliniensis isolates remained susceptible to fluconazole ranted to further magnify the current findings.
even after brief and sequential exposure to the drug, it has
been shown that fluconazole resistance can be readily
induced in C. dubliniensis following exposure to the drug
in vitro.6 Thus, it can be speculated that the aforemen- Brief and sequential exposure to nystatin, amphotericin B,
tioned differences between the two azoles could be the rea- ketoconazole, and fluconazole is capable of suppressing
son behind the reduced ability of fluconazole to suppress the adhesion related attributes of C. dubliniensis isolates,
the adhesion attributes, as seen in the current study. In thereby quelling its pathogenicity in vitro, which eluci-
addition, similar to polyenes and ketoconazole, in previous dates possible pharmacodynamics by which these antifun-
studies, we demonstrated that single, brief exposure to gals might operate in modulating candidal adherence
fluconazole induced an approximately 29% reduction of properties.
adhesion to BEC, suppression of GT formation by approxi-
mately 12%, and approximately 9% reduction in CSH in
the same oral isolates of C. dubliniensis used in the present
study.16–18 This higher percentage of suppressive effect on The work was partially supported by Kuwait University
all adhesion traits by fluconazole on C. dubliniensis isolates (research grant no. DB 01/11 and DB 02/11). The techni-
following brief, single exposure, similar to that of the poly- cal support and advice from Ms Rachel Chandy (Depart-
enes, might yet again be due the fact that these studies were ment of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait
conducted soon after drug removal, when Candida were in University, Kuwait) and Dr Sumedha Jayathilake (Divi-
a state of fluconazole-induced metabolic shock, whereas sion of Oral Microbiology, Faculty of Dental Sciences,
the current study was conducted after a recovery period of University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka) are appreciated and
these isolates, resulting in a lesser fluconazole impact on thankfully acknowledged.
the adhesion attributes tested.

The isolation, identification and Oral Microbiol Immunol 2002; 17:

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