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A sweet friendship refreshes the soul

I have no one to tell this story to, but I have to tell it. It’s kind of a sad story, but
I’m going to tell it anyways. This is how I lost a friend.

Throughout our entire life, we meet someone who has influenced us so much,
someone who is very close to us. We confer them a special place in our heart.
Right now, I am pondering – why am I even reminiscing the past events with
my mixed emotions? There is a big smile blooming on my face while cherishing
my memories. It is the human tendency to repent after losing their loved ones.
At that moment, we can feel that emptiness, as if we have landed on a place
where we have never been before. It reflects that we are making our way to the
gloomy days of our life.

Our life has been encompassed with fatigue, hustle bustle of the city with lots of
commotion. Fear. When we come across this dreadful word, there are enormous
unwanted thoughts coming in our mind. Some fear of losing their beloved, some
for money, luxuries and it varies from person to person. When we don’t have
someone to support us or admire us, we feel depressed. Negativity consume our
mind and ultimately, we tend to be pessimistic leaving us in solitude. At that
stage of life, when someone lend us a helping hand, we get connected with that
soul and give him or her a recognition of a “FRIEND” with reverence.

A good friend of mine once said to me “When you are in grief, move to the
terrace, look at the sky and close your eyes, all your mental distress will
dissipate.” It really worked for me. I am so grateful and I appreciate her efforts
she puts to make our friendship thrive a long way ahead.

There is a famous line from a poem “Brook” – “Men may come, men may go,
but the river goes on forever.” A sweet friendship is like a rivulet, it may be
small but holds a great importance.
My true inner self interrogates me every time- How come you forget the gossips
you did in the computer lab and the time you spent with her in the college
canteen? Those were the sweet memories which are unforgettable. Now, I can
perceive that she was the right person to share my tribulations with.

I engrossed myself with the hectic roster that I never prioritize her. I tried to
justify my behaviour revealing to her that she never treated me in just and fair.
We are two peas in a pod and our friendship is still the talk of the town. It is
incredible on my part that we are not maintaining the same friendship any more.
This happened all because of my actions which I had placed a dot mark to our
companionship. I kept her promising that I would never break her trust but
action speak louder than words.

Life is a roller coaster ride. We cannot predict what is going to happen in the
near future. Life isn’t just dark and dingy. We can add some colours to it. It is
not just about adding up your favourite colours as per your preference, putting
the rest of the colours aside. It is because each colour has its own significance
and we are not well aware of it. It is indispensable to value each and everything
coming on our way so that we don’t rue in the coming years.

My tears have started rolling down my cheeks. It is true that grief is the price
we pay to our loved ones after we lose them and it is a natural reaction. I
wouldn’t believe the depth in her heart until the day I felt her essence, the very
first time. It was a year ago. I was dabbled in great sorrow.

Wherever she is, I hope that my letter will reach her out in a jiffy as she is my
ultimate destination. I just wanted to beg her pardon for my deeds and I wish to
see her face scintillating every day and night blooming with happiness and

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