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‘Abu Bakr (RA)’s election as First Caliph and his Administration’

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘A’ (10 marks Question)

Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of
the faith and history of Islam in part ‘A’.

1. Write a detailed account about the election and administration of Abu Bakr.
[10] 2017 – Oct Nov – 22
Marking Scheme:

In answer to this question, as for election of Abu Bakr (RA), It could be said that the Prophet
(pbuh) did not nominate a successor. After his death the ansars gathered in Saqifah-i-Bani
Sa’ad to discuss the appointment of a caliph where they were joined by Abu Bakr and ‘Umar
and other eminent muhajireen, ‘Ali was not present at this meeting as he was busy with the
preparations of the final rites of the Prophet (pbuh). Whether the caliph was to be from the
ansar, or the Quraysh was discussed at the meeting. The ansars wanted a caliph from amongst
them in view of their sacrifices for Islam, but Abu Bakr argued that the Arabs would not agree
on any Amir other than a person from the Quraysh, at which point the ansars suggested the
option of electing two Amirs, one from the Quraysh and one from the ansars, to which ‘Umar
objected saying it would cause confusion in the umma. ‘Ubayda bin Jarra addressed the ansars
at this point and said, ‘O Ansar! You were the first to uphold Islam do not be the first to sow the
seeds of dissension in it.’ The ansars immediately withdrew their claim. Abu Bakr suggested
the name of ‘Ubayda bin Jarrah and ‘Umar held the hand of Abu Bakr and pledged his
allegiance. On seeing this people from all sides rushed to pledge their loyalty to Abu Bakr and
a general pledge was taken the next day. Candidates could refer to the speech Abu Bakr made
upon his election.
As for the administration of Abu Bakr, candidates could say that he laid the foundation of a truly
democratic state. Following the Qur’an and sunna Abu Bakr conducted the affairs of the state
by discussing all matters with the Majlis-e-Shura. He divided the state into provinces and
appointed governors who were responsible for both administrative and military affairs. Public
money was strictly accounted for and all those in government were selected on merit. It should
be said that even though there was no police force, all crimes and their perpetrators were dealt
with in the light of the teachings from the Qur’an and sunnah and if they were silent ijma was
practiced. By his efficient administration he preserved the integrity of Islam by suppressing
rebellions and making sure that the Pillar of zakat was enforced
Examiner report
In part (a) of this question candidates needed to write about the election and administration of
Hazrat Abu Bakr. Some candidates over-simplified the answer and said that Hazrat Umar
nominated him, and a few confused Hazrat Abu Bakr’s election with Hazrat Uthman’s. However,
there were some very good and detailed accounts of Hazrat Abu Bakr’s election. When writing
about the administration of the first caliph it was important to focus on how the caliphate was
divided into provinces under governors, the creation of the Majlis-e-Shura and the Bait ul Maal
etc. The events of Abu Bakr’s caliphate were not relevant here. However, when candidates
focussed on events such as making the tribes pay zakat or defeating the false prophets, and
linked the events to how he administered the caliphate according to the teachings of Islam,
marks were credited.
‘Abu Bakr (RA)’s Dealing with Four False Prophets’

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘A’ (10 marks Question)

Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of
the faith and history of Islam in part ‘A’.

2. Write a detail account of the four false prophets and how the Caliph Abu Bakr defeated
them? [10] 2014 – May June –

Marking Scheme:
The candidates need to write in detail about the four false prophets who threatened
Islam and how Caliph Abu Bakr defeated them during his caliphate. There is no need for
candidates to write about other aspects of Abu Bakr’s caliphate as it would not be relevant
to the question. Details of these battles will help candidates get higher levels.
The candidates could simply say that Abu Bakr dealt very effectively with the false
prophets who were a great threat to the unity of the Muslims. Names of the prominent
false prophets and the tribes they belonged to need to be given.
Better answers will also give details of how Abu Bakr sent forces against all of them and
write about the fighting against Musaylima in the battle of Yamama which was the fiercest,
and one in which many memorizers of the Qur'an were killed.
Candidates should not be credited for writing about the ridda wars or Abu Bakr's
contribution in compiling the Qur’an as the question is focusing on his election and how
he dealt with the false prophets.

