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Lecture 1: Part 1A

SDL Lecture Worksheet Human Rights Module

1. What are human rights according to the United Nations?

universal legal safeguards that protect individuals from government actions
that affect fundamental freedoms and human dignity


2. What is the most important idea in the philosophy of human rights?

inherent in the existance of every human just because they
are human

3. After WWI, what document was created from the UN?

UDHR- universal declarations of human rights


4. In 1945, what term came into use after WWII with the founding of the UN?

Human rights

5. What is the meaning he e m ni e al a a co e p inciple of h man igh

All people everywhere in theworld


Wha i he meaning he e m inalienable a a co e p inciple of h man igh

A person cannot voluntarily give their rights nor can they be taken away

Wha i he meaning he e m indi i ible and in e ela ed a a co e p inciple of h man igh

Governments should not be able to pick and choose the rights whereas respect all of them

8. What is he meaning he e m acco n abili a a co e p inciple of h man igh

government have to respect, protect and fulfill human rights


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9. What are the five characteristics of human rights?

i. Protect human beings


ii. legal and international protection


iii. protect individuals and groups


iv. oblige the state and all the people within it


v. equal and indivisible


10. Government parties in a treaty must:

i. respect Governments must not curtail the scope of a right or interfere exercising

ii. protect
_______________: Governments must prevent private actors from violating rights

iii. fulfill
_______________: Governments must take positive actions to facilitate basic human rights

11. What are the three generations of human rights and what do they cover?

1st generation __________________________________________________________

i. ___________________ civil and political rights ( right of life, equality, freedom)
2nd generation __________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________ economic, social and cultural rights (work, food, health care)
third generation _________________________________________________________
iii. ___________________ solidarity rights (peace, clean environment, energy)

12. What is the possible upcoming generation of human rights?

Information and communication technology


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Lecture 2: Part 1B

SDL Lecture Worksheet Human Rights Module

1. What are the four sources of human rights?

The charter of the UN
i. ____________________________________________________________
The 2 convenants relating to human rights
ii. ____________________________________________________________
The Universal declaration of human rights
iii. ____________________________________________________________
protocols attached to the 2 convenants
2. Which countries are the 5 permanent members of the Security Council?

i. __________________________________
ii. _________________________________
Russian federations
iii. _________________________________
iv. __________________________________
v. __________________________________

3. Under Article 1 of the UN Charter, what are the four main purposes of the United Nations?
maintain international peace and security
i. __________________________________
develop friendly relations among nations
ii. _________________________________
achieve international co-operation
iii. _________________________________
a centre for harmonizing the actions of
iv. __________________________________ nations

4. What five documents are part of the International Bill of Rights?

i. __________________________________
International convenant on civil rights (ICCPR)
ii. _________________________________

iii.International convenant on economic, social and cultures


iv.optional protocol to the international convenant on civil and political rights

second optional protocol to the international convenant on civil and political rights
v. __________________________________

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4. What does the UDHR outline?
The individuals rights and freedoms for everyone based on the principle
that human rights are based on inherent dignity of every person

5. The UDHR is not legally binding when agreed to. What does not legally binding mean?
There are no laws to break if the action is not done

6. What are the four parts/categories of the human rights included in the UDHR?
personal rights
i. ______________________________
person status rights
public and political rights
economic, social and cultural
iv. ______________________________

7. What are the two important points in the final articles of the UDHR?
social system that guarantees the implementation of these rights

declaration should never be interpreted in any way that prejudices the
ii. ___________________________________________________________________________________

8. Name the two other covenants relating to human rights.

1st- international convenant on civil and political rights (ICCPR)
i. ______________________________________________________________
2nd- international convenant on economic, social and cultural rights (ICESPR)
ii. _____________________________________________________________

9. What is the meaning of an o ional o ocol ?

An agreement to a treaty within the main document which governments are encouraged
to agree to the main treaty agreements
10. What is important in the First Optional Protocol of the ICCPR?

enable the human rights committee to receive and consider communications

from individuals who claim to be victims of any violation
11. What does the second optional protocol of the ICCPR aim for?

No person shall be subjected to the death penalty


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Lecture 3: HEC Part 2A

SDL Lecture Worksheet Human Rights Module

1. What are civil rights?

guarantees of equal social oppurtunities and
protection under the law


2. What are the 5 main points granted in the right to life?

i. Every human being has inherent right to life


ii. right to life shall be protected by law


iii. no one shall be deprived of his life


iv. no one shall be subjected to cruel or inhuman punishment


v. no ___________________________________________________________________________
one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experiment without their approval

3. What is the death penalty? What is it also known as?

government sanctioned whereby a person is put to death by the government as
punishment for a crime. Also known as capital punishment.
4. What does protection of the right to life require?

providing medical care for people so that their right to life is maintained
prohibiting taking life of others without legal excuse
5. What is the meaning of liberty?

state of being free within society from authority restrictions on life, behaviour
and political views
6. What is the meaning the phrase ‘security of person’?

the legal and uninterrupted enjoyment by life, body, health and reputation

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7. What is the most important condition for deprivation of liberty?

can only be prescribed by law and accordance to lawful procedures


8. What are the two important ideas in the right to freedom of movement?

-to move lawfully within the territory

-to choose his residence
9. What are the seven important characteristics within freedom of expression?

1)Freedomi. of___________________________________________________________________________
opinion and expression
2)they are
ii. the foundation stone for every free/democratic society
3)form aiii.basis for the full enjoyment range of other human rights
4)the right must be guaranteed by law
iv. ___________________________________________________________________________
5)they require protection to hold and change opinions
v. ___________________________________________________________________________
6)means of expression include books, posters, dress and legal submissions
7)right to
seek, receive and impart information, receipt of communications

of all ideas,
contrary to the freedom of opinion

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Lecture 4: Part 2B

SDL Lecture Worksheet Human Rights Module

1. What are political rights?

give opportunity to individuals to participate in the creation of laws
ii)political rights generally restrict the power of government
iii)by voting i.e individuals exercising their political rights


2. What are the two most important points regarding the right to vote?
people are the source of all powers

transparent and fair of electoral process is a guarantee for a
ii. ___________________________________________________________________________________
guarantee for a country governed by law

3. What does the constitution of Bahrain say regarding political rights?

citizens, both men and women are entitled to

participate affairs.
no citizen can be deprived of the right to vote or to

contest for elections except by law


4. What are the five minimum fair trial rights?

Right to be heard by competent, independent and court
i. ______________________________________________________________________
right to public hearing
ii. ______________________________________________________________________
right to be heard within a reasonable time
iii. ______________________________________________________________________

right to counsel
iv. ______________________________________________________________________
right to translation
v. _______________________________________________________________________

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5. What are the two points ICCPR state regarding the right to privacy?

No one should be subjected to unlawful interference with his

privacy, family, home and reputation

everyone has the right to be protected by by the law against

ii. _______________________________________________________________________________
such attacks
-end of SDL worksheet

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