3.Write a detailed account of the election of Abu Bakr as the first caliph and the
action he took against any two of the false prophets. [10] 2019 – Oct/Nov – 22
Marking Scheme:

This is a two-part answer, in the first part candidates need to give a detailed account of the
election of Abu Bakr which should include the key points like how ‘Umar took Abu Bakr to the
Saqifa of Bani Saida where the Ansars had gathered to elect a caliph; Abu Bakr’s persuasive
argument to the gathering of why a Quraysh should lead the Muslims; the Ansars suggestion
for having two leaders; Abu Jarrah’s intervention and how the nomination of Abu Bakr came
about. Candidates could also mention the speech made by him upon his election and that will
be seen as development of the answer.

Candidates need to select any two from the four false prophets who posed a threat in the time
of the caliphate of Abu Bakr and write an account of them and say how they were dealt with by
Abu Bakr and what the outcome was. The mark is not divided between the two parts but will be
read as a whole.

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‘Abu Bakr (RA)’s Dealing with Four False Prophets’

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘A’ (10 marks Question)

4. Write about the election of Abu Bakr as caliph and how he dealt with the false
prophets during his reign. [10] 2012 – Oct Nov – 21

Marking Scheme:

Candidates could give a simple answer about the election of Abu Bakr as caliph by stating
that 'Umar took bait at the hand of Abu Bakr and the people from all sides rushed to
pledge their loyalty to him. Other answers will describe the gathering of the ansar at
Saqifah-i-Bani to discuss the appointment of a caliph where they were joined by Abu
Bakr, ‘Umar and other eminent muhajireen. Whether the caliph was to be from the ansar
or the Quraish could be discussed here, Abu Bakr's nomination of 'Ubaidah bin Jana
could also be mentioned. The general pledge was taken the next day. Good answers
may well include an extract from Abu Bakr’s address.

In answering the second part of the question the candidates could simply say that Abu
Bakr dealt very effectively with the false prophets who were a great threat to the unity of
the Muslims. Names of the prominent false prophets and the tribes they belonged to need
to be given. Better answers will also give details of how Abu Bakr sent forces against all
of them and write about the fighting against Musaylima in the battle of Yamama which
was the fiercest, and one in which many memorizers of the Qur'an were killed.
Candidates should not be credited for writing about the ridda wars or Abu Bakr's
contribution in compiling the Qur’an as the question is focusing on his election and how
he dealt with the false prophets. It must be noted that marks are not divided between the
two parts of the answer equally but are given on the overall answer.

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Past Paper Questions and guidelines

Part ‘B’ (4 marks Question)

Students are required to demonstrate understanding of their significance in the teachings of Islam and
in the lives of Muslims in part ‘B’

1. Why did Abu Bakr think it of great importance to defeat the false prophets?
[4] 2014 – May June – 21
Marking Scheme/ Key Points

An evaluative response giving the dangers of what could have happened if the false
prophets were not defeated by Abu Bakr should be cited.
Levels attained will depend on the evaluation given in the answers which could include
points like the teachings of Islam could have been corrupted; the purity of the religion would
have been lost and many who called themselves Muslims in reality would be following a
manmade faith.
The first pillar of Islam would have been challenged as the second part of the shahadah
which deals with the Rissalah and finality of the Prophet Muhammad would be contradicted
if one believed in the so-called prophets after Muhammad.

2. Was Abu Bakr a good choice as caliph? Give reasons to support your answer. [4]
Oct/Nov 2012

Marking Scheme:
Candidates could give a variety of reasons to support their answer, if they agree to him
being a good choice as caliph, they could refer to him being the first male Muslim, to his
being the Prophet's closest friend and father-in law, for being appointed as the first Amir al
Hajj by the Prophet when it first became obligatory in the 9th year of Hijra and for all his
contributions to Islam etc. If they disagree, they will need to support their view. All valid
points must be credited.

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Past Paper Questions and guidelines

3. Why is Abu Bakr called the Saviour of Islam? [4] Oct/Nov 2009
4. Why was Abu Bakr given the title ‘Saviour of Islam’? [4] Oct/Nov 2010

Marking Scheme:
To gain top marks in this question candidates need to show a good understanding of the reason
why he was called the Saviour of Islam. A satisfactory answer would simply explain that he
fought to prevent the break-up of Islam. However, more complete answers will explain that the
false prophets and apostates threatened the uniqueness and unity of Islam and could not be
allowed to continue their activities. Hence when he became caliph, he not only gave new heart
to the Muslims after the Prophet passed away but helped the community of Muslims against its
many enemies. In his short term as caliph, he defeated the tribes who withdrew from Islam and
made them stay Muslim and he fought and won against tribes who refused to pay zakat. He
also defeated the false prophets and thus kept the unity of Islam when there was much danger.
Candidates could mention his contribution in the compilation of the Qur’an as well.

Key Points

• He was acknowledged as the Savior of Islam because of his efforts to keep the community
• united and removing all the possible threats to the integrity of Islamic fundamentals and

• Abu Bakr (AR), at the time of the death of the Holy Prophet, steadied the mourning community
by driving their gloomed hearts from the passing away of Muhammad (SAW) towards Allah.
After being chosen as the caliph he united and safeguarded the Muslim Ummah.

• He continued Prophet's mission of sending expeditions to North for fighting against the
enemies and hypocrites: He also fought the Ridah wars and the wars against the withholders
of Zakat ensuring the purity of Islam and the safety of Muslims, also indicating that Muslims
would never stand any transgressors of religion.

• He protected Muslims and their faith from the threats of many enemies prominently the false
prophets, who proclaimed prophet hood after Muhammad (SAW), he defeated and wiped all
those false claims saving the true soul of Islam.

• The most significant out of this was the ordering of the compilation of Quran that proved to be
a milestone and the greatest unifying force for the Ummah.

• If it had not been for Abu Bakr’s efforts, Islam would have been trembling after the Prophet
(SAW) but he sincerely worked to benefit religion hence proving to be the 'Savior of Islam'.

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Past Paper Questions and guidelines

5. Explain why Abu Bakr was known as the Honest One (al-Siddiq), and the Saviour of Islam.
[4] May/June 2016

Examiner Report according to level of the answers

Hazrat Abu Bakr was the closest companion of the holy Prophet. He always acted in an upright way,
and so the holy Prophet called him Al-Siddiq. He is called the Saviour of Islam because he saved
Islam after the demise of the holy Prophet when the Muslims were uncertain, and he led them.
There is little detail here, showing either little knowledge or little interest to give any more than
a basic answer
Level: 2
Hazrat Abu Bakr was a good man even before the time of Islam. He never drank or gambled. He
believed the holy Prophet when he told about the isra, and so the Prophet called him al-Siddiq. When
he became the first caliph, he gave the Muslims strength in their hearts and he made the tribes who
refused to pay zakat pay it. He performed many services for Islam. So, he is called the Saviour of
There is some more detail here, and more precise reasons for the two titles. But the answer is
still rather brief and not well thought through.
Level 3
When the holy Prophet declared that he had been taken to Jerusalem in one night, many people
said this did not happen. But when Abu Bakr was told this, he said that the believed the Prophet. So,
the holy Prophet called him al-Siddiq. He was also a good man and lived a clean life even before
Islam. After the sad demise of the holy Prophet the Muslims did not know what they should do. Hazrat
Abu Bakr gave them a lead at this time. He also fought against the tribes who refused to pay zakat,
and against the false prophets. So, he saved Islam.
This is much fuller. It gives some detail about the actions of Abu Bakr that earned him these
titles, and more importantly shows the link between these actions and the titles.
Level: 4
The holy Prophet travelled on Buraq from Makka to Jerusalem and from there to the presence of
Allah himself in heaven. He returned from there to Makka in one night. When he told people they did
not believe him. But when Abu Bakr heard this, he believed that moment without hesitation. So, the
holy Prophet called him al-Siddique. He was called the Saviour of Islam because when he was caliph,
he helped the community of Muslims to survive against many enemies. In the first place, he gave
new heart to the Muslims after the Prophet passed away. He told them that the Prophet must die and
that only Allah never dies. Then in his short time as Caliph he defeated the tribes who withdrew from
Islam and made them stay Muslim, and he fought and won against the tribes who refused to pay
zakat. He also defeated the false prophets who claimed that they were real prophets. So, he kept the
unity of Islam at a time when there was much danger.
This answer shows extensive understanding of the reason why Abu Bakr was given these
titles. Like the L3 answer it links the titles with precise action of the caliph, but it gives fuller
details, for example saying that Abu Bakr expressed instant belief in the Night Journey of the
Prophet, and explaining the importance of his suppressing insurrections at a sensitive time.

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